Human history
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- Africans: the HISTORY of a CONTINENT, Second Edition
- Africa in World History: a Teaching Conference (Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 25-26, 1986). INSTITUTION Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo
- ISLAM a Brief Overview of the History of Islam the Origin of Islam Is
- AP World History Review Important People, Places, & Things
- What and When Was the Post-Classical Era?
- The Major Transitions in the History of Human Transformation of the Biosphere
- The Big Story: Human History, Energy Regimes, and the Environment
- Grade 6 Social Studies: Year-Long Overview
- Guns Germs Steel Short Version Diamond Speech
- Imperialism and Hegemony: Some Historical Reflections
- An Example of Historical Evolution of Civilisations
- The Evolutionary History of Human Populations in Europe 1,2
- How the Earth's Geology Determined Human History
- Humanity. a History of European Concepts in Practice From
- Big Histories, Human Lives
- The Classical Era in World History: the Big Picture 500 B.C.E
- Through 40.000 Years of Human Presence in Southern Europe: the Italian Case Study
- History 141(C-ID Number: HIST 160) World History from 1500 to Present (C-ID Title: World History Since 1500)