Judea Pearl
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- Arxiv:2109.01517V1 [Cs.AI] 3 Sep 2021
- Probabilities of Causation: Bounds and Identification
- Problem A: Welcome Party
- Applying Causal Inference in Educational Data Mining: a Pilot Study
- Co-Authorship Proximity of A. M. Turing Award and John Von Neumann Medal Winners to the Disciplinary Boundaries of Computer Science
- Arxiv:1707.04327V1 [Cs.AI] 13 Jul 2017 Explicit Modeling Or Sophisticated Reasoning, Can Be Sufficient for Reproducing Human Level
- Celebration of 50 Years of the A.M. Turing Award
- Judea Pearl: Turing Award, 2011
- Q1. Which of the Following Organization Has Approved a USD
- Causal Inference in Econometrics
- Updated July 27, 2020
- Contents U U U
- Bayesianism and Causality, Or, Why I Am Only a Half-Bayesian
- Probabilistic and Qualitative Abduction
- Problem A: Welcome Party
- Bias in OLAP Queries: Detection, Explanation, and Removal (Or Think Twice About Your AVG-Query)
- Pearl Receives 2011 Turing Award
- Chat with Judea Pearl ACM Turing Award Recipient in 2012 (Nobel Prize of Computing)