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- The Human G Protein-Coupled Receptor GPR30: Interaction Partners and Expression Analysis in Endothelial Cells
- With Emphasis on HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
- 356717V1.Full.Pdf
- The Hippo Pathway: Regulators and Regulations
- The Role of Angiomotin-Like 2 in Polarity and Lumen Formation
- Multifaceted Regulation and Functions of YAP/TAZ in Tumors (Review)
- A Comparative Analysis of Hippo Signaling Pathway Components During Murine and Bovine Early Mammalian Embryogenesis
- Nectin-4 and P95-Erbb2 Cooperatively Regulate Hippo Signaling
- Angiomotin Decreases Lung Cancer Progression by Sequestering Oncogenic YAP/TAZ and Decreasing Cyr61 Expression
- An Updated Understanding of the Role of YAP in Driving Oncogenic Responses
- Angiomotin Prevents Pluripotent Lineage Differentiation in Mouse Embryos Via Hippo Pathway-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms
- Angiomotin Is a Novel Cadherin-11 Interacting Protein That Mediates Migration in Prostate Cancer Cells
- A Tight Junction-Associated Merlin-Angiomotin Complex Mediates Merlin’S Regulation of Mitogenic Signaling and Tumor Suppressive Functions
- A Case for Tibetan Mastiff Based on Analyses of X Chromosome
- Angiomotin Links ROCK and YAP Signaling in Mechanosensitive Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells
- Contributions of Angiomotin-Like-1 on Astrocytic Morphology
- Linoleic Acid Enhances Angiogenesis Through Suppression of Angiostatin Induced by Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1
- The Extracellular Matrix in Breast Cancer Predicts Prognosis Through Composition, Splicing, and Crosslinking