Chromosome 12
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- ETV6 Is the Target of Chromosome 12P Deletions in T(12;21) Childhood Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
- CENP-A-Chromatin in Health and Cancer
- Chromosome 12
- Linkage Analyses of Murine Immunoglobulinheavy Chain and Serum Prealbumin Genes Establish Their Location on Chromosome 12 Proxim
- Chromosomal Instability in Chromosome Band 12P13
- Paternal Uniparental Disomy of Chromosome 14 and Unique Exchange of Chromosome 7 in Cases of Spontaneous Abortion
- A C-Terminal Nonsense Mutation Links PTPRQ with Autosomal-Dominant Hearing Loss, DFNA73
- Chromosome 12
- Pallister-Killian Mosaic Syndrome
- Duplications of 12P
- Data Set 1. Biological Analysis of the Genes Found to Be Significant in the Endotoxin Study
- Identification of Potential and Novel Target Genes in Pituitary Prolactinoma by Bioinformatics Analysis
- Impaired CENP-E Function Renders Large Chromosomes More Vulnerable to Congression Failure
- An Overview on the Phylogeny of Aerobic Metabolism and the Preponderance of Mitochondrial Functions in Evolution Denis Rousseau*
- A Genomic Region Associated with Protection Against Severe COVID-19 Is Inherited from Neandertals
- Dynamic Changes in the Copy Number of Pluripotency and Cell Proliferation Genes in Human Escs and Ipscs During Reprogramming and Time in Culture
- E-One Mapping and Medical Genetics
- Demonstration of the Genuine Iso-12P Character of the Standard Marker