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- Immanuel Kant (Born in 1724 and Died in 1804)
- In Defense of Non-Natural, Non-Theistic Moral Realism
- Listening Guide
- Leibniz and Toleration
- Was Hume an Atheist? a Reconsideration
- An Analysis and Critique of Immanuel Kantâ•Žs •Œcritique of All
- A Review of Theory of Immanuel Kant: Distinguish of the Realm of Religion and Science
- Defining Religion: of God, the Constitution and the D.A.R
- Spinoza's Panendeism
- Ceremonial Deism and the Reasonable Religious Outsider Caroline Mala Corbin University of Miami School of Law, [email protected]
- Pantheism and Science in Victorian Britain
- The Influence and Legacy of Deism in Eighteenth Century America
- Kant's Theory of Divine and Secondary Causation
- Hume's Critique of Religion: 'Sick Men's Dreams'
- Deism Revisited: a Modern Approach Tina Johnson Department of Biology; College of Arts and Sciences Abilene Christian University
- Pantheistic God-Concepts: Ancient, Contemporary, Popular, and Plausible Alternatives to Classical Theism
- Pantheism: a Non-Theistic Concept of Deity/Michael P.Levine
- Beyond Enlightenment