Edward Sapir
Top View
- Why Linguistics Needs the Cognitive Scientist
- Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis’ from LOCKE to LUCY
- Unit Two: American Structuralism Lesson 07: American Structuralists
- Common Culture Shapes the Separate Lives": Sexuality, Race, and Mid-Twentieth-Century Social Constructionist Thought
- Ways of Knowing: the Aesthetics of Boasian Poetry
- Kant and Language. Stephen Joel Noren University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Linguistic Relativity, Interpretative Empathy, and the “Connection of Ideas”
- Feminist, Linguistic, and Rhetorical Perspectives on Language Reform
- Language, Thought, and Dessert
- STRUCTURALISM : a Comparative Study
- The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and the Conceptualisation of Peace Using Adjectives
- Can Polish Ethnolinguistics Become a Philological Keystone of the Humanities?
- Sapir, Edward. 1921. Language: an Introduction to the Study of Speech
- Finding Aid to the Robert Harry Lowie Papers, 1872-1968
- Language, an Introduction to the Study of Speech
- The Linguistic Relativity Theory and Benjamin Lee Whorf
- 21 a Critical Review on the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
- SM 12 Boasian Critiques of Race in the Nation