Sabden and Whalley Medical Group

Sabden and Whalley Medical Group

Minutes of the Practice patient participation group meeting

held at whalley medical centre on the 26 September 2012 at 6.30pm


Pauline Stewart Marion Teulon Denis Teulon

Katie Read Joyce Holgate Doreen Street

Mary Bloy Stephen Finn Janine Telfer

Gillian Sowerbutts Anthony Galea Andrew Richards

Apologies for absence

Apologies of absence were received from Melrose Diack, Ummanga Jolly, Shirley Baxter, Maureen Sadler and Vera Pearson.

Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting had been distributed to all members of the Patient Group Forum and were passed as correct.

outstanding actions

Pauline Stewart had posted a response on the NHS choices website following comments made by a patient regarding the length of GP consultations (see attached).

Clitheroe Hospital update

Jackie Hadwen, Chief Executive of East Lancashire Building Partnership gave a very informative update regarding the development of Clitheroe Hospital. The main points were,

§  Plans to build a new £7.4million hospital have been submitted to Ribble Valley Borough Council.

§  The new build is a two storey building located on the vacant land off Chatburn Road/Pimlico Link Road.

§  The plans are for 33 inpatient beds with 17 single rooms all equipped with en-suite facilities and also 4 four-bed bays.

§  An integrated therapy suite bringing together rehabilitation, physiotherapy and occupational therapy to help patients recover sooner and to support people in their own homes.

§  65 car parking spaces.

§  Outline planning for a future residential development of the existing Clitheroe Community Hospital has been submitted to Ribble Valley Borough Council. Surplus land is to be sold in due course to help the NHS finance the development.

§  Planning consent is part of the final approvals needed for the building to go ahead.

§  A full business case is required from the NHS scheduled for October 2012.

§  There was some discussion regarding the future ownership of the building with the majority of East Lancashire PCT buildings being transferred to ‘NHS Properties’. Although there is no definite clarification, Jackie thought that once the building had been completed it would fall under the umbrella of ‘East Lancashire Hospitals’.

practice patient survey development

Following on from the last meeting, Pauline had received suggestions for the survey from Dr Jolly and Maureen Sadler.

After a long debate the group agreed that the survey should target two main areas,

§  Patient perception of the Practice waiting areas

o  Notice boards

o  Patient information leaflets

o  Displays

§  Patient recognition of the services provided by the Practice

o  Practice website

o  Online appointments

o  Late night surgeries

o  Sabden branch surgery

o  Self monitor BP machine

o  Online repeat prescription ordering

The group agreed that the survey should be delivered opportunistically to patients attending Whalley surgery and the branch surgery at Sabden. It was also agreed that the survey should be kept to no more than twelve questions – Practice to draw up a survey and then discuss it with Dr Jolly for her input as she had previously expressed an interest in being involved with the questionnaire.

practice Development

Pauline was pleased to announce to the group that Dr Aneesa Patel would be starting at the Practice on the 8 October 2012. Dr Patel had been a previous ST3 Doctor at the Practice two years ago and would be working two days a week to meet the demands of an increasing list size – Pauline to invite Dr Patel to the next meeting.

Pauline informed the group that the Practice’s current IT clinical software provider will be withdrawing from GP/Primary Care in October 2013. This has meant that the Practice has had no choice but to agree to a move to a new clinical system ‘EMIS Web’ which is scheduled to take place in July 2013. This will involve considerable disruption for the Practice as it is a huge upgrade and will result in around five days without an IT system.

Pauline notified the group that the Summary Care Record was now back on track. Although there had been some setbacks, it is estimated that a target of around 40 million people will have a Summary Care Record by 2014. The record will only include demographics, medications and sensitivities.

Pauline briefly outlined Care Quality Commissioning which is a legal requirement for all GP surgeries to be registered by April 2013. Dr Brown is the Practice lead in this area – Pauline to invite Dr Brown to the next meeting.

Any other business

Prior to the meeting, Mr Teulon had raised two items that he wished to discuss, however due to time constraints, it was felt that these could be postponed until the next meeting that Mr Teulon was able to attend.

The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday 15 January 2013 at 6.30pm.