Life Origin Centre for Meditation & Healing Arts

Life Origin Centre for Meditation & Healing Arts


( Life Origin ─ Centre for Meditation & Healing Arts )

【Trauma Healing創傷治療~Workshop I & II 】

20-23/4/2013 (Sat ~ Tue)

Attend a comprehensive workshop (either two days or four days) that will explore aspects of healing from trauma. Each day will include modern theoretical concepts to deepen the understanding of trauma as well as opportunities for participants to do experiential exercises to personally explore healing from trauma. Psychotherapists will gain understanding of trauma from the mind / body healing approach of Bioenergetics. There will be opportunities for individuals to address their own trauma issues in individual, dyadic or group sessions. These workshops are appropriate for professionals as well as the general public.

Workshop I: 1. TRAUMA and the MIND(創傷與思想)

 Introduction; Overview; Outline;
 Definitions: Developmental versus Shock Trauma; PTSD
 Latest research on neuroscience, the Brain and trauma (Dan Siegel; Bessel Van der Kolk) :


Arousal Patterns and the Brain (Allan Schore; Ruth Newton)
 Trauma and Loss-complicated and uncomplicated grief (Kalshed)
Group Exercises (Bioenergetic grounding, breathing, calming)

2. TRAUMA and the BODY(創傷與身體)

 Introduction to Bioenergetic theory and Concepts (chronic tension, stress and trauma responses)

(Al Lowen)
 The Healing Power of Emotions: Case examples from Trauma clients
Group Exercises: Trauma Releasing exercises
 Working with Fight/flight/freeze responses
Individual Sessions: featuring work with gym bands to release frozen flight patterns(Schroeter)
 Closing discussion

Workshop II: 3. TRAUMA and RELATIONSHIPS(創傷與關係 )

Attachment theory-lecture and updates (Bowlby, Ainsworth, Main)
Bonding and Trauma-lecture on Regulation Therapy (Allan Schore; Ruth Newton)
Role Play : baby/parent sensory preference bonding dyads (Schroeter)
Group Therapy / Debrief

4. TRAUMA and the HUMAN SPIRIT(創傷與心靈)

The Inhibition of the Human Spirit from Trauma
Transforming Trauma to regain joy and freedom
Bioenergeticexercises-energizing, centering; expressive;
Individual Sessions to work with trauma.
Closing discussion

培訓師:Vincentia Schroeter , PhD Clinical Psychology, MFT, CBT

As a teacher I have taught group counseling at San Francisco State University and classes in abnormal psychology to doctoral students at The California institute for Human Science in Encinitas. I coordinate the four-year certification training program for the San Diego Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis and am on the faculty at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine teaching the important dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship to acupuncture students.
I am very passionate about the importance of a strong relationship between therapist and client and feel that it is an crucial aspect in teaching. Incorporated in our three courses that students take over their four years at PCOM are concepts from western psychology including the most modern research and methods for successful outcomes as well as concepts integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine.
We emphasize balance and well roundedness in the practitioner, and a willingness to pursue personal growth and self-examination. We incorporate various types of meditation in each of the classes. We teach how to listen actively, to communicate clearly and compassionately, as well as how to manage resistance, conflict, and other emotional aspects of difficult cases. I believe that the more one knows him or herself, the less their ego image is invested in their role as healer, inviting their heart to gain power in their work. The goal of these courses is to help the practitioner become a full-hearted instrument of health.
I love teaching, am very good at managing a class, and use humor to support my natural enthusiasm for people’s progress in learning. I enjoy presenting and bring a background in theatre to my presentation skills. I would love to use material from the three clinical counseling courses to present seminars at conferences and to teach nationally and internationally.
Besides papers on aspects of Bioenergetics published in the Whistler Conference Journals and the Black Butte Conference journals, Vincentia wrote a chapter based on her research on early attachment in a book called, Babies and Bioenergetics. I also wrote a chapter on Grief in,Body Psychotherapy in Progressive and Chronic Disorders. I also co-author a textbook written for Bioenergetic trainees and therapists called Bend Into Shape.


B.A. M.A. Clinical Psychology University San Francisco, PhD Clinical Psychology Summit University


Self Psychology Study Group with Sanford Shapiro, MD

Somatic Experiencing: Work on Shock Trauma with Peter Levine, MD

Infant Mental Health Study Group with Constance Lillas, PhD

Certified Bioenergetic Analyst (Northern Ca. Bioenergetic Society, 1980)

Professional Affiliations:

San Diego North County Ca. Assn. of Marriage and Family Therapists

California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

San Diego Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Board of Directors; Coordinating Trainer)

International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (International Faculty)

Earliest Relationship Network (Founding Member)

【 WorkshopI】 日期:20-21/4/2013 (星期六、日)

【 WorkshopII 】日期:22-23/4/2013 (星期一、二)


時間:9:30 am – 6:00 pm

語言:英語授課 (視乎需要安排廣東話翻譯)



費用:會員$2600 / 非會員$2800 (每個工作坊)

若同時報讀工作坊I & II,可獲優惠價:會員 $4800 / 非會員 $5000

早鳥優惠:(31/3日前報名及繳費作實):會員 $2400 / 非會員 $2600

若同時報讀工作坊I & II,可獲優惠價:會員 $4600 / 非會員 $4800



Bioenergetic Psychotherapy( 生物能治療)

生物能治療 ( Bioenergetic Psychotherapy) 透過身體結構分析及於能量層面理解人格行為,同時運用有關技術溶化「肌肉盔甲」,溶化藏於身體及潛意識的情緒能量,這是一個帶有深度清洗負面情緒能量的方法,身體及心靈會變得更放鬆、更敏銳、更喜悅、更植根於大地( Grounding )及歸於自己的中心( Centering )。

Bioenergetic Psychotherapy( also known as Bioenergetic Analysis), developed by Dr. Alexander Lowen in 1950s, believe that there is an association between the mind and the body. Body stores the negative emotional reactions and “records” them as muscle tension and stiffness, low energy levels and poor posture.

To return in the state of healthy body and peaceful and balanced mind, individuals must discharge the muscularchronic tension, suppressed emotions and physical imbalances. Therefore to improve the situation of the individuals, bioenergetics excites the muscles and emotional health by use of various kinds of bioenergetics exercises & techniques.

Bioenergetics therapists “study” the muscular movements, breathing, tone of voice and emotions to determine physical or psychological problems of the patients. By balancing the energy and electrical disturbances within the body of the individuals and removing the toxins, the body can restore to health by itself.This therapy is related to the aliveness of the body. The more alive the body is, the more energy it has and vice-versa.


工作坊名稱 / 工作坊I 20-21/4/2013 
工作坊II 22-23/4/2013 
姓名 (中文) / 姓名 (英文)
性 別 / 電郵地址
電話 / 學費金額 / 會員:______
報名日期 / 繳費方式 / 支票號碼:______
入賬:中銀戶口 012-802-000-79292


一年會費$200,如四月加入,則以三季計算 ($150),如此類推!(1-3 /4-6 /7-9/ 10-12月)




連同抬頭「Life Origin」或「生命原點」劃線支票,郵寄至:

「香港葵涌工業街17-21號美安工業大廈20/F C1室生命原點」收。




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地址:香港葵涌工業街17-21號美安工業大廈20/F C1室 (葵興地鐵A出口 步行約五分鐘)

電話:852 - 26199648 手提:852 – 90877043 傳真:852 - 26199646

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