Middleton Road, Winterslow Transport Statement

February 2017 Primetower Properties





PB-Associates Document No: 028.0011/TS/2

Status: Original Copy No:

Name Signature Date

Prepared by: Shannon Betteridge October 2016

Checked: Stewart Rose October 2016

PBA Approved: Jon Huggett October 2016

Revision Record

Rev. Date By Summary of Changes Chkd Aprvd 2 23.02.17 SR Client Comment JH JH

Primetower Properties Ltd Paul Basham Associates Ltd 1 Park Place Lancaster Court North Road 8 Barnes Wallis Road Poole Fareham Dorset BH14 0LY PO15 5TU





Figures Figure 1 - Site Location Figure 2- Existing Site Conditions Figure 3- Middleton Road Existing Conditions Figure 4 - Public Rights of Way Figure 5 - Local Cycle Routes (sustrans.org) Figure 6 –Local PIA Data

Tables Table 1 –Proximity to Local Amenities Table 2 - Local Bus Services Table 3 - Accommodation Schedule Table 4 - Council's Car Parking Standards Table 5 - Wiltshire Council's Cycle Parking Standards Table 6 - Proposed Vehicle Trip Generation Table 7 - Proposed Pedestrian Trip Generation

Appendices Appendix A - Site Layout Appendix B – Accessibility Map Appendix C – Visibility Splays Appendix D – Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender Tracking Appendix E – Private Housing Trip Generation

Middleton Road, Winterslow Page | 1 Paul Basham Associates Ltd Transport Statement Report No 028.0011/TS/2


1.1 This Transport Statement (TS) has been prepared by Paul Basham Associates (PBA) on behalf of Primetower Properties Ltd to support an outline planning application for a residential development of 46 dwellings west of Middleton Road, Winterslow. The site location is demonstrated in Figure 1 with the site layout included as Appendix A.

Figure 1: Site Location

1.2 The scope of this TS considers site accessibility, proposed accommodation schedule, car parking requirements, access arrangements, visibility splays, servicing arrangements, proposed highway impact on the local road network and draws conclusions from this assessment.

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Site and Surroundings 2.1 The development site is located in Winterslow, approximately 14km east of Salisbury and 20km south west of Andover. The development site is currently undeveloped greenfield land and is bordered by residential properties to the north and east, woodland to the west and arable land to the south. The site and its surroundings are demonstrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Existing Site Conditions

2.2 Middleton Road, onto which the vehicular access is proposed, has a carriageway width of c.4.4m. A footway flanks the western side of the carriageway c.200m south of the proposed site access. Middleton Road is subject to a 30mph speed limit across the site frontage. The existing conditions on Middleton Road are demonstrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Middleton Road Existing Conditions

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2.3 The location of local facilities, services and amenities available within Winterslow and the surrounding area is illustrated in an accessibility map, included as Appendix B. A table summary of the available facilities is shown in Table 1.

2.4 The site will link into the existing footpath network (see figure 4), which, coupled with low vehicular speeds, provides an attractive pedestrian and cycle network between Bath and Eastleigh.

2.5 Footpaths will be implemented as part of the development to the northwest corner of the site connecting to Woodland Drive and Highfield Crescent. Another pedestrian link will be provided within the site running parallel to Middleton Road.

2.6 The site’s proximity to existing local amenities, pedestrian and cycle networks presents a good opportunity to encourage the use of sustainable transport and create a sustainable development. A summary of the local facilities and their associated walking/ cycling distances are shown in Table 1.

Amenity Approximate Distance Walking Time (mins) Cycling Time (mins) Post Office 500m 7 3 Primary School 700m 9 3 Bus Stop 150m 2 1 Convenience Store 500m 7 3 Bank 500m 7 3 Doctors 290m 3 1 Table 1: Proximity to Local Amenities

Pedestrian Network 2.7 Winterslow benefits from an extensive Public Right of Way (PROW) network (Figure 4). The proposals also include the development of nine pedestrian links from within the site which would connect to existing PROW’s WSL041, WSL042, WSL049 and existing trails within Brown’s Copse woodland.

2.8 The development of these footways would improve pedestrian infrastructure in the local area and would encourage site users and local residents to walk to local facilities situated within a 5 minute walk of the site. The development is maximising the available opportunity to travel sustainably by making the most of the existing pedestrian permeability around the site.

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Figure 4: Public Rights of Way

Cycle Network 2.9 The Local Road Network (LRN) benefits from low vehicle volumes that helps make cycling a more attractive mode of transport. Furthermore, the site is located 9km north of National Cycle Network 24 which connects Bath to Eastleigh via Romsey, Frome and Radstock. This is primarily an on-road route.

2.10 Figure 5 illustrates the NCN in close vicinity of the site. There are a number of cycle routes available which provide a mix of on-road and traffic free routes.

Figure 5: Local Cycle Routes (Sustrans.org)

Bus and Rail Links 2.11 The site is located in the vicinity of a limited number of bus stops that provide services into Salisbury and the surrounding area. The stops are served by Salisbury Reds, Tourist coaches and Wheeler Travel bus services. All services operating within the local area are shown in the Table 2.

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Service Destination Operator Monday- Saturdays Sunday and Friday Bank Holidays 87 Andover- The Salisbury Reds/ Three in the Every other - Wallops- Wheelers Travel AM and one hour until Salisbury in the PM 1250 and one other at 1724 88 Salisbury, Salisbury Reds One in the - - Laverstoke- PM only Firstdown- Winterslow 288 Pitton- Tourist Coaches One in the - - Firstdown- AM only Winterslows- Test Valley School* Table 2: Local Bus Services *School Service only

2.12 As part of the Southcott Home residential development north of Woodland Drive (15/09902/FUL) improvements are being made to provide an eastbound sheltered bus stop on Middleton Road. Improvements have been made to provide a bus shelter and informal pedestrian crossing near Young’s Paddock (see Photograph 1). This improvement has made the bus stop more accessible for pedestrians. These improvements further encourage the use of local public transport facilities.

Photograph 1: Improvements made to bus stop near Young’s Paddock

2.13 Salisbury has a Park and Ride service that operates from Bishopdown and provides a frequent, direct and cost effective route into the centre of Salisbury. Bishopdown is a 14 minute drive from Winterslow and buses operate every 15 minutes. Tickets cost £2.50 for a return journey.

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Rail Services 2.14 The closest railway station to the site is Dean Railway Station, which is located approximately 7.7km (circa 33 minutes cycle) from the site’s proposed access onto Middleton Road. The station is equipped with cycle storage spaces, customer help points, and a ramp for disabled access.

2.15 Dean railway station is situated on the Romsey to Salisbury line operated by . Services to both destinations are hourly, with a journey to Romsey taking approximately 55 minutes, whilst a journey to Salisbury takes approximately 13 minutes. Destinations on the line include Chandlers Ford, Southampton Airport Parkway and Southampton Central.

2.16 A second railway station is located in Salisbury which is situated approximately 14km (60 minute cycle) from site. This railway station can be reached by the number 7 park and ride service. Services from Salisbury railway station operate to London Waterloo, Portsmouth Harbour, Bristol Parkway, Exeter St David’s, Yeovil Junction and Chandler’s Ford. Journeys into London Waterloo take approximately 90 minutes. This presents a good opportunity for commuters who are travelling further afield.

PIA Data 2.17 Personal Injury Accident (PIA) data has been assessed to consider the existing safety situation on the local road network. Patterns displayed in the data can be assessed with regards to the proximity to the development, frequency and severity of incidents that have occurred, the PIA data has been collected for a period of 3 years from January 2013 to December 2015. The PIA data within the vicinity of the site is demonstrated in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Local PIA Data

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2.18 The PIA data identifies that within the site vicinity there has only been one ‘slight’ incident in the last three years. As no further incidents have occurred post or previous to this accident, the proposed development will not exacerbate any existing accident trends.

Summary of Site Accessibility and Local Conditions 2.19 The proposed site is situated approximately 14 km east of Salisbury, which provides access to key strategic transport routes.

2.20 With the development proposing to tie in with the numerous public footpaths in the vicinity of the site, this will provide safe, convenient and key links to the local amenities, away from the traffic. Middleton Road is lightly trafficked which makes it attractive for cyclists.

2.21 Middleton Road is situated 9km (30 minute cycle) north of NCN 24 which connects Bath to Eastleigh. There are also a number of other NCN routes in and around Salisbury that are accessible via a short cycle ride.

2.22 There are a number of bus stops within the vicinity of the site, with the closest 150m south of the proposed site access. A Park and Ride Service into Salisbury operates from Bishopdown (a 14 minute drive from the site) which provides frequent buses into the City centre.

2.23 Dean railway station is situated 7.7km south of the site that provides an hourly service to both Romsey and Salisbury. Cycle storage is available for those who wish to leave their bike at the station.

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3.1 The proposed residential development comprises of 46 dwellings, with the proposed accommodation schedule shown in Table 3. The site layout is attached as Appendix A.

Unit Type Quantity 2 Bed 5 3 Bed 15 Private Housing 4 Bed 8

Total 28

1 Bed 6

2 Bed 6 Affordable Housing 3 Bed 5 4 Bed 1 Total 18 Table 3: Accommodation Schedule

Access Arrangement & Internal Layout 3.2 The proposed development would be accessed via a new bellmouth junction onto Middleton Road. The site access would be 6m wide with a radius of 9m. A visibility assessment has been undertaken on Middleton Road. This assessment identified that a 2.4m x 43m visibility can be achieved in both the primary and secondary directions, in accordance with Manual for Streets (MfS) guidance.

3.3 Due to the rural nature of Middleton Road, the development site proposes nine pedestrian connections that interlink with local PROW’s, and footways on both sides of the site’s access road.

3.4 Due to the gradient of Middleton Road a vertical visibility splay assessment has also been completed. These visibility splays indicate that at driver eye height, 1050mm from the surface of the carriageway, the changes in the level of Middleton Road would not affect visibility splays to and from the site access. The horizontal and vertical visibility splays are demonstrated in Appendix C.

3.5 A junction accessing dwellings on private road The Causeway lies approximately 44m to the north of the proposed access. It is anticipated that this junction will function safely and independently, as this access will only predominately be used to access private dwellings.

3.6 Refuse vehicle and fire tender tracking has been undertaken, identifying that the vehicles can safely enter and exit the site, and this is provided in Appendix D.

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Parking Provision 3.7 Both car and cycle parking provision will be detailed in the Reserved Matters application, but would be designed in accordance with Wiltshire Council’s (WC) minimum parking standards. WC’s car parking standards are shown in Table 4, with cycle parking standards demonstrated in Table 5.

Car Parking Standards Spaces per Number of Beds No. of Units Spaces Required Unit 1 Bedroom 1 6 6 2 or 3 2 31 62 Bedrooms 4+ Bedrooms 3 9 27 0.2 spaces per Visitor parking - 10 dwelling Total Spaces Required 105 Table 4: Wiltshire Council Car Parking Standards

Cycle Parking Standards Spaces per Number of Beds No. of Units Spaces Required unit 1 Bedroom 2 6 12 2 or 3 Bedrooms 2 31 62 4+ Bedrooms 2 9 18 Total Spaces Required 92 Table 5: Wiltshire Council Cycle Parking Standards

3.8 According to WC’s parking standards 105 car parking spaces and 92 cycle parking spaces would be required to serve the current development proposals.

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4.1 To understand the potential vehicular trip generation from site, a trip generation assessment has been undertaken for private housing to provide a ‘robust’ assessment. These trip generations have been calculated using the following criteria:  TRICs (v. 7.3.2) database  Residential ‘Private Housing’ use class  Sites in England and Wales (Excluding Greater London)  15-75 Units  Surveys taken Monday- Friday  Edge of Town Locations

4.2 The potential trip generations for private housing are summarised in Table 6, with full outputs attached as Appendix E.

AM Peak (0800-0900) PM Peak (1700-1800) Total Daily TRICS (7.3.2) Trips Arrivals Departures Arrivals Departures

Private Housing 0.130 0.391 0.332 0.180 4.663 Trip Rate Trip Generation 6 18 15 8 214 (46 Units)

Table 6: Proposed Vehicle Trip Generation (TRICS v. 7.3.2)

4.3 Table 6 demonstrates a potential trip generation of 24 movements in the AM peak period and 23 in PM peak period, with an additional 214 movements across a 12-hour period.

4.4 The additional trips placed upon the highway and LRN is not expected to cause significant disruption as 214 movements across a 12 hour period equates to approximately one additional trip every 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

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5.1 This Transport Statement (TS) has been prepared by Paul Basham Associates (PBA) on behalf of Primetower Properties to support an outline planning application for a residential development comprising of 46 dwellings on land off of Middleton Road, Winterslow.

5.2 The application site is located approximately 5 minutes walking distances from local facilities within Middle Winterslow. The PIA assessment does not indicate any relevant highways concerns that would present a highways safety concern for suture site users.

5.3 The development proposals include pedestrian links to existing footpaths located in the vicinity of the site, providing attractive pedestrian access to local facilities.

5.4 The proposed development will be accessed via a new bellmouth junction onto Middleton Road, which would accommodate two-way movement of vehicles. Fire tender and refuse tracking has been undertaken to ensure that these vehicles can safely enter and exit the site.

5.5 Visibility splays at the site access road of 2.4m x 43m are achievable onto Middleton Road, in both directions in accordance with MfS guidance.

5.6 The vehicular trip generation for the proposed development has been identified using a TRICS assessment. The proposed development will generate 214 vehicular trips across a 12-hour period, which would not exacerbate local highways conditions.

5.7 This Transport Statement has demonstrated that the proposed development will not have a significant impact upon the local road network. We would therefore encourage Wiltshire Council to look favourably upon this application with regards to highways.

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Appendix A

Middleton Road, Winterslow Paul Basham Associates Ltd Transport Statement Report No 028.0011/TS/2

Appendix B

Middleton Road, Winterslow Paul Basham Associates Ltd Transport Statement Report No 028.0011/TS/2

Project Number: Title: Checked By: Checked Date: Scale: 028.0011 SR 13.09.16 N/A Project Name: Drawn By: Drawn Date: MIDDLETON ROAD, ACCESSIBILITY MAP SG 13.09.16 WINTERSLOW

Appendix C

Middleton Road, Winterslow Paul Basham Associates Ltd Transport Statement Report No 028.0011/TS/2

139.46 139.59 139.41

139.44 139.69 139.78 139.34


139.42 139.29 NORTH


139.68 139.40

139.43 139.26


139.45 139.25

139.64 139.42

139.27 MHFW 139.49 CL:139.46


139.54 139.39 DK:139.53

139.43 139.41 LDS9006


GRASS 139.51 139.22

139.52 ToW:139.45

BRICK RW BRICK RW 139.53 139.61

139.41 139.02 139.35 136.87 ToW:139.43 ICBT:139.63

139.18 MH CL:139.43 TARMAC FOOTPATH ICBT:139.88139.81 MHFW 138.80 CL:139.76 TP

139.48 137.20 138.79

136.66 139.43 139.19 137.82 139.50 WEIR GY:139.33 139.83 136.15 138.60 139.56 EP 140.38 138.44 139.37 138.82 DK:139.20 139.50 139.12 STAY IR/1m 140.41 RS 137.72 SVs

DEAD TREE RS DK:139.21 RS 138.30

139.43 WEIR GY:139.34 137.97 139.35 141.14 139.39 137.13 139.21 THE CAUSEWAY 136.29 141.16


139.44 141.91 138.13 MH 139.44 CL:139.44

139.30 137.37




139.54 EP 142.64 Eaves:145.29

138.47 139.63 139.53 Ridge:148.09 139.47



136.68 135.71 9.0







140.30 136.01



140.25 140.38






140.90 137.25 140.87 140.72 135.80




EP 140.98

137.38 141.16


135.08 141.04




141.22 138.53 141.06




139.61 141.14

141.05 MHFW CL:141.12 139.03

138.10 141.16



139.58 141.15 141.06 140.96






136.58 Ridge:147.92


140.93 LDS9005

140.83 135.10

139.43 140.91

138.35 140.86

140.80 137.20

140.78 WEIR GY:140.75



Ridge:146.49 138.53

140.47 140.46 140.45 137.55



134.88 138.93

138.16 140.00


139.92 137.11


138.58 139.59

Ridge:147.69 138.08 WEWERWR 139.52 139.50 MHFW CL:139.51 137.37


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Appendix D

Middleton Road, Winterslow Paul Basham Associates Ltd Transport Statement Report No 028.0011/TS/2


139.49 139.49

139.42 MHFW 139.42 MHFW CL:139.46 139.25 CL:139.46 DK:139.53 DK:139.53

139.27 LDS9006 139.27 LDS9006 139.51 139.51 139.43 139.64 139.61 139.43 139.61 TP 139.53 TP 139.54 139.81 139.53 ICBT:139.63 139.54 139.81 ICBT:139.88 139.68 ICBT:139.63 139.25 ICBT:139.88 139.25 139.41 139.39 MHFW 140.38 139.41 139.39 MHFW 140.38 139.41 CL:139.76 GRASS 139.41 CL:139.76 MH GRASS 139.48 MH CL:139.43 139.48 139.52 140.41 CL:139.43 139.83 141.14 139.52 140.41 139.83 141.14 BRICK RW 139.22 ToW:139.45 BRICK RW 139.35 139.18 139.22 ToW:139.45 139.35 139.18 141.16 139.56 141.91 141.16 BRICK RW 139.56 141.91 BRICK RW 139.02 ToW:139.43 139.02 ToW:139.43 139.19 RS 139.50 142.61 139.19 RS WEIR GY:139.33 139.37 139.50 142.61 WEIR GY:139.33 139.37 138.80 139.43 SVs TP 138.80 139.43 SVs TP 138.79 139.50 DK:139.20 142.64 138.79 139.50 DK:139.20 142.64 EP 139.43 139.12 139.43 IR/1m EP 139.12 DK:139.21 IR/1m 138.60 DK:139.21 138.60 139.39 138.82 RS 139.39 WEIR GY:139.34 138.82 RS RS WEIR GY:139.34 RS 138.44 139.21 138.44 139.35 139.21 139.35 138.30 138.30 137.82 STAY DEAD TREE 137.82 STAY DEAD TREE 139.44 139.44 137.72 137.72

MH MH 137.97 VEGETATION CL:139.44 137.20 137.97 VEGETATION CL:139.44 139.30 Ridge:148.09 139.30 139.44 Eaves:145.29 Ridge:148.09 139.44 Eaves:145.29 TARMAC FOOTPATH EP EP

138.13 139.54 136.66 138.13 139.54

137.13 139.53 137.13 139.53

139.47 139.47 139.63 139.63

137.37 137.37

138.47 139.79 138.47 139.79

136.29 136.29

139.82 139.82

139.81 Eaves:145.54 Ridge:147.49 139.81 Eaves:145.54 Ridge:147.49 136.72 136.72 137.70 137.70 140.30 140.30 10.8 138.95 138.95

140.38 135.55 140.38

140.25 140.37 140.25 135.93 140.37 135.93

136.68 138.03 140.84 136.68 138.03 140.84

HEDGE/1m HEDGE/1m 139.07 140.87 139.07 140.87

140.72 135.28 140.72 140.90 140.90 1.485 4.815 1.385

141.12 135.71 141.12 137.09 135.71 137.09 Wiltshire Council Refuse Vehicle 141.16 139.25 140.98 141.16 Overall Length 10.800m 138.39 139.25 140.98 EP 138.39 EP Overall Width 2.550m 139.26 139.49 139.26 139.43 139.42 MHFW 139.43 139.42 MHFW Overall Body Height 3.751m CL:139.46 139.25 CL:139.46 139.68 139.25 DK:139.53 Min Body Ground Clearance 0.304m DK:139.53

139.67 139.27 LDS9006 139.67 139.27 LDS9006 Track Width 2.500m 139.51 139.64 139.51 139.43 139.64 139.61 139.43 Lock to Lock Time 4.00s 139.61 TP 139.53 TP Curb to Curb Turning Radius 9.250m 139.54 139.81 139.53 139.68 ICBT:139.63 139.54 139.81 ICBT:139.88 139.68 ICBT:139.63 139.25 ICBT:139.88 139.25 139.41 139.39 MHFW 140.38 139.41 139.39 MHFW 140.38 139.41 CL:139.76 GRASS 139.41 CL:139.76 MH GRASS 139.48 MH CL:139.43 139.48 139.52 140.41 CL:139.43 139.83 141.14 139.52 140.41 139.83 141.14 BRICK RW 139.22 ToW:139.45 BRICK RW 139.35 139.18 139.22 ToW:139.45 139.35 139.18 141.16 139.56 141.91 141.16 BRICK RW 139.56 141.91 BRICK RW 139.02 ToW:139.43 139.02 ToW:139.43 8.68 139.19 RS 139.50 142.61 139.19 RS WEIR GY:139.33 139.37 139.50 142.61 WEIR GY:139.33 139.37 138.80 139.43 SVs TP 138.80 139.43 SVs TP 138.79 139.50 DK:139.20 142.64 138.79 139.50 DK:139.20 142.64 EP 139.43 139.12 139.43 IR/1m EP 139.12 DK:139.21 IR/1m 138.60 DK:139.21 138.60 139.39 138.82 RS 139.39 WEIR GY:139.34 138.82 RS RS WEIR GY:139.34 RS 138.44 139.21 138.44 139.35 139.21 139.35 138.30 138.30 137.82 STAY DEAD TREE 137.82 STAY DEAD TREE 139.44 139.44 137.72 137.72

MH 1.52 3.81 MH 137.20 137.97 VEGETATION CL:139.44 137.20 137.97 VEGETATION CL:139.44 139.30 Ridge:148.09 139.30 139.44 Eaves:145.29 Ridge:148.09 TARMAC FOOTPATH 139.44 Eaves:145.29 TARMAC FOOTPATH EP EP DB32 Fire Appliance 136.66 138.13 139.54 136.66 138.13 Overall Length 8.680m 139.54 Overall Width 2.180m 137.13 139.53 137.13 139.53 Overall Body Height 3.452m

139.47 Min Body Ground Clearance 0.337m 139.47 139.63 136.15 139.63 Max Track Width 2.121m 137.37 137.37 Lock to Lock Time 6.00s 138.47 139.79 138.47 139.79 Curb to Curb Turning Radius 7.910m 136.29 136.29

139.82 139.82

139.81 Eaves:145.54 Ridge:147.49 139.81 Eaves:145.54 Ridge:147.49 136.72 136.72 137.70 137.70 140.30 140.30 138.95 138.95

135.55 140.38 135.55 140.38

140.25 140.37 140.25 135.93 140.37 135.93

136.68 138.03 140.84 136.68 138.03 140.84

HEDGE/1m HEDGE/1m 139.07 140.87 139.07 140.87 NORTH

135.28 140.72 135.28 140.72 140.90 140.90

141.12 135.71 141.12 137.09 135.71 137.09

141.16 139.25 140.98 141.16 135.08 138.39 139.25 140.98 - - --.--.------EP 135.08 138.39 EP

141.27 141.27 Rev Description Date By Chkd 141.04 141.04 Project Name Title Paul Basham Associates Ltd Client Checked By Checked Date Scale Lancaster Court MIDDLETON ROAD, WINTERSLOW JH 18.10.16 1:500 8 Barnes Wallis Road (AT A3 SIZE) Fareham Hampshire REFUSE VEHICLE AND FIRE TENDER TRACKING PO15 5TU Project Phase T +44 (0) 1489 668134 Drawn By Drawn Date Client Drawing No. PBA Drawing No. Revision

PRELIMINARY E [email protected] SB 18.10.16 - 028.0011.005 - W www.paulbashamassociates.com

Appendix E

Middleton Road, Winterslow Paul Basham Associates Ltd Transport Statement Report No 028.0011/TS/2

TRICS 7.3.3 240916 B17.41 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Monday 03/10/16 Page 1 Paul Basham Associates Hamble Lane Southampton Licence No: 247601

Calculation Reference: AUDIT-247601-161003-1034 TRIP RATE CALCULATION SELECTION PARAMETERS:



This section displays the number of survey days per TRICS® sub-region in the selected set TRICS 7.3.3 240916 B17.41 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Monday 03/10/16 Page 2 Paul Basham Associates Hamble Lane Southampton Licence No: 247601

Filtering Stage 2 selection:

This data displays the chosen trip rate parameter and its selected range. Only sites that fall within the parameter range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Parameter: Number of dwellings Actual Range: 10 to 432 (units: ) Range Selected by User: 15 to 75 (units: )

Public Transport Provision: Selection by: Include all surveys

Date Range: 01/01/08 to 13/11/15

This data displays the range of survey dates selected. Only surveys that were conducted within this date range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Selected survey days: Monday 3 days Tuesday 5 days Wednesday 4 days Thursday 7 days Friday 3 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys by day of the week.

Selected survey types: Manual count 22 days Directional ATC Count 0 days

This data displays the number of manual classified surveys and the number of unclassified ATC surveys, the total adding up to the overall number of surveys in the selected set. Manual surveys are undertaken using staff, whilst ATC surveys are undertaking using machines.

Selected Locations: Edge of Town 22

This data displays the number of surveys per main location category within the selected set. The main location categories consist of Free Standing, Edge of Town, Suburban Area, Neighbourhood Centre, Edge of Town Centre, Town Centre and Not Known.

Selected Location Sub Categories: Residential Zone 17 No Sub Category 5

This data displays the number of surveys per location sub-category within the selected set. The location sub-categories consist of Commercial Zone, Industrial Zone, Development Zone, Residential Zone, Retail Zone, Built-Up Zone, Village, Out of Town, High Street and No Sub Category.

Filtering Stage 3 selection:

Use Class: C 1 1 days C 3 21 days

This data displays the number of surveys per Use Class classification within the selected set. The Use Classes Order 2005 has been used for this purpose, which can be found within the Library module of TRICS®. TRICS 7.3.3 240916 B17.41 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Monday 03/10/16 Page 3 Paul Basham Associates Hamble Lane Southampton Licence No: 247601

Filtering Stage 3 selection (Cont.):

Population within 1 mile: 1,001 to 5,000 3 days 5,001 to 10,000 7 days 10,001 to 15,000 7 days 15,001 to 20,000 3 days 20,001 to 25,000 1 days 25,001 to 50,000 1 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 1-mile radii of population.

Population within 5 miles: 5,001 to 25,000 2 days 25,001 to 50,000 4 days 50,001 to 75,000 3 days 75,001 to 100,000 7 days 100,001 to 125,000 3 days 125,001 to 250,000 1 days 250,001 to 500,000 1 days 500,001 or More 1 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 5-mile radii of population.

Car ownership within 5 miles: 0.6 to 1.0 7 days 1.1 to 1.5 15 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated ranges of average cars owned per residential dwelling, within a radius of 5-miles of selected survey sites.

Travel Plan: Yes 2 days No 20 days

This data displays the number of surveys within the selected set that were undertaken at sites with Travel Plans in place, and the number of surveys that were undertaken at sites without Travel Plans. TRICS 7.3.3 240916 B17.41 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Monday 03/10/16 Page 4 Paul Basham Associates Hamble Lane Southampton Licence No: 247601

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters


WORKINGTON Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 4 0 Survey date: THURSDAY 20/11/08 Survey Type: MANUAL 2 CB-03-A-04 SEMI DETACHED CUMBRIA MOORCLOSE ROAD SALTERBACK WORKINGTON Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 8 2 Survey date: FRIDAY 24/04/09 Survey Type: MANUAL 3 CH-03-A-02 HOUSES/FLATS CHESHIRE SYDNEY ROAD

CREWE Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 7 4 Survey date: TUESDAY 14/10/08 Survey Type: MANUAL 4 CH-03-A-05 DETACHED CHESHIRE SYDNEY ROAD SYDNEY CREWE Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 7 Survey date: TUESDAY 14/10/08 Survey Type: MANUAL 5 CH-03-A-09 TERRACED HOUSES CHESHIRE GREYSTOKE ROAD HURDSFIELD MACCLESFIELD Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 4 Survey date: MONDAY 24/11/14 Survey Type: MANUAL 6 DC-03-A-08 BUNGALOWS DORSET HURSTDENE ROAD CASTLE LANE WEST BOURNEMOUTH Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 8 Survey date: MONDAY 24/03/14 Survey Type: MANUAL 7 ES-03-A-02 PRIVATE HOUSING EAST SUSSEX SOUTH COAST ROAD

PEACEHAVEN Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 3 7 Survey date: FRIDAY 18/11/11 Survey Type: MANUAL TRICS 7.3.3 240916 B17.41 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Monday 03/10/16 Page 5 Paul Basham Associates Hamble Lane Southampton Licence No: 247601

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)

8 EX-03-A-01 SEMI-DET. ESSEX MILTON ROAD CORRINGHAM STANFORD-LE-HOPE Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 3 7 Survey date: TUESDAY 13/05/08 Survey Type: MANUAL 9 GM-03-A-10 DETACHED/SEMI GREATER MANCHESTER BUTT HILL DRIVE P R E S T W I C H MANCHESTER Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 9 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 12/10/11 Survey Type: MANUAL 10 NE-03-A-02 SEMI DETACHED & DETACHED NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE HANOVER WALK

SCUNTHORPE Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 4 3 2 Survey date: MONDAY 12/05/14 Survey Type: MANUAL 11 NF-03-A-03 DETACHED HOUSES NORFOLK HALING WAY

THETFORD Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 0 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 16/09/15 Survey Type: MANUAL 12 NY-03-A-07 DETACHED & SEMI DET. NORTH YORKSHIRE CRAVEN WAY

BOROUGHBRIDGE Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 2 3 Survey date: TUESDAY 18/10/11 Survey Type: MANUAL 13 NY-03-A-10 HOUSES AND FLATS NORTH YORKSHIRE BOROUGHBRIDGE ROAD

RIPON Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 7 1 Survey date: TUESDAY 17/09/13 Survey Type: MANUAL 14 NY-03-A-11 PRIVATE HOUSING NORTH YORKSHIRE HORSEFAIR

BOROUGHBRIDGE Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 3 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 18/09/13 Survey Type: MANUAL TRICS 7.3.3 240916 B17.41 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Monday 03/10/16 Page 6 Paul Basham Associates Hamble Lane Southampton Licence No: 247601

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)


BYFLEET Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 7 1 Survey date: THURSDAY 23/01/14 Survey Type: MANUAL 16 SF-03-A-05 DETACHED HOUSES SUFFOLK VALE LANE

BURY ST EDMUNDS Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 8 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 09/09/15 Survey Type: MANUAL 17 SH-03-A-03 DETATCHED SHROPSHIRE SOMERBY DRIVE BICTON HEATH SHREWSBURY Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 1 0 Survey date: FRIDAY 26/06/09 Survey Type: MANUAL 18 SH-03-A-05 SEMI-DETACHED/TERRACED SHROPSHIRE SANDCROFT SUTTON HILL TELFORD Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 5 4 Survey date: THURSDAY 24/10/13 Survey Type: MANUAL 19 SH-03-A-06 BUNGALOWS SHROPSHIRE ELLESMERE ROAD

SHREWSBURY Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 6 Survey date: THURSDAY 22/05/14 Survey Type: MANUAL 20 SM-03-A-01 DETACHED & SEMI SOMERSET WEMBDON ROAD NORTHFIELD BRIDGWATER Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 3 3 Survey date: THURSDAY 24/09/15 Survey Type: MANUAL 21 WK-03-A-02 BUNGALOWS WARWICKSHIRE NARBERTH WAY POTTERS GREEN COVENTRY Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 7 Survey date: THURSDAY 17/10/13 Survey Type: MANUAL TRICS 7.3.3 240916 B17.41 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Monday 03/10/16 Page 7 Paul Basham Associates Hamble Lane Southampton Licence No: 247601

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)

22 WS-03-A-04 MIXED HOUSES WEST SUSSEX HILLS FARM LANE BROADBRIDGE HEATH HORSHAM Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 5 1 Survey date: THURSDAY 11/12/14 Survey Type: MANUAL

This section provides a list of all survey sites and days in the selected set. For each individual survey site, it displays a unique site reference code and site address, the selected trip rate calculation parameter and its value, the day of the week and date of each survey, and whether the survey was a manual classified count or an ATC count. TRICS 7.3.3 240916 B17.41 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Monday 03/10/16 Page 8 Paul Basham Associates Hamble Lane Southampton Licence No: 247601

TRIP RATE for Land Use 03 - RESIDENTIAL/A - HOUSES PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLES Calculation factor: 1 DWELLS BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 22 73 0.077 22 73 0.271 22 73 0.348 08:00 - 09:00 22 73 0.130 22 73 0.391 22 73 0.521 09:00 - 10:00 22 73 0.128 22 73 0.160 22 73 0.288 10:00 - 11:00 22 73 0.133 22 73 0.161 22 73 0.294 11:00 - 12:00 22 73 0.136 22 73 0.150 22 73 0.286 12:00 - 13:00 22 73 0.162 22 73 0.152 22 73 0.314 13:00 - 14:00 22 73 0.155 22 73 0.144 22 73 0.299 14:00 - 15:00 22 73 0.181 22 73 0.188 22 73 0.369 15:00 - 16:00 22 73 0.301 22 73 0.216 22 73 0.517 16:00 - 17:00 22 73 0.312 22 73 0.183 22 73 0.495 17:00 - 18:00 22 73 0.332 22 73 0.180 22 73 0.512 18:00 - 19:00 22 73 0.252 22 73 0.168 22 73 0.420 19:00 - 20:00 20:00 - 21:00 21:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 2.299 2.364 4.663

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places.

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 10 - 432 (units: ) Survey date date range: 01/01/08 - 13/11/15 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 22 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys automatically removed from selection: 1 Surveys manually removed from selection: 0

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed.