Free Enterprise Dessert Project Rubric Student Name: ______

Free Enterprise Dessert Project Rubric—Student Name: ______

Category / Advanced / Proficient / Basic / Below Basic
Budget (15 pts) / Student indicates how money was spent for ingredients and other products. Budget is added up and clearly displayed. (15) / Student partially indicates how money was spent for ingredients and other products. Budget is added up and clearly displayed. (10) / Student partially indicates how money was spent for ingredients and other products. (5) / Student does not indicate how money was spent for ingredients and other products. (0)
Estimated Profit (10 pts) / Student explains and shows how they made a profit correctly and completely. (10) / Student partially explains and shows how they made a profit correctly and completely. (7) / Student partially explains and shows how they made a profit. Profit is not correctly calculated. (4) / Student does not explain or show how they made a profit correctly and completely. (0)
List of Ingredients (15 pts) / Student lists all ingredients needed including prices. (15) / Student lists all ingredients needed.(10) / Student lists some of the ingredients needed. (5) / Student lists no ingredients.(0)
Clever Name(10 pts) / Student creates a clever and creative name. (10) / Student creates a creative name for their cookie. (7) / Student creates name for their cookie but it is not original. (4) / Student creates a clever and creative name for their cookie. (0)
Advertisement (25 pts) / Student uses persuasive writing to create an advertisement to attract customers. Student creates a slogan for their cookie and displays the advertisement. (25) / Student uses some persuasive writing to create an advertisement to attract customers. (15) / Student partially creates an advertisement to attract customers. (10) / Student does not display an advertisement. (0)
Overall Creativity and Presentation (25 pts) / Student’s poster/ presentation is detailed, colorful and neat. Effort is evident. (25) / Student’s poster/ presentation is detailed, colorful and neat. Some effort is evident. (15) / Little effort is evident in the creation of the poster/ presentation. (10) / No effort is evident in the creation of the poster/ presentation (0)

Total points earned: ______

Minus 5 points per day project was late: (5 X ____ days late=) - ______

Plus extra points earned for bringing in actual cookie/dessert (10 points): + ______

Grand Total and Grade for the Project: ______