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- The Endogenous Cannabinoid Anandamide Inhibits Human Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation
- Reversal of Dopamine D2 Receptor Responses by an Anandamide Transport Inhibitor
- A Peripheral Mechanism for CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor-Dependent Modulation of Feeding
- Overlap Between the Ligand Recognition Properties Of
- Anandamide Hydrolysis: a New Target for Anti-Anxiety Drugs?
- The Cannabinoid Receptors Allyn C
- Understanding the Endocannabinoid System
- A Role for Monoglyceride Lipase in 2-Arachidonoylglycerol Inactivation
- Cannabis Sativa: Interdisciplinary Strategies and Avenues for Medical and Commercial Progression Outside of CBD and THC
- 2-Arachidonyl Glyceryl Ether, an Endogenous Agonist of The
- Cannabinoids Modulate Neuronal Activity and Cancer by CB1 and CB2 Receptor-Independent Mechanisms
- Anandamide Revisited: How Cholesterol and Ceramides Control Receptor-Dependent and Receptor-Independent Signal Transmission Pathways of a Lipid Neurotransmitter
- Cannabinoids in Dermatology: a Scoping Review
- Anti-Inflammatory Dopamine- and Serotonin-Based Endocannabinoid
- Kangas Et Al 2016.Pdf
- Potential and Limits of Cannabinoids in Alzheimer's Disease Therapy
- Elevated Circulating Levels of Anandamide After Administration of the Transport Inhibitor, AM404
- The Anandamide Transport Inhibitor AM404 Reduces Ethanol Self-Administration