Statisticsproject Description

Statisticsproject Description

StatisticsProject Description

Objective: Create a presentation in groups and use technology to show one way to display/organize data.


  • 5-10 minute presentation using a visual. The visual should have some words on it, but not full paragraphs.
  • The visual should include links to websites used to find information. NO PLAGARISM!!!!!
  • Email me the visual before the group’s presentation. I will post visuals on my teacher website each presentation.

1st Day: Introduction

  • Define the graph: Explain what the graph is and when one would use this display.
  • Find an outside example of the graph: Show how the graph can be used in a real life situation. Try to choose a topic aside from mathematics (science, social science, history, English, politics, education, etc)
  • Identify the data needed to make the graph: Single set of data? Multiple sets?

Categorical?Numerical? Independent variable? Dependent variable?

  • Discuss introductions items and work to put in visual using technology (PowerPoint, Prezi, Video, etc)
  • Think of real life data to collect

HW: Finish anything from 1st day

2nd Day: Constructed Example

  • Collect real life data.
  • Use the data to construct your graph.
  • Interpret your graph or discuss how your graph is meaningful. (Ex: This graph shows that students favor French fries over chips, so the lunch room should serve French fries more often.)
  • Create a problem based on your constructed graph. This problem should be similar to a quiz question.

HW: Finish anything from 2nd day

3rd Day:Synthesis

  • Discuss at least 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of the graph.
  • Finalize visual
  • Practice the Presentation

HW: Prepare presentation.

4th Day

  • 12-4 Probability of Compound Events (Mrs. Ellwood)

HW: p.667 #3-12

5th Day: Presentations

  1. Measures of Central tendency
  2. Box Plot (Box and Whisker Plot)
  3. Line Graph
  4. Scatterplot

6th Day: Presentations

  1. Circle Graph (Pie Chart)
  2. Bar Graph
  3. Stem and Leaf Plot
  4. Histogram (not on Keystone)

Web Sources:

  • Create a graph:
  • Virtual Manipulatives:

Topic / Objectives / Project details
Probability of Compound Events / Find the probability of compound events containing OR or AND / P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B following A)
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A and B)
Measures of Central tendency / Analyze data, make predictions, and/or answer questions based on displayed data. / Calculate the mean, median, and mode given a set of data.
Identify the median as the 50% mark and show how to find the median given an even or odd set of data.
Box Plot (Box and Whisker Plot) / Find the 5 number summary.
Show Dispersion- 25%, 50%
Show how to find Quartiles, Range, and IQR.
Line Graph / Estimate or calculate to make predictions based on the graph. / Show how time plays a role in line graphs.
Identify independent and dependent variables.
Scatterplot / Make predictions using the equations or graphs of best-fit lines of scatter plots. / Identify independent and dependent variables.
Look for trends/patterns to make predictions
Circle Graph / Estimate or calculate to make predictions based on the graph. / Describe the variables used.
What other graphs can be made from a circle graph?
Bar Graph / Identify independent and dependent variables.
What other graphs can be made from a bar graph?
Stem and Leaf Plot / Analyze data, make predictions, and/or answer questions based on displayed data. / Find the median, mode, range easily.
Histogram / Identify independent and dependent variables.
Show rectangles next to each other (gaps mean no frequency)
Explain interval size and order.
What happens when you decrease the interval size?
How is a histogram different from a bar graph?

Statistics Project Rubric

Names: ______Graph: ______


Points Possible / Points Earned / Comments
Visual: The visual is appropriate and easy to understand. / 2
On time: The group completed all tasks on time and does not exceed 10 minutes. / 2
Works cited: There are links to websites where students found information. / 2


  1. Introduction (10 points)

Points Possible / Points Earned / Comments
Definition: The group correctly identifies the graph. / 2
Why this graph? The group explains when to appropriately use the graph. / 2
Data: The group explains what data (numerical/categorical) is necessary to make the graph. / 3
Example: The group displays an example of their graph of a real-life scenario from an outside source. / 3

______/ 10

  1. Constructed Example (10 points)

Data Collection: The group collects appropriate data for their example. / 1
Graph: The group creates an accurate graph. All necessary labels are present. / 2
Explanation: The group thoroughly explains how to create and interpret the graph. All details are accurate. / 3
Problem: The group creates a problem based on their constructed graph. / 3
Meaningful: The problem created is meaningful and relevant to their graph. / 1

______/ 10

  1. Synthesis (10 points)

Advantages: The group gives at least 2 advantages for their graph. / 2
Disadvantages: The group gives at least 2 disadvantages for their graph. / 2

______/ 4

Total Grade ______/30 points