Innocence Project
Top View
- Disclosing Prosecutorial Misconduct Jason Kreag
- Description of Bite Mark Exonerations
- Rebecca Brown, Director of Policy, Innocence Project Testimony on Senate Bill 103 Before the Senate Judiciary Committee June 16, 2021
- Contaminated Confessions Revisited
- Innocents Who Plead Guilty: an Analysis of Patterns in DNA Exoneration Cases
- DNA Evidence to Establish Innocence After Trial
- Wrongly Accused: Is Race a Factor in Convicting the Innocent?
- Race, Sex, Exoneration, & Compensation
- The Innocence Movement and Misdemeanors
- In Praise of the Guilty Project: a Criminal Defense Lawyer’S Growing Anxiety About Innocence Projects
- Innocence Project, False Confessions Or Ad- Missions, Available at (Last Visited Mar
- Than That One Innocent Suffer‖: Evaluating State Safeguards Against Wrongful Convictions
- Perceived Black Criminality and Its Impact on Contributors to Wrongful Convictions In
- The Suppression of Evidence and the Inference of Innocence
- Protecting the Innocent: a Model for Comprehensive, Individualized Compensation of the Exonerated
- The New York Prosecutorial Conduct Commission and the Dawn of a New Era of Reform for Prosecutors
- The Innocent Defendant's Dilemma: an Innovative Empirical Study of Plea Bargaining's Innocence Problem, 103 J