Carl Braaten
Top View
- Five Types of Lutheran Confessional Theology
- Developing Tillich's Apologetics
- CONFESSIONAL RESOURCES As Recommended by Friends of Lutheran CORE 8 December 2020
- Nytt Norsk Kirkeblad Nr 6-2017
- The Rebirth of Luther's Two Kingdoms in Kant's Commonwealths Mark Wilms [email protected]
- Christian Themes in the Thought of Albert the Great
- Pannenberg: a Post-Enlightenment Theologian PETERJ.A.Cook
- Confessional Subscription Be Gan to Develop, and These Problems Centered Largely in the Extent of That Sub Scription
- Implications for the Adventist Understanding of Christ Our
- The Doxa Motif in Paul: a Narrative Approach to the Vindication
- Announcement: Fifth Annual Symposium on the Lutheran
- Currents in Theology and Mission
- Hauge's Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Synod in America and the Continuation of the Haugean Spirit in Twentieth-Century Americ
- Lutheran Synod
- ABSTRACT Who Says Mission, Says Church: the Church-Mission
- Theological Practices That Matter
- Concordia Theological Quarterly
- Recent Lutheran Theologies on Justification by Faith: a Sampling