Communist League (Japan)
Top View
- The Foundations of the Japanese Communist Party
- Marx-The-Communist-Manifesto
- The Meiji Restoration: Abourgeois Non-Democratic Revolution
- Lessons from Japan by John Robinson
- Chapter 2: Discovering Autonomy in Protest: Ampo 1960 and 1970
- Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels February 1848
- Focus Vol.271 Movements of the Japanese Red Army and the "Yodo
- Revolutionary Workers League: Formed in 1976 As a Split from the Spartacist League, the RWL Is a Dogmatic and Intensely Militant Trotskyist Group Based in Detroit
- Japanese and Chinese Immigrant Activists
- John Dwyer Papers
- Excerpt from “Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League”
- Protests and Democracy in Japan: the Development of Movement Fields and the 1960 Anpo Protests
- INDEX of GHQ/SCAP Records, Government Section (GS): Central
- What Is Trotskyism? the Stalin School of Falsification Revisited Reply to the Guardian
- Marx and Lenin Concerns the Meaning of Marxism in Practice, Espe Cially in the Soviet Union
- Signal for Freedom Fight
- Anti-Americanism in Zengakuren 1957-1960
- On the 100Th Aniversary of the Russian Revolution