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- Introduction a Biography of Pericles in the Context of the Ancient Sources
- The Ancient Customs of the Spartans | Plutarch | Sparta
- The Platonic Alcibiades I: the Dialogue and Its Ancient Reception François Renaud and Harold Tarrant Frontmatter More Information
- Political Reforms in the Lives of Lycurgus and Numa
- POL485H1S/POL2027H1S Plutarch's Prism: Parallel Readings in The
- Abbreviations List A
- The Head Posture of Alexander the Great
- Optimism, Personal Agency and the Historical Mirror in Plutarch's
- Plato's Symposium and Plutarch's Alcibiades
- Gregory the Great
- A Comparative Analysis of Xenophon's Spartan Constitution
- Cato: a Tragedy and Selected Essays 00-L2990-FM 9/16/04 7:16 AM Page Ii
- Plutarch, Aristides and the Persian Wars *
- Socratic Encounters: Plato's Alcibiades Andre Archie
- The Persian Policies of Alexander the Great: from 330-323 Bc
- Women in Antiquity Through the Eyes of Plutarch
- Plato's Symposium Offers Perhaps the Most Vivid, and Certainly the Most
- Solon of Athens As a Precedent for Plutarch's Authorial Persona Klooster, Julia