Regulation 14 NDP PRE-SUBMISSION DRAFT Dated 13 May 2019
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Regulation 14 NDP PRE-SUBMISSION DRAFT dated 13 May 2019 The Prize is to give those who know our villages best and value them the highest, to have a significant say in what happens to them” Tom Fort: The Village News. 2019-2029 Published by West Dean and West Tytherley Parish Councils for Pre-Submission Consultation under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 and in accordance with EU Directive 2001/4 TABLE OF CONTENTS i and ii FOREWORD by MPs 1 CONSULTATION RESPONSE FORM (CAN BE DETACHED) 2&3 FORWARD by Parish Council Chairpersons 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION What is a Neighbourhood Plan 5 1.1 Process including Neighbourhood Area 6 1.2 Context 7 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Local Council Plans Screening Opinion Statement 1.3 Pre- Submission Draft Plan 8 What is this version of the document Next Steps 2.0 PORTRAIT OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD 9 2.1 Location 2.2 History and Settlement 2.3 Character 10 2.4 Community 2.5 Economy 2.6 Environment and Biodiversity 12 2.7 Infrastructure 13 Transport and services Communications Amenities 2.8 Housing Needs 15 3.0 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 15 3.1 Initial Steps and NDP Steering Group 3.2 Public Events and Survey 3.3 Websites 3.4 Parish Council 3.5 Community Feedback i 4.0 VISION & OBJECTIVES 18 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Vision 4.3 Objectives 5.0 POLICIES 25 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Environment and Landscape 5.3 Planning and Development 38 Housing Policy (5.3.1 to 5.3.18) 38 Design (5.3.19 to 5.3.25) 47 5.4 Infrastructure and Wellbeing 51 Overview Movement Utilities 55 Flooding Risk 57 Community Facilities and Assets 59-61 6.0 KEY EVIDENCE BASE 63 7.0 COMMUNITY PROJECTS and ASPIRATIONS 64 8.0 DELIVERY 67 8.1 Implementation, Monitoring & Review 9.0 APPENDICES 68 A. Glossary of Terms B. West Dean and West Tytherley Screening Opinion Statement C. Neighbourhood Analysis Study D. Summary of NDP Survey Results E. Maps 70 1. Flood Zones 2. Green Spaces 3. Heritage sites and Listed Buildings 4. Habitat Types 5. Land Use Classification 6. Conservation Areas (both) 7. SSSIs and SINCs 8. OPEN VIEWS Maps 1, 2 and 3 ii FOREWORD This foreword would be signed by our two MPs currently John Glen (Salisbury) and Caroline Nokes (Romsey). Some key points (to be updated later) are: The aim of the Localism Act 2011 was to give local people more say in planning decisions. Neighbourhood Planning is to ensure close communities such as West Dean and West Tytherley, even when straddling the county boundaries would come together and take charge of their neighbourhood’s future. Planning is about protecting the areas, infrastructure and buildings we value but deliver homes that the rural community needs to thrive in the future. No-one wants to see this beautiful part of our countryside undermined but equally we want it to remain somewhere that our children and grandchildren can work, raise a family or start a business. This plan has been prepared by the two Parish Councils and the two local Council authorities working closely together to complement the higher level national policies and the Local Plans. The plan is comprehensive and covers all aspects of the built environment, landscape, biodiversity, conservation areas, health and links with social care, schooling, transport and recreation requirements. It is forward looking and optimistic about our future. We as their representatives in government will continue to work closely with our local communities to protect but sustain and enhance their neighbourhood. Signed Signed MP MP 1 Pre submission NDP Draft v 3.0 13th May 2019 Pre-Submission Draft (Regulation14): Consultation Response Form The Joint Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is moving towards completion this year and needs your input. The working draft (Nov 2018) is superseded by this Pre Submission Draft; see NDP website: Section/Tab: Consultation. The NDP is being produced by a steering group of community representatives from both villages [Chair: Alan Bannister, Bill Seabrooke, Jane Higgins, Lyle Fairlie, Mick Goulding, Margaret Down and Harold Wilks. Alan Sparrow assists the group with communications]. Six week public consultation begins on 16th May and ends on 28th June 2019 and is for all those who reside in the two parishes to help finalise your NDP. Test Valley Borough Council and Wiltshire Council along with other stakeholders and interested bodies will receive a copy by post or e-mail. Please read the Pre-Submission Consultation Draft NDP fully before making your comments, completing the response form on the reverse of this page and, if necessary, make additional hand written comments on the document itself. Separate responses from individuals in the same household are welcome. Spare copies of the document can be obtained from the WT shop or steering group members or at the two village fetes. Once the consultation period is closed (28th June), The Parish Councils and the Steering Group will take account of all comments. The revised NDP will then be submitted to Test Valley Borough Council, the lead local planning authority, for formal consideration and further public consultation (Regulation 16), before it is sent to an independent examiner. When responding we ask you to identify yourself to ensure the response comes from a legitimate source. All responses will be made public but in line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR): no comments will be attributed to an individual. Evidence base and supporting data will be placed on the NDP website by 15th May. PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY ON THE FORM overleaf and place your response in the box at West Tytherley shop, give it to any of the steering group members or send form ONLY by e-mail to [email protected]. Hand written comments in the document are welcome but DO NOT SEND tracked copies by e-mail (too large). Fill in the form but leave it inside and hand in a complete annotated copy. Constructive comments on any aspect of this draft, especially the policies, are welcome. 2 Pre submission NDP Draft v 3.0 13th May 2019 Pre-Submission Draft (Regulation14): Consultation Response Form All comments are welcome but it is important that you are generally content with the policies in this draft. You can return your copy with hand written comments or proposed changes in the document and/or in the box below. Please identify yourself so we can be sure the comments have come from a legitimate source. HEADING Personal or Organisation Details TITLE & Initials SURNAME or ORGANISATION ADDRESS POST CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS In accordance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR): No comments will be attributed to an individual COMMENTS: 3 Pre submission NDP Draft v 3.0 13th May 2019 Foreword from West Tytherley (with Frenchmoor and Buckholt) and West Dean Parish Councils On behalf of the two Parish Councils we are pleased to introduce to you the West Dean and West Tytherley Joint Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) which is referred to as “the NDP” throughout this document. It has been prepared for Pre- submission Consultation under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 updated by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) July 2018. The area covered by the NDP has been agreed formally by the local councils to cover the entire combined area of the two parishes. This (Pre-submission) NDP is a considerable achievement. It has been produced by a NDP Steering group (NDPSG) made up of local residents and Parish Councillors from both parishes with widespread consultation from within the area and beyond. Everyone involved in developing the NDP, particularly the NDPSG and its professional consultant, has worked hard to ensure the NDP reflects the views of the community. Since 2016 public meetings, a comprehensive survey and village fete stands (in both villages) have taken place to seek the views of the local residents, businesses and other stakeholders who have an interest in our neighbourhood area The aim of the NDP is to preserve the rural nature, avoid urbanisation while maintaining economic and social sustainability within the area. The NDP accepts that certain development will be required and sets out a vision for the Parishes up to 2029. It sets objectives for land use with particular regard to housing and design, infrastructure and movement within the area while protecting the built and natural environment. We would like to thank the NDPSG members and all those volunteers in the Parishes who have contributed to its production. We encourage everyone within the two parishes to respond to this consultation and give their views that will positively shape and manage change in the area for many years to come. Cate Bell Harry Urquhart Chairperson Chairperson West Tytherley Parish Council West Dean Parish Council 4 Pre submission NDP Draft v 3.0 13th May 2019 West Dean West Tytherley INTRODUCTION What is a Neighbourhood Plan? The Localism Act 2011 introduced Neighbourhood Planning in England. It gives communities direct power to develop a land use and development plan based on a shared vision for their neighbourhood. It enables communities to shape the growth of their local area. They are able to: Influence new housing and supporting infrastructure to be built; Comment on the design, layout and appearance of those new buildings; Support planning permission for the new buildings they wish to see go ahead. The Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP), which following a referendum becomes a statutory document, provides more detailed planning policies tailored to its defined area. It complements and amplifies the relevant Local Plans/Core Strategies within the overarching government National Planning Policy Framework 2018 (NPPF)1.