February Minutes for the Executive Committee Meeting of Richland Section of the ACS

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February Minutes for the Executive Committee Meeting of Richland Section of the ACS

Approved 2/2/06

January Minutes for the Executive Committee Meeting of Richland Section of the ACS.

Meeting: 11:00 AM on Saturday, January 7th , 2006 at the Richland Library, Richland, WA.

Tom Jones (Past Chair) Steve Krogsrud (Pub. Rel. Chair) Bill Samuels (Present Chair) Sam Bryan (Treasurer) Jeff Woodford (Chair Elect) Tim Hubler (NORM Chair) Anna Cavinato Therese Clauss (Membership Chair) Janet Bryant Bruce McNamara (Secretary)

 The Minutes from the November Meeting was approved. There were no minutes for December as nobody showed up. However, the expense sheet as of that evening is attached for records purposes.

 Bill had disseminated an agenda for the first meeting of the year

 Ron Kelly a past Treasurer will be acting as Auditor for CY05 records.

 The Audit needs to be complete by February 15th, 2006.

 The Section’s Annual Report is also due February 15th, 2006 and Tom Jones is tasked with engineering the completion of that project.

 Sam Bryan suggested that that we welcome in the New Chair Bill Samuels and congratulate the Past Chair Tom Jones for a job well done.

 The “passing of the buck” was discussed. Each year members who have signature authority (allowed to sign checks) have to be formally recognized by the Bank (Banner Bank). A bank form needs to be filled out by Jeff, Tom, Bill, and Bruce. A letter from the Past Chair recognizing the New Chair Elect is also required.

 Jeff Woodford who is now the Chair Elect will be attending the Leadership Conference at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, January 27-29, 2006. This is to tune him up for his upcoming role as the CY07 Section Chair.

 Tim Hubler mentioned that Glenn Crosby had raised $70K of the $200K to establish the HS Teacher Endowment Fund. The Fund will award $1000 to Outstanding High School Teachers at Regional Meetings.  Tim also talked a bit about onging planning for NORM 07. He said there were 10-12 technical sessions and that two awards would be offered. The awards were plaques for long term service in the region; one would go for education and one for research.

 Janet mentioned that the Keynote speaker for the Womens Committee was Mary Fordor.

 The Section was deciding today to donate $500 to the fund and the issue was left for the new FY06 Budget discussion.

 Therese Clauss mentioned that members can now go online and update their membership information and can also pay membership dues online.

 Bill mentioned that Royce Aiken who runs the Chemistry Olympiad was offering a Friday or Saturday date for the tests to raise attendance.

 There was a short discussion on “transfer of knowledge” of the Sections inner workings or a “How things are done”, for instance how is the chemist of the year chosen. Also, loss of knowledge where are Past Annual Reports, and budget records kept. The topic should be revisited and tasks assigned.

 The FY06 Sections Calendar Events were discussed.

o Bill mentioned that he had been approached by Battelle to Nominate Dr. Glenn Fryxell for the ACS Regional Industrial Innovators Award. Glenn will be speaking at the Boise Meeting in 2008. Also he will be giving a talk on February 16th in the Battelle Auditorium. A dinner is planned after the talk. The time and place were not determined.

o The Science Fair at the Columbia Center Mall is in March. The two awards normally awarded the finalists are needed for the event. This year’s fair will be held March 9th, 10th, and 11th at the Columbia Center Mall. Judging for the special awards must be done on Thursday March 9th by 9:00 PM. Although projects will be available for viewing between 9:30 AM and 9:00 PM it is encouraged that judging be done when the students are present. Middle school students will be present to respond to questions and answers on Thursday (3/9/2005) from approximately 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM and high school students will be present from 12:00 noon to 6:30 PM. The awards ceremony will be held at 1:00 PM Saturday, March 11th at Kamiakin High School Auditorium in Kennewick. The form that expresses the Section’s interest in participating in the event is attached. We need judges and somebody should be at Kamiakin to award the Section’s finalists.

o Other calendar event are as listed on the agenda. Some changes or additions were made to that list.

. The 50 Yrs Awards and the student posters were moved to April 21st and wine and cheese will be served at the event.

. Jon Cox runs the Science Carnival activity in Umatilla normally in April . The date was uncertain.

. Karen Grant mentioned that Robert Riddell would talk on natural products on May 19th at CBC.

. Janet was tasked to confirm a date in March for the “Expanding Your Horizons” event.

. The Regional Meeting will be held June 25th-28th.

. A tentative Annual Picnic date of June 9th was set.

. Jeff was tasked to handle arrangements for the Speaker at EOU (Zoller ) September 27th.

. The National Meeting will be held September 8th-14th.

. The DOE Science Bowl will be held Saturday February 25th. Judges are needed.

. Anna will be running the “Girls in Science” activity on the 4th or 11th of November. There is no theme chosen as of yet.

. Steve will be running the Boy Scouts Merit Badge 4th or 11th of November.

. Ballots need to be out by November 17th.

. Earth Day is April 22nd cost for the tree planting was $95. Janet said she had pictures for the Annual Report.

Steve set some deadlines for the Newsletter. 1st letter will be out by the end of January, any information has to be in by January 18th. The 2nd letter the first week in April (4th) . Material for the 3rd st th newsletter will be needed by August 31 , and for the 4 letter by October 31st.

 Bill talked a bit about his effort in managing calls for small grants to ACS National and other meetings of equivalent stature. Letters of disclosure had been sent to the chairs of the Chemistry Departments at local area colleges’ including EOU, Whitman, Walla Walla Community, CBC, WSU Tri- Cities, Yakima Community College, Blue Mountain College (Pendleton, Or), Heritage University (Toppenish, Wa), Moses Lake (Big Bend). The only proposals received came from EOU. $1600 will be awarded the EOU students for travel to the National Meeting.

 The proposed FY06 Budget is attached and a few changes/additions were made to it. These included:

o $1600 will be awarded the EOU students o The tree planting for Earth Day will come out of the Education fund o $ 500 Teachers Donation Fund was motioned, seconded and approved o The ICTC donation for $300 was approved. This commitment had been terminated in FY06 for lack of a clear understanding of what the money was used for.

 The FY06 Budget was approved.

 The Meeting Adjourned at 1:07.

ScienceFair Agenda(1-7-06).doc Letter2006-2.DOC (...

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