Into the World-Module C

Into The World-Module C

Growing up, life’s journey, transition, change, catalysts; Developing relationships ( family, friends , intimate), self esteem, responsibility, dealing with consequences, broadening perspectives, understanding and empathy

The Story of Tom Brennan,

1.  Into the world- learning from experience/ situations, growth- personal, physical and emotional, transition of home and school/change, catalyst of Daniel’s anger and eventual crash/ incarceration; Developing relationships ( family- parents, siblings, extended family, friends-new and old , intimate-Chrissy), self esteem- growth from traumatic event and its guilt, confusion and depression, responsibility- for one’s actions and living beyond the impact of others actions, dealing with consequences- depression, blame, guilt, broadening perspectives- being able to move on

2.  recognise the change in others and developing a sense of self, understanding and empathy emerges for all as the year progresses= renewed objectivity, respect, consideration, appreciation and tolerance THROUGH CHARACTERS CHANGING beliefs, values, knowledge , perspective, experiences, ideals, outlook and thinking

3.  Themes-

A)  Responsibility to self and others

B)  Choices- be law abiding, a friend, fulfil one’s obligations

C)  Consequences- Positive-growth, insight, maturation, self awareness

Negative- loss, regret, guilt, depression and alienation

4.  Characterisation- told from a teenage perspective, innocent, yet very complex view point that allows the reader to appreciate the impact the crash has on all members of not only the immediate family members but their extended family, the victims and the community as well; giving a diverse and holistic overview.

5.  Language features-

A)  First person narrative

B)  Subjective, reflective tone

C)  Emotive language

D)  Colloquial terms

E)  Clichés and Aussie-isms

F)  Dialogue

G)  Flashbacks

H)  Depression motifs

I)  Repetition of silences

6.  Plot structure- 2 distinct sections// Prologue- Chapter 10 AND Chapter 11- Chapter 19

A)  orientation/ prologue

B)  Complications highlighted through flashbacks

C)  Climax- the game against St John’s

D)  Resolution- all moving on; still progressing

QUOTES and important symbolism



The story begins at the end in a retrospective tone, unlined with a sense of shame and distain about the situation about to unfold for Tom Brennan and his family. Even from the outset is intertwined with a motif of silence

Chapter 1

The main characters are introduced; The grandma-the matriarch, the narrator Tom, sister- Kylie, the catalyst and brother- Daniel, mum, dad and uncle Brendan

Flashbacks- of the “usual” Australia Day celebrations to show the complete paradox with their “reality and horror”

Bias subjective commentary of their now life and home, to which the Brennans are slow and reluctant to adjust to

Bitter overtones- weather motifs and vivid descriptions add to the depressive “hellish” atmosphere

Many images of hurt and individual internal suffering

Language in the dialogue is stilted and awkward. It is simplistic in its style and reflective with a negative tone. It is tainted with resentment and disgust at their new existence

Much silence is repeated throughout

Chapter 2

Hyperbole and exaggeration with colloquial terms that express frustration and hopelessness

The “cave” is symbolic of their oppressive home and state of mind

Reflective, emotive, colloquial commentary of past situations

Kylie’s bitterness towards football, its implications ( and unity) and guilt for their present situation of having to move away

Contrasting views of Daniel by the siblings- Tom and Kylie – haunting, ghost, bad aura, he is the reason for all that has occurred...... but is he?

Total dismissal of life’s expectations “there was no hope Tom is totally closed off from what is around him. Opportunity and a positive future, because he believes, at this point “there was nothing”

Rhetorical self questioning and Silence provokes panic, fear and shame as Kylie “didn’t answer”

Flashback- tells of the prelude to the event that changed all their lives- emotive, very personal use of colloquial language, detailing important background information

“five months “ is a time indicator

Lies “ it’s cool” shows Tom is still hurting

Location and a sense of distance is given between the towns “nearly six hours south east”

25-Resentful tone “ I hate it all” New town and the move

26-Change is beginning “ It was all ending in reality” showing Tom’s intrepid move back into the world

Chapter 3

29- the new school

33- Daniel’s girlfriend and his jealousy, catalyst for his behaviour ? First hint

34- Repetition of the community’s thoughts on Daniel’s character

38- Flashback of the party “ well piissed”, “really drunk”, “he’s a loser”

48- Kylie’s “ a bit uptight” Mother’s silence concerns Tom

49- “ She (mum) didn’t see me”

Chapter 4

50- A)St Marguerite- ironic twist and the Brennan’s reality B) past joys ruined by grandfather-n who is very similar to Daniel in his selfishness and lack of consideration of others “ the most awesome tree house and gran’s chook pens... flattened to make room

51 A) Symbolism of Cain and Abel- Biblical rivalry of two brothers B) reflective statement, with tone of regret and resentment “ Pa lost the family business betting on the horses.. Fin was the one who really loved horse.. Pa.. only took ever Daniel” C) Realisation of the permanency of change “ Knowing more tan anything I’d ever known, ..things would never be the same”

52-Urgency in the Dialogue “ Dan’s stacked it ( screaming)..they’re.. I can’t.. fucken hurry”

52/53- “ I hated the past, and yet I hated the present.. more”

55- visual description of mother/ son relationship- Tom becomes more understanding of mother’s overwhelming depression

56- Silence

57- A)“ only a week ago... I was so numb.. in the end it got too much..days ..had no beginning or end.. one merged into the next and the next..” B) Kylie and Tom’s reaction to having to move

58- A) “ no one is to know.. No one” B) Impact of the letter + Daniel, Dad, Kylie and Becky

59- Metaphor- “ I wanted to eat the words, make them my sustenance for the emptiness growing in my guts”

60/61- Aunt Kathy and Fin- their deteriorating condition

63- Kylie’s new friend , Brianna Henderson

63/64- Nan’s insensitivity

64- Silence

Chapter 5

Daniel is spoken about throughout-

66- the chick- Chrissy

66/67- “the Grandpa” deception

68- “ How’d we end up here” “Apparently dan’s in a bad way” “No one tells me anything”

70- flashback- “That dark look..his eyes flashed .. looked evil and freakish.. “I’m going to kill you”.. I believed him... held me under.. I can remember my head wanting to explode and how SILENT it was”

71- A) flashbash- Fin 3 days after the accident-“ They didn’t think he was going to make it... all we could do was stand around, stunned and silent” B) “he’d never be the real Fin, the Fin I knew” C) “paraplegic” and St Osmond

73- the reality of spinal injuries and the rules

75- Aunt Kathy’s overview and Tom’s reaction “ tense... go back to my room.. the darknes of the cave”

76- the crash flashback and the irony of Daniel’s escape from injury.

Chapter 6

77- A)“ I wanted to go to wherever home was now, and stare into space” B)” another great weekend, the gaol run or the hospital run”

78- Flashback of those injured and dead in the car and Daniel “ Running into the silence of death”

79- A) Daniel’s lack of responsibility and others reactions to the accident “ Fuck! Fuck! No! No!”, “ the piercing silence of death”

80- “ We only had his face to guide us....’I ,I can’t feel nothing...nothing’ “

81- Realisation-“The relief of Daniel being ok”

83-Rhetorical questioning- “ Why was is back to tip toeing and pretending?”

83/85- Mum’s depression, Tom’s reaction and his mother’s love

85- Kylie’s change and her openness about the situation- here Tom contrasts there different responses with dealing and coping with it

88- Rory

90- Significance of the Wattle Shield Cup

91- “We were close and...private” “ It was torture... I shut down”

92- The pool and friends

93- “zapping me out of my paranoia” “for once I felt free and light”

94- “ we were too busy splashing and dunking each other”

95- “ I felt movement in my shorts.. Chrissy.. Jonny’s sister..” “ the black curtain descending down on me”

Chapter 7

96- Tom’s time alone

97/99 Conversation with old mate Matt, changes in the former town and Tom’s reaction in an incredibly evocative reflective train of thought“ I curled myself into a little ball, hid my head in my knees and let the darkness suck me deep into its belly”

100- “ I can’t eat anything... of to bed”

101- “alone” “Sunday’s.. 28th of August..”

102- A community view-Luke’s dad response

103- Flashback of Daniel’s bail and its conditions

104- Flashback of returning to the community ( Monday) “ I was shit scared of opening that door and walking into the town”

105- to mother’s reluctance to see Daniel in his true light and have him, and her take responsibility through her inane questioning of Tom- instead of nurturing him through this episode “ So you are sure it was Daniel who was driving.. Are you sure?”

106- “ I can’t believe you’re asking me this... It’s the truth” “Flashback “ That week our house was in chaos”

107- The town of Mumbilli was bleeding... the only thing we had was a guilty plea... one of the worst things was watching them(parents) seeing the hurt, shame and fear...( the plea) shows an acceptance of responsibility, an honesty of character.. sentence may be a little shorter “ ( which in fact was NOT Daniel at this point)

108- Kylie’s view of Daniel through her dialogue OF A PRIOR EVENT “ That he was so drunk and aggro... smashing bottles.. beat Claire up.. Daniel sat there.. he didn’t move”

108/109- the Hearing “ life is worth something, and Daniel took two away”

Chapter 8

111- Kylie’s physical change “ black shit on her eyes”

112- the ascent “ Daniel’s whine- symbolic of his lack of responsibility and selfishness

113- Daniel –“ If it’s this hard to get to heaven I’d rather go to hell” of Tom “I’ve never seen you so stationary. You’re looking bloody awful”

114- ( football) “It’s a chance, Tommy” “playing football would never be the same” “pep you up a bit.. It’s in your blood” “ i could feel the emptiness pumping away in my veins “

115-“ Dinner...Here it was answered with silence”

116-Tom’s insight- Kylie was up to something

Chapter 9

117/118- The list becomes Tom’s map, his reaction “It pissed me off” “I needed to get away ... I don’t want to play this isn’t my life anymore”

118/119 “ nearly every afternoon .....Daniel and I’d practice... it felt like an understanding between us... we could feel it in our blood”

119- “ I was awarded best and fairest for the third year in a row” “I was picked... in the firsts...the youngest ever”

120- “ the legend of the Brennan Brothers” “back to school.. the teachers and most of the kids were okay” Realisation “ I just couldn’t believe this’d happened .. to me, my family...happen to other people, not the Brennans”

121- “my brain was seriously AWOL... never ( talked) to the oldies ... they were too busy with Daniel” “ Talbot estimated ... as long as eight years nothing less than three” “ (Daniel)he didn’t sleep , eat, hardly spoke, never smiled... He cried buckets”

121/124- Nicole’s family letter is the family’s low point

123- Daniel was an accident waiting to happen”

124- Tom reminiscing about their life before “ club on Friday.. Saturday... Sports day... coaching... chatting to everyone... Sunday was mass... few people over for lunch” Realisation of the present “.. that all stopped”

124/125 The community’s reaction to the Brennans

125- Claire’s fate “ Claire didn’t even stay and sit her finals... overseas... jobs as a nanny.. one more loss”

126- Sentencing day- “There aren’t words to sayhow black and empty that pain felt. It was deeper than the darkest hole. It had no beginning and no end... the panic was suffocating... he looked shit scared”

127/129- the judge’s sentencing and prison term- ending in silence

Chapter 10

130/131- Mother’s profile nd Tom’s reaction to her turmoil “ It wasn’t just her breath that smelt, it was her body..nightie.. hair”

131/132- The mother’s focus “ work on getting him ( Daniel) through... that’s the most important thing.. tell him I’m always thinking of him”

133 Silence “ I didn’t want to spill my guts” Tom’s anticipation of seeing Daniel in prison “ exactly what was I going to find

134/136- Westleigh Prison “ Everything about this place felt hot and sticky, like a good clean was in order... greasy smell”

138- Daniel’s likeness to his mother

139- “ silence ...more silence” the apology from Daniel to Tom and his realisation “ I fucked up everything (repeated)

140- Brendan does NOT have a choice but to stay

142- Dan at a Peer Support Facility- external help Tom begins to run

144- “ Daniel was depressed with a big ‘D’” The program will provide Dan with...

145- Daniel and his grandfather’s relationship

146- Tom’s demeanour begins to improve as seen in his body language but his depression still has a hold on him “ whistled..hungry.. ( but his body was ) telling me not to get too comfortable”