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- A Gospel Primer for Christians, Milton Vincent
- Ships of Church and State in the Sixteenth-Century Reformation and Counterreformation: Setting Sail for the Modern State
- Fivefold Gospel and Spirit Christology: Pentecostal and Ecumenical Explorations
- THE GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST? the Gospel of Jesus Christ Is Our Heavenly Father’S Plan for the Happiness and Salvation* of His Children
- Pentecostalism and Development: the Role and Prospects of Prosperity Gospel in the Socio-Economic Development of Nigeria
- Sinolization of Christianity: Increasing Gospel Relevance Or Distorting the Gospel Message?
- The Structure and Books of the New Testament the New Testament Is Composed of 27 Books
- New Testament Jesus Crucifixion
- Combined Crucifixion Story (Gospel Accounts)
- Chronology of Christianity
- The Bible and the Protestant Reformation Product Code: A129 ISBN: 978 1 86228 068 7 ©2017
- The Great Commission: Ad Gentes
- The Resurrection of Christ
- Modes of Visual Biblical Interpretation in the Lutheran and Counter Reformations
- Mark's Gospel the Great Commission C There Is a Lot of Question About
- Telling the New Testament Story of God
- Historical Criticism and the Great Commission
- Reformation Day(Years A, B, C)