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بسم ال الرحمن الرحيم ( 2018 - 2017 ) Action Pack 12 Twelfth Grade
ملخص المستوى الثالث منهاج قديم
عماد ابو الزمر ( Summary ( Units 1 – 5 : ( Words and Meanings : ( Key words in unit one Words and Meanings : The Law Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic القانون law n ( rules which control societies ( made by the government. جرائم crimes n illegal activities / activities against the law. مجرم criminal n someone who commits a crime. سري confidential adj secret / private. وهمي / شيء مزيف fake adj not real. غش / احتيال fraud n the crime of lying or cheating to get money. انتحال الشخصية identity theft the crime of stealing someone's personal details اكتشاف الجريمة solve a crime to discover who commits a crime ينتقل transfer v to move from one place to another. فيروس virus n a bad program which damages computers. غير مرئي invisible adj not seen.
Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic ينفذ / يفرض enforce to put into practice / carry out يحكم govern to control مذنب guilty responsible for a crime بريء innocent . not responsible for a crime هيئة المحلفين jury a group of people in court who decide whether someone is guilty قانوني legal relating to the law قانون / مبدأ principle rule / belief ممتلكات property something valuable which belongs to someone يبرهن / يثبت prove to show that something is true محكمة Court a building where trials and other legal cases happen حاكم ruler the leader of the country Words and Meanings : Migration Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic في خارج الوطن abroad In or to a foreign country يتردى / يسوء / يتدهور deteriorate to get worse يهاجر emigrate to leave your country to live in a new country مجاعة famine a serious shortage of food leading to great hunger on a large scale صناعة industry economic activity concerned with raw materials and manufacture goods تطور modernisation the development لجئ refugee a person who has escaped from his country for several reasons مجاعة / الموت جوعا starvation . a lack of food during a long period, often causing death نجاح success a period of great wealth تطور / تحديث development the process of modernisation طويل extensive very long Words and Meanings : Precious resources Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic سماد compost plant materials added to land to improve its quality الحرق ليصبح رماد incineration burning things موقع دفن النفايات landfill a place where rubbish is buried مادة material a substance which things can be made from تلوث pollution damage caused to water, air , … etc ثمين precious valuable اعادة تدوير recycle ------. processing objects and materials so they can be used again مصادر resources origins نفايات rubbish waste materials مواد مستهلكة waste ------unwanted / unusable
Words and Phrases Meanings material or fabric used to make clothes . قماش cloth .1 a very small piece of paper, wood, cloth, etc…. الياف fibre .2 decay يتعفن rot .3 a practice or product that can be used or re-used without cost to the environment مستمر / دائم sustainable .4 wood after it has been crushed نشارة الخشب wood pulp .5 A B having mild temperature معتدل temperate .1 bring up children يربي raise .2 a living thing / animal مخلوق creature .3 very long بعيد / طويل extensive .4 first اصلي original .5 occurring often or repeatedly متكرر recurrent .6 advance steadily يتقدم بثبات forge .7
Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic مناخ climate .1 weather conditions in an area over a period of time يزرع / يفلح cultivate .2 to use land for growing grass غبار dust .3 dry powder made of very small pieces of earth يفتت / يحت / يتآكل erode .4 to destroy slowly يربي / يرعى graze .5 to put animals in a field so that they can eat the grass تربة soil 6 what plants need to grow in يبقى / يعيش survive .7 to stay alive حريق هائل wildfire .8 fire that spreads very quickly الطقس weather .9 weather conditions in a specific time or place
Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic بذرة seed .1 A small, hard part of a plant from which a new plant can grow شوكة thorn .2 A sharp pointed part that grows on a plant , e.g. a rose جذع trunk .3 The main part or large stem of a tree
Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic استهلك consumption .1 the eating or drinking of something مدمر devastating .2 very destructive يصدر export .3 send something for sale in another country عالمي global .4 affecting the whole world غير قانوني illegal .5 against the law اداة tool .6 a piece of equipment for doing a particular job
word meaning a. case 1 noun – a container for carrying luggage or papers noun – the subject of a police investigation 2 قضية / حقيبة b. court 3 noun – the place where a trial is held noun – a place where people play tennis or squash 4 محكمة / ملعب c. fine 5 noun – money paid as a punishment adjective – high quality , good, e.g. weather 6 جميل / غرامة d. mean 7 adjective – unkind / not generous verb – to signify 8 تعني / بخيل e. society 9 .noun – club or organization for people with the same interest noun – all the people living in a country . 10 مجتمع / جمعية f. ruler 11 noun – straight piece of wood or plastic to help you draw straight lines noun – someone in charge of a country, such as a king . 12 حاكم / مسطرة g. property 13 .noun – something that belongs to someone noun – land and buildings . 14 ممتلكات / عقارات h. type 15 noun – kind / sort verb – write using a machine . 16 نوع / يطبع i spring 17 noun – the season of the year between winter and summer noun – a place where water naturally flows out from the ground 18 ربيع / ينبوع j. note 19 noun- a piece of paper money / a short piece of writing/ noun - a written symbol which represents sounds in music 20 ورقة نقدية / نوتة موسيقية k. row 21 noun – a line of things , people , animals …. / noisy argument / fight verb – pushing a boat against the water with oars 22 صف / يجدف Prefixes mis- = wrongly , badly / e.g. : misunderstanding / misuse / misheard / misbehaved .1 re- = again / e.g. : rewrite / redo / reorganize / rebuild / reread .2 over- = above / e.g. : overcultivate / overgraze / overcharge / overcook .3 under- = not enough / undercooked / underpaid .4
Colour idioms Meanings get very angry يغضب to see red .1 tell the public they have done some thing wrong يضع في القائمة السوداء to put someone on the black list .2 said yes يأذن to give the green light .3 it's printed here - clear and easy to understand مكتوب to be in black and white .4 paper work and administration روتين حكومي red tape .5 unexpectedly فجأة out of the blue .6
Phrase Meaning Phrase Meaning مدرك لـ aware of معتمد على dependant on مشهور بـ famous for مهتم بـ interested in مقتنع بـ satisfied with مهتم بـ مليء بـ full of مختلف عن different from
: Three-part phrasal verbs
Three-part Phrasal Verbs Meanings know the latest information about يطلع على/ يواكب keep up with .1 reduce يقلل cut down on .2 meet / face يواجه come up against .3 wait with pleasure for something to happen. يتطلع بأمل looking forward to .4 invent / discover / find يكتشف/ يجد come up with .5 accept / stand / tolerate ( something unpleasant ) يتحمل/يطيق put up with .6 come to end – not have any - consume يستنفذ run out of .7 to follow – agree with يساير/ يتفق مع go along with .8 ______: Rewrite the following sentences using the three-part phrasal verbs in brackets
------. Environmentalists are working hard to find new ways of saving energy .1 ( I can't wait for the summer holiday in Jordan . ( look forward to .2
: Write the meaning of the three-part phrasal verbs .Things are moving so fast – it’s imposible to keep up with the changes .1
: Replace with words that have correct prefixes .These chemicals are dangerous if you use them wrongly them .1 .I can't eat these potatoes because you cooked them less than enough .2
: Replace the underlined phrases in the following sentences with the correct form of the colour idioms . When he accused me of being wasteful, I got very angry .1 . They've said yes to the building of a new incinerator .2
: Choose the best meanings for the underlined words ------. When I was a student, I was a member of the law society .1 ------. Three men will appear in court tomorrow accused of dangerous driving .2 Please don't start a row – be friends ! What does the underlined word mean ? 2014 .3
? What does the underlined colour-idiom mean The government has given the green light to the building of a new airport . 2014 .1 : Fill in the following spaces with the correct words from the list غير قانوني مبدأ سوء استعمال اوراق رسمية يقلل cut down on red tape misuse principle illegal
. My father was unable to get his visa application approved due to red tape .1 .Students musn't misuse the school property .2 .You should try to cut down on the amount of driving you do to help the environment .3 .Public institutions support the principle of equal opportunity for everyone .4 يحمي تطور غريب بشكل دائم ممتلكات/ عقارات property permenantly exotic modernisation protect
.Native plants are diappearing as a result of the introduction of exotic fruits and vegetables .1 . The old railway system is in need of modernisation .2 .Parents try to protect the children from danger as far as possible .3 .When the old woman died, she left her entire property to the poor .4 حرائق ثمين اقتصادي هاجر مجاعة famine emigrated economic precious wildfires
.Water is considered as the Earth's most p……………… resources .1 .The skilled workers e………….. to Arabian Gulf countries during 1970s .2 .Between 1820 and 1840, the e………….situation in Ireland deteriorated .3 .------Desertification can lead to strong winds and dangerous w .4 دائم الخضرة / متجدد تربة متكرر يبرهن غريب exotic prove recurrent soil sustainable
.The Eden Project includes many e……….. living plants .1 .Loggers use wood which is grown in s……………. Forests .2 .Most animal migrations are r……………. events which happen at certain times of the year .3 .Online crimes are too difficult to p………. in comparison with traditional ones .4 ظروف نسبة خطير يفتت يزرع cultivate erodes serious proportion conditions
.Desertification is an increasingly s------problem in over a hundred countries of the world .1 .A p------of the population may survive by moving .2 .Desertification can create c------which produce strong winds and dangerous wildfires .3 .Deforestation e------the soil .4 بذور يتقدم بثبات الياف مذنب جميل fine guilty fibre forge seeds
.------If you drive too fast, you must pay a f .1 Animals may f……….….. rivers and cross mountains during their migrations .2 .F------is a very small piece of paper, wood, cloth, etc .3 .The man was found g……………. by the court .4 يتكيف مع مجاعة قانوني استهلك مدمر devastating consumption legal famine adapt
Some migrants a………… to life in foreign countries, so they decide to stay there .1 Many Africans die because of f…………….. every year .2 .------To save your money, you should reduce your c .3 .Many countries suffer from desertification and its d……………… effects .4 بيئة دائم الخضرة مواد نفايات حاكم judge waste materials sustainable environment
.Grass and sugar cane are two of the m...... that can be used to make paper .1 Trees used for making paper are grown in s...... forests .2 .Paper and card board in household w...... is made up of newspapers and magazines .3 Burying paper in landfill sites are more damage to the e...... than recycling it .4 extensive temperate natural recurrent success high-tech necessity elderly resources old-fashioned
. The Arabian Gulf countries experienced economic s------requiring large numbers of workers .1 . The n------disaster is a main cause for emigration .2 ------Some people migrated from one place to another because of the economic n .3 . The farmers in Ireland used o------methods .4 . Many thousands of people moved to the Gulf countries to help build h------cities .5 . Many e------people died because of the serious accident .6 .The Gulf countries have many natural r------such as natural gas .7 . Most animal migration are r------events which happen at certain times of a year .8 . Birds and insects travel e------distances .9 . Some animals migrate only if they need to find food or for more t------weather .10
( misheard - reorganize - misuse - redo - overcooked - undercooked ) . I'm sorry, I m------you. I thought you said you'd prefer tea .1 . I did my homework too quickly, so the teacher asked me to r------it .2 . As we have some new employees, we will have to r------our office .3 . If you m------the equipment, it will not work properly .4 . These potatoes are too hard. We obviously u------them .5 : Choose the best meanings for the underlined words ------. When I was a student, I was a member of the law society .1 ------. A strong legal system is important in a modern society .1 ------. Tutankhamun was a very famous Egyptian ruler .2 ? I am doing my Maths homework – can I borrow your ruler, please .2 ------. Taking another person's property is theft .3 ------. The piece of property in the city has increased dramatically this year .3 . In the final of the championship, the players were on court for two hours .4 ------. Three men will appear in court tomorrow accused of dangerous driving .4 ------. He did a fine job of washing my car .5 ------. He had to pay a fine because he was driving without insurance .5 ------. Secretaries used to spend most of their time typing letters and reports .2 ? What type of music do you like best .2 ------: Replace the underlined phrases in the following sentences with the correct form of the colour idioms
When he accused me of being wasteful, I got very angry . saw red .1 . We've got to stop companies from polluting the environment .2 . We should tell the public they have done some thing wrong . They've said yes to the building of a new incinerator .3 . The rules clearly say that we must not leave rubbish outside our homes. Look, it's printed here .4 . It's almost impossible to get a passport quickly. There is so much paperwork and administration .5 .I heard this morning, unexpectedly, that I'd won a writing competition .6
: Rewrite the following sentences using the three-part phrasal verbs in brackets
I can't wait for the summer holiday in Jordan . look forward to .1 . Environmentalists are working hard to find new ways of saving energy .2 If you want to improve your health, you should reduce the amount of sugar and fat you eat .3 . My journey to work gets worse everyday. I don't think I can stand it for much longer .4 .The government should cut down on the price of petrol .5 Derivation ( adjective + noun + verb + adverb + adjective + noun ) verb ate ise ize en ed noun ion / ness ity ment ence ency gy ing ist er adjective al ive ant ent ful ous ible able ic adverb ly
verb noun adjective adverb verb noun adjective adverb law Lawful / legal Legally Destroy / destruct destruction destructive destructively technology technological technologically disaster disastrous disastrously tradition traditional traditionally majority major majorly physics physical physically act Activity / action active actively hope hopeful hopefully economise economy Economic economically attract attraction attractive develop development developed violence violent violently permanence Permanent permanently chaos chaotic chaotically infect infection infectious innocence innocent innocently day daily daily guilt guilty guiltily succeed success successful successfully legalise legality legal legally consume consumption earn earning
: Complete the following sentences with the correct word derived from the words in brackets
( Many people believe that the worst crimes are murder and other violent acts . ( violence .1 ( There would be a chaotic situation in society if there were no lawful systems . ( chaos / law .2 ( He left court a free man because he had proved that he was innocent . ( innocence .3 . ( The jury said he was not guilty . ( not guilt ( My weekly earnings are twice as much as they were last year . ( earn .4 ( A huge earthquake caused the destruction of San Francisco in 1906 . ( destroy .5 ( Two disastrous potato crops led to mass starvation in Ireland. ( disaster .6 . ( The majority of the world's migrants move to find a better life. ( major .7 ( The people of Tristan Da Cunha left because of volcanic activity / action. ( act .8 ( The economic success of the 1960s and 1970s was funded by oil . ( economy .9 ( A good citizen doesn't behave violently . ( violent .10 ( In some parts of the world we could see violence in the streets. ( violent .11 ( Human activities cause destruction to the environment . ( destroy .12 Lack of security will create chaotic situations in a society. ( chaos ) 2014 .13 The government encourages schemes for women to earn money. ( earnings ) 2014 .14 The man's guilt was not proved and so he went free. ( guilty ) 2014 .15 Many wild animals can become violent if they are captured. ( violence ) 2014 .16 (The patient’s surgical operation was successfully done. ( successful .17 (My appreciation for you is really great. (appreciate .18 ( These workers were able to find a better life and help with the development of the region . ( develop .17 ( Ali reads the daily newspapers . ( day .18 ( Many illegal immigrants are in Europe . ( immigration .19 ( The eruption of the volcano made all the people in the island emigrate to Britain . ( erupt .20 ( The ruler of this country is a great man . ( rule .21 ( Much of this destruction , which leaves the land dry and dusty, is illegal . ( destroy .22 ( Some human activities are destroying the natural world. ( destruction .23 ( Unemployment is falling as more people find permanent work. ( permanently .24 ( Average earnings are expected to double in the next ten years. ( earn .25 ( It has been a disastrous year for the tea industry. ( disaster .26 ( Active people live happily . ( Activity .27 ( Computer criminals threaten the ordinary people . ( threat .28 ( It has been a disastrous year for the tea industry . ( disaster .29 ( The police have been carefully attacking the criminals . ( care .30 ( The boys politely responded to the teacher's orders . ( polite .31 ( He always gives his help very generously . ( generous .32 ( Traffic jam is stressful . (stress .33
.A. Correct the verbs between brackets, and then write your answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET
( Present Perfect : S + ( has / have ) + V3 ( so far / already / recently lately / yet / ever / three times / never / just / for / since . 1
( Present Perfect Continuous : S + ( have / has ) + been + base form + ing ( for / since / up to now / all / this + time / How long .2
( Simple Past : S + V2 : ( yesterday - in the past - last …. - once - ago - in 1960 - one day .3 Negative : S + didn't + infinitive verb / by the time + Sub. + V.2 had + V.3 Past Continuous : While + S + ( was / were ) + V-ing ….., S + V2 / S + ( was / were ) ………when + S + V2 .4 ( before , after , as soon as , By , because ) و يصف الحدث الول من حدثين تما في الماضي . Past Perfect : S + had + Past Participle ( V3 .5 ) ( After + S + ( had + V3 ) ……, S + V2 / S + ( had + V3 ) ….. before / because + V2 / By 1990 , S + ( had + V3 ______( The school is clean . They ------it . ( clean .1 ( They went to school after ------their breakfast. ( have .2 ( Sultan didn't recognize his friend, Hani. He ------him for ten years . ( not see .3 . ( The children ------already ------the sandcastle on the beach. ( build .1 ( James was very nervous when he arrived at the airport, He……… never ……… before. ( fly .2 ( They ------the law – they should be punished . ( break.3 ( The baby ------since 7 o'clock in the morning . ( be , sleep .1 ( You can't use my car now because I ------it. ( not , repair .2 ( You couldn't use my car because I ------it. ( not , repair .3 ( You look a bit tired. I am sure that you ------hard. ( be , work .1 ( In 1975, my family …………. England on an aeroplane. ( leave .2 ( By 10 p.m, the plane………………at the airport. ( land .3 ( The detectives ------people all week . ( be, interview .1 ( They ------the law , so they should be punished. ( break .2 ( She ------never ------tired since she left England. ( feel .3 ( Irish people emigrated because so many …………of starvation. ( die .1 ( He had looked for work. Then yesterday he …………. offered two jobs. ( be .2 ( The documentary film was interesting thus I ------it so much. ( enjoy .3 ( Ahmad felt nervous because he ------never ------before . ( fly .1 ( Sami ------his driving test. ( pass .2 ( I ------my leg- which means I can't go skiing this year. ( break .3 ( Maha ……………………… to be a doctor for six years. ( be , learn .1 ( The policeman ……………… my father for driving fast two days ago. ( fine .2 ( I wish they ------so much time watching TV . ( not spend .3 ( I ------my driving test, so I can borrow his car next week . ( pass .1 ( On April, 1909, an earthquake hit San Francisco and …………. sixty minutes. ( last .2 ( My sister and her husband …………recently …………. a baby. ( have .3 ( The students of 12th grade have ……………… hard all year. ( not , be , study .1 ( I wish my son ………………. so noisy . ( not be .2 ( Before Maher got there, all the guests ……….…………. ( leave .3 ( I ………….. recently …………. my old house. ( sell .1 ( The man …………….. the chickens yesterday. ( feed .2 ( Fawwaz got sad because he ……… never………. this game before. ( lose .3
The documentary film was interesting thus I ------it so much. (enjoy) 2014 .1 .After we had finished our dinner, we ------into the garden. (go) 2013 .2 Hatim's father ------last year. He had worked for the same company all his life. ( retire ) 2011 .3 Hassan's parents bought him a bicycle after he ------good marks in his exams. ( get ) 2014.4 ( She ------the garden when the guests arrived . ( water .5 ( Salma took a photograph of me while ------( not look .6 ( She ------only twelve when she got married . ( be .7 ( I called the police because somebody ------my car . ( steal .8 ______save ------saving / play ------playing / run ------running / lie ------lying / listen ------listening / w / x +ing fall – fell – fallen find – found – found has / have – had – had fight – fought – fought feel – felt – felt break – broke – broken feed – fed – fed fly – flew – flown do / does – did - done be – was / were – been / Verbs : ise – ize - ate – fy – en ______Plural nouns : men - women - police - people - children - feet - teeth - oxen – geese - mice – lice Singular nouns : fish - sheep - deer - series - species - news - physics - economics - athletics - mathematics – gymnastics
Talking about wishes ( إبداء الندم أو التمني في الوقت الحاضر أو لن المر مستحيل ) We use ( wish + past simple verb ) : to talk about regrets in the present and impossible conditions .1 ( إبداء الندم على عدم القدرة على تغيير أشياء ل نحبها ) We use ( wish + could ) to express regret about inability to change situations we don't like .2 . ( لتوجيه النتقاد والنزعاج من تصرفات معينة ) We use ( wish + would ) to express criticism or annoyance about certain behaviour .3. can couldn't can't could will wouldn't won't would am wasn't am not was is wasn't is not was are weren't are not were V1 / Vs - have to / has to didn't + inf. - didn't have to don't / doesn't + V V2 too / very so good better
: Rewrite the following sentences . 2 ------There are too many adverts on television . I wish .1 ------You eat too quickly . I wish .2 ------We don't spend much time together . I wish .3 ------I don't have my glasses with me I wish .4 ------I regret I speak quickly . I wish .5 ------I'm really tired, but I can't sleep at night . I wish .6 ------People drive too fast in the city centre . I wish .7 ------The streets are very dirty . I wish .8 ------Many people in my village smoke too much . I wish .9 ------My brother spends many hours talking on the phone. I wish .10 ------Newspapers and magazines contain too many adverts. I wish .11 ------I always criticize people who talk a lot . I wish .12 ------He's lost his keys . I wish .13 ------I'm not old enough to go to university. I wish .14 ------We have to start work very early tomorrow morning. I wish .15 ------My friend won't give me my CD back. I wish .16 ------I can't remember where I left the newspaper. I wish .17 ------Our city doesn't collect rubbish often enough. I wish .18 ------I would like to have anew car. I wish .19 ------I would like to be a doctor. I wish .20 ------I want to be a doctor. I wish .21 ------I am not able to drive a lorry. I wish .22 ------I read slowly and would like to read more quickly. I wish .23 ------You waste to much paper. ( stop wasting paper ) I wish .24 ------We don’t spend much time together. (spend more time ) I wish .25 ______Cause and Effects
( result + ( to / in order to ) → base form ( reason ( reason + ( the cause of ) + ( noun phrase ) ( result ( result + ( because ) + s + v ( reason ( reason + ( ,with the result that ) + s + v + ( result ( reason + ( so that ) + s + v ( can , could ) + ( result ( reason + ( lead to ) + ( noun phrase ) + ( result : Rewrite the following sentences ( I went to Egypt . I could see the pyramids . ( so that .1 ------(Ali went to England . Ali studied medicine . ( in order to .2 ------( She didn't study hard . She failed the test . ( because .3 ------
( Majed went to the airport . He wanted to meet his brother. ( because .4 ------( Many people recycle the rubbish . They don't use up the Earth resources. ( in order not .5 ------( Many people left their homes . Escape from floods. ( in order to .6 ------( You get the opportunity to meet students from other courses of study. Joining a university club is a good idea. ( because .7 ------( You can identify your bags. Make sure your bags are marked . ( so that .8 ------You get the opportunity to meet students from other courses of study. Joining a university club is a good idea. ( because ) 2014 .9 ------The manuscript was full of errors. The publisher rejected the author's latest work. ( because - in order to ) 2014 .10 ------
People can improve their lifestyle. Many changes have taken place lately. ( in order not to - with the result that ) 2014 .11 ------( Scientists are worried about climate change . It is a threat to life on Earth ( because - so that .12 ------( Some people are moving out of their homes on the coast . escape future floods . ( because - in order to .13 ------Scientists are trying to produce new fuels .People can continue to use their cars without damaging the environment.( so that - with the result .14 ( that ------( The polar ice is melting . In the future , sea levels will rise . ( because - so that .15 ------( The soil is now dry and dusty . Large areas of forest has been cut down . ( because - so that .16 ------( I wanted to repair my car . I went to the mechanic . ( in order to .17 ------( I went to Egypt so that I could see the pyramids . ( in order to .18 ------She failed the test because she didn't study hard . ( because of ) ……. + ing .19 ------Because of ( The great use of the internet leads to technological crimes . ( be the cause of .20 ------( I went to Egypt so that I could see the pyramids . ( because ) ………… ( use : want to .21 ------( Why didn't Fatima go to school yesterday ? ( feel ill .22 ------( Why did you go to the post office ? ( buy stamps .23 ------( Why do people write things in their diaries ? ( not forget important things .24 ------( Why was Omar's letter so difficult to read ? ( write very quickly .25 ------( Why are forests being cut down ? ( need more farming land .26 ------( Why is the ice in the polar areas melting ? ( climate change / global warming .27 ------. Some people move to greener areas in order to survive .28 ? ------Why . Because there are growing numbers of people to feed, farmers tend to over cultivate their land .29 ?------Why . Trees are usually cut down to make more agricultural land .30 ?------Why ______Explaining Possibilities . We use modal verbs ( must - can't - might ) to explain possible truth ( Note : We use ( must / can't ) with ------( know - sure - it's true - certainly - definitely ( .We use ( might ) with ------( probably - think - look - seem , look , I don't know , may be , I believe , possible , … etc 1. الحتمال القوي و الكيد بوقوع الفعل . ( من المؤكد ان -- ) must + inf. ------to talk about things which we are almost sure are true .1 : : must + have + P.P ------to talk about things which we are almost sure were true
2. الحتمال القوي و الكيد بعدم وقوع الفعل . ( من المؤكد ان ل -- ) can't + inf. ------to talk about things which we are almost sure are not true .2 : : can't + have + P.P ------to talk about things which we are almost sure were not true
3. الحتمال الضعيف بوقوع الفعل . ( ربما -- ) might + inf. ------when we are unsure whether something is true or not .3 . . might + have + P.P ------when we are unsure whether something was true or not . Write sentences which explain the following situations . Include the words given and a modal verb in your explanations ( Faisal's car lights were on all nights . ( Faisal / forget / switch off .1 ------( Sultan's looking at the engine of his car . ( break down .2 ------( Rabab has a very good English accent . ( live / English family .3 ------( Tareq wants to be a teacher when he graduates from university . ( very interested in / education .4 ------( Ali has just drunk two litres of water . ( thirsty .5 ------
:Write sentences which explain the possibilities of the following situations using the suitable modal verbs ( must - might - can't - must have - can't have - might have ) . I am sure that bats aren't birds – they don't have feathers .1 ------Bats . It's probably that this man is my friend's uncle.2 ------He . He is too fat . He eats too much .3 ------He . I am sure e earns quite a lot of money to be able to afford that car .4 ------He .I am sur it is not easy designing and building bridges – they are complicated structures .5 ------It . I am sure they didn't finish their lunch already – they only started eating five minutes ago .6 ------They . I think she is French – she has a strange accent .7 ------She . He's not usually this late – I think he has stuck in heavy traffic .8 ------He . The phone is ringing – it's probably your brother. He usually rings at this time .9 ------It . Someone's ringing your doorbell. You're sure it's the postman – He always comes at this time .10 ------It . There's an important football match in your town tonight . You think the roads will probably be very busy .11 ------The roads . Your friend said she would phone you, but she hasn't. You are sure she has not forgotten .12 ------She .Someone waves to you from a car . It looks like your friend's father's car .13 ------It . Your sister has worked very hard. You feel sure that she has got good grades in her exams .14 ------She . You hear a car approaching, but you know it isn't your uncle's car because it doesn't sound the same .15 ------It . A new building is going up in your neighborhood . You think it is probably a school .16 ------They ------. It .Faisal's car lights were on all nights . I am sure he has forgotten to switch them off .17 ------Faisal .Sultan's looking at the engine of his car . I am sure it has broken down .18 ------It .Rabab has a very good English accent . I think she lived with an English family .19 ------Rabab .Tareq wants to be a teacher when he graduates from university . I am sure he is interested in education . 20 ------He . Ali has just drunk two litres of water . I am sure that he was thirsty .21 ------Ali . I am sure you are exhausted . You've been working very hard recently .22 ------You .I know it's true that the world is getting warmer , because the polar ice is melting .23 ------The polar ice . I am not sure but I think some parts of the desert were covered in plants and trees 24 ------Some parts These people are very thin , that's why I'm certain they haven't eaten much food . 2014 25 ------They The ground is wet here. That means this was almost certainly a lake once . 2014 26 ------There Ahmad's class starts at 8:45 and he is not here yet. I am unsure whether he has missed the bus or not. 2014 .27 ------Ahmad Salma's plants are dead. I am almost sure she hasn't watered them. 2014 .28 ------Salma
: Complete each of the following items so that the new item has a similar meaning to one before it
. A quarter of the population of Ireland emigrated to America because of the starvation .1 ------By 1854, a quarter . My father retired last year . He had worked for the same company all his life .2 ------After my father The law was broken in the past by them - we are thinking about a future punishment now .3 . They ------. They should be punished . He started studying three years ago and is still studying now .4 . He ------for three years .She did her homework, then she went shopping .5 ------After ------Before .She did her homework, then she went shopping .6 ------After ------Before
( Irish people emigrated . So many had died of starvation . ( because / while .7 ------( The fire had destroyed the building . The firemen arrived . ( before / while .8 ------( I had dreamt of visiting China for many years . I spent two months there . ( After / while .9 ------( Ali arrived . We were having dinner . ( when / after .10 ------( I did my homework. Then I went to bed . ( after .11 ------( I did my homework. Then I went to bed . ( before .12 ------
: Choose the suitable item to fill in the blanks . 1 to - so that - on - of - might - must - with .Farmers tend to over cultivate their land ………….. they can feed more people They were very keen ………… growing crops . They are satisfied ------their life. They overcultivate their land .------survive. They work a lot. They ------be hardworkers misheard - red - because - to - the cause of ------When he accused me of being wasteful , I saw ------. Soon I discovered that I .him and I was ------many bad situations that took place at that time
يمكن ان تدخل المواضيع التالية لتصحيح الفعال : wish / possibilities / cause and effects ) ) : Correct the underlined verbs in these sentences and write the correct verbs in the spaces
.By 1860, most of the people emigrated .1 Sami has been studied since 7 o'clock .2 . In 1854, a quarter of the population of Ireland have emigrated to America .3 . I wish I am ten years younger .4 . Trees are cut down in order to makes more land .5 . They must have came from Africa .6 . I have just been finishing my homework .7 .
Language Function ( … Expressing opinions : ( In my opinion / There is no doubt that / In my view / In fact / I believe that .. / I think that …/ for me .1 ( ( Agreeing : ( I agree / You are right / That's true / I am in favor of / I completely agree ( strong .2 ( Disagreeing : ( I disagree / I don't agree / I'm afraid you're wrong .3 ( Presenting argument : ( The main point - argument / Another point - argument .4 ______{ . Time expressions : { on ( day ) / at ( time ) / The next, same day / The first thing I did , saw .5 ( Remembering : ( I'll remember / I'll never forget .6 Talking about possibility : we might , could , perhaps , probable , may , unlike , maybe , not sure .7 .Remembering past events : When I was a child…., Two months ago…., I can remember that day when we visited Aqaba last year .8 …… Making suggestions / recommendation : Why don't we ….. ( do ) ? What about ………… ( doing ) ? / I suggest .9 Contradicting politely : I don't think so - Not really .10 .…………… Giving Advice : I think you should ……………………. / If I were you , I,d .11 ______Complete the following mini-dialogue below using an expression that expresses an agreement , and ( write the answer down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( 2 points ? A: What do you think are the advantages of moving abroad B: Well, I think ------. What about you ? 2014 Maher: ------( opinion ) Ali : I agree with you ( Ali : I think that Petra is beautiful . Sami : ------( agreement ( Salam : People ------stop cutting down trees to make agricultural lands. ( suggestion .Muna : I didn't know what to expect Complete the following mini-dialogue using an expression that expresses an argument , and write the answer down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 2014
Marwan : Traffic is an increasing problem in most big cities of the world therefore, governments should encourage people . to use public transport : Rashed ------Complete the following mini-dialogue using an expression that expresses a polite disagreement , and write the answer down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 2008 .Sami : Using computers will not help you get a job ------: Ali Complete the following mini-dialogue using an expression that expresses possibility, and write the answer down in .your ANSWER BOOKLET ? Marwan : What will you do tomorrow, Rashed : Rashed ------Complete the following mini-dialogue using an expression that expresses a past event, and write the answer down in .your ANSWER BOOKLET ? Marwan : what did you do last week, Rashed : Rashed ------Complete the following mini-dialogue using an expression that expresses time, and write the answer down in your .ANSWER BOOKLET ? Marwan : When did you arrive to Aqaba, Rashed : Rashed ------Complete the following mini-dialogue using an expression that expresses a suggestion, and write the answer down in your .ANSWER BOOKLET . Marwan : I didn't pass my driving test, Rashed : Rashed ------( Editing : Suggested words : ( ie / au / sz / pb / fv innocent weather pollution cultivate resources consumption abroad overcultivate jury predator guilty recycle incineration dust rubbish survive greenhouse overgraze principle shallow modernisation materials success forge sustainable exotic oceans erode property threat starvation endangered refugees biomes necessity insects humidity dust material protect dangerous land commit powerful old-fashioned temperature educational dangerous deteriorated weather environment population illegal precious creature industry scientific survive emigrate wildfire extinction enemies confidential temperate recurrent soil extensive seeds famine ruler raise risk fraud exhibits landfill waterfall jury thorns industry greenhouse court display court case technology trunks emigrated waterfall waste compost criminal system region awarness desertification process rainforest ranchers cattle / leaves berries
Guided Writing Ways to reduce water usage take shorter showers . wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan . turn off the water tap while you wash your hands . There are many ways to reduce water usages such as taking shorter showers and washing your fruits and vegetables in a pan, too. Another .way is turning off the water tap while you wash your hands is another way to reduce water usage
Reasons that make people leave their home countries seek better life - complete education - find better jobs - learn about different cultures - There are many reasons that make people leave their home countries such as seeking better life and completing their education. Another / .reason / thing is finding better jobs and learning about different cultures
? What should happen to motorists who break the speed limits Ban from driving Fine for driving fast Put in prison There are things that should happen to motorists who break the speed limits such as banning them from driving and fining .them for driving fast. Another thing is putting them in prison
? How to improve your English language Listen to English programs Read English newspapers and magazines Join English courses regularly
There are many ways to improve your English language such as listening to English programs and reading newspapers and magazines. Also, joining English courses regularly is another way to improve your English language.
? Why do people use the internet websites
Book holidays
1. There are many reasons that make people ------2. People use the internet websites in order to ------Advantages of migration disadvantages of migration find a better life feel being isolated escape from natural disasters suffer from the cultural shock
Migration has some advantages such as finding a better life and escaping from natural disasters. On the other hand, it also has some disadvantages such as feeling being isolated and suffering from the cultural shock .and , moreover, in addition to , …. etc ..… The best ways to study Make a study scheduale Study in appropriate setting Keep a well-kept notebook Learn the most important facts first
There are many comparison with , but , more , …. etc Watching sports on TV Watching sports live noisy - comfortable and cheap - uncomfortable and expensive -
Watching ------Successful people communicate openly . welcome change . learn new skills
Watching ------
.Imagine you are an editor in the Jordan Times. You are asked to edit the following lines that have four mistakes : Correct the mistakes and write them
The jory said that this man was not inocent because he comitted lots of crimes and took his neighbours proberty. The . court added that such activitys are ilegal
Many people emmigrated because of starfation. The economic succes in . some countrys helped them live better . They were considered as refuges
. We can recykle some materals such as household wast so as to save our environment from polution
Farmers overcultifate and overcraze land which eruding the soil and make the dost blow strongly . This will increase . the wether changes
. The grenhouse gases are very dangeros for our enviroment but ther are people who try to protekt it
. Some animals which fase ecstinction concregate in large hards because they are under treat
The law affects every area of people's daily lives. According to the international law, a person is inocent until someone profes that . they are gulty
Hundreds of visitors come every year to see plants from all over the world growing in the Eden project . Some plants grow outside, .but many are in specially-built domes, called ' piomes', where the tamperature and humadity are carefully controlled. 2014
Water consumpsion is a major glopal challenge. Great devilopment and a perpetually increasing pupulation has led to unprecedented .demands on all of our resources., which has in tern led to an increased water shortage . 2014 Because there are growing numbers of people to feed, farmers tend to overkultivate their land, with the result that the .soel becomes pour and unbroductive
Disertification can create condisions which produce strong winds and dangerous wildfires and this leads to even greater presure on the Earth's most brecious resource, water
The economec sucess of the 1960s and 1970s saw the Arabian gulf countries transformed into modern and .welthy states
Between 1820 and 1840, the economec situation in Ireland diteriorated and in 1845 the Potato famine began. Disease .destroyed 75% of the year's potatoes- the main food for most of the pobulation
The reinforest itself is an important enviroment but, because of its size and lokation, it also plays a vital bart in .controlling the world's climate
Some acacia trees in hot african countries are brotected by ants which live permenently on their branches. If an animal . starts to eat the tree's leaves , the ants atack it
One of the perposes of the project is to show how debendant human beings are on plants and to educate people on the .emportance of preserfing our natural environment
Traditionaly, many of these megrants used to come from countries in Africa or Asia, but now, growing numpers are .from poorer countries in eastern Europe such as Poland, Hungary or Russia
Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer .all the questions that follow. Your answer should be based on the text
The rainforest of the Amazon Region of Brazil in South America covers five percent of the world's land surface and is home to at least 30 percent of the world's animals and plants . The area is also the home of 220,000 people from about 180 different tribes who live deep in the forest. The rainforest itself is an important environment but, because of its size and location, it also plays a vital part in controlling the world's climate. It does this by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Recently, however, large areas of the Amazon rainforest have been cut down to make more land for farmers . In the last three years, for example, 70,000 square kilometers have been destroyed-this is the same . as six football pitches every minute. Much of this destruction, which leaves the land dry and dusty, is illegal Farmers use most of the new land to grow soya beans, which they export to other parts of the world to be used as animal food . Millions of chicken in western European countries are fed on South America soya beans . Increasingly , some soya beans are also being turned into food for human consumption; many vegetarian foods are based on soya .beans Other areas of the rainforest are cleared by ranchers who use the land for their cattle, by loggers who sell the valuable tropical hardwood from the trees they cut down, or by oil companies who are trying to find more oil. These .activities help to improve the economy of the region, but at the expense of the future of the global environment In addition to destroying ancient forests and changing the world's climate, deforestation is having a devastating effect on native populations who are dependant on the rainforest for everything they need, from food and tools to . medicines and shelter : Question Number One . Rainforests plays a vital part in controlling the world's climate in two ways. Write down these two ways .1 .There are three reasons for clearing the rainforests. Mention them .2 ? How does the rainforest of Amazon help in protecting the environment and climate .3 . Native populations are dependant on the rainforest for a variety of needs. Write down three of these needs .5 .Write down the three groups that destroy the rainforests .6 Acording to the text, the writer states that he South American rainforest is important for the world's .7 .climate. Explain this statement, suggesting three reasons .Quote the sentence which shows that some of cutting down of rainforest is against the law .8 . Quote the sentence which indicates that some soya beans are used as food for human beings .9 ? How does the rainforest help in controlling the world's climate .10 .The South American rainforest are very important for many reasons. Mention two of them .11 ? Why are soya beans export to other parts of the world .12 ? How are soya beans consumed .13 .Soya beans have special importance worldwide, for many reasons. Write down two reasons of them .14 .The writer says "Much of this destruction is illegal". Explain this sentence, justifying your answer .15 I think this statement is true because the cutting down trees will leave the land dry and dusty and this will cause the spread of the desert, so this destruction is illegal
: Critical Thinking
. Deforestation is harmful to people and climate. Think of this statement and, in two sentences, write down your point of view .1 Deforestation is having a devastating efect on native populations. Think of this statement, and in two sentences , .2 .explain your point of view
Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic استهلك consumption .1 the eating or drinking of something مدمر devastating .2 very destructive يصدر export .3 send something for sale in another country عالمي global .4 affecting the whole world غير قانوني illegal .5 against the law اداة tool .6 a piece of equipment for doing a particular job
Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer .all the questions that follow. Your answer should be based on the text
In the early 19th century, the most important industry in Ireland was agriculture. But the farmers were poor and they used old-fashioned methods . Because they heard that they could earn four times as much in America, some farmers emigrated. But between 1820 and 1840, the economic situation in Ireland deteriorated and in 1845 the Potato Famine began. Disease destroyed 75% of the year's potatoes- the main food for most of the population. During the next two years, 350,000 people died of starvation and there was a huge increase in emigration to America. By the end . of 1854, a quarter of the population of Ireland had left for the United States
Tristan da Cunha is a small island in the south Atlantic Ocean. In August 1961, earth tremors started and gradually became more frequent. At the beginning of October, the government decided that the island was no longer safe and the whole population of 268 people was evacuated to nearby island. A ship picked them up and took them to South Africa. As they passed Tristan da Cunha. They saw the volcano erupt. Later the people were taken to England, where they stayed for the next two years . In 1963, the volcanic activity on the island stopped and most of the people voted to go back. However, not everyone returned: 14 people had adapted to life in England and decided to stay there, and five elderly people had died. There were other changes too : ten couples from the island had married, . and eight babies had been born
The economic success of the 1960s and 1970s saw the Arabian Gulf countries transformed into modern and wealthy states, funded by oil and other precious natural resources such as natural gas . The needs of the oil construction industries led to a huge demand for skilled workers. Many thousands of people moved to the region to help build high-tech cities all over the Gulf . These workers, from many regions of the world, were able to find a . better life and help with the development of the region : Question Number One ? A. 1. Why did some farmers emigrate from Ireland .The potato famine had two negative results . Write them down .2 .There are two reasons why some people of Tristan didn’t go back to the island . Write them down .3 ? Quote a sentence in the first paragraph which indicates the cause of the huge number of death in Ireland .4 Quote the sentence which indicates that the farmers in Ireland used old means of farming .5 ? Mention the main cause for emigration to Arabian Gulf countries .6 .' Find a word from the second paragraph that means ' explode .7 ? Find a word in the third paragraph which means " rich" .What does the underlined word ( deteriorated ) mean .8 ? What does the underlined pronoun " them" refer to .9 Replace the underlined verb in the first paragraph with a suitable three- part phrasal verb that has a similar .10 .meaning to it In the last paragraph, the writer says that 'the needs of the oil construction industries led to a huge .11 .demand for skilled workers. Is he justified ? Explain According to the text , some farmers had to move to America at the beginning of 19th century . Explain this .12 .statements , justifying your answer
: B. Critical thinking .13 Migration can provide a decent life for humans and it can be a miserable life. Think of this statement and in two sentences write down your view point
People emigrate from country to another for various reasons . Explain this statement, in two sentences, justifying your .1 . answer .People migration has advantages and disadvantages . Think of this statement and write your point of view in two sentences .2
Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic في الخارج abroad In or to a foreign country يتردى / يسوء / يتدهور deteriorate to get worse يهاجر emigrate to leave your country to live in a new country مجاعة famine a serious shortage of food leading to great hunger on a large scale صناعة industry economic activity concerned with raw materials and manufacture goods تطور modernisation the development لجئ refugee a person who has escaped from his country for several reasons مجاعة starvation . A lack of food during a long period, often causing death نجاح success a period of great wealth تطور development the process of modernisation
Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer all the questions that follow. Your : answer should be based on the text It may seem very strange, but plants are always in danger from animals which want to feed on them. If this happens, the plant can be damaged or even killed. So, because their roots, trunks, leaves , flowers , fruit and seeds are under constant attack from mammals, insects or birds , plants have developed ways of protecting themselves . from those enemies . Here are some of the ways plants stop animals from attacking and eating them Some plants which grow in dry climates, for example cactuses, store large quantities of water in their stems. To protect themselves, they have sharp thorns. Animals will hurt themselves if they try to get to the water from these plants. Other plants, like stinging nettles, can ' inject ' painful or irritating substances into their enemies by means of .the sharp hairs on their leaves There are many plants which protect themselves by poisoning their enemies. In some cases the poison they contain is so powerful that it can kill any living thing which touches or eats them . The poison can be in the leaves, .the seeds or berries , or in other parts of the plant Some acacia trees in hot African countries are protected by ants which live permanently on their branches. If an . animal starts to eat the tree's leaves , the ants attack it Some plants, such as horse chestnut trees, are covered with a sticky substance, like wet paint, which can prevent . insects from eating them . Sometimes this substance is so strong that insects' feet or wings get stuck and they cannot escape : Question Number One .Plants have developed ways of protecting themselves from these enemies, write down two of them .1 .The writer mentioned types of living things that fed on plants. Write down two of them .2 .Quote the sentence which indicates that some tres in Africa are protected by insects .3 ? Which plant is protected by a kind of insect .4 ." Find a word in the first paragraph which means " the main part or large stem of a tree .5 : Critical Thinking ? What do you think will happen if plants don't have any ways to protect themselves I think that animals such as mammals, insects or birds will kill and damage plants so that we can't have enough food .and this will damage our environment which leads to desertification
Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic بذرة seed .1 A small, hard part of a plant from which a new plant can grow شوكة thorn .2 A sharp pointed part that grows on a plant , e.g. a rose جذع trunk .3 The main part or large stem of a tree Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer all the : questions that follow it. Your answer should be based on the text We usually think that greenhouse gases are harmful, but without these gases the climate of the Earth would be like the climate of Mars: too cold for human beings to survive. Greenhouse gases, which include carbon dioxide and methane, keep the .heat of the sun in and prevent our planet from freezing However, for the last 200 years people have been using enormous quantities of fossil fuels like coal, gas and oil. When these fuels are burnt, they produce large amounts of carbon dioxide and this keeps more of the sun’s heat in. The result is that the temperature of the Earth is rising year by year. This is leading to more extreme weather: high winds and heavy rain, which .produce storms and flooding The problem is made worse by the fact that we are destroying the world’s rainforests Trees naturally consume carbon dioxide, but because there are fewer trees, more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere . Because of the increase in the Earth’s temperature, the ice at the north and south poles is melting, and this is causing sea levels to rise. Eventually, many areas .of land which are now on the coast will be flooded Leading scientists are warning that if the authorities don’t introduce new laws to reduce greenhouse gas increases now, the .results could be disastrous for life on Earth ( A. 1. Question Number One ( 20 points .Greenhouses contain two kinds of gases.Write down these two kinds .1 .There are many benefits of greenhouse gases. Mention these benefits .2 .People have been using large quantities of fossil fuels. Write down two of these fuels .3 .Quote the sentence which indicates that water will fill many areas of the lands .4 ? What does the underlined word "which", in the third paragraph, refer to .5 ."Find a word in the first paragraph that means “to stay alive .6 According to the text, the writer thinks that the increase in the Earth’s temperature is very dangerous .7 .Explain this. Justify your answers I think this statement is true because of the increase in the Earth’s temperature, the ice at the north and south poles is melting, and this is causing sea .levels to rise. Eventually, many areas of land which are now on the coast will be flooded : B. Critical thinking .Greenhouse gases have advantages and disadvantages. Think of this statement and in two sentences write down your point of view I think this statement is true because greenhouses keep the heat of the sun in and prevent our planet from freezing. On the other .hand, greenhouses gases increase the temperature of the Earth
Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer .all the questions that follow. Your answer should be based on the text
An area of the law that is changing very quickly in the modern world is the law related to computer crime. Increasingly, criminals are using computers to help them commit new crimes like identity theft, and to make it easier to commit old crimes like theft or fraud . Technological criminals may get into computer systems to find out confidential information and use this to make money . Unfortunately, computer crimes are often more difficult to solve than traditional crimes because the criminal are invisible and their actions may be hard to prove. It can also be difficult to prosecute a computer criminal successfully because usually nothing is actually stolen or physically damaged . Hopefully, in future, computer experts will discover more . effective ways of detecting such crimes A particular factor in the growth of computer crime has been the increase in the number of ordinary people who use the internet websites to buy things, to book holidays or to access their bank accounts in order to transfer money or pay bills. This new type of business has attracted techno-criminals who may order goods and services without paying, or break into the computer system of business or financial organizations and either move money to their own account or send viruses which can seriously damage . computers and the information they contain. These viruses can affect millions of people worldwide
Computers with internet connections can also be used more safely by criminals than face-to-face meetings or telephone conversations to pass on confidential information or to plan crimes. In addition to this, computers allow criminals access to millions of people worldwide whom they may persuade to pay for . something worthless or to support a fake charity organization : Question Number One .A. 1. Techno -criminals can do many illegal actions. Write down two of them ? What is the( aim, objective, goal, purpose) of criminals' to use the confidential information .2 Tech- criminals use computers with internet connections for two purposes . Write them down .3 Acording to the text, the writer thinks it would be more dificult o take a legal action against a computer criminal .4 .efectively. Explain. Sugesting three reasons Acording to the text, the writer states that sending criminals into prison is good idea. Explain this, sugesting three .5 purposes for sending them to prison Write down the sentence which indicates that many people al over the world can be afected by programmes which .6 damage computers ." Find a word in the third paragraph which means " secret .7 Replace the underlined verb in the first paragraph with a suitable three- part phrasal verb that has .8 a similar meaning to it ? What does the underlined pronoun " they" refer to .9 According to the text the writer says that computer crimes are often more difficult to solve than traditional .10 .crimes . Is he justified in this? Explain
: B. Critical thinking Many reasons that motivate internet criminals commit computer crimes . Think of this statement , and in two .1 .sentences write down your point of view Without laws ‘there would be chaos. Think of this statement and, in two sentences, write down your point of view .2
Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic القانون law n ( rules which control societies ( made by the government. جرائم crimes n illegal activities / activities against the law. مجرم criminal n someone who commits a crime. سري confidential adj secret / private. وهمي / شيء مزيف fake adj not real. غش / احتيال fraud n the crime of lying or cheating to get money. انتحال الشخصية identity theft the crime of stealing someone's personal details اكتشاف الجريمة solve a crime to discover who commits a crime ينتقل transfer v to move from one place to another. فيروس virus n a bad program which damages computers. غير مرئي invisible adj not seen.
Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer .all the questions that follow. Your answer should be based on the text
Desertification , which is the process in which productive land changes into desert, is an increasingly serious problem in over a hundred countries of the world . One billion people, out of a total world . population of six billion, suffer from its effects
Desertification usually occurs in dry areas where there is no rain and where the climate is harsh. In these places, the top layer of soil is destroyed so that the land can no longer be used for growing crops or grazing animals. This means that people who depend on the land for food have to move to ' greener ' areas in order to survive. A proportion of the population may survive by moving, but others may die because of . shortages of food and water
Although natural changes in the climate often start the process, the activities of human beings are often the real cause of desertification. Because there are growing numbers of people to feed, farmers tend to over cultivate their land, with the result that the soil becomes poor and unproductive. Other farmers overgraze their land and this permanently kills off grass and other plants . In addition to the effects of farming, deforestation- the cutting down of trees- also erodes the soil. Trees are usually cut down to make more agricultural land, but once there are no longer trees and plants on an area of land, there is nothing to stop the wind and rain from blowing or washing away the top layer of soil. The dust which this produces can travel . long distances and affect the health of people living in cities thousands of kilometers away
But this is not the end of the story: desertification can create conditions which produce strong winds and dangerous wildfires and this leads to even greater pressure on the Earth's most precious resource, . water : A. 1. Answer the following questions
? There are two natural factors cause desertification. What are they .1 ? What does the word Desertification mean .2 . Farmers do many activities which destroy the land . Write down two of them .3 ? Where does Desertification usually take place .4 Quote a sentence in the second paragraph which indicates that food and water can affect peoples' life .5 .Write down the sentence which indicates that 'deforestation' is a big problem .6 . " Find a word in paragraph three which means " to destroy slowly .7 .Desertification may apear in diferent areas of the world. Write down two of these areas .8 ? What does the underlined demonstrative word "their" refer to .9 . According to the text , deforestation causes different natural conditions which affect the whole world .10 . Mention three of them According to text , the writer thinks that the activities of human beings lead to greater pressure on the .11 . Earth's most precious resources, water. Explain this statement , justifying your answer Acording to the text, the writer states that ‘desertification’ is considered an international .12 .problem. Explain this statement. Suggesting three reasons : B. Critical thinking .In some parts of Africa, desert areas are becoming gren again .1 .Think of this statement, and in two sentences write down your point of view .The writer considers desertification is a global problem. Is he justified in this? Explain this .2
Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic مناخ climate .1 weather conditions in an area over a period of time يزرع / يفلح cultivate .2 to use land for growing grass غبار dust .3 dry powder made of very small pieces of earth يفتت / يحت / يتآكل erode .4 to destroy slowly يربي / يرعى graze .5 to put animals in a field so that they can eat the grass تربة soil 6 what plants need to grow in يبقى / يعيش survive .7 to stay alive حريق هائل wildfire .8 fire that spreads very quickly الطقس weather .9 weather conditions in a specific time or place
Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer all the questions that follow. Your : answer should be based on the text The Eden Project, which opened in the year 2000 , is a living plant museum in the countryside in the south-west of England. It is a very popular attraction and millions of visitors come every year to see plants from all . over the world growing in this special environment
Some plants grow outside, but many are in specially-built domes, called ' biomes', where the temperature and humidity are carefully controlled . The biomes are like giant greenhouses and one, the Humid Topics biome, is the largest greenhouse in the world. It is over 55m high and 220m long and contains many thousands of exotic plants not . found in England One of the purposes of the project is to show how dependant human beings are on plants and to educate people on the importance of preserving our natural environment. Aside from the plant life, the Eden Project has fascinating interactive exhibits for people of all ages. Many of the visitors are groups of school children and the Eden Project . combines educational value with scientific interest and a huge variety of spectacular plant life
Word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic بيت زجاجي كبير و متنوع للنباتات biome .1 giant greenhouses where the temperature and humidity are controlled قبة dome .3 rounded roof غريب exotic .5 unusual / foreign / strange العالم globe .6 world / earth بيت بلستيكي greenhouse .7 a plastic house where can you grow plants رطوبة humidity .8 moisture معتدل temperate .9 not too hot or too cold
Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer all the questions that follow. Your : answer should be based on the text The first paper was made from cloth two thousands years ago in China. Although paper can be made from all kinds of materials , such as cotton fibers , grass or sugar cane, these days wood pulp is the material most commonly . used to make " new paper"- that is, paper which contains no old or recycled paper The modern world uses so much paper that environmentalists have persuaded us that we should recycle old paper as well as making new paper. There is an increasing awareness in Jordan of the need to recycle both paper and other materials . Paper-recycling containers can now be found in some parts of the country and some government agencies . have begun paper recycling programmes. Also, there is greater education in schools about the need to take care of our environment
Although we use wood pulp from trees to make new paper, it is not true that recycling paper saves trees. Trees are a commercially grown long-term crop, so that when they are cut down, new ones are planted. Also, papermakers use the parts of trees that cannot be used in other industries such as building and furniture making. Nearly all new paper is . made from wood grown in sustainable forests : Here are some of the facts related to producing recycled paper . A large proportion of household waste is paper or cardboard. About half of this is newspapers and magazines .1 For every tonne of paper used for recycling, we save 30,000 litres of water, 3000 – 4000 kwh of .2 . electricity, and reduce air pollution Recycling paper is less harmful to the environment than burying in landfill sites. This is because paper that is .3 . buried in the ground rotes and produces methane, which is a powerful greenhouse gas Despite our increasing dependence on information stored on computers, there will always be a demand for paper. .4 . In the interests of our environment, we have to make sure that we continue to recycle as much of it as possible Words Meanings cloth .1 .…a very small piece of paper, wood, cloth, etc fibre .2 wood after it has been crushed rot .3 a practice or product that can be used or re-used without cost to the environment sustainable .4 decay wood pulp .5 . material or fabric used to make clothes : Question Number One .Paper can be made from diferent kinds of materials. Mention two of them .1 .There are many advantages for ecycling paper. Write down two of them .2 .Paper makers take advantage of the parts of tres that can't be used in other industries. Give two examples .3 .Quote the sentence which indicates the time and place of irst making paper .4 According to the text, the writer states that we must save trees for the sake of our environment. Explain this statement .5 .suggesting three ways .Find a word in the fourth paragraph which means 'put under the ground .6 B. Critical thinking Recycling is becoming such an important isue for many people today. Think of this statement and, in two sentences write down your point of view
Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer all the questions that follow. Your : answer should be based on the text
When we talk about animal migration we mean the movement of an animal from the place where it has been living to a different place and the return journey to that animal's original home. Most animal migrations are recurrent events which happen at certain .times of the year. Animals usually migrate to find food or to raise their young Incredibly, most migrating animals follow the same route every year and from generation to generation. Land animals may cross mountains or forge rivers, while birds and insects travel extensive distances, sometimes across continents and oceans. Fish and other sea creatures may migrate halfway round the world. For example, the grey whale can travel as much as 20,000 .kilometres Many animals migrate to northern regions during the northern summer because the long summer days mean that there is always plenty of food . In the autumn, when the weather gets colder, many animals migrate south to find food and warmer weather ( the southern summer ) . Some animals migrate every year, doing the two journeys in one year, but others migrate only . if they need to find food or for more temperate weather : Question Number One .Animals migrate for many reasons. Write down two of them .1 Acording to the text, the writer states that some animals migrate northwards in summer and southwards in winter. Explain. .2 sugesting three reasons .Quote the sentence which shows that the migration of the animal occurs often and repeatedly .3 .Why do many animals migrate to northern regions during the northern summer .4 ."Find a word in the first paragraph which means "bring up children .5 : Critical Thinking . Animals' incredible instinctproves the greatness of Allah in two ways. Discuss In my opinion animals' incredible instinct proves the greatness of creator. For example animals immigrate to .far places, cross seas and mountains then they return home without being lost depending on their instinct word meaning word meaning temperate .1 having mild temperature original .5 first raise .2 bring up children recurrent .6 occurring often or repeatedly creature .3 a living thing / animal forge .7 advance steadily extensive .4 very long
Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer all the : questions that follow it. Your answer should be based on the text
In 2003, 410,000 non-British citizens came to live in the UK and 100,000 British people returned to their home country from Spain, Australia and other countries where they had gone to live or work. In the same period, 170,000 non-British citizens left the UK to live in other countries. 190,000 British people also left. This means a total increase of 150,000 in the British population, but where did all these immigrants come from and go to? Many new arrivals are economic migrants – people who come because .they can earn more money in Britain than in their own country Traditionally, many of these migrants used to come from countries in Africa or Asia, but now, growing numbers are from poorer countries in Eastern Europe such as Poland, Hungary or Russia. Many new migrants take low-paid jobs which British .people do not want to do, like cleaning, picking fruit and vegetables, looking after old people doing or repetitive factory work A minority come to work in well-paid jobs, for example as dentists or doctors . Many of these migrants do not intend to stay in Britain, and send some of their earnings home to their families. But even though they earn higher wages than they would in .their own countries, most economic migrants can only afford to live a simple life. Some share accommodation with another migrant family British citizens who leave the UK to live abroad go mainly to countries with warmer climates and cheaper houses, countries .like Spain, Greece, France or Turkey ( A. 1. Question Number One ( 20 points .Many migrants do some careers, mention two of these careers .1 .British people don't want to do some jobs. Write down two of these jobs .2 .British citizens leave their home to other countries for two reasons. Write down these reasons .3 .Two examples of well-paid jobs are mentioned. Write down these two jobs .4 .Quote the sentence which indicates that many migrants don’t want to live in Britain for long time .5 ? What does the underlined word "their" in first paragraph, refer to .6 .Acording to the text, the writer states that many people leave their countriesfor many reasons .7 .Explain this statement suggesting three reasons . ”Find a word in the second paragraph that means “the smaller number or part of a group .8 .According to the text, the writer states that many migrants face expensive life in Britain .9 Explain this statement. Justify your answer : B. Critical thinking There are many reasons which make people leave their home countries. Think of this .statement and two sentences write down your point of view I think this statement is true because many people leave their home countries for many reasons such as seeking a better life and completing their education. Also, there are other reasons like finding better lif
التفكير الناقد : يكتب عبارة او فكرة من القطعة ثم يطلب منك ان تكتب جملتين لتبدي رايك بها . . People emigrate from country to another for various reasons . Explain this statement, in two sentences, justifying your answer . 1 . I agree with this statement because people emigrate for work , safety and political reasons . They emigrate from their original countries to find a better life
. Recycling old materials is very important for our environment . Explain this statement, in two sentences, justifying your answer . 2 This statement is true because recycling the waste materials will save our environment . This will make us consume our . household waste again ? Nowadays technology has affected people's life a lot . Do you agree or disagree . 3 . Write two sentences expressing your own point of view Yes, I agree because technology helps people in learning to get modern sciences quickly and communicate with each other using . mobile phones and the internet . Besides , technology makes our life easier than before The activities of human beings are often the real cause of desertification. Explain this statement, in two sentences , . 4 . justifying your answer .This statement is true because farmers overcultivate and overgraze land which makes it unproductive . Also, these activities may make people travel to another place to find greener land
.The Internet is a useful and a valuable resource for information but it is important to use it safely and wisely . 5 I think this statement is true because we can use it negatively or positively. I think we should keep anti-virus software up-to-date be careful when opening any attachments or downloading files from emails. Besides, we shouldn't reply to emails that ask for personal information or pop-up messages .There are many reasons that make people leave their home countries . 6 .Think of this statement and, in two sentences, write down your point of view I think that people leave their home countries for many reasons such as seeking a better life, completing education and finding .better jobs. Another reason is learning about different cultures .Migrants face many problems and difficulties during their emigration to other countries . 7 I think that migrants may face many problems and difficulties during their emigration to other countries such as not adapting to .life and weather in new countries, learning their languages and learning about their cultures like habits and customs .Oil and other precious natural resources such as natural gas play an important role in economic success for any country . 8 I think that these natural resources will be a good income for any country to invest them in building new high-tech cities, .hospitals as well as modern schools ,Animal migration has advantages and disadvantages .Think of this statement and, in two sentences . 9 .write down your point of view I think that animal migration has advantages because these migrations often provide animals with more favourable conditions of temperature, food, or water to survive. On the other hand, animal migration has disadvantages such as . hunting by hunters who hunt them or kill them .Schools should encourage children to protect the environment by doing friendly activities .10 I think that schools should encourage children to protect the environment by doing friendly activities such as following ways of .saving the environment like saving water, planting trees and recycling waste materials As a result of desertification, countries which suffer from water shortage have to lead technology to sustain .11 .their water supply. Think of this statement and, in two sentences, write down your point of view I think that countries should look for some practical solutions for water shortage to decrease the daily amount of consumed water .by producing new approaches and plans by experts and organizations .Deforestation is harmful to people and climate .12 I think that deforestation destroys ancient forests and changes the world's climate. It also decreases the productivity of the soil and .erodes the soil. It has a devastating effect on people who depend on the rainforest for their needs .The Eden Project increases the local economy of England . 13 I think that the Eden Project increases the local economy of England by attracting visitors to come every year to see this living .plant museum. These visitors will spend money to reach , buy and see this living plant museum .Plants and insects help each other in order to survive .14 I think that plants and insects depend on each other in order to survive. Some plants attract insects to protect them, for example, .the acacia tree is famous for being protected by ants .Economic migrants may face many problems and difficulties during their emigration to other countries .15 I think that economic migrants may face many problems and difficulties during their emigration to other countries such as not . adapting to life and weather in new countries, not earning higher wages and not finding well-paid .Also, they may face expensive life such as higher prices in renting houses
.Migrants can benefit the society in which they live . 16 I think that migrants can benefit the society in which they live by helping with the development of the region and building high- .tech cities. They also send some of their earnings home to their families .Our climate is suffering from many dangerous changes that will affect our life negatively . 17 I think that these changes are caused by the misuse of energy. So we should help our climate from disastrous changes, so that we .can live our life appropriately .Greenhouse gases have advantages and disadvantages . 18 I think this statement is true because greenhouses keep the heat of the sun in and prevent our planet from freezing. On the other .hand, greenhouses gases increase the temperature of the Earth ______Suggestions According to the text, the writer states that governments are concerned with typical punishments for techno-criminals . 1 .in the future . Explain this statement, suggesting three ways for punishing techno-criminals : I think the government should put some laws in order to reduce tech-crimes . I suggest .Putting them into prison . 2. Forcing them to pay fines. 3. Re educating them to be useful members in the society .1
According to the text, the writer thinks that not all animals migrate . Explain this statement, suggesting three reasons . 4 .why some animals do not migrate
.Some animals do not migrate because they don’t have the same needs .They migrate only if they need to find food or for more temperate weather According to the text, the writer states that there will always be a demand for paper. Explain this statement, suggesting : three purposes of using paper. I think there will always be a demand for paper for different purposes : I suggest writing in schools – printing – carrying things According to the text, the writer states we have to make sure that we continue to recycle paper as much as possible. .Explain this statement, suggesting three advantages of recycling waste materials protecting natural resources - reducing pollution – saving water and electricity According to the text, the writer states that the dust produced by desertification affects human health. Explain this .statement, suggesting three dust risks on human health It affects the health of people living in cities thousands of kilometres away .It may cause lung diseases caused by the inhalation of dust . It may cause cancers .It may cause asthma and difficulty in breathing According to the text, the writer thinks that destroying a large area of the Amazon forest is illegal. Explain this statement, . suggesting three ways for protecting the Amazon forest from destruction .Banning and discouraging illegal logging in forest areas Reducing deforestation in the Amazon rainforest . Providing native populations with everything they need, from food and tools to medicines and shelter According to the text, the writer states that clearing the rainforest affects the future of the global environment. Clearing the rainforest causes soil erosion. Explain this statement, suggesting three risks on the environment global warming - desertification air pollution - According to the text, the writer sates that the Eden Project shows how human beings are dependent on plants. Explain .this statement, suggesting three examples that show how dependent human beings are on plants For food and drink - For medicine For materials and clothing -
According to the text, the writer thinks that many new migrants take low-paid jobs which British people do not want to .do . Explain this statement, suggesting three reasons They come from poorer countries They don't find well-paid jobs They earn higher wages than they would in their own countries According to the text, the writer thinks that scientists want authorities to introduce new laws to reduce greenhouse gas .increases . Explain this statement, suggesting three ways to reduce greenhouse gas increases
Stopping cutting down trees and rainforests Planting trees to remove carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen Growing our own food or buying local produce, where possible