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- Weathering of Galena: Mineralogical Processes, Hydrogeochemical Fluid
- Anglesite (Pbso4) Epitactic Overgrowths and Substrate-Induced Twinning on Anhydrite (Caso4) Cleavage Surfaces
- On the Occu~Rence of Cotunnite, Anglesite, Leadhillite, and Galena on Fused Lead from the Wreck of the Fire-Shi2~ ' Firebrand' in .Falmouth Harbour, Corn- Wall
- Structural Trends for Celestite (Srso4), Anglesite (Pbso4), and Barite (Baso4)
- Mascot Musings (Revised) (Pdf)
- Processing Mineralogy Study on Lead and Zinc Oxide Ore in Sichuan
- Implications for Biomineralization
- The Formation of Barite and Celestite Through the Replacement of Gypsum
- New Mineral Names*,†
- Celestine Srso4 C 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, Version 1 Crystal Data: Orthorhombic
- Linarite Pbcu(SO4)(OH)2 C 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, Version 1
- Blixite Pb8o5(OH)2Cl4
- Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Treatment of Lead Vanadate Ores
- Vanadinite Pb5(VO4)3Cl C 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, Version 1
- Mineralogical Notes. No. II. Topaz, Barite, Anglesite, Cerussite, and Zircon
- Mineral in Georgia
- The Effectiveness of Gypsum and Calcite Mixtures
- Caledonite Pb5cu2(SO4)3(CO3)(OH)6 C 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, Version 1