Other Committee News and Notices
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Dear U3A Member
MAY GENERAL MEETING We look forward to seeing you at the meeting on Wednesday 10th May (10.30 a.m. in the Malthouse Suite in the Conservative Club, as usual) when we look forward to Debbie Dickman providing a wealth of information about LOROS and the invaluable support services it offers to those in need. I’m sure we’ll all develop a wider understanding of the organisation and its operations. As the first in a planned regular series, enabling Groups to “showcase” their activities, and to add a further dimension of interest to our General Meetings, the Gardening Group plan to organise a plant sale in May. Other Groups are being invited to participate on a rota basis. If your Group has not already done so, please contact Sheila Driver ([email protected]) to book your turn. PLEASE NOTE that our June meeting doubles up as the Annual General Meeting. ALL Members are urged to make a special effort to attend on that occasion. (See below for more details)
OTHER COMMITTEE NEWS AND NOTICES a) Membership subscription renewal - Our Treasurer, Christine, and Membership Secretary, Norma, report the encouraging news that we currently have 268 fully paid-up Members with more expected before the final date for renewal on 31st May, taking us close to, if not above, the 300 mark Under current Rules, anyone who has not renewed within two months of the due date (1st April) will have their membership automatically cancelled. If you are one of the small minority who have not yet renewed but who wishes to retain membership, please note that unless we receive your subscription by 31st May we will have no option but to act in accordance with the Constitution. Members are reminded that arrangements have been made for renewal subscriptions to be paid by Bank Transfer (BACS) to Sort Code 40-30-24 Account Number: 23911454. If you choose to use this facility, PLEASE ensure that you quote your membership number to avoid confusion. b) August Summer Social The Executive Committee have begun planning for a Summer Social event to “replace” the General Meeting scheduled for 9th August. Keep the date free and please watch newsletters for further information in due course. c) Training course in use of audio-visual aid equipment Vice-Chairman, Derek Burdon, writes: I have booked the Volunteer Centre Committee Room at 18 School Street, Syston from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon on each of the following dates: Friday 5th May, Friday 19th May, Friday 26thJune and Friday 2ndJuly when John Baker and myself will offer training sessions to 6 Group Organisers at a time (and any other interested Member subject to space availability). Invitations have gone out to Group Organisers. If any other Member is interested in being included, please contact Derek ([email protected])
1 d) Annual General Meeting By now, every Member should have received a copy of the Preliminary Notice of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on 14th June, which gives full details of actions required by Members to submit business to be discussed and/or nominate candidates for election to the Executive Committee to serve for one year from the date of the AGM. All members of the Executive Committee are required to retire every year but may offer themselves for re-election. All Members are entitled to put their names forward for election. Completed Nomination Forms, which have to be received by the Secretary by no later than 17th May, can be handed in at the May General Meeting scheduled for 10th May. On 24th May the final notice of the AGM will be circulated to all Members, together with the full AGM Agenda, a copy of the audited accounts and the Report of the Chairman of the Executive Committee covering the year ending 31st March 2017. This will give everyone ample time to inspect these documents and come to the meeting fully prepared to ask any questions and to vote on any issues identified in the Agenda. e) Membership Satisfaction Survey – Somewhat disappointingly, we received only 20% response (65 Members) to our recent Membership Satisfaction Survey. However, in view of the high renewal rate (reported above) and the results provided by the Survey, the Executive Committee appears to be working along the right lines. Detailed results of satisfaction levels are summarised as follows: SECTION 1 – GENERAL MEETINGS Frequency: 92.8% Speaker quality: 85.2% Subject range: 85.8% Venue comfort: 82.2% Venue location: 90.6% Meetings time: 93.8% Meetings duration: 93.4% Refreshments: 90.4% SECTION 2 – GROUPS Range: 90.18% Venues: 90% Overall satisfaction: 88.6% How Many Groups do you attend?: Average: 2.8 Highest: 8 None: 3% Additional Group suggestions: Architecture, Scrabble, German conversation, Local lunch Group, Art appreciation, Rug making, French, Film/cinema, Metal detecting, Fitness & health, Psychology Additional visits/excursions: Return to Globe (x3), Shows & Exhibitions, Potteries, Wildlife parks, Gardens and houses, Historical sites (x2), Weekend residential trips (x2), Local theatres, London, Cinemas, River trips (x2), Group holidays, Return to Bletchley, Matinee theatre, De Montfort Hall, Concerts, Seaside SECTION 3 – PUBLICATIONS/WEB SITE Bulletins & “Vitality” overall: 90% Frequency: 91% Content quality: 90.2% “Third Age Matters”/”Sources” overall: 78.8% TAT publications frequency: 82.6% TAT Content quality: 80.4% Web site overall: 80.16% Site content: 80.16% Usefulness: 80.16% Note: 18% of respondents made no comment about the web site. 12% of actual current membership confess to not having internet access. SECTION 4 – COST and LOCATION Cost of membership: 94.8% Cost of Groups: 93.6% Move to Queniborough – a.m.: 53% Move to Queniborough – p.m.: 35% Move to Thurmaston a.m.: 30% Move to Thurmaston p.m.: 15% SECTION 4 – PERSONAL PROFILES
2 Female: 75% Male: 25% Note: This “split” exactly mirrors the full database! Age 56-60: 1% Age 61-65: 13% Age 66-70: 27% Age 71-75: 44% Age 76-80: 8% Age 81+: 7% Residence: Barkby: 1% Birstall: 11% East Goscote: 6% Queniborough: 30% Sileby: 1% Syston: 38% Thurmaston: 5% Thrussington: 5% Ratcliffe on Wreake: 1% Other: 2% Disability Yes: 7% MS, Heart, Vision, Mobility No: 93% Thank you to everyone who DID submit a response. The Executive Committee have been greatly encouraged by the data revealed. f) Change of contact details Please note the change of contact email for Speaker Finder Pat Wherton to: [email protected] g) Groups – Efforts continue to set up additional Groups and volunteers to act as Organisers. REMEMBER the Organiser is not necessarily an “expert” in the subject involved but is one who undertakes the necessary administration to ensure the smooth running of the Group. Please step forward if you feel you can help or if you would like to know more before taking on such a role. Contact Janet Downes [email protected] or Sheila Driver [email protected]. h) Thanks from Speaker Following our April meeting, our speaker, Andy Smith, sent the following message: “Thank you for your kind (and amusing) email. I enjoyed the morning - it was lovely to meet you all. Your members raised just over £60 for my charities - and so please forward a 'big thank you!' I look forward to a return visit - and maybe a ukulele workshop?”
NEWS FROM THE GROUPS SUPPER GROUP The Supper group has been very well attended already this year and, apart from not enough tables being ready at one venue, they have all managed to squeeze us in without anyone sitting on another’s knee! On April 26th our meeting was at the Blue Bell Inn, Hoby. May is booked for The Black Boy, Hungarton and June The Hunting Lodge, Barrow. All meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday each month starting at at 7p.m. Anyone interested in joining in should contact Val D'Arcy - [email protected] or Pam Green – [email protected]
LAZY DAYS ON SUNDAYS We had a very productive initial meeting for this group after the March meeting when a provisional calendar of events was proposed: 4th June. Manton Open Gardens July River Cruise and lunch 13th August Kirby Hall and afternoon tea at Uppingham Garden Centre. September Sudbury Prison (!!) and the Museum of Childhood
3 October Newarke pub lunch and the Civil Museum November/ December Phoenix film and breakfast ORNITHOLOGY AND WILDLIFE No2 GROUP Plans have gone ahead and we met at Watermead Park for our first walk on Friday 7th April. During the time we were there we saw 41 species of birds. More importantly we discovered that some of our members were experienced bird watchers and were able to help the less experienced to identify birds and their calls. In future they have offered to help newcomers to the hobby with the birds we see. The Group finished the walk in great spirits with plans to continue meeting. More good news – We have found a more permanent Group Organiser. Liz Thornber has volunteered to hold the position for 6 months, at least, to establish the group. Thank you Liz. We will now go from strength to strength.
YOGA GROUPS Phyll Wilson reminds everyone that following his short holiday, both yoga groups will re- start on 1st and 3rd May respectively. (Apologies that Phyll’s message was omitted from last month’s publication.)
CANASTA GROUP If you are free on a Monday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm and enjoy card games, why not come along to the Syston Community Centre, School Street. Experienced players and beginners are all welcome. There’s always someone available to help. Tony Hill - 01664 424905
PLAY READING Our Group will meet of Tuesday 2nd May in The Hub, High St. Syston at 10am (Please remember to buy a coffee as our rent} where we will continue with Alan Aykbourne's 'Time of My Life'. 'Gerry Stratton has organized a family dinner with his sons Glyn and Adam at his favorite restaurant to celebrate his wife Laura's 54th birthday. Glyn is with his long suffering wife Stephanie; their marriage looks to be on firmer ground that it once was. Adam has brought along his new girlfriend, an outrageous hairdresser, and they are both eager to impress. Gradually, family skeletons intrude on the happy domestic scene: Glyn's unfaithfulness knows no bounds, the family transport business has been hit by the recession, and Laura has been unfaithful. Glyn's story is set more recently and Adam's further back in time, while at the centre Gerry and Laura pick apart their marriage and recall first love.' All enquiries about the Group to Phil Snell: [email protected]. CONTRACT BRIDGE FOR BEGINNERS Course Organiser, Brian Austin ([email protected]) writes: Unfortunately , due to matters beyond my control, the bridge course has been delayed. I hope to report further at the end of May/beginning of June 2017. MUSIC APPRECIATION
4 Rosylin Marriott writes: A hospital visit caused the cancellation of the April meeting but I sincerely hope that I will be feeling better for the next one on May 15th. Best Wishes to you all. WORLD DINING GROUP Group Leader, Cynthia Baker, writes: SADU3A‘s Intrepid Travellers (otherwise known as the Worldwide Dining Group) are on the move again. Fresh back from their jaunt to Nepal (Everest Restaurant, Leicester) in March, the World Dining Group packed their wallets and in April visited The Lebanon (Cedars Restaurant, Church Gate, Leicester pictured left) Where will they go next ?? Looking across to South America, they despatched their expert on Brazilian cuisine, Maureen, to cross the Atlantic and visit Brazil on their behalf. (Well, actually she caught the ARRIVA 127 bus to Baxter Gate, Loughborough to check out the new Presto Churrascaria Brazilian Restaurant). Having checked everything out, including their hygiene standards and reporting back, the whole group intend to travel to Brazil in May. Look out for our report in the next Bulletin unless you want to join us in our travels and experience it all first hand. “Taste the world with the S.A.D. U3A World Dining Club”
GARDENING GROUP Sue Blaxland reports that the Group is in discussion with Syston Town Council about assisting the Council with its entry into East Midlands in Bloom competition this year by organising the design and planting of a flower bed in Central Park as part of their entry. The Group is invited to work with the Council’s Senior Groundsman and with staff from Marks and Spencer, Thurmaston store, who are to donate bedding plants to the value of £500, to help the project. The Senior Groundsman will be available to provide a design or SADU3A are welcome to create one ourselves. 10 M & S staff are being made available on one full day in June to assist with digging and planting with any difficult digging being carried out by Council Grounds Staff. If you are not currently a member of the Gardening Group but would like to offer to assist with this project, please contact Sue Blaxland - [email protected] - to offer your services. Full details of the competition can be found at http://eastmidlandsinbloom.co.uk/competition/ The Council have won many Bronze and Silver prizes over the years and they are anxious to continue with this success with the full support of the local community.
SCHEDULED EVENTS REMINDERS a) Singing Day Tuesday 23rd May, Elizabeth Pavillion , Thurmaston . Cost £10. Cheques, payable to Syston and District U3A, by 10th May please . Full details from [email protected] b) “Red Shoes” Theatre trip – 18th May Transport will leave from The Malt House Syston car park at 1pm (pre-booking only ) £3.50 payable by 10th May please
5 c) “Blood Brothers” De Montfort Hall , 18th October. We currently have 2 spare places (Transport available) Please contact : [email protected] d) Chatsworth House trip : 30th June (waiting list in place) Payment of £35 payable by 30th May please. Please send cheques payable to Syston and District U3A to Ann Winter, 5 James Way , Scraptoft , Leics LE79TU
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REMINDERS 1. Setting out furniture at General Meetings Members are once again invited to turn up to General Meetings early in order to lend a hand with setting out the furniture. At the present time, the task is left in the hands of the Executive Committee, most of whom have other preparatory work to be completed before the start of the meeting and many of whom, though willing, find the physical effort needed to move chairs and tables very challenging, if not impossible. We therefore appeal to those younger and fitter within the membership to come along early (9.00 a.m. – 9.30 a.m.) to lend a hand. 2. Photocopying service – Members are reminded that on production of your U3A membership card, a free photocopying service for U3A materials is now available at the Syston Community Centre. Please telephone the Centre in advance (2607150) to check that the room in which the copier is available is accessible. 3. Newsletter Editorial material, with or without photographs, suitable for the May edition of this Bulletin (Number 9) is now invited. Email format preferred to Editor, Colin Grimes. This is a service for ALL Members. If you have something to share, serious or light- hearted, please make use of this important (and simple) line of communication. email: “Editor”
6 In order to attend SADU3A events, everyone MUST be registered as a Member of the SADU3A. Membership of another U3A does not entitle anyone to attend the events organised by SADU3A.
1. SENSIBLE DRINKING (With acknowledgements to Age UK and the “Last Orders Project” which seeks to raise awareness of the problems associated with drinking alcohol and other forms of substance misuse to people over the age of 50 across Leicester City, County and Rutland and to promote the importance of safe drinking so that it can be enjoyed safely and responsibly.) Did you know? Medication can be less effective if mixed with alcohol meaning that some long term conditions could get worse. People aged 65 and over report the highest rates of drinking alcohol five or more days per week however, they have the lowest rates of heavy drinking. One unit of alcohol is 10ml of pure alcohol. It takes an average adult one hour to process one unit of alcohol so that there is none left in their bloodstream. The risk of developing a range of health problems (including cancers of the mouth, throat and breast) increases the more you drink on a regular basis. (www.drinkaware.co.uk) Sensible Drinking Many of us enjoy an alcoholic drink now and then, to help us relax or to mark a family occasion. Drinking alcohol in the evenings - maybe with your meal or while watching TV has not received the same media attention as binge drinking, but regular drinking like this can damage your liver, brain, blood vessels and organs. Sometimes we may feel that an alcoholic drink can help us to deal with a difficult situation. However, in the long term, it can actually make you feel depressed or anxious. Where can I get help or more information? If you are worried about your own or another person’s alcohol or substance intake please call 0116 223 7366 Editor’s note: We are currently in discussion with the Last Orders team with a view to involving them in a future SADU3A event. 2. PROBATE FEES All change! There are new proposed probate fees in the pipeline that we thought you should know about. The current fee of £155 is a blanket fee applied where estates are valued over £5,000. However, new proposed fees are dependent on the value of your estate and are outlined as follows:
Estate Value Fees Payable
Less than £50,000 nil
£50,000 - £300,000 £300
7 £300,000 - £500,000 £1,000
£500,000 to £1million £4,000
£1million to £1.6million £8,000
£1.6million to £2million £12,000
Over £2million £20,000
Research suggests that 92% of estates will pay £1,000 or less and 98% will pay £4,000 or less. Our view is that although it seems fair that fees are proportionate to the value of the estate, the suggested fees are far too high. The increase in fees is expected to raise an extra £300million for the Treasury! One frequently asked question is how will Executors of an estate pay the probate fees? In our experience banks and building societies will generally release the cash from a deceased’s account. It there is little or no cash available though, Executors or Beneficiaries will have to raise the money or alternatively apply for a loan in order to pay it. BUT, just a couple of weeks ago the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments said that the Lord Chancellor may have overstepped her powers in ordering the increases and should have obtained the clear approval of Parliament first. They see the increase as a tax rather than an increase in fees and there can be no taxation without the consent of Parliament. The matter was due to be considered in Parliament after Easter but now with an election looming the latest news is that the issue will be shelved until after the election. For further information please contact Lisa Bacon at SHB Solicitors on 0116 262 6052 or via email [email protected]
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8 Syston and District Volunteer Centre are organising a Charity Fundraising CASINO NIGHT, with hot buffet and disco, on Friday 26th May 2017 at the Beedles Lake Golf Club, East Goscote. Tickets are available from the Volunteer Centre, 18 School Street, Syston (Tel: 0116 2607 888) £25 per person which includes your first set of gaming chips to get you started. All monies raised will be used to improve the Centre’s services to the elderly, infirm, disabled and otherwise isolated members of the communities of Syston and surrounding areas.
COLIN GRIMES Chairman/PRO 30th April 2017