Herbert Marcuse
Top View
- What Is Identity Socialism? Dinesh D’Souza
- Habermas and Public Reason in the Digital Age: Technology and Deliberative Democracy Asaf Bar-Tura Loyola University Chicago
- The Illiberal Embrace of Academic Freedom Andrew Ross
- The Critical Philosophy of Herbert Marcuse, Javier Sethness Castro
- Marcuse-One-Dimensional-Man.Pdf
- Immanuel Kant Johann Gottlieb Fichte Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- Hiding in Plain Sight: the Rhetorical Workings of Simone De Beauvoir's Feminist Language Emily Crawford University of South Carolina - Columbia
- Toward an Embodied Utopia: Marcuse, the Re-Ordering of Desire, and the “Broken” Promise of Post-Liberal Practices
- Reviews Herbert Marcuse's Thoughts on Critical Theory
- Global Capitalist Hegemony and the Struggle for Socialism: the Case of China
- Sociopolitics: Marx and Marcuse
- SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR: ETHICS of AMBIGUITY by Ramani Rodriguez-Apple a Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Department of Philoso
- Los Angeles Times: Berlin Offers Marcuse Respect and a Final Home
- THE MANY ARE CALLED Michael Pelias
- Ecology and the Critique of Modern Society (1979)
- Marcuse and Habermas's Political Ideas
- Simone De Beauvoir: Zeitgeist in a Turban
- Counter-Revolution and Revolt