Oskar Schlemmer
Top View
- Oskar Schlemmer Laszlo Moh
- The Bauhaus (Per)Forms
- The Bauhaus: Evolution of an Idea
- Documenta 5, Dx, D12, D(13)
- Bauhaus Beginnings Reexamines the Founding Principles of This Landmark Institution
- Oskar Schlemmer's Research Practice at the Dessau Bauhaus
- An Imminent Clash As Experienced by Three Artists
- Bauhaus, Constructivism, Performance
- Oskar Schlemmer Das Triadische Ballett(1922)
- The Bauhaus Wall Painting Workshop: Mural Painting to Wallpapering, Art to Product
- The Bauhaus Theater – Oskar Schlemmer's Design In
- Richard Oelze (1900–1980) Paintings & Drawings from the 1950S & 1960S
- OSKAR SCHLEMMER 4 September 1888 – 13 April 1943 B a U H a U S
- Bauhaus Bodies, Modern Automatas and Other Performing Images
- Daria Martin: One of the Things That Makes Me Doubt `Bb` Dctb`Shnm Biography Daria Martin Was Born in San Francisco in 1973 and Has Been Based in London Since 2002
- The Theater of the Bauhaus
- Stuttgart and Modern Dance Heritage an Article on Local Dance History