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Health – Grade 6 Page 1 of 10 May 2003 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Body Systems Approx. Time Allotment: Standards: A. 10.1.6 A-C,E; 10.2.6 A,C,D,E; 10.3.6 B; 10.5.6 A Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology A. Body Systems Teacher made tests Textbook 1. Demonstrate the understanding of the Research projects Library resources major functions of different body systems Rubrics and their Computer products Computers interaction with each other. Student evaluation Supplemental literature a) Discuss the function of the body Class participation Handouts systems. Worksheets Worksheets b) Label major organs/parts of the body Games Internet research system assigned Puzzels/Wordsearches Videos c) Collect facts about an assigned body Oral presentations system Homework Guest speakers d) Apply research to produce a creative Teacher observation Optional resources that may be project Posters used at the discretion of the e) Distinguish the difference between a instructor healthy and unhealthy heart Art supplies Music
Health – Grade 6 Page 2 of 10 May 2003 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Body Systems Approx. Time Allotment: Standards: A. 10.1.6 A-C,E; 10.2.6 A,C,D,E; 10.3.6 B; 10.5.6 A Adaptations/Inclusion Multicultural/Interdisciplinary Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Techniques Connection IEP adaptations Creative opportunities for Provide additional tie for instruction and Language Arts: Poems, writing Breaking down tasks into more projects/homework practice assignments, literature connections and manageable steps Use of open-ended questions Provide supplemental activities readings Hands-on activities Community involvement Group work Computer use Social Studies: Respect for differences Preferential setting Use of multiple intelligences Math: Statistics Adaptation of assignments and expectations Science: All body systems, study of More time disorders, hygiene and drug interaction Individual aide with the body
Art: Posters and creation of visual aids and models
Music: Set moods
Multicultural: Disabilities
Health – Grade 6 Page 3 of 10 May 2003 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Puberty Approx. Time Allotment: Standards: B. 10.1.6 A,B,E; 10.2.6 A-E; 10.5.6 A Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology B. Puberty Teacher made tests Textbook 1. Describe the physical and emotional Research projects Library resources changes that occur during puberty Rubrics a) Identify the male and female hormones Computer products Computers 2. Recognize habits that protect male and Student evaluation Supplemental literature female reproductive health. Class participation Handouts Worksheets Worksheets Games Internet research Puzzels/Wordsearches Videos Oral presentations Homework Guest speakers Teacher observation Optional resources that may be Posters used at the discretion of the instructor Art supplies Music
Health – Grade 6 Page 4 of 10 May 2003 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Puberty Approx. Time Allotment: Standards: B. 10.1.6 A,B,E; 10.2.6 A-E; 10.5. A Adaptations/Inclusion Multicultural/Interdisciplinary Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Techniques Connection IEP adaptations Creative opportunities for Provide additional tie for instruction and Language Arts: Poems, writing Breaking down tasks into more projects/homework practice assignments, literature connections and manageable steps Use of open-ended questions Provide supplemental activities readings Hands-on activities Community involvement Group work Computer use Social Studies: Respect for differences Preferential setting Use of multiple intelligences Math: Statistics Adaptation of assignments and expectations Science: All body systems, study of More time disorders, hygiene and drug interaction Individual aide with the body
Art: Posters and creation of visual aids and models
Music: Set moods
Multicultural: Disabilities
Health – Grade 6 Page 5 of 10 May 2003 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Drugs Approx. Time Allotment: Standards: C. 10.1.6 D,E; 10.2.6 A,B,C,D,E; 10.3.6 D; 10.5.6 A,B,C,D Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology C. Drugs Teacher made tests Textbook 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the Research projects Library resources dangerous effects of different drugs on the Rubrics body. Computer products Computers a) Identify categories of drugs and their Student evaluation Supplemental literature effect on the body. Class participation Handouts b) Apply information to produce a project Worksheets Worksheets c) Examine types of drugs Games Internet research 2. Recognize factors that may lead people Puzzels/Wordsearches Videos to drug abuse. Oral presentations a) List why people abuse drugs Homework Guest speakers Teacher observation Optional resources that may be Posters used at the discretion of the instructor Art supplies Music
Health – Grade 6 Page 6 of 10 May 2003 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Drugs Approx. Time Allotment: Standards: C. 10.1.6D,E; 10.2.6 A,B,C,D,E; 10.3.6 D; 10.5.6 A,B,C,D Adaptations/Inclusion Multicultural/Interdisciplinary Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Techniques Connection IEP adaptations Creative opportunities for Provide additional tie for instruction and Language Arts: Poems, writing Breaking down tasks into more projects/homework practice assignments, literature connections and manageable steps Use of open-ended questions Provide supplemental activities readings Hands-on activities Community involvement Group work Computer use Social Studies: Respect for differences Preferential setting Use of multiple intelligences Math: Statistics Adaptation of assignments and expectations Science: All body systems, study of More time disorders, hygiene and drug interaction Individual aide with the body
Art: Posters and creation of visual aids and models
Music: Set moods
Multicultural: Disabilities
Health – Grade 6 Page 7 of 10 May 2003 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: D. Tobacco Approx. Time Allotment: Standards: D. 10.1.6 D,E; 10.2.6 A-E; 10.5.6 A,D Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology D. Tobacco Teacher made tests Textbook 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the Research projects Library resources dangers of tobacco and smokeless tobacco Rubrics on the body. Computer products Computers 2. Identify harmful substances in tobacco Student evaluation Supplemental literature and smokeless tobacco. Class participation Handouts Worksheets Worksheets Games Internet research Puzzels/Wordsearches Videos Oral presentations Homework Guest speakers Teacher observation Optional resources that may be Posters used at the discretion of the instructor Art supplies Music
Health – Grade 6 Page 8 of 10 May 2003 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: D. Tobacco Approx. Time Allotment: Standards: D. 10.1.6 D,E; ;10.2.6 A-E; 10.5.6 A.D Adaptations/Inclusion Multicultural/Interdisciplinary Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Techniques Connection IEP adaptations Creative opportunities for Provide additional tie for instruction and Language Arts: Poems, writing Breaking down tasks into more projects/homework practice assignments, literature connections and manageable steps Use of open-ended questions Provide supplemental activities readings Hands-on activities Community involvement Group work Computer use Social Studies: Respect for differences Preferential setting Use of multiple intelligences Math: Statistics Adaptation of assignments and expectations Science: All body systems, study of More time disorders, hygiene and drug interaction Individual aide with the body
Art: Posters and creation of visual aids and models
Music: Set moods
Multicultural: Disabilities
Health – Grade 6 Page 9 of 10 May 2003 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: E. Disabilities Approx. Time Allotment: Standards: E. 10.1.6 A,B,D,E; 10.2.6 A,E; 10.3.6 D,E; 10.5.6 A,C,D Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology E. Disabilities Teacher made tests Textbook 1. Understanding of abilities and Research projects Library resources Rubrics limitations of various physical and Computer products Computers neurological disabilities. Student evaluation Supplemental literature a) Identify different types of Class participation Handouts disabilities Worksheets Worksheets b) Recognize signs and symptoms Games Internet research of various disabilities Puzzels/Wordsearches Videos Oral presentations Homework Guest speakers Teacher observation Optional resources that may be Posters used at the discretion of the instructor Art supplies Music
Health – Grade 6 Page 10 of 10 May 2003