Atlas Shrugged
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- Currents of Classical Libertarian Thought
- The Conservative Consensus: Frank Meyer, Barry Goldwater, and the Politics of Fusionism Lee Edwards, Ph.D
- With 'Atlas Shrugged,' Hollywood May Have Its First Anti-Bailout Movie
- Godless Capitalism: Ayn Rand and the Conservative Movement
- 2015 Atlas Shrugged Winning Essay
- Libertarianism and Science Fiction
- Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged a Philosophical and Literary Companion
- Libertarianism Vs Objectivism; a Response to Peter Schwartz 1
- Ayn Rand's Utopian Visions in Theory and Realization
- Titles Used Four (4) Or More Times - FY 2007-2008 Location Copy Item Browses Code Call No
- A Critical Examination of the Ethical Philosophy of Ayn Rand
- Foreign Editions
- American Conservatism, the Vietnam War, and the Politics of Natural Law
- Teachers Guide to Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged
- Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest Winner Announced
- Mises and Rothbard Letters to Ayn Rand
- Operation Atlantis: a Case-Study in Libertarian Island Micronationality
- John Galt's Speech from Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand