Indian Ocean
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- Chapter 13 Adjacent Seas of the Indian Ocean and the Australasian
- Slow Spreading Ridges of the Indian Ocean: an Overview of Marine Geophysical Investigations K
- Impacts of Climate Change and Ocean Acidification on Indian Ocean Tunas
- 32. Himalayan Uplift, Sea Level, and the Record of Bengal Fan Sedimentation at the Odp Leg 116 Sites1
- Cyclone Gonu - Strongest Storm Ever Recorded June 5, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED
- “Two Continents” and “Two Oceans”
- Slavery and the Slave Trades in the Indian Ocean and Arab Worlds: Global Connections and Disconnections
- 'Early Modern': Historiographical Conventions and Problems
- Portuguese Maritime Meddling in the Indian Ocean
- What Is an Ocean?
- Evidence of Himalayan Erosional Event at $0.5 Ma from a Sediment
- Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean,Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Arctic Ocean
- Understanding Himalayan Erosion and the Significance of the Nicobar Fan
- Strategic Considerations in the Greater Middle East
- Climate Finance for the Indian Ocean and African Small Island Developing States
- Oceanic Histories Edited by David Armitage , Alison Bashford , Sujit Sivasundaram Frontmatter More Information I
- China-India Great Power Competition in the Indian Ocean Region: Issues for Congress
- The Need for Ocean Accounts in Africa