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- Operation China
- Tibetans in China: from Conflict to Protest Forthcoming Chapter in M Weiner (2021) Ed. Routledge Handbook on Race and Ethnicity
- Pattern Recognition: Tracking the Spread of the Incarnation Institution Through Time and Across Tibetan Territory
- Tibetan Range Wars: Spatial Politics and Authority on the Grasslands of Amdo
- Tibetan Population in China: Myths and Facts Re-Examined
- VERBAL MORPHOLOGY of AMDO TIBETAN by ZOE TRIBUR a DISSERTATION Presented to the Linguistics Department and the Graduate School O
- Bulletin of Tibetology
- The Great Fifth
- The Tibet Protests of Spring 2008 Conflict Between the Nation and the State
- Tibet-Manchu Relations in Five Phases of Historical Development
- Wutun, a Tibetanized Variety of Northwest Mandarin in the Amdo Sprachbund
- Rhizomatic Religion and Material Destruction in Kham Tibet: the Case of Yachen
- Tibetan Buddhism‟S Affect on the Role of Students for a Free Tibet in Resolving the Sino-Tibetan Conflict
- Historical Status of China's Tibet
- Releasing Lives on the Grasslands of Amdo: Entanglements of Human and Animal Vitality
- Int Cerd Ngo Chn 31737 E
- The Relations Between the Chinese Ming Dynasty and the Tibetan Ruling House of Phag-Mo-Gru in the Years 1368-1434: Political and Religious Aspects
- ICNC-Monograph-The-Tibetan-Nonviolent-Struggle.Pdf