~ ......


' ~nglishman's Guide



01' Cape Dutch


For the Use of Travellers, Settlers, and Milit ary Men,


HUBERTUS ELFFE R~ AUTHOR OF THE "CO~I'IEJKlAL fl.IJTCH GRA,IM':\R," THE "ELEME!'IT,\RY Dt;TC!t GRAMMAR," ETC., ETC. Swom TrailS/a/or to the Supreme Co111•t of the Cape Cofo11y,

J. C. JUTA ,._, CO.


Kr~c \YILI.IA'J's Tows, G!lAHAMSTow:-:.


.._--~ ~ - .w -. .... ~ ... ~ - THE Englishmdn's Guide



OF Cape Dutch


For the Use of Travellers, Settlers, and Military Men,


Al'THOR OF THE "COMMERCIAL DUTCH GRAMMAR," THE "ELE~lhNTARY DUTCH GRAMMAR," ETC., ETC. Swom Translator to the Supreme Court of the Cape Co/o11y.

J. C. }UTA & CO,






The history of the Cape-Dutch is intimately connected with that nf Srmth Africa. \Yhen the Dutch settlers arrivPrl at the Cape during the latter part of the seventeenth century, they found the cuuntry in po:.st>ssion of an inferior class of natives wh(l-;e language, a-; well a-; their habits, proved unacceptable to civilized Europt>ans. The process, therefore, which set it~ almo~t immediately, was one of teaching the roaming Hr.tte'i_l­ tuts the languaP"e oi thetr new neighbours who had c11me with the intention nf becoming their masters. This pwcess was completely successful from the Erst, the savage tongue ea-,ily gi\ ing place to the civilized speech of the Europeans. There are no instances ott record of the Dutch acquiring the clicking speech of their ;,warthy neighbours for the sake uf facilitating intercourse, whereas there arc many of succes::.ful eHorts on the side of the aborigim:s to learn the superior tongue of tho-,e who had come to invite trade, and :-.timulate the virgin soil about the Cape mountains to produce Its wealth. Xow the langu;:tge of the Hollanders about that time was elaborate and diffic-ult, and proved too much for the simple native. \Vhen it was given him to handle, he simplified it, and in an altered form handed it back to the soldier-agriculturist on his farm, and the housewife in her kitchen. They, in their anxiety to adapt themselves to a new country and a new life, took it as amended. Nor was it. long, before between master and servant a medium of con- 4 GUIDE TO CAPE DUTCH. versation had sprung up, unlike indeed the rich mother tongue of the former, yet intelligible to both, and by common consent accepted as a sufficient means of intercourse. This coming down on the masters' part for the sake of convenience was not without effect. Both master and mistress were unwarily caught in the snares of this simplified vehicle of thought, and soon made common cause with their Hottentot servants in using a vernacular shorn of its intiexional beauty. And so there came· into existence a language afterwards known as Cape Dutch, and of late years curiously designated as the '' Taal." This language has specific characteristics : It is sufficiently like the Dutch of Holland to mark it out as an offshoot of the language of Vondel.

It has many traits to remind the learner of strong German influences which were exerted during the period of its formation by the influx of settlers from the North-East of Holland and the adioining North-Western parts of Germany, and during the last hundred years renewed by the work of German missionaries. It contains a certain number of Malay words which were introduced from Java by hosts of slaves drawn from the Dutch Indies. The French Huguenots who emigrated to South Africa after the revocation of the edict of Nantes, and whose influence on the race became so strong by fecundity on the one hand and habits of thrift and enterprise on the other, abandoned their own language by order of the Dutch East India Company, and embraced that of their adopted country, with such determination, that hardly a trace of French was communicated to it. On the other hand the influence of Biblical language on a religious people was great and marked. The patois they had accepted as a medium for the exchange of ordinary thought to a large extent made room for better language whenever loftier themes were handled, or prayers made. Then the Scriptures were their guide, from which they borrowed every expression of reverence, :mel each word which in their limited every day vocabulary found no place. And as it happened that many of these people were ardent students of Holy Writ, the speech of South Africa GUIDE TO CAPE DUTCH. 5 remained much purer than would otherwise have been the case. There are now two distinct varieties of Cape Dutch used in South Africa. The one may be put down as a real patois, low and undeveloped, dependent on circumstances and locality, easily influenced, and becoming more and more Anglicised ;-the other a language, lacking the grammatical niceties of the Dutch of Holland, and the shades of meaning which necessarily adorn a tongue of which the learned make use, besides discarding much of the idiom of the North ; but no less expressive, and with a scope scarcely, if at all, diminished ; a language fit for the pulpit and platform, though failing somewhat in expressions for modern ideas, and wholly in technical terms. This language is used in churches and in courts ; it is the language heard in the Cape Parliament, and is taught in schools. The other-the real patois-is a much needed accomplishment for travellers, settlers and every one else whose lot connects him with up-country life. It may in fact be wiled indtspensable tv all South Africans. The opportunities for using it are many and varied, and as the above-mentioned better class of Cape Dutch is possible to be de\·eloped out of it, by the acquirement of a larger Yocabulary, the knowledge of it cannot hurt anyone. It consists of a limited number of ~ouns and AdjecliYes, mostly all thoroughly Dutch, but \vith no declension except a plural ending, hardly any Pronouns, some AdYerbs, a few Conjunctions and Prepositions, a fair number of Verbs, whose stem-parts only are used with a most limited conjugation, and lastly a crowd of Interjections drawn from various ~ources, all of which parts of speech may be supplemented by English ones whenever opportunity demands, or the degree of education of the hearer permits. It is to this real Cape-patois that the present Yolume seeks to introduce the reader. The higher forms of Dutch are amply provided for by Elementary and Commercial Grammars to which students arc referred, and which have been issued by the publishers of this '' Guide." 6 GL'IDE TO CAPE DL'TCH.



The Cape Dutch has nothing nf that perplexing redund­ ancy of other languages which gives more than nne name ln an ohject. fts vocabulary is ;,weetly limited, cin:umscrihetl hy the actual needs of expression. Besides, from Cape Point to the Rhodesian wilds it IS absolutely the same bngnage. The shades of it, or types of it, depend, more than in any other language, upon the range oi ideas of the u-;er. One who is familiar with it, looks at the man opposite him hcfore lu.: decides what Cape Dnich in u;,e in replying it> his 4uestinn..:;. The wmtls employed arc in every way identical in all ca'>e'>­ all depends nn the choice. T<• understand this, the popula­ tion of South Africa needs only to be studied, in which nearly every element avails itself of the C< •mmnn vern,tcular as a llecond language. Englishmen, Americans, Hollanders, Germans, Frenchmen, Italians, Poks, Armenians, Katirs, Basntos, and Zulus have all alike acquired 1t. The percentage of Dutch Africanders proper is not a large one, and these even use it sicle hy side with that other language which regularly cdiiics them when in church, at family wor;,hip, nr studying the news of the clay. Perhaps ihe hest representatives of Cape Dutch are to be found among the .\Ialay population nf the Cape peninsula, whose worship lh conducted in an outlandish tongue, and the Bastards hor'l and bred at German missiun stations, where Cape Dutch forms the only medium of expres-.wn. Among either of these classes one may tlnd a readiness of speech unalloyed with foreign elements, which provide" easy vent for all sentiments and every feeling, though being conilnecl to the narrow limits of a patois. Efforts have at various times heen made to lead the Cape Dutch up to the standard of the language of IIollaml. Theqe GCIDE TO CAPE DGTCH. 7 have failed, and are sure to fail. The endeayrmrs of Holland teachers in that direction, which induces them to intr:..duce Holland reading books into their elementary classes, spring from mistaken zeal. The Cape has no need of the polished speech of Holland. To introduce it, would he to add one more difficulty to the complex language question. The language of South Africa is cuniincd between the geographi­ cal borders of the country, ancl must be strictly so. The vernacular is handy and good in its way, but its birth and growth are both local. ~ o good purpose is serYed by the inh odnciion of foreign polish, howe\ er natural its fit. The U'->e of Cape Dutch i" exten-,iYe enough, and the inherent power of the South African language is snfl1ciently developed to ensure fllr it a long life. It would seem to he meant to merge into and exe1 t its ini1uem:e over the language of the future wlHch may become a useful mixture fit for the wide domain of a Cnited South Airica. For a long time to come the public press and the public platform will keep up the similarity to Dutch which 2oo years of usc have not appreci­ ably diminished. And whereas the propriety may he maintained of requiring a study of Holland :mthors for the higher educational tests prescribed by the e niyersit)' the language taught in schools should be the medium tongue between that of Holland and the low fal01~, which evny child should learn, and which may yet prove to be :1 most potent factor in the successful fusion of the races on South African soil. * 8 GUIDE TO CAPB DUTCH.



Ch;sifying all current sounds under three heads to determine their pronunciation, we have the following :- (I) the Consonants have in the main the pronunciation which is given them in English. To this the following are exceptions : b and d, when final, are pronounced like p and I. g is a guttural. h is pronounced whenever it occurs ; its sound is like that of h in hero. j sounds like y in yes. w has the sound of v. (2) the Vowels have a long and a short sound. Double vowels always have the long sound. Single vowels are short in words of one syllable when followed by consonants. Final a, c, i, and o are long. In word<> of more than one syllable, single vowels :1re long, if the consonant after them is followed by another vowel ; short, if not so followed. Long a sounds like a in father; short a like a in Engl1sh bah! or German JIIanu. Long c sounds like t:Y in co1wcy; short c like c in cherry. Long i sounds like ec in kceu ; short i like i in lip. Long o sounds like oe in n•oe ; short o like o in pat GUIDE TO CAPE DUTCH. 9 Long u sounds like u in French mz1r, but has no equiva­ lent sound in English ; short t£ like tt in tub. Besides these long and short sounds the e has (r) another prolonged short sound, peculiar to abbreviated Dutch words ending in e ; and (2) an imperfect sound corresponding to that of the e in the first syllable of represent. It occurs a.o. in the verbal prefixes be and ge, and in the inflections of Nouns and Adjectives. Where necessary, the long sound of vowels will be indicated by the accute accent ('); the short by the grave accent ( ) ; the prolonged sound of e by the circumflex accent (e), and its imperfect sound by a diaeresis (e). E:r:amples : taal, language; lat, stick; fader, father; kalbas, gounl ; pa, father. . meel, jiour i vel, skin ; bekcr, jug i lckkers, sweetmeats i se, to say j gefind, found j begrijp, to understand j ge, to give. miir, ant; wil, will; fmand, somebodv; kinders, children; ~~~~ -

boom, tree j rut, rot; p6te, legs; skottct, clish j gl6, to be/iez•e. muur, wall; ful, foal; bure, neighbours; bulle, they. (3) there arc a few other sounds to be observed. oe is the perfect English oo in woof y has a softer sound than Eng. i, and lies behveen the y of prying and the a_v of prayiug. It seems to come nearest to Eng. aye! ozt is slightly softer than ow in Eng. cow. am and ooi are pronounced aay and ooy, with full Dutch sound of

celt is a combination of full Dutch e and sound of Eng. w. oei is pronounced like oor. eu and ui have no equivalents in English, and must be acquired by hearing them pronounced. They approach the German sounds o and iiu. 10 GUIDE TO CAPE Dl'TCH.

Examples: moeg, tired; koei, cow; lyf, body; fry, free; frou, woman; draai, /o turn; mooi, pretty; lceu, !toll; deur, door; huis, house.

(+) Readmg E.vercises.-Leesoefcninge.

1. \'an murre het ek al Hoeg opgestaan. This 111 OYII i 11.~ Juwe I already t'<1Y~\' J.!ol up. Ek wits al buitc voor zuniJp. Di skipe en I was already outsulc before SllllrlSC. The .,lzccp and koeJe en pcrele was nug :'tlm~\1 in eli kr:ilc .e;cwees. cows and lzorscs were still all (of the111) in lhe kraals (been). Ek het soo'ntoc gestap om tc siin hoc eli folk di fc I (hau) thither walked for to see 110'11' /he ser-.·ants the cattle tel. Daar wa;, dri Bocsm~\IIS by eli hek, en tue hul count. Thac were three Bu~hmcn at lhe Jiale, aud 7t'hen tltev dit oDpmaak, begin eli sk'tpe s6m~u· nit tc ilL Hoe ht\1 clit it opened, bef!all the sheep ul once out to jiy. Jlou· they it klaar kry, wect ck nl, maar hul staan en tel, ready got know I not, hut tluy (just) stood and t otmted, en ~LS elf Jaatste skaap uitspring, WCCt hul preens tc and whcu the last sheep out jumped, knew they e.ractly to sl:, hocfeul eli get~tl is. tell how many the ttttmber was.

2. Skippe vaar op eli se. H ul rys dl Kaap Ships go ou the sea. They traz'Cl he/ween the Cape en al di amlere parte tin di wcrcld. Eenmaal w:i.s ck a11d all the other pot tzons of the wo1ld. Omc was I me met soo'n skip, wat na NMitl gegaan het. Di skip with such a ship which to N alai J{olle is. The ship GL'IDE TO CAPE DL'TCH. II

was 'n stoomboot g~wees. Ons het ag d{t'l: gefaar. was a steamer! (been). We ( hat•e) etj!,ht davs sailed. Dit was 'n bitji Elllg gewees, maar di weer was ell mee<>te It was a ltttle Ion;.: (bct:n) but the weather was the most L'm eli tijd slcg. Almil op eli skip het eli eerste ch!g of the time bad. All 011 the ~lllp lzaz,c the first day

al siik gl!word. Dit w~\s 'n uaarhycl om te siin h< •e alreadv tll become. It u•as a sad thi11g for to see lw.t• df mense lrimdlc. ).bar <'m» bet daarom fylig the people were ly111,1.[ alwut. Hut Wt lllm: however sajt ly

claar ~mgi!k•Jm. Ek bet di Emd hinje gl!lyk, en up rli there arn<.•t:d. I haze the coun/Jy much liked, ami on the

terugrys w~!s ck hy Blomf,'Hltyu, Colesberg, Beauf•'Jrt, retum joumey (was) T LZt Hlocmfoutein, Colesber;.:, Beaujorl, \Vest \:n Df Perl {mgewees. IVest llllli The Jlaarl touched.

~~~~~~r I~') -.r:UI • .Ci 12 GUIDE TO CAPE DUTCH.




1. The Cases. In Cape Dutch the Cases of Kouns are not indicated by inflection. The Possessive is expressed by means of the prepositionfan, or the Possessive Pronoun syn, (pronounced s'11), Plural hullii ; and the Dative by the Preposition fir (Eng. for) which likewise precedes the object of a Transitive Verb. Examples: Dit is myn fader s'n huis. Dit is di huis fan myn fader. } This is my father's house. Di boere htille £roue is by di huis. The farmers' wiz•es are t1l home. Hy het di appel fer di kind gege. He has giz•m the app!r: to the child. Hy het dit fer hom gese. He has told him so.

2. The Plural. The Plural is formed by adding sore to the Singular. As a general rule X om1s of more than one syllable ending in el, em, en, er, aar, ii, aard, ing, form their plural in s, while all the rest, whether of one or more syllables, take e : ket.tels kettles; bcsems, brooms; dekens, blankets; akki.irs, acorns handelaars, merchants ; bankiirs, bankers ; luiaards, la=y people kettings, chains. GUIDE TO CAPE DUTCH. 13 Exceptions : The following nouns take s instead of e :­ seuns, so1zs; arms, arms; neefs, cousins; ooms, uncles; maats, mates ; koks, cooks ; mans, men ; knegs, man-sen;ants. Observations : (a.) When the final consonant of a noun is preceded by a short vowel which remains short in the plural, that consonant is doubled before the plural ending e, as : dak, roof, plur. dakke; bok, goal, plur. bokke ; blik, tin, plur. blikke ; kar' cart, plur. k<'me j mes, knife, plur. messe ; jas, coat, plur. jasse. (b.) The following nouns form their plural irregularly : pad, road, paaie ; blad, leaf of a book, blaaie ; bh'td, leaf of a tree, blare ; vark, pig, varkcs ; kalf. calf, kalvcrs ; lam, lamb, Iammers ; kind, child, kinders; tree, step, treeje. Words ending in d or f change these letters into j or w respectiYely before finale ; e.g. pad, road, paje; graf, grave, grawe.

3· The Gender. There are three genders in Cape Dutch, viz. :

The MASCULINE gender for the names of all male living beings; The FEMDHNE gender for the names of all female living beings; The NEL'TEH. gender for the names of objects having no natural gender. Since the distinguishing adjectives di, the, and 'n, a (an), have no declension, very little attention need be paid to genders. There are three ways of expressing the names of the two sexes : (a.) By using the suffixes in, es, ster in forming female apellations from male ones, as : k6ning, king, k6ningin, queen ; beer, bear, berin, she-bear; digter, poet, digteres, poetess; bakker, baker, bakster. (b) By using different words for either sex, as : man, man, husband ; frou, woman, wife. fader ,father; moeclcr, mother. pi (pappa), father; m{t (mamma) mother. mcneer, Mr., Sir; juffrou, Mrs. seur, sir; noi, madam; jongnoi, miss. broer, brother; sustcr, sister. seun, son ; dogter, daughter. GUIDE TO CAPE Dl'TCH.

neef, cousin, nephew; niggi, cousin, niece. oom, undc; tante, aunt. peetoom, go,~faihcr; peettante, godmother. jungetji, boy; mysi, girl. jong, scruant boy ; myd, scrz•ant ~irl. jonkman, yozmJ.! man ; jonge dogtcr, young u•o11wn. hengs, stallion ; } . . , ll' mern, marc. rum, J!.e ' !111{ ; bul, bull; ko~i. cvw. beer, boar; sog, sow. ram (kapater), ram ; ooi, ewe. hond, dvJ.f; tee£, lntch. haan, cock ; hen, hen. (c) By prei1xing or affixing 4ualifyiug words : mens, man; mausmens, froumens. kind, child; jongetjikind, mysikind. skaap, slu;(p ; :-.kaapram, skaapooi. hok,!foat; hokram, bokooi. ful, colt ; hengsful, merriful. kalf, calf; bulka lf, ferskalf. eend, duch; mannetjiecnd, wyiicend.

4· Diminutives. Diminntives are a characteri.,tic of Cape Dutch, being largely used as terms of endearment. They are formed by adding to the Nouns tht: suffixes i (plur. iis), t;i and i_!(ii. Examples : huisi, little house ; p!aasi, little farm ; jm;:.:.ft, small load ; dmpi, small village. bvvmj>i, small tree ; armpi, little arm ; halmpi, small stalk ; 1·iimpz, small strap.

jJou~ji, liitle woman (dear wife) ; kniitji, little knee ; boontji, small bean ; kamcrtji, little room.

rollclj"i, small reel ; hommetji. small basin ; kanni.;~ii. small jug ; rinJ.;i•fjz, small ring; karrilji, small cart. Notice further : GUIDE TO CAPE DGTCH. 15 klonki, little boy ; pietinki, saucer ; boeti, sussi, appellations of the eldest brother and sister in a family ; tanni, neji, nig~i, endearing terms for aunt, cousin (male and female).

II. The Article. There are in Cape Dutch two Articles, viz.: The Dclinite Article di = the, alike for all genders, singular and plural. The Indefinite Article ecn = a or an, abbreviated to 'n. Both Articles are indeclinable.

Ill. The Adjective.

I. Adjectives of quality, occurring before X ouns, are inflected by taking a11 e, as : Dis 'n fraaie perd, this is a pretty horse. Hy het 'n goeie moeder, he has a ~ood mother.

2. A" in English, the Adjectives are abo inflected to express degrees of cump:.trison. The Comparative is formed by adding er, and the Superlative hy adding sl to the Positive form, as:

Gruot, lar.~e, grooier, groot"t. Zwak, weak, zwakker, zwakst. Duur, expmsiz•e, duurtler, duurst. Blij, ~lad, hlijer, blijst. Lief, dear, liewi·r, liefst.. Kwaai, a11~ry, kwaaier, kwaaist. ..\lin, little, mincler, mi nst. ..\Iager, thin, magenler, mag erst. Gehoorzaam, ohedzmt, gehoorzamer, gehoorzaamst. 3· The following have irregular forms of comparison : Goed, ~ood, bet.er, best. Feul (banjc), 1/lluh, meer, meest. Sleg, bad, erger, ergst. Graag, liwers, liefst. (a) This last word is an Adverb, and corresponds to the English verb "to like" used in conjunction with verbs, as: GUIDE TO CAPE DUTCH.

H y wil graag kom. He likes to come. Hy williwers bly. He would rather stay. H y wil di liefste gaan. He prefers going. 4· In some cases meer, more, and mecst, most, are used for comparing adjectives, as : H y is meer ~kelm as syn He is more sly than his broer. brother. Di esel is meer moeg as The mule is more tired than di perd. the horse. Di fader is in di dorp meer The father is better knoum in bekend, as di seun. the town than the son. IV.-The Pronoun. 1. Personal Pronouns. Singular. Plural. Ek, I ; my, me. Ons, we ; ons, us. Jy, you; jou, you. Julle, you; julle, you. Hy, he; hom, him. Hulle, tlzcv ; bulle, them. Sy, she; haar, her. (Jul and Hul are used as Dit, it; dit, tt. abbre\'iations.J 2. Possessive Pronouns. Singular. Plural. Myn, my. Ons, our. Jou, your. Tu11e, your. Syn, his. Hulle, their. Haar, her. (Jul and Hul are Ubed as Syn, its. abbreviations.\ Note.-The Personal and Possessi\'C Pronouns of the second persons are only used when speaking to equals or inferiors. It is a mark of reverence to omit them, substituting for them the name of the person addressed. Expressions like, " Oom, wat bet Oum met Oom syn fc gemaak ? '' " Cllclc, what did you do with your caltle l "-an: most common. 3· Demonstrative Pronouns. Dit, this. Dat, that. Hier-di, this, these. Daar-di, that, /hose. Deuskan t -syne, this on,· here, the one 011 this side. Andcrkant-syne, that 011e there, the oHeyo1tder. l;l'!IJE TO CAI'E Dl'TCIL T7


Ilet jy dit a! ouit ge..,Iin : Did Vlllt <"Z'i'r see !his.' Kan JY dat fersta:m ? C<111 vou 1/tltlrrs/,wd thai ! \\'atter percl het siik ge- H'hic!t horse !tas ba11 taken W

fl. lncle11nite Pronouns : ImauL;, somchodv; nimand, 11ohodv; idereen, t"z•rrv/Jodv; iih, sumt!huij{: niks-I.i, notlimg; 'n mens, one; '>< Jtnmige, sm11c feuplc ; eenig een, nny unc ; party, wme.

V.-The Verb. r. The cc•njugatiun of the Cape Dukh \ erb IS \cry "imple. Tlw ;-,tl'm-parl of the Holland Dutch verb l'on-;titnl es tlw luliniti\'e fllrlli

  • 2. Co::-;n·G.\TIO'\ oF rHE \'EIE '1 0 CAP F. DL'TCII.

    hul!calizte Mood. Present Tense. Ek, jy, hy, ous, julle, hulle kom, I come, etc. Perfect Tense. Ek, jy, hy, ous, julie, hulle het gck, julle, hnllc sou kom. I should come, etc. Comlttional l'et fed. Ek, jy, hy, on~. jul:c, ltnlle ;..ou gekom he, I should have come, etc. I mpcralzz•e. Kom, come (thou or yc). 3. The Perfect Tense, or sometimes the Pluperfect Ttnsc, takes the place of the Past Tense in Cape Dutch verbs. There are, however, six verbs in vvhich the form of the Imper­ fect Tense still sut ,·ive;,, viz. : te be, lu have; h: wees, to be; sal, shall ; kan, cent ; mod, lllltsl ; wil, will ; which have-had, was, sou, kou, 1111 Jes, wou -for their Past Tenses. 4- The verbs llC and wecs being irregular in their con- jugation, we give them i11 full.

    Co~JL'GATlO~ OF THE VERBs he, to have, and wees, to be. lnlinitive Pt esent: te he, to have ; te wees, lu be. Pa::>t Participle : gehacl, had ; gcwees, bee11.

    I11dit allt't: Jl ood. Present Tense. Ek, jy, hy, ons, Jnlle, hnlle het, I lwz c, eh. , ,, , , ,, is, I am, etc. Perfect Tense. Ek, jy, hy, ons, j ulle, hulle het gelud, I have had, etc. , ,, , , is gewets, I luwc been, ete-. " " GUIDE TO CAPE DCTCII. '9 Past Tense. Ek, jy, hy, ons, julie, hullc had, I had, etc. ,, , ,, ,, , ,, was, I Wtls, etc. Pluperfect Tense. Ek, jy, hy, ems, julle, hulle had gehad, I hnd had, til. , , , ., . , , was gewees, I had bec11, etc. Future Tense. Ek, jy, by, ons, julle, bulle ~nl he, I ~hall luwc, clc. Ek, jy, hy, ons, julle, hu1le sal wccs, I shall he, etc. Future Perfect. Ek, jv, hy, ons, julle, bulle sal gchacl h0", I shall hm•c had, etc. Ek, jy, hy, ons, jttlle, nullc sal gewees he*, I shall hm•e been, etc. Conditional Present. Ek, jy, hy, ons, julie, hulle sou he, I should luwc, etc. Ek, jy, hy, ons, julie, bulle sou wees, I should be, etc. Conditional Perfect. Ek, jy, hy, ons, julle, bulle sou gehad hl:*, I should ha,•e had, etc. Ek, jy, by, ons, julie, lmlle sou gcwees lu~*, l should luwc been, etc. Imperative. He", h,we (thou or ye): \?ilces, be (thou or yc). 5· The following verbs are the only ones that rdaiu t!Je final11 tlf the Infiniti\·e Mood of Il<>lland Dutch verbs: dom, to do ; siin, to see; J!.aan, to go ; staau, to st;md ; slaan, to strike. This form is likewise retained throughout the coujugalion. Examples: Pn:sent Tense. Ek clnen, ek siin, ck gaan, ek staan, ek ~laau. Jy cloen, jy siin, jy gaan, jy staan, jy shan. Hy doen, by siiu, hy gaan, hy staan, hy slaan, etc.

    ~un:.-ln the pla<.:e'i m.trke

    Perfvct Ten-.e. Ek hd ged•>en, het gl'-;iin, hd gegaan, het ges1.a,m, hd geslaan. Future Tense. Ek -.,a! due11, sal -.,lin, s:d gaan, -.,a! sta:111, sal slaau, etc. o. The Cape Dnkh ba:, a d!luhh· negation, an uumist,tk­ ahle ~ign of the iuiluenee uf t ht Freud1 langnage upon it dming the pe1 10Ll of tis fnrntatiun. t..:xample..,:

    Ek het ui fer h()m gesiin ui, I hm•,u't S<'t'll him. Ek wed niks ni fau ch tliug, I kuow nolliill~tlho>lll tht' malhr. Ek het dit nug nr,oit gelwor ui, I llL<'

    1· List nf some of the Principal Verbs. (The Euglish io.; arrangnl alphabetically.)

    Antwoonl, lo llll.,1t't r. SL' lH JOJHHaak, /u clct!ll. Fr~tag, to t!Sh. Klun, /,, dimh. flak, to htrht. Tr,e ma;1k, to clu.,e. Do•Jj>, lo bafllsc. Tt'"'"'• /,, wmf,,J/. Bad, lo h11tlte. Angaan, /ol 1 lllliillltl'. 1~eg111, to bc,:.:111. l{nok, ttl (Ll(l/;, t ;lu, /,J heliez•c. K1uip, /o tre, It' cf,·/iz•cr. Brcek, tv brcah. Fi:rwoe-.,, lodes/roy. Breug, to bnnf!. Stetf, /o .!zt. Hou, lu build. Frek, lo dzt ( oj llllllllep, /o uzil. Ft:rclwvu, /tl disaffeur. Skr.:, to call out. Ilindet:, to ,/islurh. Draag, to rinl,, lu d1i11k. K.tp, lu thof. D1yl, to dn; c. Gl'IDE TO CAPE JJl'TCll. Jl

    D1 ong, In drv. Fi:rhuur, lo "I. Eet, lo e1il. Ansted-:, to li_i!)zt. GeiHit, fo CillO\'. . \nmaak, lo li).!.ht (a _ltn'). Ft:rneem, to niqinrc. Lyk, lo l1he. Omfal, to (all lh't'l'. Led, Ia I ~<'c. Foe!, lol .!eel. Laai, tu lo11d. Feg, to.!tJ;ht. Kyk, to lt•oh. Find, to /zud. Lid he, to lo;•e. Fiug, t,, ·tiee. Loei, to lo,,•. Fli, to tiv. :\Iaak, lo lllei Jo .~ro.t'. Optel, to pic!; up. Rtai,' [, • ).!.ltc~s. Plant, [,, fl.wt. Ha'el, t,, hail. Spenl, to flay. Hang, to hall)!,. Giit, to four (;ebeur, lo hatfell. Skt·nk, lo j>oll 1 llllt. Genees, to hml. Pry..,, to prais,·. Help, to lzclf. Bid, to pmy. \\'egskt>k, to hui<'. Druk, to frc,s. Huur, to hire. BGh~, ftl promi-,c. H.aak, lo hit. Straf, to fitlllsh. Huu, It• hold. Berg, f,, j>ul by. Hoop, to hoj>c. H.e'e1t, to nziu. Jag, lo hunt. Lee~, [,, I'Ctld. Spting, [,,jump. Ontfaug, lu ,..., t'l<'t. Sk•,p, to kick. Bly, /o J'LIIlJ'/1). Klop, to k11••t k. Bra.ti, lo roaslr' mutt). Duur, lu lml. F.tat, lo Still. l...~ag, /,, lau).!.h. I~L·d, to -;m·c. Ly, lu !.:ad. Saag, lo .,!1

    Fcrkoop, to sell. Stryk, to stroke. Laat fat, to set out. Suig, to SttGk. Xaai, to sew. Fe, to sweep. Skncl, to shake. Swcm, to swim. Skyn, to shme. N eem, to take. Skiit, to shoot. Anfal, to take hold ot. \Vys, tv shoiA•. Praat to talk. Sug, to sig,lz Prod: to taste. Sing, to sinJ!.. Fertel, to tell. Sit, to sit. Liig, to tell a lie. Slaap, to slce]' Denk, to think. Ruik, to wzt'll. Trap, to tread. Rouk, to smoke. Bebandd, to treat. Klink, tv sound. Draai, to turn. Saai, to sou·. Bcgryp, to understand. Spreck, tv speak. Kuier, to visit. Spuit, to spout. Loop, to walk. Opkom, to :.print: up. \Vas, to t.Jash. Uitloup, tv sprnut. \\T e, to WeiJ.th. Steel, to steal. \\Tin, to win. Stap, to step. \\Tincl, to 'lr:i11d. to pace (of a horse).\\' erk, to work. Ophou," to stop. \Vensch, to wish. Skry, to write.

    Of the four remaining parts of speech-the Aclv~rh, Preposition, Conjunction :1ncl Inlerjection- -tho;,e principally used arc the following :

    V!. The A"verb.

    1. Adverbs of Time : N ou, now ; ooit, ez•er; nouit, llct•er; altyd, alway;; clih\ ib, oj[m ; b;mje maal. ojlm j fer cffc, a lilllnt'lzilc ago; net nou, just now; been en weertjes,for a lzttle while; fauclaag, to-day; morre, to-morrow; gister, yesterday; o'ennnrri;, the day ajtcr to-morrow; amltir week, 11ext wt:ek, somtyds, sometimes, &c.

    2. AdYcrbs of Place: Hiir, here; daar, there; n 'erals, cz•erv• u•herc j iwers, S0111C1dtere ; niwcrs, llOWhere j ncr'cn;, ni, lio­ wftere; nahy, 11car; fer, jar; agtcr behind; foren toe, jorzvanl ; omler, under, dow11:.tairs; bt1, above; bo'en np, 011 top; op solder, upstairs, &c. GUIDE TO CAPE 11l'TCH. 23

    3· Adverbs of Manner : Goed, a•ell ; sleg, bad ; ll.nnig, quick~v ; SOetJCS, slow~v ; reg, I igh I ; ferkeercl, wroll.!f, &c. 4· Adverbs of Degree : Ileeltemaal, altoj.fether; skaars, scarcely ; al te, too ; banje,

    VII. The Preposition. The must common l'repusitio·1s are the fnllov.. ·ing : Fan, o.f, from, ; an, at ; up, uj>011 ; na, towards; :augs. 11e.r:t to; fer, for; nHfens, beside, cleur, tlzrou,l!,lz ; hy, bv , om, round; in, in; uit, out; af, dou•n ; buitt!kaut, onf.,ide; binnekant, inside; sander 'll'ithout; cnntrent, about; tu::,c;e, bcf,t•all; o'er, pm.t, &·c

    VIII. The Conjunction.

    The following are the most c\'ery-tlay Conjunction~ : En, antl; want, for; omtlat, because; maar, hut; as, {f. <<•hen ; of, or, whether ; waarom, Z!•hcrdore; wa.trfai~, whereof ; wanner, when; alhoewel, ,lftlzouglz, &c.

    IX The Interjection. Some of the Interjections, most nsecl, are as fllllows : 0, oh I ag, ah .1 siis, bt~lz I fuei tog, _(v / foets·tk ! hq;olle .1 m'n magtig, ! dear me I nt: ! isn't it?

    There is a large number of 1 .ther expressions in exis­ tence, which do :-.ervice as Inteqec.:ti\lns.

    ~~ Gl'II>F 1!J CAPL I •t'TCII.

    CHAPTEH \'.

    l'SEFl'L I~FORI\!ATIO".

    I. The Numher~. Cardinal. Ordinal. Een, 0/l(', Di eerste. Twee, /'1!.'0. twedt.:. Dri, three. ,," clercle. Fiir, tour. fiirde. Fyf, !it•t:. fyfde. " Ses, Sl.t'. sesdt:. Scwe, SC'Z'ell. ., scwcnde. Ag, flf:[hl. ,, agstc. NC'e, llllle. nC'endc. Tiin, ten. tiincll:. " EllCf, clez•e11. ellcfde. Tw.:tlcf, ht•clr·c. " twalcfdc. Dcrtiin, I htrtcm. " dertiincli.:. Feertiin, fourteen. " fcertiindc. Fyftiin, :fifteen. " fyftiindt:. Sestiin, sixteen. " scstiinde. Sewenhiu, sez•en teen. ,," se\vcntiinclc. Agtiin, eiJ.!.hlem. agtiindc. Ne'entiin, ni11eteen. " neentiinclt:. " T'vvintig, twcutv. twintigste. Een en twintig, lwenlv-ollc. " een en twintigste. Tween twintig, lwCillv-l!t'o. .," tween twintigstc. Dertig, thirh;. clcrtigstc. Feertig, ;orlv. "., feertJgste. Fyftig, fifty. ,, fyftigstc. Scstig, SIX(\'. ,, ~t:stig~tl!. Sewentig, sezoeutv. sewenstigste. Taggentig. ei~htv·. " taggenstigstc. NC'entig, nin eiy. " nc'cnhgstc. " Gl'IllE TO CAPE I>l'TC!l. 25

    Hnnclerd, Ullt hundred. , hunclcrdste Hondercl en cen, o11c hulldrcd and ,. hondt·rd en cer­ 0/IC. ste. Hrmdi.:rcl en tiiu, one hundrt'd and ,, liondercl e11 tiin­ len. de. Twl: honcli:inl ell ecn, heo hundred aud , twl~ honderd en one eerste. Duiseml, Ul1<' thousaud. , duisendst0. Duist:ncl en tyf, (lilt' lhouoand mrd .. cluisencl en fyfcle. tiz't' . Fvf cluisend, .fiz•.: thousand. , fyf dnisL;nclstc. Twe dm:,encl clri l JJn thousand " t we cluisend dri homliircl en tlin, Liz ru lzrtlldrcd tllld 1J ()II cl Cr cl C 11 ten. tiinde. Eeu millioell, o1zc mzllion. , milliocnsie. ~enn1aal, 0/lll'· Sesmaal, sr.r li111es. Twl:maal, lu.•ice. Sewemaal, .\C<'t'll trme:.. Drirnaal, lhrirc. .\gmaal, eL:~lrl !imt'.,.. Fiirmaal, four lz lllc\. Xc'cm;1al, Ill/It' Ill/ItS. Fvfm,tal, fzt'l' /11/IC>. Tiiumaal, I ell I i Illes.

    Twemaal twe is Jiir, lwzcc lwo 11rc (our. Drimaal dri j, ne'e, llzru limes tlzl·a are umc. F1irmaal Jiir j, -;estiin, (our it Ill<'' four are si.rtecu. Fyfmaal iyf is fyf en twintig, )1•e lime' jiz•c are twenty-tiz•e.

    ll. How Time is expres,.,ecl. Fyf uur, /iz•e o'1l01k. Twaltif uur, 1100/l. Halt een, half past lwelz•c. 'a Half uur, half mz hour. 'n Kwartiir, a quarter '!f an hour. Dri kwartiir, three quarter, ,:fan hour. Twintig minute, twentv lllilllLies. Tiin minute o'er twaliii, leu uilllules p~.~st twclz•e. Kwart o'er lwc, a quarter }t1sl two. Om half twe, 'li lzal rfa:,/ one. Agtiin minute toor tit i, c(!!,ltlc.:u miuutcs to three. Hoe laat ts dit ? TVhal\ the time ! GUIDE TO CAPE Dt.'TCH.

    III. Terms relating to Time, etc. 'n Eeuw, d ceutury. Di nC'entiindc ccuw, the nineteenth century. 'n Jaar, a year. Di jaar ne'entiin honclcrd, the year nineteen hundred. Di jaargetye, the seasons. Somer, winter, foorjaar, en Summer, wi11tcr. spring, mul hcrfs, autumn. 'n Maand, a month. Daar's twali:i£ maamle in di There are tu:eh•e months in the jaar, year. 'n Week, 'n clag, a week, a day. 'n Maancl het iiir wekc, en a mo11th has jour weeks, and dcrtig of een en derhg thirt_v and thirty one days. cla'e, 'n Skrikkeljaar, a leap-year. In 'n skrikki;ljaar het Fc­ In a leap-year the month of Feb­ berwari maand ne'i; en ruary has twcn~v 11ine days. twintig cla'e. 'n Uur, 'n minuut, 'n sekonclc, an hour, a minute, a second. Fanclaag, murre, o'ermorre, to-day, to-morrow, the day after to-morrow. Gister, eergister, yesterday, the day before yester- day. Fandaag o'er ag cla'e, to-day week. Fanclaag foor ag da'e, a week a![o to-day. Morre o'er fcertiin da'i:, to-morrow fortnight. Oggend, miclclag, a'encl, moming, ajtenzoon, ez•ening. Nag, midcli;rnag, night, mid-night. Morro oggrncl, to-morrow moming. Fan oggencl, 's a'ens, this morning, this euninf. 's Oggens, 's a'i;ns. in the mormng, 111 the ez•ming. Foormidclag, f.m., forenoon, a.111. Agtcrmiclclag, n.m., (namid- ajtemoon p.m. dag), Gister a'encl, last night. GUIDE TO CAPE DUTCH. 27 lY. Names of the Months. Jannewari maand, January. Ft'·bcrwari February. ::\1aart " Jlarclz. April ,," April. ::\fy May. Juny " "fune. July ,," .'fuly. Augustus Au~ust. September " Si'j>it·m ber. Oktoher ,." Octuber. Nofemhcr X ovember. Desemher ,," December.

    V. ~arne-, of the Days. Sondag, Sunday. Maamlag, Monday. Dinge-,dag, Tue.,d.tv. \\'oeuo,clag, TI'cdnC'sday. Dnndenlag, Thursdav. FJyclag, Fridav. · Satertlag, Saturday.

    Vl. Points of the Cmnpass. Di :'-\oord, Thc Xorth. Di Suid, The South. Di Oos, The East. Di \\'est, The West. Di wind is noord-west fan­ Tlz,· 'Vrclelijke clcd van eli The northern part of the Trans- Transfaal, 7'F TD CAPE Dl' l'Cil.

    VII. Cape \\Teight~ and :\leasnre". Measures not given under tlns head are like the gnglish. \Veighis-(Avoirclupoi-;). 16 ounces (ous) - r pound (fond). roo lh:-,. - 1 Cape cwl. IT2 lbs. - r English cwt. zooo lhs. 1 Cape ton (KaHfsclzc lo11 ). 2240 lbs. - r Eugli-;h ion.

    Dry 1\fe.Lsure of Capacity. 3 bushel (hocsscl) or 4 skefels - 1 nmi

    Liquid :\ieasure of Capacity.

    2 Cape pints ( tiut; = 1 Cape quart. (i Cape qua1 ts(kwart )= 1 C:1pe g,Lllon. 8 Cape bottles ( /Jutlel)= 1 Cape gallun. I Anker 7 ~ ga llous. 1 aum (aam) 3 r § gallons. I leaguer (legger) I 2h § gallons.

    VIII. l\loney. 'n Stui'cr, a lz,!lfpcwzy. 'n oulap, a penuy. 'n dubbeliji, 'n oulap en 'n stui'er, penny ha'f<'llll_\'. 'n trcpl:n,, a lhrc.:f'Cilu'. 'n sixpl:ns, a sz:cf>mc.:. 'n silling, a ,,lzilliu;.;. 'n daalcler, ll sflllllllj!, llTld ~lXf'CIILC. twc silling, ,, florin. 'n half kroon, lz;d(-a-cron·11. 'n kroun, ll CI'O'U'/1, 'n pond, a f.•uml. Gl'llJE TO CAPE Dt:TCH. 21)

    IX. Land :\lea-,ure.

    r,o011 Cape FL:et 1 ,<> 33 British Imperial Feet. (Rtjnlalld;e toe/) u CapL: Fed Cape I Cape H."rxh 1 English ~1ik (Jlyl) . L ..J.4 Cape Square ft. = 1 Cape Syuare Rood (Fzir­ kanlc Rvcdi;). 6oo Cape Syuare 1 Cape Murgen (Morge). Rood r Cape :\Iurgen 2'T 2 English Acres. 3•u·3H C,tpe ~!tJrgeu I Engh->h Square :\file.

    X. \\'ays 11f Acldre-,sing .

    . \mung Africanders proper an old 111an JS addressed as O,•m, um·le, and i1i" wife as Tc~utL;, aunt. Persons so addressed reply by calling a yuu11ger man Xu'j, cou;,m (uephew), aml a younget wuman X(i!,~.:,i, L'IHJ:-,in (niece). }.lales oi equal rank aml about equal age addrc:-,s one atl'•ther as Broa (brother), ,,r, Ott Hrocr ("lcl bmtbt•t), iht: ou being a term of endearmet~i pure and simplt·. Females nuder like circumstances will say Susft'r (,.,;,.,tt:r), t1r, tlllmgh :-,ddnm, Uu Su.,ft'r. Fathers arv ,tdc:re->sed as Pu, and mothers as J/a. Gr,utclfathers are addre:-,~ecl as Ou Pa, and grandmothers as l)u Jl11. Ou 1\:ra is gt:nerally n-,ed fur speaking about nlcler male J1L'I :-,utb ; hy some, hnwt:nT, '>pec1ally w1th 1 eferencc to their lather,.; . . \ miui->tcr of rd:gion is called Jfellccr (:\fi-,ter), a title which i;, :-,omd imes sha: ed hy :\Iagtstratt:s. A sch< onhna:-,ter 1~ .tcldre->secl and spDken ot as "Jlccster." A male uati\'e i-; addt es.;;ed as jouf.!, or .l11driis, &c. The elcle:-,l daughter in the family is by tilL' serv,mls '>]lllken of a'> !{/,'ill x,,;, Gt'IDE TO C.\PE DUTCll.

    XI. Common Christian Names. Male. Female. \Villem, William. Rachdtji, Rachel. Knos (Koot), James. Sari, Sarah. Frikki, Fred. Leni, JJ agdalme. Jan, .'fohn. 1\litji (~l~Lri), Jfarv. Gert, Gerald. Sanni (Susi), Susa-n. llano.; (Johannes), John. 1\limi, ,Uarttl. Henclrik (Henni), Ilcllly. \Visi, Louisa. Frans, FraJuts. Anni, Anna. Piet, Peter. Betti, Elt:::ahcth. Stoffel, CIll i.,topher. l\Iatti, Mar.;;arct. Jakop, } a111es. Hanni (jani), 'Johtlll1UI. Anclriis, Andre1t'. T1lli, )Iathilda. Fani, Stephen. Stina, Chri~twa. GUIDE TO CAPE DUTCH. 31


    Spreekoefenings met eli Speaking Exercises 011 the \Verkwnorcl "he." Verb " to have."

    Ek het 'n kop. I haz•c a head. Ek het ook 'n lyf. I haz•t: also a body. Dan het ek nog twe .mns en Then a~ain, I hm•t' two arms twe beene. and two lcJ.Is. An elke arm het ek 'n hand. Ott each ann I hm•e a hand. An elke been hd ck 'n foet. Otz each lef.I I hau a foot. An idcre hand bet ek tiin Ou each hand I have lm fingers. fingers. An iderii foet het ek tiin toone. 0 n each fool I have ten toes. 'n ~lens bet 'n monel 'Jl1l tii People have mouths to speak. praat. 'n Mens het 'n tong om iii People haz•e to11gztcs to taste. proef. 'n Mens het no\i om te siin. People htwe eves to look. 'n Mens hct oorii om te !toor. Peuple haz•t: ears to hear. 'n :-.fens het 'n neus om te ruik. People hm·e 11oses to smell. 'n .Me us hct han de om h; foel. People haz•e hands to jet:!.

    Party mense hct oo'ii en hul Some peupe have E 'I U CAPE l>T'TCH.

    Hy is stom, arme joug. J{, rs du111h, poor boy. Percli; het ti.ir beene en kuci~ llor."·s ha,•c: (vr.r h:lf.s, '" u/~,, en skap(· ~· nn:·~. a 11d shup. Di fnet \'an 'n lwei bet tw~ A ,,,,,,·s (ool 1~ 111 /w,, ft~rf.,, part\:, Cll 'n pen! syn,; aud ,i hvrsc'~ i11 one. maar een. KoeiL: en OSSL' het hon'ns op Cvz,s and oxc"It lzm·c hor11~ t'll lml koppi;. their heads. H ul het dit om hul ie f~nle­ TlwN the\' hm•c to ,h:/elld dig. I hcmsch•c;,.

    llaz•c \'Oil tuluu \'Ult di111rcr, hovs· !' · X?, nogge ni, Pa, ons gaan Xo, · nut yet, father, we an· nog. J..!.OIIIJ.:. I-Iet julli' niks ni gehad ian llm•c you !z,zd /i<>lltlltjf ~illu fan llW!Ti; ;1f ? ll11s 111urmll~! X iks andcr;, ni as '11 paar Xuthur~ lml u

    I-ll t jull" a! dorp toe gegaan ? llm•c: \'Oil hu 11 lu 1/r, 1'illa[:,< ? Ja, ,lll.., hd al foor 'u nur }·,.,, ,;-'<' <'11111<' batk m orclentlik, l'a, Hallzcr decent!\', jatlrcr, hut llla:1 r di h(ltpenl \\ il 111 llwt <~[1 horst' dt•tsn't full 111CJU! 111. n•c/1. Jy het seJ.;:,.r weer ft•t h1;111 I fuu;, UL'JDE TO CAPE HL' l'CI!. 33

    <~isti:r lucl utb 'n regle lr.tai YoterJav 1<'<' had nallv a Ill<'<' dag. da\. · · D.ts al!nell:we ~•J in di wi·tkt Ti1,1t'~ ,tfw,l\'~ so here· 111 hiir. W1lllcr. A.., dil ni m .. hki rt:'ent, i~ tht It hv t haiiCt 1t due;, 11of ralll, Wt'et ud mu 1i. tire ant!t,·nt 10'1 llaz•c vou flc,zrd ab,1ut vour skapt: geh ... d ? _,/zcep iltnll ,' Ja. ek bet , t1 teartul t:una:tt dru .gte. drou.~ht lou. · Di felc: het a mper lli kc•" l'lzcz•tldtlzu;, sunrclv h11d !•'•'" gi:lud k· Lli fl: ni. for tlze tn/1/e En eli rifnr, :nue w praat ·1i, "l11d flz,· ri;•,.,., ,f,,,,•t illlh ,,( 11, di lwl Lli heel ;.t:ll nog ni il l11zs uu/ had llll\ ;>•ill<'! water gL:han \ banJi: j .. unm:;:· ier dt )or tlzt' distm I. Lli"trik.

    Denk jy ,hy s• •n -ofeul ~iektP~ IJ,J V"ll thiuk lze ;wuld be· so he a:, liy ni 51) .tg~eh )~tg tJ//ell ill zf he· Wt'l't: nut S•' wa"? utrdtss .' H \' "' >L: :,l:l;:Fr geld gdtatl hd lie ~t·,mld undouhtcdlv ha.·c · ashy ItL't wilup~ep:t'l het. had 11/Uilt\' zf he· ht~d hem cartjul. . :\lyn ma hd gi:,ler knppyn Jiy Jl/oth,r lzad a headache gi·hacl, i.; mo'entlih., -Y is ma.tr sn her /,J.morrm>'. sw.tkkerig · [Ju~sihly, she zs rather ddimte. 34 Gt'!TlF TO CAPE lll'TCIL Dcnk hy ons sal eli pr>s sn [)o,·s lzc thi11k we should lzm•t laafgchatl hi", as eli spruit had thr fo'/ oO lair·, i( /he ni water gchacl had ni. J"/7'< r had lzad 110 wafer. \\'aarom wil julll: tog almi.;­ H7z\' tf,, \'Olf ah1•trys ,uallf lewe pampicre he ? p'afc'i'S .' Di man hei al lc hauie Tlzalllltlll Lalb loo z11uch, 1/zal\· praat jiis gehad, clis w:1t ;,•lzy H'< d,,n'l!ike him. nns ni fer hom lvk ni. Denk tog clat ons lH::t suo 'n ]11~/ tlmz!, I hut ;t·nlwuld /w; e groot plaas sou hl- as - il~ lart,;c a lrzn11 a~ llll< lc Q(,m \Yillem. ll'illzam. GI'II>E TO l'.\PE fli"TCIL 35


    ~prcekodeniug-, met eli Speaking Exerci'>es t\11 the '. \'erkwourcl " wees." Verb'' to he."

    Frikki is myn broer. Fred is Ill\' brother. Leni is Jan -..'n sustcr. Ilcl.:n is John's sister. ::\Iyn fader was eer-; bnt:r Jiy _tllt!zci· al hulle TVhcrt·, do vou mean, will the\' wees? be! · Ek mccn op eli plaas fan eli I mean 011 the old f't·oj>le's on mense. larm. Yergange jaar was

    Is cbar weer 'n sw,trighy

    Di haljuw was fan mnrri; The ~ht'l·itf mr' here this hiit. 1//0I'ilt ll,t!· H v hct lliV 'n an.,kr) liug lie ha; lmm;.:lzl 111r a 7.,•nt. · gehrl:ng Daar wa" gistt't n f<>llnis 1'e,·tenluy, illl(!}.111<'1tl ua., Iuken tt?"u 111\ nitge\\ y;, in di 11111 ll,t!mu;l lilt' in the kant< H>l:. Court. H y bet gekom om myn got·d E!c , tllll<' to atta,·h my t,,,_ an ~e ;,la~lll. fer/y. And<'r week wil ltv iet mv Sc.tf ,,,eck lu ;;.•auf, to sell me u it fi·r kn< l) '· · Ill'/. Di man \\as hanje erg•·rlik The fcl/.m• .ca~ 7'< n o.J.toz;n·c, gi'\\ ee~ . ..,t: l:k li:r j"n. I fell \'Ozt By hct ampi:r ftir 111y H.' llc i!lnzo~i 111\llli< d me. lee<:ig. Dit wa'> ghcl fi·r uiit <>111 t >111 ie /,dh Ia lum. praat. H y wa" net -,o koppig a:, 'n e:~el. Yncllik ht·t hv tug m<·et .tl lml, lz<•z,•e,'cT, lze had to hoor. - hear. 1\Iyn nu lnmrman wa-, hiir .liv uld ll<'ll!)zhour 'li.'ll'i here 1~;. my gewec-,. . I.t'zflz lilt. En

  • ntlik Aut! Ju J..:ll<'t him a ,{llliJ;ht ilnk'> dt waarhycf gi•-,C:. /11 Jhzn.~ to. ~laar eli man hei ,n fJr hom llullhc jc·llt><,• .~of >0 ,z,lzmncd ge,kaJm, clat hv ni llzat !J, did JZ••I k11ow gi:wed bet waat ,;m te ;;•hi, li way lo luvk. kvk 111.

    Sal myn !rind claar wces, .,f lj.'i/J IIIV (iltJid bt ilzt'rt', VOII Jy. a:-. (·k k< m ? "'' n:, wht 11 I come! · Ek het so Hir lwm h;t :,ta.m. Th,it's hou.• 1 ztndenlood hili/. Dit was di af:-.pra;t h., "'' f.:'r­ Tlzat ,,,us tl11 m-ranJ.It111CI11 >o tel hy fer my. he f,•Jd 111c. \\'aarom was hv cl[/z,r da_\. c;niJI: TO C.\PF !11'TCIL 37 Di gt·wc,;; magi-tr.tat wa" Tlz<' Jormtr 1/llli!J.I/ralc· ;c•as a 'n clantg ku.lp man <'t'll' e lez•u' IIlli I!. gl:wee-.. Otb h.ry St~h1 r 11111 d met·t TVe slzmz't ri'cr .~e/ Sll1'11 ,z 1/letll 'u man ~1111's hy ui. a.~a in /; kc h ,. . Di-; daarmn al tl: jainmer dat 1/'s .111eh a pity !z,· httd tu hy uuu het tno..:" weg !tate g. tan. \\'et·.;;jy mtar .~<'clnltlig,m:w, :f"u~/ hat<' fLZiieuu·,

    Om l't'riijk en '•prt:g te \\'t ,,, To he· /ull/t',/ t111d slrt!Jj.:ltt­ is d: l >c.;;(e reko:11111.l'l (,>r;l.:ard i~ tile !Je.1l rtcom­ d.hi. IN<' ill/ c/ /t,l/1, Di;, gu,·d , 1111 pacr:11l" te It i~ ,.:ood lo hll<'l' patriotic wees, •ttaar c:i g~s.JIIde t(·elin..:_;., hut commo/l Sl'llSe' i<'t ,taw; m• 1ec t:.t.lrt 1111 otl,l.',ht '''"'''_\'.\ t,J predomi­ eli et·t ,t.: h:v. nate. Sal o:ts n: t.m a 'ellll hv rn,; Could ;.•e not lllcd to;.;,ethcr k.tat k.m wet,,, 1;m cit /n-lllj.:hl lu cll\ru.l.\ th,.,e s.tk.:: cl~', th. k hepra t!. 1/laltc 1S 1/Je•/elll,~h/y. Hy l:d a! gi,ti·r cla.u mt•d lie should !line· l>c-t'll there wee'i, cht •\k 11[ ktHJJ \'t ,fcrdav, hut zl StC/111 as hv g 1.tlt ·1i. it he H'tJii'/ t tl/lle. 1 Hill' s't:t.lll wt llliU llle: ]llLL , H'lwt z..~ vour mind TIU'iJ', is 1t /o ;,;,\ dit '" 11 11i !t'u't: h,· ws or lltJ .' vou muo;f wees: Jnlle 11111et 'lttu d.:cidc 1lt1u!. h~slis. Gl'Il>b TO CAI'E lll'TCII.

    ::\1 vn fad~r hd skaars kan J/v (ather can ltiircfl\' llL T


    K1 llttvr~.t-;iL' t>li l' itdrnkking-,, Couvt:rsalion & Expre:,sion:-..

    Jan In up ua Lli cle\11. John t;oes /o /he door. Hy ht:'t im.t·Hl .~chollr klop. ·n e 1~ r(~lzt haud. uit. II v f.tt ch ku11p :t 11. lie !tzh,·s hold 011 the h11oh. H\· trek , li denr , 11 'P· lie fulls lhL door ofL'll. II\· :,iin ~vn onm da.1r. Tlc sees Ius 1111clc !here. H~· ~e. Lh.~ nom, ek is hly lie st~vs, :.food d<~v, uncle, I am 1 llll fer unm ll' o.;iin .~!tu'r to sec i·ou. Hue g.1au dit t:og, oom? ffmc• do vou du, llllch· ?

    X~. c\it g.t~Ul nog goecl, ned, I 11111 fairly mamma frio.; ? Are father and lllolha ·well? Hd Frau.;; Ltu di hoes afgl:­ lla;,· Francis xot rid of his knm? 'ouxh :' Ild. clit ~mna1 <>'ergega:u1, ol f) ill it leal'C him ot its ou 11 hd hy di clnktct gl:had" m 1 ani, or dtd -he sec the doc/or! Ek ht:t gehoor nig Sanni le I hc,trd /hat cousin .'-)anni is net sleg. z•en• ill. Hoe lyk di wercld htir, m·ef? lion• tirc thiuxs ahL•lll hac, COll.\1/l ? Ilvi jul\c a\ I lll :eutJyl;: re 'eul Ha.•c' you hc~d a t;ood deal of gt:had;. rtl/. II r' ln watll;r lwnc\i"t t:-. Jlll In what condition are \'OUr :,kapl;;. shccf! ·

    Di fdd is dr11og, v11 eli ~kape The >•cldt is drl', and tlu is miserahel. sh<'ff arc 111i;cm/Jlc. Dt grout ft'· lyk 'u weiuig The ca/llc look· a lilllc bellcr, b(tl.;: lllJil. Jl(),('. Gl'IDE TD C.\PE TWTCII.

    Party fan ons pL:rdc is hauje ,O..,'olllt' n( (llfl' horse~ are ; t'l'\' ln{t'Cr. thin. Ons l1et ma;n· min lwrt:ng Tf',· had , •Ill\' 11 Sill ill! U't'f 1!f gL:win di ja;u. )!.mill this war. Di re'ent hd te bat uitgehlv Tlz,· row ktfl o[! too ltiic to om te pl11L'. · p!our.Jz. Di sprinkhane het 1 ok lUIIJL: The fo,us/s hm c hu·;t :•e1y gepb. lrouh!csollle, too. Bulle !Jet eli milJ:s sknou 1111- Thcv de:-trovt d tlzt 11/trz',,·s gCfrL-ct - 1 umfleldy. Ons lf\ve non m

    On~ hct mel eli !ryu Be;1nfol1 ff'c «'t'llf to !lcall_lcrt hy train. toe gi:, v. 1';1rtv fan· one; was di eer:-,(i· Solltt' ot us wrr.· 111 the ln1i11 i:naal op di tr:. n. All: the Jinl !nne. Ons hd ban:e plec;iir .~dud. H't )wd 11 ireul •luzl ,,f /ltll. Een my i hci "iik ge\\ o:-d, Out J!,ir/ gvl ~ick, hut not bad. maar 11 i erg ni Ons het fer haar ~til up 'n TI't' ful ht r yuifily doulln;c_ flu dtll' 11 71'11' ratha en c;(, ,fj e:-ig. n•arm mzd du~lv. ;\bat di nag w .. s lie<'rhk kr,e] !lui 1/ze '"~Itt ,,•u, ,i,·h..Jz(tully gewve' en Ill 1 1,,,1 andY' t nul 1 old. kun1l ui. IJ1 K:1· r •o :vk rt gte tr.t.t:. T!J,· J\,u n•1• '"'"'·' ,·,n 11ice. l>ic mr,d k1;r! k1nt d.tat g1 It IIlli

    \mper a! rli ril1ne hd w~1ti·J ,1/mns/ ttl! /fTc Yl1't'YS '!i'CI'C gdwd. ntllllill~· ::\1m wil on~ fee1 h:u cb'e op .\'o2<• we o.h,zll o;/ay a f•'rtnighl Be:mir 11 t hlv al Dcautorl. En dau ,_;.1au d·i \\' elliugt.lll .l11d iht'll ~t·c P' £,, TT'clliTz,~lou. tne. T\\ t: \au uns kiuder~ ga.ut T .. •u of our party tli'L al ~clzool daar .:;J.::u"l. then·. ll:Jllc hd r:i hn:\i <'tl'\' al•lblil<'/lo. ius/ likt: -..V'l br• ll'L h~> l;rotlz a. · Syn hr.1t r l:d pn·dikaut fit~ hr,ml 11 p!t·uo;aul day. • lt·J:r~i-!nt·ug. l> I ;u \\',l ~ \1;111]<; jn!l I'• 111:-. ],V Tlzac ;t, ,., 11111 II\' hull<'~ tt•il h t:i g•',el-.bql lht farty. · ( 1·1~ ltt·l kolh g ·m .. ak til IT't' 111<1d," '0/71'<' anti tried k.11 ]·1•J .1 .tjii" ;~1·hak <'h. :\la~u eli lekkerslc was nug Hut /lie Hites/ tar/ 1cas lhc: eli ge,L·ls. COIIZ't' Y.\Ll/ lOll. Ons was by ml:kaar uit fer­ 1I'c were togetltt r _fro Ill dUfcr­ ~killen~le plekkc Yan <'lli paris o( tlu· coulllry. tJIJ:-,C land . .\1 gou hd nn" uitgdiml l'u'\' soo11 ;c•c l••l!lld tllfl illi' · mauy ~~r ,;ur fn.p!t· knm• mekaar ken. em h olltcr. Party het sofL·r gekum, dal Solll<' ca111e .,o tar <','Cil a~ In lml d1 .t'l'ncl ge,ky ltet as ~g bet , •n" by di The juunzev bt~ck ,,., made h.\ maanllg gcm.1ak. 111001digbf. En di heele pad o'er het ons .l11d all illt' IC'Ll\' :i'C St!ll,l.[ him-, gcsing. fl\'lllllS. • Om l1alf dlef was on" weer Il'c reached htll/lt' tll ha(r fa;/ by c]j hui" gc\\CCS. tc:u.

    Hetjy\au a'cndnogiitsunuls Ihd _l'(llf he11r anylhlllf: jre.,fr fan c1 i om· log gL:hoor ? a haul ilzncarlhiscz•cnill;; :' Ja, hulie het \\ eer 'n slag )'cs, lht're hn> hcen ttnoiher gchad. btl! I! c. \Vat, al weer 'll :-lag ? I I 'hut, auo/lzer Oil<' a~ai 11 ;' Ja, char in di huurt \an }'es, Ill the ll<'lj;hbourh.•od ·~f Ermdo, si:· hulk Ermclo, 11 i~ s.ud. En hue bel clit gt·gaan? .lllll hmc did lhillf!,> .l.[o .' Ek clenk ordt'ntlik goccl fer l'rcl(v 7lell ,tor the ,,.,,,,p,, I eli troepc. illlllk. b cbar banjc cluo~l t lT'lltdlit''· gefeg gestt:l. Jy me en ian eli Boetl: ? J'ou 1/letZTl tllllt>ll~· /he H,,,,·s: lk mcen fan al di twe kanle I me,w 011 holh ~~d,·s inhd/ll,·. saam. Hct ch B· •ere "' nnat ryfel-, /lad /lit' no,rs n_l/e:, unly! gdwcl? Xe, bulle had ook ka:10nnl', .Yo, llzey lztld Ctlll•Wil too, ,j,r I ~es glo ck. bdiez•e. \Vi het hulle .lllgtfoer? Jl'lw z,•u., llz.:zr tOlllllltlllti< r .' I;CIIJE TU CAP!<. llr fCII. -+3

    D.tar \\'Zh t we generaal-., There wac two fpzcrals, hut I gcWt'l''>, m;1a1· ik lcrgt'l'l forgd tlzcz r name.-;. h ul nam i:. Denk jy bulle sal m•n nog /Jo \'OU tlli11k thev will ~till lang anhou? ·kap Oil loll!{ f Dii mag \\Tc..,, ma.tr wi o,,tl Pahaps ,,a, hut 7.<•llu u111 tell.' dit se ? Ik w._:n-, hul hnn uuu 'lJl. I wislz /lz,:v wauld ,;/of' lliiW, Ja, di t wens un-> :!lmal, rna; n Yes, ,t•e all wish so, h11t /lu·\' hnl feg daarum dag na hccf' 011 Jightill;!, day t~/ltr clag. dav all tlz,· same. Dcnk jy ni, un~c lane! wurcl /)on'/ \';JU tlzink Vlt1 CO!lll/V\' is banje \ erniil ? ;,•etling dez•mtatcd! - Sl:kerlik, di-> nug eli skgsk Xo d.•nbt, and tlz,r/ l'- /he wor;t van eli heel cling. part c~l the husiues.;. \Vas jy al hy 'n gefcg Hac'<' you t ''<'I' lnt'll i11 a ji;!,lzl. gewee,? Gelukkig ni, ek glo ni ek Fortzlllt!ldv no/, I don't tllllzk sal dit lvk ni. I shoit!d ltkc it. Ek se fer jmi, di<> free->lik. I tell vou, it is terrible:. Di homme wat bul o,kiit, is The liolllh,, tht)' shuul, arc jetlr­ yslikc . hospiiale. I>aar \\'••nl hulli.; ferpleeg Tlzcrt thev arc· nursed. .\bar eli elknclc wat wnrcl !Jullhc 1iziscr\' ITlllt i., uzdzncd, uiige,ta.1n, is 11i nm k ~~ indesc 'ribahle. he<>kry\\ l.; ui. ++ GCII>F. TO CAPE lll'TCH.

    Bepaalde Onderwerpe. Specific Topics. Tuis. At Home. :\ly.1 t.tcler i-; 'n man. J/v filfhrr j, 11 lllllll, H~· is iyitig par. lie j, ;irtv \Cilr> ,,fd. Ek is -;vn ;,emL I tllll hi:(s;>lt. Ek i-; · di oucbtL; \an ses 1 am the cfdccf,~t \l.': childrcll. kimlers. D.nr is clri st·uns en cl ri There tlrt titre.: so11~ and llzrcc dogters. ,/aujfhlt-rs Di cloglcrs is nl', siis. The dau,<:hlers arc J!,irls. :\f yn llH>eder is "es en ieL-rbg. JI v Jllt1!7lt r j, lnrlv-slx. Sy begin al gr! s wot d. Size t\ ,1/rmdy .~cilill.lf. .;r(y. ::'\i hanje, maar net ,, •r>n Xu! ~ t'l t IIIII< h, hut iu,[ a llltle bitji in haar iuurltaar. in 'tnllll :\Ivtt fader is ouwer a-; mvtt Jfv tailz,·J i1 older lluw Ill\' · nwedcr. · 11101 ha. En t()ch \Vllt d lty nog nik-; Alld still he is /lui ;;elllllJ;. .lfrt'\' gtys ni. at are l~tld, too. al sleg. En haar tatH!e h arnper al­ .lnd she lzas lu:.lneurlv 11!! her ma! uit. ll'rlh. Ek meen lh ho'enste, eli 1 mean lht lot 011<'1, flu lower onder;:.tc het sy uug. 011<'1 she htl'i still. Sv wil ft;r lta;tr tmut Lmdc ,','lze <•'Llllls to J!.tl llt'tt' h·t'llz. krv. :\bar -;)· !te: gL;liuut Rut ~he ha' heard lht~l llll~\' hanje gdd. t1 l't' C.\ ft' II\/, 'I'. Xou w:l !->\" uug ud 'tt bitji Xo;:c• she '''ants to ;,•till a lit/It wag. lun(o. Agter :\iinjaar ga,tll "Y Ka.tp .1 I I cr .\' en• Yc·d r <;/it toe. · Cape Tu,,•u Om 'L t:nnt gebit te bai !11 jlnt u ifc d~t•d of wnsumf­ · 1t:r: ng gesterwe. Lton., Hy het 'n paar kincJ(:rs, maar H c has a coufle t?f children, hnl is nng h;wje klein. but they arc slill z•e1y yuunl-f· H nl weet niks \ ;m eli cloud Tht'V knoa• notlzmt, (If their van tli mt>edPr. 111olha's dcatlt. Toen eli 1:uut nHh'der in eli H'hen the ne,;• mother came huis k• >Ill, hd hul ;,1) mar iuf,, llzc home, lhcv tuok to gewcn. 11Lr at Oll<-C. - Hul wa' net as klvn kuiki:n­ Thn· ,t't'J c just like littlt· t 1:i, wat 'n niens by 'n · clzichns. wlzich vou t,iz•c ander huendi;r set. tu a otrant,e /zen.' Ons famili wa;, almi;l0we L1ur fm11ilv /zu; al;;,•avs han hanje gL:;;l:gea gewee:,. i•tl'\' ftntzwrz/c. - X1 eeu van ous kinC.:er-. Sot u11~· ·of llzc thildrell ha~ wa;, nog sw.tar -,uk. cz•er b.r:en 1'tYV zll. En ek het fader of !11l)edet Xeztlzo luwc I ez•er seen JalhtT ouk nug llOt>ti y'nlik or mother reul Zv bad. sleg gt:-,1111 . On:, hun ter on,., maar min TT't lzm•e z•erv little to do with op met t:• 1kters. doctors.· Ous l'd almel~v. e ge~t >mle H'e alway> cal ht'allhful food. ko:>. En muedcr se tlts nog tli And mother says that that is be-,te doktcr. the best do~·tur.

    Statl tue. G< Jing io Town.

    \Vaar gaan Uum t:.1n morrc ? H'here arc yuu ;.;uint, this mumint,, Cntlc r Ek ga~m Kaap t< >e, e, i hope t

    La'ITlE rn C\PE JH'TCH.

    0, ek weet nog ni, -;trak-; Olz, I drlll'f krznw yet, perhaps korn claar nog iits fan. S< •mel ln n.J!. •t•tll '''Ill<' nf if. \Vat is clan eli moeilikhvcl? [I'fwl i:. the ditnut!lr .' Ek het m/ream, 1111d he te feu!. 11\t.> luo 111/lcll. En wat \Vil Omn Jlt\11 maak .lnd now, Cnclc, 7t•lurf arc vou by eli prokureur ? ~oiil~ to do at the a/lurucv's : Ek wil net raacl neem. I on!\' ll\', [Tndc, mod hof tc.e gaan ? that you must ,.::o to court;' Maski sal hy so ;,l:. I'erlzaf'~ he 7t'1!1 "'Y ~o. \\'eet Onm clis gcfaarlik ? ['llllt, do \'Oil lulOcak )i'tl/11 c.rpcnellcr, ou Broer? old 1/llltl : Ja, ordentelik, en ek sal ni Yts, nzilztr, nud I shan't .!!O gC:m weer -;oo'n toe gaan there 11/!,llill SUUil. nl. Het jy banje ferloor? Did \'Oil !tJ'>C 1/lltl h { Ek was eenmaal in eli hof I .c·as o111 <'in , our! with a case met 'n saak :w,tt ek gc­ whit h I n•un, hut I lzc m.>ts win hei, maar di koste 1Ctl't' much more than the was banje meer gcwees whole ll111z.i!, n•t~s ,,•orlh. as eli heel cling wenl was. Hd eli allllvr party d,tn 111 l>ul not I ht olltcr 'tdc p11y hciaal ni !- / hm : GCTDT~ TO C\PE I>T'TCII. 47 Di ancler man het hankrot The other man wen/ i11solunt, gegaan, t.:n ek ht.:t am per and I ;.:at scan <'ly a fenny 111 'n jlL'IIllV nit hmn out ~~r flilll. gGkry ni. \\-at dcnk iv nnu y'iiutlik bn 117uzl is your ''fuzioll o/ water waters.tk~. ou Broer? CL!~i'S, old {cllo.~· ,' Ek tlenk, '>Ill eli w:mrhvd te { 'ntlt·, to tel( vvu flll truth, sl:, Omn, dis 11og eli thev are tlzc most dan­ gefaarlikste :-.ake fan gei·vus 1 ases ~~t all. almal. :\faar lmlle 1s t1 >g so eenfntl­ A11d yet thrv are so \lmf'le. chg. Dit mag wee", maar ek het That mav he, but I hm•t: alwavs almClt:we ge.;im chtt noticed thai thev a-rc hulle lang is, en lang hTIJ!,thv, and lo1T;i cases ..,akc i-, k,>stbaar. tire n;stlv . Dau r..1ai jv ni fer my om eli Then vou woitld nut adPi:oc me prukurem te gaai siin ? t~1jfo a11d sec my attomcy ~ Dit wil ek ni -;e 11i, maar pa.; I do not say so, only be carejitl net np fer hum as hy uJhen he mentions the praat ian tli huf. lVlt1'l.

    H.o1telrys. Tnwclliug About.

    Di maniir van rys in eli land The ways oj Lmz•dlin;.: in this i-, in di laatste fvf en countrv hm·e ~'CIT much tw1utig vtar hanje fer­ rhan.~ed the last Lwen~v ~\nckr. }l1•e years. Fonr eli tvtl bet ons hiir ni B,·fore thai lime we didn't geweet fan 'n tryn ni. know ahotti lrai11' down Di cenig-,te ding wat nm; het here. kan cloen, W,ts om tli Tht' onZv thwg we , auld dv kar in te span en te laat n•tcs to insfmz a carl and fat. ;.:o. Partykcer wa-; ons tot ft:cr­ Sometime~· we were as lonJ! as tiin cla'e tne ~\gt0r me­ lvurlan days lraPcllwg, kaar op eli pacl, maar clit but that did nl'l lllnttcr. was maar niks gcwees ni. Gl'IDE 10 CAPE IWTCH.

    Di mensc o'crah \\,LS ft;nd 1 ht /'< oflt' ''''~'• c z e~y;t h<'re l•k en g.tsfrv, en n w, r<' ,i/.;.•,n•, sbau fer freemdd•ugi.·. ~~prn /11 ... frt.ltlJ..:t r.o... Om rnncl tc trt'l~ Itt '11 fet·rw(t G,ltlltf tid ,r/mut i11 "lt,·,, •I 711.o's in Eurup.t. Ollt' dc>i,\ Ill r:urtfe. Di try11 is '11 \\lltH:e:-like uit­ The fnlill " a ,.'oll,lenul fmeli·Jg, di" 'l·kl:t. 111; illflt'n cltu.~ tu:·k, >ll/,·am zs frcJdurcd. stoom wcrk up eli wiile. and fh,l! s/c'am a, Is on the u•heds. Op eli m:111iir is clit eli wakr /11 /hat ;;;av 1/ i<> th, ;:;_•a fer /hut wat a! di kiag maak. frodu~'C:S all /he fo;:;_•a. GP!DE TO C\PE Dl'TCH. -PJ

    Daar is n"g 'n andere cling, There is ·'''" lllzolher thin.!!, wat hanjc wonderlik 1s: which ts IIl:cr pl:rcle. < i: flu· hor:.t;lc~s lrrrm.' Di" v'eittlik 'n {trige cling, It 1s n·a!Zv a qut'tl' tlzinJ!,, lhc st 10\; hy d.tar clcur di wav 11 moz•cs ,don~ the ... trate '>kuif, ell g'll mens :.lrccls, no one kn,m•in~ wect hoe ui how. l>i krag wat fer hum clrvf, The pou•cr «•hie lz drh•cs if, 1s noem 'n ml:n" elektrisi­ eallcd cledricity, but 110 tyt, maar nimau fnmig as di II docs not mn so last u~ the tryn, maar da:trom twin­ train, hut ~i1ll if .(Ot'> tig my! in di uur. lwcntv mile:. ll/1 hour. ~Iaar ch laastc ding wai eli Hut cueJythill.~ llllllcJ>I bv whil'h mens. · Daar's di h1cvdc, wat hul sl:, Tl11 n· is !he bicvclc. ns lhcv ct11! wat net maar kan loop, it, that uin onlv m iz, hal maar omfal a-, hv '>til- falls m•cr n !z,·n- tl >ialld'>. staan. - 'n 11cns kan skaars fcr~taan One can scan clv undusta11d hoe eenl: claarup kan bly how a paso II '1111 f?,·cp sit. siltinJ!, 011 1t. En ek het al gc.,iin wal 'n .!nd 1 hcwc seen some onwluth man en 'n fruu aglih· t1 11111/l lllld ll ;t'(IJI/Llll ~it mek.tar op sit, en ur Jk behind cmlz olhcr,tllld al>o laugs meka:tr. alonj!,sidc oj oue !1/IOI!z,T. N'nn, hoor ek, is daar ook .Vow, I hear, !here is Ollt too eeue wat 'n mens dra that 1'1171'11'> a man witholli souclcr dat hy fer hom faddlinj!,. trap. Dis ;.ekcr w>g eli mooi..,tii That is llllduuh/cdlv the /i11nl uitfmsiil fan al, want n< •u 111, 'c'lltion of all, (or lli-JW I he kan eli rmter maar sit en rider can ;us! sita11d doc~ word gl.tcl m rnoeg ni. not tzrc hiinsc~f in the f,·u>i. Dit lyk uf word eli mcnoe h• >e II seems as ~f feoflc ic'<'f'(' Ianger hue slinuut!J. alwavs J!.elli ng cl c~·crer.

    - l

    (i!'lDE TO CAl'E Dl"I'Cit.

    Ek fer mv ierkiis da::trum I (01 one, hOl:.•cz•tJ·, frela a maar ;tt JlL'nl orn 1 'Jl te /z,,_,, f,, ndt 011; I th111l> tl ry ; ek clet.k dis tyliger. safer. In eli dmpe h di hincles In /1'11'i1s ht1 \'1''·' nrt' all n;.;lzt, goecl .~ct1oeg, warit eli lor the slrcds arc ni,·c· a/Ill ,trate i" m1 HJ: gayk (Jllt ·.,1/tooth tor udu!J.:, and itt\ tc ry, en penle ie hnu i-. cxft'll'iz•e h, keep !ltlf''"' claar clmu. /ITt re. Maat op 'n pb;ts heta.tl eli 1 •u 1/n/ on 11 tann lite old ltomc!r faclerb nch.l.: gl.:wuunti.:, , u.;lum:, ah~·av> an.;wcr ;1 claatum allllel~we han1e _1!_ood tlc•il h!'if1'r. heter. · Ek hd al hanjt: gesnn fan dr I htll,. ;,','II II (Tt'llf ll/t/11\' j1mge ml-nse t.m buite _1'01111.1!. f't•'f'le jltllll ll~t· wat ,tgtih· dt nnnt .outlln· "'ht•lll<'llllu t!Zt;e gewl•onti_:~ an is. 1111'1/t ru 1 ll ,fom~ 1\Iaar ek siiu clit maak fi.·t Hut I hi!;•c noticed thai lhev do bulle ,!.!;lad ni gelukkiger, 11ol ll!tllie lltl'llltllt_\ ht~f'fier, en h ul i<>rgL·et tlaarbv 1111d thev fuJ'f!_t! li!rlllill,( di boen:t:n mer them. Icler in ~,yn "larrcl. ~0 eli :,preek­ Ez·uy one Ill /w. place, sa_\S woonl: , , Ill/ ,~;d 111de : 1 dr nit lln"i,ls a/on;; 7nfh,,uf lites,· 11/tlll\' fan eli nii \\ e tycl klaar ill:'cllll•''b

    1\T(JJrl', Frans, !toe hk cltt (;o,Jd 11/0I'IIIIIJ.:, Fratltl\, how md jrm Lm Inl'tTi; .t~ter do \'011 reel lltlcr the di dar:-. r dt/11:, . .' ~e. l'iet, l-k t1 •e1 net agti•r 0, ]>tier, I tee/ qtnlc 111/ ri,hl, mi:ka.t:·, t•k lwt frueg hv di I

    ~e. on kerel, tadav, ma u i.cHl.:ag ltd ek hut lo-dav I iui1•c: much banje h(·-,ighyd lei cl11. \V.t'~ jv '.w pl:t 1on1 te ma.1k I ['hill do _l'(llf illlotd doing lancb,t(4? 1.>-.!av : Dt f J]k i;, land tc ce uJll tl· The !JcJ\'~ 1z,zz•,, J!.Oilt' tc the field pine, L'll ek g.w n11d nou. !;; tlou.~.:,lt, and I- am ~.;oinJ.: in a 11/0IIlt nl. En ek ltd d:m gl~k. nn um te .lnd that v.•he11 I 1 ollllc to take gaa( -.kid~ vou unl shoo/in;!, .1 Ek-,lmth t· >g, l'id, cleu'> week l'a1 Jo11 lit<', J>, h r, /hi~ n•eck I k.tl! ek ':ol'h 111 tnt'L'l ( \ d hare no Jnnrt· lillle la lt!rkw:-.n·. · SljlftlJldt'Y. S11;,, F:a11-., d.u1 hd ek di p,,, shu1ac, Fn11nis, then I heel pad fer niit gery ? ht~z c , ome all this way fur n,Jf hw,l!, .' Jy katt ai.~:wl t'll 'n ll'tji fl:r You uzzz otf-.,addl,· tllld slav a :-.t:im ; c .t~ ka11 c;,t,lm ,L•!ttf,:; 1u tall .l.:o to ·the lallll t:w gaan t'll da:u tidd to;;dlzu· and haz•c a ~e~L·h. ·talk lhtTC. \\'aaJOJll i~ 1\' cbn \ 'c•Jithk I I 'hal i~ .vour ....:r(lz/ hurrv. "" !u,h':tg met di pic 't'? ab(lut flc>u;!,hin.~ :1 Da:u ·,., et·rgi~ti·r '11 m"oi J,ni Tlu .ill.\' hL/Orc· vc::.teJ d11v 11 nice rL:•e.tt uitgi:-,ak n0t h:> sliuwt-r ot i·11in nnizc dowll t:1 Janek 1ust Oil 111\' ;it'fd,. :\bar, ek "~· die; gelukk.~. di IT'd!, I 'llV, 't!iat'> fortunate, ltLel l>uurt :-, 11• 1g droog. 11/l tlzc u•untrv 1.1 drv still. Di.;; w.tt t•';: di kar-. wil waat Tlwt'> whv I ltc' .1 \\'at w·l1y g: .. Ll ,.,La: fambag, H7z,;/ d•> \'Ill! want to sow to­ I~"'r~Ul~ ? da_l, ·F1 a111 is ! Ek ltd g1 ded;:, ek -.,1! d: I llwu~hl I should lrv tllllit' 11ccd not h, too particular :ti 11m II t,· l'''t '-1h : e lh> tnl fi·r .tl!i":-. tlziu.!.!, fo he SOW/l. 'lln gi" -.aai h: \\ ( 11 d. Ild jy gut'! gr. lltd li"r mg ? Fla. c you ;.;oo,/ soil j(lf rye! Di rut!; wil 111 c;l) re.~t;; g• IL'cl Rv,· dot.w't do so z•c:n• well 011 aard lljl (h pLta-. 111. my farm. · Cil'JDE TO C •PE Dl'TCH.

    :\T d di lwri;ng gaan clit scker TfTht'ctf dot.' h,·l/c'r, I suppose t heti'r, uc ?

    J;t, di kori:ng bi:antwtH>rtl )'e.\ 1 it'lzt'tl/ tll/SI,'t'r\ <'1'1_\' 7t't'Jl rcgti; goetl !Jiir, Cll miJiis here, 1111d :.o de•,:-. l11dum uok. ronz. Is jy van geclagtf-: om 'n mnni /)v you in/cud /za; iTZ.f~ a tniu tL: he di jaar? nice ;•,:r,tiablt J.:nrde/1 thi.1 \'car .' Dis al 'n bitji laat, maar It'::. 'rather /aft. hut 1 W,mtjiis f,;r saacl, an­ Ila;•,· \'Oil till\' seed h(lru~, else clih->< kan jy fan my kry. I Celli .i!.i< e you some. ,\,setullliif, ou Broer, ck sal Plea:-:t', old chap, I ::.hall be l'ely al te bly wees. J!.lad indeed. Ek hd ho' mijiis gcdrol>g, l dnul beans, but llu 1<'<'<11'11 maar claar hct miit in .~of i n/o them. gekom. \Yatti;r ancler grocnte wil jy JT7zich vthcn C,i!,clahles are you plant r planltnJ!. ! Ek het 'n grollt stuk aarclap­ I haN 11 !tu:i!_c f'tccc t~f pvta/l)es, pels en fercll'r plant ek and lm,idcs 1 illll flantin~ mi:, ko, >1, wit worlels en oniom, urbhllJ!.I', f't~rsnip~. nog wat blomkuol. aud some ccntlitfo;c•er. Jy moet sekl:r Huks wati'r 1 suppn,, you lz;tL'C mnclz ly in eli somer, nl: ? walt'rllz.l!, to du 111 ~11/lllller, ha<•oz't vou! ::\'i -.o danig banj<', eli stuk Xot sv z·oy much, this pit'te luingrunc\ is klammc:rig. of .~arden gn•u11d is damp. Kvk, hiir's wm d1 Iandi:, llllU Xmt• look, lhae arc the _llelds, · kan jy self siin hoe lck­ llo'l!.' \'ashluJ!, hac. Jon dam mod amper fol }'vur da/11 11111:-.l he a/inns! full, wees, w1l ek he. I should jud~c. - Di lancle s'n clam le net Tlte dam (or these lields lies agtL:r di hultji, eli is jwl l•t'ltind lh~ nse, tt's mooi ful. pretty full. ilfaar eli tuin s'n clam bet !Jut !he dam lor /he J!.ardm .~at a~npi;r niks w.1ll'1 gi.:kry st"aru·(v mzy n·atcr at all. lll. lWII>E TO l'f\PI: l>l"' Cll. S3

    Het jy wingerd op di plaas, /)o \'Oil !tm c a ;•i lit \'ll rtl 011 11£ is clit ti; lastig ? ·\'Our (11r111, or is I !tal too ·/rollhlesamc .' Daar eli kant le 'n stuk ()u /hal side /i,·~ il l'lllr'\'llrd wingerel samar by all by itself. hmml:Jf. En gaan hy m< >oi an ? .J ud how t\ it tlo111,i!, ? II v is nog J<>llg, maar It is \'OUIIJ!. vet, hut s!tll tl's · hy ;taan cbarnm a! i<; doiuJ: ,.,:,y well. 1110(11. Dcnk jy fan hnm ti; kan Do \'Oll thiuh of lllllkllti!, Wtflt' pars r . of II,' · · ~c. ck hct ni lu'> in eli Xo.I dou'l tare for /hat ;t•ork,l be~1ghyd, l·k fJrkoop .\hall rather sell tlzc liwi;rs eli elrniwi; in eli ,!!,rapes i1z tow11. elm p. Jou plaa-. le daarmn lekki:r }'ourjanu lies Ju't 11iccly IIL'Ilr na an di clurp, Frans. tht' ,,,llaJ!.<', France'. Dis jui'>t eli di11g, l'iit, dit ge That's jll';f wlzat it is. /'fin, 'n nwns Ius om met tuin flz;1f's 'Wlzat t'IICO/li'.IJ!.CS te boer. OIIC to ,l!,nm• i'r'J!.CIIlhlts. lld jy. urdeutlik frugte o< >k? Ila~·e \'Oil a n·a~onahlc amount Ek siin glad ni boortl 1;/ fi·uiL too ? I ha,•c not 111. seen £111 orchard 1111\'mc in 11111/lha of _tmil ln·t':. in di hnurte. !hi:. lletJ:hbourhood. Da~u-'s ni allt.:en per,;ke-. en There arc not ouly peac!zt', 1111d abe1 ko~i.\ maar ook ap­ ,rpricols there, hut apples pel-. en pe1 L; en banj<:: t111d pears us "''''II, aud lamm< >e11 e11 suur \;un­ lllllll_\' onmJ:e and letlloll llll>en huume. trees. Is JOU wiugerel-.tokke geent Hm•c you ,i!,rt~(ted z•ines, or the of nog Llll eli uu soori? old kuzd} Ek hd nng ni nnodig gehatl Tlurc lzns hct'11 110 tlt'CL'S.1iiv tor on> gh·nte ti: neem, eli lilY tahi11I!, ;.;ratted o11es _\·ct. lilobera is mos nog glad the phyllL•.xera is llolmzy­ m lnir ni. ,r.•lzcre lletlr. Si- GL'lDE TO C.\1'' 11\'fCH.

    En lid jy eli O..:;t~;di~e luis al .lnd lz,r,•, 1'clll had lh<' .1ustrtl­ iu jon bmmiiL'He gelJacl : ll•zu l11t( "' ruur t'l'dllj.ft' lr<'•'s • ;:\ {·, ook nng ni, di \\ el i..;llll;L: lim fort •:t Lilt tfllllllry 1s klannnaat. :•crv ht~rlihr. J... rlaar niks wat ier jon f., lht'J'L nothuzj.f !lza/ i•·c'lllJ/,, hinder hy eli hwnlery. )•'ll in"''"~' f,rrm .:mk ( Ja, daar's pall,\ jare ru:-,pt;l, v, .... , .\j '111c ytt~J ~ 7\'e J.!t f cdttcr­ in di frngteh , •mC:~. fill,ll., 111 ,,,:r trlllf f1,·,··'· En ;I" eli rL''l·ut, ni hvtv" knm, .lu.f o~·hc·llt,'tJ the nzill docs is Olh banje g[:1..;l;'1 met fJL)/ l•>lllC Ill ~Lil:.l,lf, ''-'r" mcs in di ge-,aaiL:e. an 1111'' Jz /r.H;/•l,.l ;utlz ru,f in 0111' c{llf'· Dan 1s cl.tar n;1tuurlik lh Then <'I t"tll•l ,,., tlz,n i' lht' gwot plaag fau di Ou­ J-:1;111 flo,!!_u,· ,,f ,rffllzc !'f' dnfe:cl, th spri•Jk;J,llll:. tOltrllrv di>lrit!>, lht' ,, ,, II:· I.•:. Vi goecl i-, tog lli la.tt-.ti..: jatC:; Tlzo'>t' /hnlJ!:. lz,z; c rt,rllr {1,·,·11 al te clanig khtig gl:wee~. f,,,, 111•1/hlc<,,,;z,· allo).;t'llzcr ·~t !tzit "' un 1\Iag l!l1s liwe Hevr ons tog JT'ould to r;,,d e­ frt•ltc/,d ''.1 11.·n,t tlztm in \V,t:tr. fitfUl t. Di foetg:mgers gaan 1111g 'n Tlzc n:ilz,:..,lc"' zJT,c't'l I> bad bitp, maar eli H: ·en de , llt'll/.!.1', hu 1 t!Zt /1\'1 n,!!, unn go~cl io; al tc:: it!rsllkhe­ or, J,,,, ltJJibf, t~lt.l,(t'/hu·. lik. Dis gen()g om 'u meu~ mal It\ , lltlli•)z f,, dr1.•c 11 itl!tn;; te maak .t~ 'n me·ts siin llltlti lo '>t, !zt • ,' I luy hoe Im: L:i oe" "Pirvl'l. ,!cz·our ,,n, \ htii~'c'l. En jy mod rl;1ar hv :-,ta.m en .lud 1 111 /z,z;·c /,, :.f,rnt! there clit ankvk, want w,ti 'n ,wd 1,,,,1; 1•11, IJr .l'!lul­ me1,-, o(,k clr>L'll, eli: help ,._., ,. 1011 111•11' d,;, If's ,,( 110 tog alma! niks ni. tl1'tZif. • • Ek h·>l>l, lh (;ofC::rment is I ftu11 !Itt' (;,,;•, nzt•Ztlll '·' llil7i' nou h(·'>ig met rl! '>Wt:l ms 1"''..1 /•,z, 111~ ,;;·untZ> te laat ent. f/lt'E TO CAPE D[;TCH. 55

    lint is wm 'n ~tnk grnnd wat 1Tt'1'C i;, u piece of ~rouud that ek le:g lllge j tar ltd Lut I had clcilrcd last _vwr. o-kot m nnak. Dis ilyi:ng, "' "/" jy :,nn, en It's llltlrslzv, ll\ vou sec, and da.tr het wttgerhtl

    By di Krale. At the C,ttlle Kraals.

    Die., regte Iris fau mm-re, Jan. ll'::. quite fresh lhts mornillJ!., }ohn ,\Ieesler ,.., 'n bitji tt: fmeg You (Teacher) tll'l up a lzt/l,· op. too early, Sir. Ek is maar gew•HHlhk ttp I am usually up h_v sunrise. met -;(lnop. Ja, maar ,\[t•t·..,ter kom ni sn Yt::., hut vou doll' t to111e out so ilOeg nit ni. 1 ariv. Sug di wmdji altycl so :,h·rp !:; the w1izd alw,ry' StJ sharf ill Itt di mttrre? I he morlltllJ!. ! Hier 11\ dt krale mves all-: fl1'1"<' aht•ut /lz,· hra,lfs it's m(;rres ian dat eli dag U.>lllll/V .\0 f~'l'l)' 1/lUI"Illllg breek .. atlt·r dav hrea h. Ek het 'n hitii ktnn kyk hoe I ntst cmlz,: t,t ;,cc how the di fl- lyk. - cttllle look. Xt: di le .lyk uog redehk, The u1tlle lut•k frcttv juir, but ma;u olt" hestt~ iL: o-l.tap our hc·st cattle :-.!cep uulstde builek.tn t i 11 di felc!. Ill 1/tt' t 1tldt. Di c.,ktpl: i:, daa:tJl11 alma! But lilt ;,/1t'cj> art· all here, hier? TDzai hu;, the kraal to du wzth ,loen ? that/ tWJ!JE 10 CAl'E JJ( 'lt'll.

    0, hanje, 'n k•·aal word O!z, 1 t:n' 1/lllrlz, Jl kraal (e/' hF;,rnet net "oo's 'n iT~(edi'd Jll~t like Jl sheep, ~kaap, en iclcre "kaap 11111f ez•e1y >Ill cp tlzat sleeps wat in ~oo 'n ki aal slaap, then·, J:d' it. kry clit. IIelp di clip eLm ni om eli /Joe~ 110/ dlf'fin.!, pre,'c'Ttl llzt ::.iiktc te ken? d!SCII)t' .' Hvhou ierhom onder, di::. ll keeps II unda, /lzat's t~!l, · a!, maar h r hreck daar­ bul 1t bn·c~ks ''"' lrllld that bdore \'1111 claar ni fan gcweet ni m:re uot lmnhlcJ by sc~.t/1. X e, froe'er wa-. di hoerclery Xo, lt1rmiu~ in our counlrv hiir in un~e land b,mic ll~c·d lo he 7'CTY 11111../z makldikcr. · ta>tc•r. \Yaar k· •Ill y'entlik eli pla'c IT7wt Ctlth<'S those 1 t~ttle onder eli fe fanclaan ? f/Jl:.!,IIC< .' Dis maar swaar t>lll te sl:, Tltal's han! t.• dtWtltt.r claar weer 'n andere uiL lm·<~kin;.: ••Ill. b di hranchiik dt erg-.ie fall /\ 'wb /he 7l'orod ni, a~ 'n mens kill ~l one lc1kes frofa ,yn -.kapc m'>'>t oppa>.. care nl on/~ sheep. :\laar hv h da.u·om dt la-;­ Hut it h Llzc 1/lcl\l trouhlc·.,ollle tigste, nl:? 0/IC, 1\11'/ it p Ja. dis ~eker, hy gcef hanJe J"e;, tlzczl'~ cerltllll, zt ;.;zr cs the wet k fer eli h· >t're. farmas p!,·nty of work. \\'aar is jul dipbakke, hiir Tf"har 11re your ,lipfin;.; tanh, cligti· hv? arc tltt \' c/o<,· hi' ! Xe, :\In:~t~r. l'a bet dip­ .Yo, .)ir, fat/11 r -and our hakke geb •n uwt huur­ nu:~lzl•,;ll,. ha,•e h11ill cnau >.aalll, en hul :,Ltan dtffiu.:, tan.':., lo;.;dhcr, r•p htlllrman ._·u gr11ncl. •TTld tllfl' are 011 t>llr nei:.)zlmu r's ~round. Is cla.tr up th o'enhlik :,itkte f., llzt'l"t' ~ir!w, :,s t1lllflllt; I hc· under r:i ,kape r sherf <1/ prco;ent! Banje mitt, w:tnt clt fdd is rer\' litih·. for /he ;•,·!dl "' 111'>01, tla:tr j, ud 'n hitji · .l.!ood, !litre i~ Ju,f <1 ro. >iw,tti·r. lillie ,, l'l/0/lo}llfl r." t~l'!DE 1'0 L'.\l'E lWTCif. 57

    En is eli g10otfe ge-,uuel? Arc the lt~rge tal/!,· heallhy t Di anteelhee-,te i-; alma! fris, Our cuz;•s arc eer nneler 111oulh disease amouf!. lmlle gl:wee;,. them. h daar hauje koeie 111 eli Hm•c you 1/lilll_l' co;vs 111 milk? melk? Ja, 'n hede pa.tr, maar eli Yes, a jtliY lllllllbcr, hut nearly mee,t~ melk gaan naar all the milk goes /o the di kalfer;,. cah•cs. :.raak julle ni ka:ts hiir op di ])ou' I you p,o in for cheese plaas? makllllf here? ~ L\ :.lee;,ter, dit bdaal ni So, sir, !hal dot:s uot fay w •. fer on;, ui. Hue kom tlan ni, Jan, kaas llo;o i> that, John t chase maak hda,tl o'erab. making pays everywhere. J,t, :.Ieesti:t, waar 'u mt:ns di }'es, .\lr, ;vhcll une is gi7't'll a gell:'cnhvd het, amkrs fair r hmzce, otherwise not. onk ui. - Ek fet :,ban 110U ni mooi fer I don'/ quite understand you jou, Jan. now, _Jol111. Ek meen, 'n mens moet 'n l mea11, one must he able /o mt:ns ;,vn koeie kan ftJer. feed oue's cows. Buite wat eli feld uplefe1 ? O<•er llll{,ahm•e what thr veldt frodu,'es l 0' -;eki.~r, 'n mens kan op eli X o douhi, ·a dairy ;arm call felt! nooit 'n melkboer­ ucz•er be ru1r un what the dery elryf. z•eldt produces. H uu jul:;; nooit kot:ie op Do you 11ez•er hccp tillY cows at ~ta:? the stalls! D1s jui~t eli cling wat ek Thai's ius! what I lllCll1l , we meen, dtl cloen reallv in vour way ! - - On;, sou moel stalle hou, en TT'c should hm•c to build sheds, dan eli pb:ts lefi'r nok ni and thm the farm docs genog filer op ni. 11ul yu hi sutjiumt f(•dda. Gl"lllE TO CAPE llUTCH.

    Dan bou inllc grootf~ nd Then yuu hcep vour lar"c om t2 ted? uzttlc just jor brccdt ~;.; furtoscl l Dis al, Oil" bn:ng al jaar 'n That\ ,zll, we take a druz•e of klomp osse na eli mark. o 1:Cil tu market t'r'cly yeai·. Kan ek f:tll morre jul p~nle Can I stc vour hor:,,·~ too thio; ook "iin, Jan ? mon1in;.;, } olw • Ja, :\Iee,ter, clit trd net gG· Yes, Sir, zl ju:,t :.o llllff'ells lukkig, l>ll'> lwl gistcr that u•e kraaled a large a'eml 'a gruot troep lll/1/lba (lf horses last penJ,: ill di kr,1al ge­ Ill:!!, hi. hn·ag. \Yat het jul wJI maak r II That did vou 1Mill to du zt·it/z Lhcm t Pa wil ','er feet tnn da'L: Failur uJllllis t•J .~u to 11/ocm­ BloelllfOck "ns fan n1nrre i11ne, and we n•ant to p1ck ag p~t dl: uit L'll hreng out elJ,;ht lzm:~e:. this lllOIIl­ hulle in dt stal um fer '11;!, aud ful them 111 ih<' hul up tc foer. 1/irhlt to Jfcl them well fed. Is eli goed wild ? Arc tlz, >;c animals 7<•ild t 1\Iecster sal siin net nou as You u1ll stc presmtZv wlzo1 we ons in eli kra;tl ingaan, J.:t I Ill in the hraal, what hoe hnl ti: ken gaan : an ado tlzrv'll make; there claar is p:1rty fan di an· :.omc yuull.f: ones there jonges \\at Jll•.r: glad ni that do llt!l lwoti.' at all wed wat 'n n en-; ts. what ,z ma11 is. ( \\'as hul nog no(li' f.tn taure TI'er,· thev nc; cr 111 a kra,zl in 'n kraal ? bt'JOI:,. ,'! Ja, :-,o twe of dri maal, maar l'eo;, pos:.ihly l~·o or thrt'c tzmcs, 'n mellsehaucl hd nng but II•' human ha11d has aoCJit au hul gdat. ,·.·cr touclzcd t/11 111 yti. Hoe fang jul sukke guecl? EI mt• arc such animals cauJ[hi ? }.ld 'n fang"tuk, ::\lee'>ter, ell Tl'ith t1 lt~:.so, Sil, n•hu1 ns a g~w""'' lik '-jlarll"·l lml Jule tlu r stmt,;.;lc till t!zev dan "'' dal hul neet fa!, drof, a-11d then we put :1 en clan SL'l 'Hts hul 'n luzlter u11 them. halter an. Hou julli: hanje pl:rcle an Do you keep many horses here ( hiir 2 r.T'TDE TO C,\PE Dl'TCH. 59

    Orclenthk haJJie; c,:1.:; hd 'n .1 ftrir llltll1bcr. we h1ll'C a 7•en• t.tmaa; k;:mp l; n 'n IHVI lan~e wmp ll mile aud a ~"t 'n hall lang by 'n m\·1 halt lull;!, hv one 1/lllt• >c•ide, l•ned, eu daar hoZ·r all;lthcrc: llu·v just breed a~ hnll•; nd oi lml wilt! it lluv wac wild.

    \\"~b. Lv lml u•>k au ~ukteo.; sno'~ A ,·c t!I,,v /r,Juhled 71•1th d1:.cascs - tii ::111! :~·)1• fl' ? like !he otho~ cattle t Ban j t miadi' r l barom, vu T'av umt h le,s, LlTTd thev haz•e hulinankl"LT Jt11)'l:ruooit :.caru ~\' anylhin,l!, tlzc i1lJ 1/lalttr with lhe1n as Ion.~ bly. tis I he z eldl i:. Jc:ood. Ek ~alni illll gl> om 'n ryperd I "hould almo~t IJh,· to buv a Lm jnlll- tc koop. ridillJ; hoN /rum vou~ .:\lee~tt;t kaP 111;.ar uit~nek iu }'eu ( 1111 !ZLr~·c your pick in the di k1 tal, da.tr'-, a! ti.; kraal, Sn·, /here are ,'<'1)' ~.:.u:ig 11\' ll >i rv]'el dt• nut· ridin;; lwnt·;. i11dced • .wii:t tit klnmp. · Lllll01l~sl thai lot. l111P kuJ cal j\Jlle fi;r Ill\' f:a; l/,'"' mzuh ;:•ill \'Ull ash me? Ek dt::Lk Pa -,:tl :\f tl":,tZ·:· l.:;1t I !lnnk, tatlur u.;illlcl vou tahe uihoek fi;r tyitiiu p••nc: _wzir chuzu ioT; ;ijll'f1l kcmtaut. pounds cash.

    Driift.:ro» L'll Tl>lt:gr.tal. Ldkr Po~t atlll Tclq.,'Taph.

    TJi werelcl i., hauj<· dlll"\l'·.'.:ig The world i~jull ,,f unrest and t''l Lll ur lllt;k;t,tr Cilll(ltSl011. Partvkeer \\ ii l:it lvh. td di .'-,omdi11zes 1t [,,ok; a:. if people ·lllL'1Io.;l.: glad ni ·tneer ft·I (t•ztld not 71'1111 (or anv- ii,o.; ka,I \V ...~ ui. lhin;.: E fl> C,\1'1' IWrCH.

    Party maak maar min anders Scii/U d(l ~·cr\' lilt/,· c'/,,. /lui as nd bril\Ve skryf j Cll 111~/ lo ,,:nf,· lcthr~; t71ld dan 1'> hul nog glad .lhm the\' rtrt· still 11111~1 angstig o'erdi antwoorcl. 1111.rinus ·,!l111u/ !lit n·p!tcs. :\Iaar clit gehcnr ook a! clat I/ hafpm~ lou svmclimcs Ihal eli hriif uog ni gou geuog Idlers clo not :.,'o quickZ\' gaan ; clan teleg1 afecr t'/ttllt~/z; llllll lht_\' it!t·­ hnlle. ~raplz. Di telcgraat hre•>g in 'n paar The: lel(t;raph lm11mzils 11 mmute 'n booclskap o'er, 11/CSStl!,!t ill rl {tic' 11/lllllle~, en met 'n uur kan eli and n•itlzin ;,n hour ont antwourcl a] claar wces. (

    Di hoodskap k••m lang'> 'u The illl'S\11,1;<' J:Ot:, af,>n~ d :l'iu draacl wat o'er eli land, wlziclz runsrl

    Di~ wa:trlik :,potkuc >p fer eli Thai\ rt't~!!y no fnc c _lc11 lfzt' gcmak. rt' cluurder, maar hitji hiiji trf'ot:./,'t', hut .(radzuz!ly hct di J'' y.-> afgL:kom. lite' friu f111., 1 !11/Jc dtlit'/1. Gl'IDE TO CAPE Dl'TCH. 61

    Di hriiwe word gcrekcn na The letters arc L lzw~ed for h ulle gt:wtg, en daarom accordin.Jf Ia llzc:ir weJj!,ht, is dil ;,,tak nm ni a! le t!llll!lzerc:fore it 1s zmporl­ d:H:e pamptir tii gehrmk anl no/ lo U\C too lh~t·k lll. ft!pcr. Di~ a! tL: aotll1tg fer 'n kine! It is zoerv ucccswrv for a child •>m 'n orclentlik briif te to len m to u•·ritc (/ decent ker skryf in eli :,kole. leiter a/ school. En dan eli h.tt1cl~krit, dis ook And lhm the hamlz~·riti11g; a! 'u ding waar 'n !liens that is also something that op moet let. people must look lljter. Dit staan ,;leg (1111 'n hand­ It looks had tv lzm•c a lzmul­ skrit te he wat ni netjiis writing /hal dots not look lvk ni decent. Ten'nsw.~. •relig het eli m.:·nse .V uw-a-days people hm c ·wrli- ook al -,kryfma'iiins, wat 11l/f lllltchincs too, that letters maak ne's eli make letters just like print­ clruk' etters tn l)l)eke. ed lc/t,·rs m bonks. Di m.tsillls wore! feu! gi:bruik The machines arc used a good in kant()re om al di deal in offices Ia make the bniwt: ewi: ccnelers te leiters ali look 111ikc. laai lyk. Di be~ighyd van di men~elnm The fcoflc'l business llOW seems lyk non te wees om o'erals tv be to mukc machines tlla.,iin" fonr te maak. Jar ez•eiTI hill!{. Hulle wed met masiins, hrv Tlu:v weau willz machines, kt >u;,e met masiins, elocn kmt stocking~ wzth ma­ uaaldewerk met ma­ chiue,, sea! wt!h machines, 'iiins, pranclig wou't need brains any het ni. more. Gl'IDE 10 CAPE IH'1'CTI.

    En cli<> tog ook weer ni w,tar "ln.lvtl t!Zttlz~ 11••1 "'·tiwlhe ni, \\aut h11e mcer llla­ iuort mu. Tzine~, tlzt lll<'l't t>iins, hoc mn:r 'n man •'-'t htli'<' to 111111d c crfm11 mod oppa~ op smnmigi: fowl:.. puntr. Nc, eli hcele ding is di, dat Xo, the -;;.•lzL•lc thin~ IS tlzi~. 1/z,cl di mensdom :tl maar fcofl• !lf .. •,cv~ •''<1111 lo sf!, c mecr wil tvd \\in lllTI more 11111<' tu be <1hle lo do nog mecr ti: km ducn ~tdl 11Wn w flu _,!em t in cliklyu tydji wat hnllt> time they liz•c. led. Di haastighycl f:m di \VLo: ,qd The ,,,,,rfd'~ lzrtny "Clll•U,!.',h to 1 kan 11 mens naar nuak. turn on,· "' k. Di ecn jaag nllg hardi;t a~ di llllt' lzurnn ,fill lll•tkt of kum. J.Itll• ll,J.!. oi• Ek ghi, d1 ec111gsti· rus kry I hdi,;•e tlz, Ollfy It'~/ ,[tlf 'n mc:l" nug und•·r <11 (OUI/d h illlltlJl._: llzc 1 Ia~> kla:, \\at <11 gmnd hi; tlzLll lilf, lht J..:t'

    Di land, waar <'lh in woon, The ltllld i1z ;••lzi,-!t «'< li:•c, is a is 'n p:·agtigi! werdd, bttlltltful c ,.unlrv, <•lllV If maar hy mod nl'l 'n 'lwuld 1111;·c h,rd a little hitji meer water gchad 1/llllt .ullt'r. bet. Amler bncli; hd nog ml:rl: Ofl~t·r , ,mHfn,·~ ah.. •,,v, h•t.'t c ,£ ::,ukkc godt:t..,. lakt, or :.I:<·h thin._:~. Of andl.:1:.. het hul iamaai Or tl~, the\' h.r ..~. is ni. GGIDE 1'0 CAPE DUTCH. 03

    Gocic rilien: hd Suicl-.\frika South .lfrzca has hut a /t w maar llllll. J.!.Outi rh~er~. Di law I ll:wc 1 >p eli n'-'i:nt, en The cozmtrv erisls Oil /he raw, as di re'eni. uitbly, ]{l)tll mar l.:lll.:ncli!. •![1, /here: i~ misery a/ 0/lU, Fonrnami:utlik eli • >lllli:rleld H~fen'all_v the down-, ounl1y ly h.utje a11 dnlllgtL:,. di~tru Is sz~(fer much fro/// dn>uJ!.hl. l'ari.ykel!r is dit "o ,.,]eg daar, Somtlnne~ Llzings arc su bad clat eli ryo.;igers 'n l.:mmer tlzrrt, I hill fnl,'tlla.; 1111ts/ water moet kollp four 'u hzn w,z!er <1/ hal(-tbare artikel. aht•ay:, ,r frcciow; artie!.·. Di ml.:nsc pcrbeer u'cr.t!~ om l'eop!,· /Jy i'<'t'r\'•t'here in .;/on· dit "Pte dam. it. Pb~e It'· we b.n clammi:, eu st > Farllls ln•r on n·.\er,•oir~, ,md i)Ok partykeer cli dorpe sometimes z·illa;:.cs and ell stejl'. low11s as 1t'tll. Kaapstacl, by ioorheeld, het Cafe TouJil, for imlanct, has a 'u y,elikl! dam ho'cn up 1 e /he juuntaill, hut rztll fcri uil clit a! te cbui,!.!;. 11i11)!. /hrouJ;h jitrrow~ follutc~ it _!r(l.!,h(iullv. Fer clriukwatt_·r '" dil ,tmper For dnnkiuj.[ f>urposcs zt can ni te gehruik ui, maa1 hardlv be u~cd, hut it is dis g1)ed om te ly. .~,;ood jur zrrzj.[alion. Gl'IDE TO C'APE Ill"lCH.

    Di wingcrde en frngteboordc T'meyards and orchard~ 1111/S/ moet gely word, en self., he irrt~atcd, uud ,.,.,·tt ook eli bncli.: en tnine. lturd.~ allll.~ardells.

    Sander water ly kan eli goeel Tf't thou t irri;;a I ion I hi llJ!.~ here luir by ons eli somer ni with us cannot lir•e 1/zrouf!.h deurk.om ni. t/11 summ,·r. Boome kan dit, omdat hul Trees u111 do 1/, because lht'lr wortcls so eliip gaan, roots;;o so deep, {Jll/ flmrts maar plant.e ferlep en whither and dty up. elroog op. Op pla<.;e wat ni sterk fon­ On farms which fo.l~t'.'~ no tync het mod eli boere sit t.Jll~ sprin,l!,s. the farmers damme maak. must construct re:.t r'l'Olrs. H ulle hou 'u wal wa1. 11e's as Tlrt)' make a wall t~·hidz, like 'tl kom eli rc'enwatcr uit a ba.1i11, udt hes up the di omtrek opfang. 1~ai11walcr !rom the sur­ roundinf!. ,;n11z1Jy. Party fan di damme is banje ,<..,'ome of these rescn·ozrs are groot en mooi. 'i'el:v lm~,· aud pretty. Daar groei gewoonlik wilger· There arc usuallv wmc willun•s boome an eli kant fan f!.rowill~ t7lonJ!,sidc the eli wal. wall. Dis lekker lwei om claar II is 11ice and wol to ~(! and somers in eli agtcrmicl­ sit tlzcrt iu wmmer in the elag te loop sit. ~~rt em 0011. Soo'n clamwal het 'n pyp wat. Such a wall has a pipe 11111- daar deur loop met 'n ninP, throu~h 11 wJtlt a prop erin wat eli water stvppc1· tv hold the water keer. back. Di boere noem soo 'n pyp 'u The fanners call such a pipt a pomp. pump. As eli water op eli Iande of in lf'hen the tmlcr is 1equircdjor eli tuine noodig is, word the lands or in the eli pomp oopgemaak, en f!.ardens, the f umf is eli water stroom deur eli opened, and the water pyp in 'n sloot af na di mns through tilt' pipe plekke. dowll to those places in ll j 111'1'01t' r.nn~: TO C.\PE Dl'TCH. t>S

    Di mense hd. in tli laa»ie The fd deal of bor­ \\':tl er te ht )Ill J:t eli lll,l!, in rur k, and on many klippe, t'll op 'n llH~nigte /llrllls lher hal'e fouml bn pb..,t: het hul gu~:ie ·good and pure water. suiweri· wait.:r gdl.nd.

    Di fulk fan Snid-.\frib. '] he people of South Africa.

    Partv wil hC: Ott'> kan ni clt.:nk Some people are of opinion ·an 'n Afnka.1nse fnlk 11i, Lh,l! we cannot thmk of lJI11tlat eli elernente al te an .ljrtwnder nation, as hanje i~. there are too many cle- 111<'1lis. :\Iaar hulle w.Lt ;,n praat, fer­ Rut thev who talk like that, ,c;t·d, cLLt clit maar met for~et that illlS has ban c1: me est L: i iJlki: "' > g<>­ ihe case with mo;,t nations. \\TL'" het \\'at nwn ,t· [,,( 'n tJahi maak, lf'hatmakes people one nation, i.:; di een hyll ian eli he­ is the unity uf intcre;.ts l:wgt: w.Lt hulle beong. thev hm'e in z·i'ew. Dt ond0r.;kytl fan gehoorti! The dzf(f'rt'llccs of birth dwindle f:tl weg, as tli cenhycl away, whnz once unity is cenmaal kum. established. A.:; eli lam! cl.tarom maar net If, then:torc:, the country can km tyd kry, s.Ll di nasi onlv get lime, the nation fansl'li ter hnm f, 1rm. will be jomr,·d of itself. Op eli o,,'enhlik is nns al te .11 prc;,t~zl we arc· too much tlauig ban:e ferckd elnilr diz,ided allof!elher by lan­ t.de, gi:wunnte,, g;;_ J!.ztages, habits, birth, and hu1 >rie, en kleur. colour. 'n :\len<> kt v hiir an

  • ..


    'n Mens kan ferstaan hoe 011c m11 znzdcr~/and how difti­ moeilik dit mod wee~ wll t! mu:-1 he to ;.;uz•cru son 'n spul te regeer. ~uch a cruwd.

    Di Hottentot~ en Kaffirs is The JJ,,ltmlols and Kahr, n•ere ni eli eerslc hcwfle, blanke. By party fan hnlle h~we dd. HTzlh some ot thrm, tl nttlzontll nng in eli hcrinclering remtmllJalltt' u( /his is fan di fulk. sltll exf,mt. · Di K<1ffer stamme \Vat ons The Kalil irtbt:, wh11 h we hm•e !Jiir hd, behu01 alma! here, ,zlf he/on;;, to the t"t eli gr11nie Bautue _1.[1 eat B,!ntu JUIItil\. Luni!J. · llul spt ;d{(~ is fcrskillend, Thev ;fntk d1/tt1< 11t ft•Jtfc:llt>, maar eli~ claarum an n·ln< h still ar,· umlzittll\' mekaat ferw.tnt. rdatui. - Di Ba~utlh staau apart fan The Hasulos :;/mzd apart _rrom eli <1ncler nasiis, en hl'i iht' <•17lt r lltl!TOJ!>, and Wt'et <>llleut'ik bauje kn,•~<· frdly mu, lz oj tlzl'lr ian lml geskHlenis. hi>tOJy. Toett eli Foortrekkers di H7zcl1 1/ze l'i•'llCtn lzrsl LLllllc' eer~tc met di Kt il ers te ufonllu K,yu·,, 1111 r,· 7<'ere docu kry, wa.., cttar ch1t)s amon;.: I hun L~l .~I'Lat kaptyn<; 1 •nder Jm]],> wai fc~-u·cr. groot mag gehael het. Di Boere het hanje fan Tit: Hocn 'lt(lcred ttntclz ]rom lml :e g[:; y

  • t'fht\' were want lm.J;.; wa" moo.rcl hloodllllrs(v ntltions sngt ig(i u.tsiis gPW< t'~. Di Basutos het di Janel Suicl T!IL !Jasuto::. lzm•c otcufzed the fan di Caledt>n HII1n a: «•llnilv s,,,t!lz uf !Itt Ca!t­ bn 1H25 in besii gehacl. don RT~'t'l'ncr ,z'nrc· I?-.2.).

    l Iulie is w·g op 'n maniir 'n They 111'<', in 11 7!'tty, till illdt'fnz­ nas1 wat op humsdf dnzt natiou still. staan. fWIDE TO CAPE DCTCH. 07

    I!qJlc lid ltttl y'e kq>tyu~ e11 The\' lza,·c /heir ,Juej.l t1111i 11 'n gr•1ot nppet hoof, ~.:11 ·paramount chief, and maa:.- httl v'e wette, m11kc llzfir own laws, but maar eli bnrl ~ta;tn daaJ­ vfl !he coulltn• is ztllder om omler Engeland. ·En~! and. . D.tar is goei e skol2 iu There are some f::.OOd schools in Ba~ntolaml, eL eli meesie Hasutvland, and most of fan di ki Jtdt;I ~ krv 'u the childrm arc heinJ!, eduka:,i. . educated. Di Fran,.:; Sendiihng:-. het The French M i~sionants hau hanJl~ ft'l di nas: geclnen. don,· a {!_ood deal for the en het Kristt•lJl:om en nallon, and hrvttJ!.hl both hu-.kafmg al twe in c:i Chn>itanilv and ci,•i!t::.a• bncl gi;b:-~'ng. tion znlv the wzt11fry. dp ell gn•r•c 'tasi ~lurija is 'n On the chit:j ;,/alion, Morzjah sknnl f<·1 L•llcl~rwy;,i;rs there 1s one sclwol for en Len Ji:r se:Jdi·lingc, teachers and Ollt' ·for en hul lid L:aar uuk 'n 1111SSIV1l{l1 irs, tllld tilC\' drukki":·v, w.tar al di haz·e also a prinfiiiJ.f t~tjicc hoe hi· j,:l th land gi:elruk then<, whfrt' all tht' hooks word. for the countr_v are fi in ted. FL-reli.:r is da:ll th Sodue:, hr> Further we haz•e the Zulus Xatal, eli l. ldl'ITL'll wat fan Eurupecsii Ez crnme of European de~cenl afkom" i.., en hiir in di and born in this counily, laud gt;bur<:, rC.k;n ems is tfckoned amoliJ!. the onder di .\irikaamler.... Afnkaanders. H nll•· hdwm al di f,;rskill,; Thev u11t,ht to set asidt all wat huh: hd np sy ii· · dz(ferfnces, ~o as to mak,· set, om L't>ll gn ·ote · tolk one {!.rmf nation (rom ti· maak Jan di Kaap tot Cape To7t'Tl to the Zmi1hesi. aan eli Sambesi . Gl'!DE TO C,\PE Vl'TCH.

    Op di maniir alleen kan cb,tr Onlv iu this mtv !

    Pruclukte fan di Croncl. T'mclud<> of ih<.: SC>il.

    Dis frr niii om !i; si'" cbi Suid /1'.1 1w ;.:oud sayi11}.! ilzut South Afrika niks oplefer. .lfnca do,·, no/ frodu,c anyllzillJ!.. Ek het clit al hanj" gi:ht>C>t, I lza;•t lwzrd tlzi> a<;scrted maar ell~ )'llllr lasti;r 11/tlllV f1mc,, but if':. nuthnl,t.f, hut a libel. Di<> \Vaar clat eli bnclhou 111 It's true lh11t a.r.:riwllur,' dor., blot'! '>I)<>'S 111 ;tlJL;l;l' nul tfou ri:.lz like in ollza lancli1• COlllltJ Ito. :\Iaar di gr"nel wat uJts nut the ;.:round we l~t•c ufon hi:wnon j, han i~' 1 yk an is ; t'Y\' nell in millcr,r/s. dt:li ~ lt>ffi·. Delfstolfi1 is godi::-s, s"' l'-; Jlincrals are tlzin;.:s. lzke mi:tal~. wat 'n mens uit me/,7/~, thai till' du.~ out di gt ond grawc:. of the ).!101111d. H cclt~maal bv todal het Lii llv a men ucrzdozl dJomond:. 111Cll'>i; eliimanti; g<'kry. • '''c'l't /Olllld. 'n Ki11cl lwt 'n ldip llpgti:et .1 child pi, ked uf> ,z shiuint wat blink, ont fi;r 'n slulll' to throw at llll!llltt r. ~mcler ti: gnoi md hom saam. Di !dip het in eli hancli: Thai stone ;.:ot into the hands gi:raak van et'll \\".1t of one 1:•/zu lzad znzd,'J'­ fi:rstaud lt;tcl fan kl:ppt•, slandin,::, '~t fr<'cium ,fulle', en het vnll··lik hv clt and l11t11l~v .~·'' to the gnffi:rnvttr aangi;b-,m. ,1.,07'r'J'Il01'. H nllt; ltd eli klip "ncl~tzoek, 1/zc'\' CX£l11lilled /h,rl \lone, and en dit het nitgekom cla! · jou11d Llwt it h'IIS a dit ':t diamant wa:,. diamoJzd. (}{'IDE TO C.\PE IlT'TCII. 6

    Toen bet di ITIL'n;,l: lwgin Thw p,·oplc b<:~au to dz!!. zn graw~ daar hy l\:i111 hl'r­ tlzc nn,!!,hhouzlzood of lev en waM eli Yaal 1\zmbcr!ty, ,md <1l 1/zc in. eli Or:tnj1; W liir lo:>p. cont!Jtcn. 1 ••l the l'aal an:z Oran;.;t Riz•crs.

    Daar by Ki111hl'rll'y lwt AI Kim/Jcr!,·v. llzev~ ~.....,rradtttzllv ~ stadtg a:t 'll ysc:ike ,!.!;at 11tadc a lar.l!,c hole lll !he in eli gn md gt:li:. m1, en !,round, wl11clz is now the dit is uou eli gwusti.i gat lurJ[e:,l hulc Oil earth. in eli wl:t i:ld. Hulle graaf daar lltlU ni meer Tlz,~v de> uot noa• dii!, dztl11l01Ids cliamante v.111 b<) af ni, Llzcr.· (rom lhc surface : ma.tr al di werk is diip ull the mJrk ts deep onder di aatLit.:. zmdtJ~round. Daar i:-. clni,;cnde fan 1\:aff l'r:-. There arc thousmzds of Ka{lrs w;1t tlaar iu di mvrt Wl'rk. lh<'rt t.;orkzn.~ in the 1/llllL'. II ul ferhuu:· hullc · f~r st>s The)' hire tlzcms<'l.•,·; out for maamlt\ t'll in eli t ycl hly ,,z.r mollt!I>, and durinJ[ hullc r,p eli myn :-.yu that fo io.l tltt v are kept grond in wat hul noem 011 the mine fremz\cs in "compounLb.'' what is uzlled ''com­ pnunds." Dt ,;tamme woou daar by The tnbcs liz•e there to;;etlzcr mekaar nl:s in eli fer­ like i11 llze difti:reut coun- skillendc la:nlc. lrzes. .. II ulle !wop hul k11s l'n kleere They buy all th,·zr food and ah in mp 1Und. e llzc mwk ;, k1 pt up en nag denr, want nndcr mglzt and dav, (or down in di mvn is dit maar he/ow in th,: llllll<' it is .Lityd n:1g. al,t•ays llt/)zl . GUTDE TO CAPE Dl'TCH.

    Oi diamante lC in 'u suort The diamond~ 11rc zmhcdded fan grond \'-'at 'n hlou. 111 a kind of ;oil 'u!ht, /, agtig klcur het. has a hhmh ·, olvur. Di gmncl word losgckap en That .11 k, bo'en toe gcbreug. and /ozou;.;ht f,•tlze >1llfact. Daar word hy eers up There it IS jint ;,f•nad out •'11 fclele nitgesprv om tc tidd' to dn;, ;o thai !l~t· elroog, so elat cii son fer sun may ~piit zt up. hom kan bat krnmlllcl. Dan kom by in eli meul, 7 hen it ;.:on to tlz, mill, ;;•/u r<' wa ar skei·pe yster tamle sharp i1u11 Ledh ~rind il for hom an stukkiis mio little hit~. brcek. O'er eli stukkiis laat lml 'n A strmm ·~f water ts tlll.'< d stroom water gaan, om Ol'tl' flzO.It' fiN e\1 /(1 1-'.'ll>lz eli groucl uit te was. out the soil. Di klippe kom dan alm.1l in Thuz the slt•ll<'' ~.;u tu 11 IJlachillc' 'n lllasiin wat uit >.iffe cousir;;tuz.!f t~f ~it~·t~, tUiliSc' bestaan, griJ\ve en fvne, and _tint', tlu, td alc•n;.;sidc alma] langs mekaar' up mze llllotlzer in a ro«·. 'n sircep. Di siffe stuu1 soetjes op en Tlze1t' sicz•es mo''" J:tlltl_v 11 f> neer, ncs 'n pols m 'n and do"'ll llh flu pul" slagaar : tlaarom noem ~~t m1 t11 to~v .: for tlzi; hul eli masiin eli " puba­ rea>Oil llztV wll t!Ztzt tor." ma, lzznt' a i. pulsator." Di klippe kom cers up ch The ;,/oJZtS are fin! ful cm tlzr gruwe s1ffe, en wat claar 1 clllrst sic·z•cs, and all that tleur fa! op eli fyncre. go through tilt 111 go to iht finer ones. Ynellik i<> eli siffc so fyn, tlat At last the >it'.'f> arc so /tnt' amper uiks meer kan lht!l hcmlly anything. can elcur fal ni. gv lhrouf.h. O'er al eli siffe loop gcelurig Tf',lfcr zs u'llstantly passed Ol'fl' water om tli klippe all !he oic.•c, to li'ttsh the skoon te spoel. ,,f,mt'.\ rlean. Di mense wat hy eli siJ£6 People 'tmzdin;.; at the ste<'t'l staan, let op ;Jf claar 111 ,,,ulrh for dtallwlld' cliamante is nnrler eli amo1t,i.!, tizc ~tones 'h•lzu h klippe wat bu bly lc. remain on tl~t· top. GUIDE TO CAPE DCTCH. 71

    Di la~tstl: ~dsel ~ wurcl op The final sittinjf> are thrown tafe:s uitgiig,,ui L'l1 earched cmelerstJek om te wect naked, to' k11ow if thev da ut hul ni diam.mte not carry away diamond:.. wC:·gclra. Party kevt i<> dit gehenr dat I I has happened somel1111es ·hul eli g()eel imlok, om that thev lzm•e swalloa·ed clit later wt:er le kry en them Ill. order to get them k ferkiJop. a,l!,aiu later on, and sell them. 11aat eli straffe c 'Jl eli sit:cl Rut the penalizes fur ;,leafing i,t'l

    SuiJ-Afrikaan"e Tudustri. ~ont h Afric;111 lnclustrie".

    A:, 'n ml'ns f::tn imln~tri lfThcn we spmk about i11£luslJy, spt el'k, c\:111 me en dit wat w,· mc,m rll and frngle 1 •p, en uok hanje jl·uJt, and much u•ool loa, \Vol, maar dis 111 industri but that i> not industry. 111. lnunstri maak d111ge faa th lndustr,v m,zkt·s things from the pt oelukte f.1n ch Janel om products 4 the count1y to clit au amlct e nasiis te sell them to other natwns fet koop, 1;f deur eli y'e or for home consumption. nasi te bat gehrui!{. \\'ol inclu;.tn heclui rlaarom TT'ool indusl1y, therejore, means c:at dt n::t'>i Utl eli ska •P• that the natwn 1/lllllltjirc­ wol kleere maak 111 pLw.s tures clothing out oj the f.m

    Maar onsc Janel is freeslik Our rounlrv lzu·wc:z•er, is (em­ agtcrlik in sukki:i dingc. fully · behind m ·these mal it rs. An di Kaap, op \Vorcester, In Cape Town, ITim·es/er, an di Perl en op Oudts­ P111rrl and Oudt:,/wom lworn word kan·c en carts and wrrJ.fJ.[olls 11rc wa'ens gcm:lak-dis in­ madt'-that is induslly. clustri. So praat hul ook fan eli goud So j>enplc speak also of ;.;old industri, omdat eli goucl wdust1y, because t/r,· J!.uld hiir W

    Daar is a! f eul gdd i nge-;tcck, There is alreadv•n ;;ood deal of maar eli mensl.: is fan IJIOlleV SUlik in ihelll, bzif plan tHn eli k:-tp1ta:e nug pmple intend incrrasiug gronter te 111aak. their uzpital still. H ulle sal ook hl:gu1 denk an The)' wt!l also hc;[in to mind rJj anrJi:rl~ 111VDC, SDD1 <; the otlzt r mines, like tlze el1 silfer en di"t111. ~ilz•cr and tm mines. Di koper w1 1nl a! clruk ge­ Copper is bun;; lakm out in ,e;r;nvl: in di wl;-..te tan lar;[c quantities m the Klein ~am;IInvabucl. n·cst uf /,zl/le Xamaqua­ land. ~atnnrlijk lwtaal eli goml- Of cnursc the gold mines pay 11WIH.: di heste, maar di the h,·st, hut the workin;; bt;werkin~ is n()k eli ~~t them is llze most e.rpm­ cluurste. siz•e too. Xog iih wat nnclPr di naam Anoth,-r t/zmg jitlling under Yau indu-,tn tal, is rli the lzead of indu~tTv is the gi awe ian koul. JJzmnz;; o/coal. · KrH 1lmyne is daar onk urdeut­ There are a jiur 1/UIIlber of coal lik, in ~a tal. bng" eli mines also, in Natal, alan;; \'aal refiir, hy :\Iul!ino the T'aal Riur, nt:ar Jfol­ en 1 'P amlere;plekke. teno, and in other places. Party mcu~e denk clat eli Some fcofle think that the heele Karrr1o 'n gmote wholt' ot the Karroo Ita;, a koolbccl nuder llilm hct. lar;;c ctial bed under zt. A~ Lhi waar is, ~;d dit 'n If that is true, it will be a groote tuekoms fer eli ;[rand future for the land wees. COZI1ltrv. Di Engelsc ktll>l ~~ safer uug Hngltsh w~1! i> thus Jar the ch heste fan eli wl;reld, best iu the world, hut it maar hy fermimler a! dimlllislzes n•ery year. jaar. Ons konl hiir g~ m~er rook Uur local wal gi<•es ojf more a-; di Eugelse en miuder smokt than the En;[lish, bitte. and less heat. Party fan ch spoorw0'c ge­ Some o; the railways art: nuw brnik nou eli Kaap~e using Cape coal for their lmol fer eli eugines. uzgincs. Lcerho1 1s nog 'n auder tak Tanni11;:, is auother branch of fan inc:ustri waar eli nasi industry u:hich zs practised iits au clocn, maar ni lu some e.rtmt, though not feu! ni. /Jll/l h. 74 Gl'IDE TO CAPE DUTCH. Dis jammer om ons pmclukte lt is a fily to ::.end our fn•dud::. weg tc stuur, en clit in mt'L71', lo h,z,,,. lhc111 mallu­ ander bmlC ti:i laat fer­ fm tirrt'd in olhert<>ltlltrics. wcrk. Ons hetaal eli frag so'entoe, Tf'e j>aV flzc frCI~Jrt ilzt'rC and en eli fr,tg terug, en rlan back, 1111d lhm the ws­ di inlwmmende regte ; t(llm dut\' ; a11d, abo;•e en dan ferloor nns uok thai, 1..•,·· lose the 7<'t1.1.,f·' nog eli werkloon wat tc•hiLh other nalio11s tel ande1 na;,iis claaruit trek. out of zt. As dit so moet bly deurgaan, If that lllll>l t olltlllllc, the sal tli Afrikae na:.i A trzeandcr 11alion wzll nooit tot iits kan kom nez•er C011lt' to tlll_\'/lzinf[. !II. Ous moet ons y'i.! kleerasi en II', should makt' our oz,•u skoene m8.ak, en nog 'n 1 l{lthc:, and bo,,f~, lllld a bitji o'er hou om te fer­ little man too tor tradrn.~. koop. \Vat om; nooclig het, IS TT'lwl u>e 7!'<1111 is somt' men manne met geld wat ni 1..•ith monev w!z,, do not om ge as hul 'n bitji mind 1[ tlz~~\' lose a little, ferloor, en wat ons op and ·who wrll ~iz•e us a eli heene wil help mel start in wch matters. sukke dingc. Ongelukkig is daar 'n heel Cnfor/unalclv, llu re tlr<' a party me11"e wat hiir · a ~real ·numher offerst'll·' lml geld maak, en clan n·lw makt' their llltlll<'V wegtrek. here and lht 11 ha;•c. ·

    Kerke en Skole. Churches and Schuo].;;.

    Daar is al te banje gods­ There are a .~rmt many reli­ clienste in onse land. Riou; persuasiom rn uu1 counlrv. H ydens kry 'n mens ~ofeul Heath,·ns o.ne can !nul ,z:, mall\' hy maar wil onder di as one tare, to, amon.t~ llit' iri boorlinge. 1w tiz•es. Dan IS daar Sbmse, mee;,t an Then thae are 11/ohamm.edam, eli Kaap. mo~ily ah,•uf Cat<" Town. Hnlle stam af fan c;bwe wat The\' art du.ccndeJ from froc'rr jare uit Jaya ge­ . slm·e~ wfto Jnnnalv came kom het. from J azoa. Gl'IDE TO CAPJL DUTCH. 75 Fenlcr i-; chwr Kri;,tene, fer­ Thm there are C /11 islians, de··! llt aller;v gen•1()t- diz•zdcd into •·mions de­ ,kappe. · nominations. D.l.tr i'> cb I':ngd;,t: uf Hon'e There is the EnJ[lish or lli;,lz kvrk, L:i \\'e,le\ aau~~>, eli Church, the !Vcsltyan, the Haptt-t<·, di .\-dtentiste, Baptist, the Adz•entist, the Lli Katolit:.-P, en nug 'u Roman Cathulll: churches, heel party meer. and mmzy more. ).Ltar nuder eli .\ft ikaanclers Rut amon;, Africaudcrs the i-; tlt Tiuli.tHS Griffor­ Dutch Rdormed Church meerde Ker;,. ft'-t wl-g eli is by far the strv11J!,est. sterbte. Fme'Gr het eli Kerk Gofft~r- Formerlv this Church used tv me'1t, 111llliir;,teunmg hai•e Goz•emmcnl support. gemdang. Daar is nun ;,eli, 110g 'n paar There are acn nvw a few of fan eli tJct J'retlik:mte the old ministtrs who draw w.tt eli nnelerbkuning the grant till they die. nntiang, tut lml choel ga,m.

    Di kerke het 11t un~e Janel The churches hm•t' done much bauje gccloen fer eli in our couufly for schools. ,knle. Fuornamentltk i;, Lli 11()1- Especiall_v the Dutch Church l:mclse Kerk 'n kragtigc has been a stnmg ;,upport ,tenu gewee, fer Lli to Gvur111nenl schools. Gufierment -;kulli.

    In dt laaste jar<: het di aantal Of !at~: years the number of skole wuuclerlik tuege­ schools has increased mar­ nL·em. z•ellouszv. Di Gofferment werk hard The Goz•enwrent does a ;,rwl '.m eli befo' klllg fan eli deal to proz•idc the fopula­ bncl 'n hvll• .nrlik ecln­ tiun of the countrv with a kasi ~e ge. ;,ood ·education. · Di n·rstc "kuc •lmeL·stcr~ iu The first schoolmaster; oj South SUld-.\frika w.ts wegge­ Ajri< a were ntn-away lo.Jpc mat n •se L'n afge­ wilors and time-t':rpired daHkte soldate. so/titers. GCID!t TO CAPE DT"l'CB.

    Hullc het romlgetrck van They used tv ~o ahout (rom plaas na pbas, en ltet farm La farm, t111d at c,z.-h o'eral clri maanelc fer­ p111, t they stayed lhrte suim om eli ki~>clers te monl/z;, to fm, lz the leer. c!Hldrcll. \Vat hull!! geleer bet, was H7wl they lublz'c schools do t'\'CTY<,•hen·. Di eerstc-klas skole beryel The firol-rlass srlwols prr:fare eli kindcrs fer h(Jo'er the children (or lllglzcr eclukasi an di hoogc education at ihe uuiz•cl• skolc. siflcs. Soo's di skole is, so is ook eli .Is llze schools so arc the onelerwijscrs, en dt leathers and the t'Xalllina- ckqmes wat hul maak. 1io ll s lilt)' pass Daar is nog maar min mense There arc hut few pcofle yet in in onse land wat eli our cou utn• nJlzo lzat•r: cerstc klas onderwysers j>tzssed llir: Jirsf.clm;, eksame gemaak het. leathers' CXt.llllllltlwols arc llllllll­ jaar geinspekieer deur ally iuspeeled by a man 'n man wal eli Goffcr­ sent out hy (;m·cnzmcni. ment uitstuur. GL'll>E l'Cl CAP!<: lll'TCH. 77

    Hv kvk hoL' clit md eli Ht• sees !row the: childrm s/and, kii1ders sta:t:J t'll rap­ 1111d reforts to the F.duu7- pmtet·r fi:r eli Kantoor lion Uttiu·. ian Onderwvs. As eli rapp< 'ri li.,leloende is, It the rcfort T> salisjacio1y, the kry di -.kDol eli toela'e school .£!.ds the ~rant for f~r eli jaar, maar amlers that Y<'ttr, other wise uot. Ill. Op eliselfeli; tyel pas-.eer eli AI the saulc time the childrm kiiHlers hul standaars, pass their standards and en so wed lml gedurig so ,d u:avs know whr.:re waar lml staan. they stmid.

    By 'n puhliikc Fergaelering. At a public l\Ieeting.

    Het jy eli ;ntko:Hhging g~siin, Hm·r: vou seell the tlll1Wllnce­ ned Saarl? nient, umsin Charles ? \\'aiti:r ankondiging mag elit IFhat mmoui1Ct'111Cil/ muv that \Vl'CS? he.' · Ek praat fan eli polli:iiiki" hy­ I am speakinJ.!. oj t>ur folztical l'Cnkoms. meeting. Ekskun,, eli cling bet my E.t·wsc me, /hut mailer had ontgaan. e;uzped me. Sal (lit iits fan helang wees ? IVzll il he a11ything oj impor­ tance r Ek sou so meen, eli clistrik I should flunk so, the district wil 'n re:,o]usi passcer ~t·a11is to pass a resolution 1 •m eli gotferment uit te to n•reck the ifm•crnment. gtH)i. \Vi ;,a] eli cersit· n:~solusi foor­ IF!zo n•lll 11wz•e the first resolu­ stel? tion ? Onm Abram, li:r hom het eli Uucle .lhralzam, all/he people laaste man rl:spek. 1 espccl him. Kom, man, trek fer jon an, Come, old fellow, .~cl dressed, on:, gaan soo 'n toe. we'll.~o there. Di burgi:meesti:r hekle eli The ;11 aynr will be in the tlzair. f oorsit terssioel. Di chrp syn mee:,ter hou eli The tmchcr of the pf,u·r •ll'll uot ulc. keep the minutes Di untule fan eli laaste fer­ The mimtlcs of the last lllt'eling ,l!;ad1;t i,J,..; \\'flrd ee1 s arc Ji rs/ , tf'Pl m•ed. hekragtig.

    ---~~ ------'----~---· GUIDE TO CAPE DGTCII.

    Di f11orsitler lerkbar c:i clod T!J,· ci1£Tirmull t.tfi,Tilll the fall dt lWL"<'IIkiJliiS. furJosc /or rsttter. ( 'lwinnmt. Het imancl 1111g aan- Has llll\'Oilt' ant• n·mark;, ? I r Illerkiugs? :--o ni, dan nnt, I'll l>rl11,:.!. lht llltllltr breng ek eli ding tot to the 'o/t. -;temming. Ek ubjekteer daartc'e, I n~iccllo thtll, .1/r. Clzai1 IIlLI II. i\Ient'er dt Fnor:--t!ter. \\'at is jou grande, hroer IT' hat arey.•ur;;r,'lllld,, h1ulher \VJ!lem ? TT'tl/w,ll ;' Dt uitleg is 111 hedtcnual The , rflaualion is 11"t quite c!ntdelik ui. '/,·,zr. Ek kau ni mooi agtcr k<1m I C

    Hof;,ake. Court 1

    IJ.tar' s rln dinge w:1 t 'n men:, Tht'YC arc three thiu.~s whz'ch in Huf twem np Kaaps C,!pe Dutch are called Ilollau;, : di kontngshol, " Court": the kzng's court, dj gel egshof, e:1

  • i, en daar wurd 1 tJltl't, and there he stands hv ierhllor. hi~ tri11l. A;, hy. cl.tu '''"'·d skulclig fet­ if he i., found .~u illy, senlr:llce kb.tr, \\'t>t d hy ge1 unni:,. i~ j>,L,sr:d upon him Or a~ eli ;,knld nt k11: hewv~ Ur it lw.J!,uilt t'lllll!OI hcpr.li•ed, wurd n• worcl ltv fn·ge he 1s di,char,~ed. ;,teL ' · Gl'!TJF l tl CA!'h ,lli'Tl'H.

    Das wat hul eli strafrl:gs­ Tlzis is what z, wiled criminal plcging nqem, , >f krimi­ administraltun of jus/i, <' m:el, sou's lml sl:. 1\s 'n man iit.., n'cr 'u ander ~f t1 1111111 !zu, a wmj>ltlinl te kl:l hd, gaan hv daa~;­ a~auzs! tiTu>t her, lze .~ocs mce ook na di I{,-Jf. t,, Court ni!h !l~trt too. Fonrnamentlik as een fer 'n Esf>ccwlli' it •l1lt' uwcs mzollzcr ancler iits skuhl, en ni wil anythiug and ;t•uu't pay hctaal ni. it. Snkkc .;;ake wmcl u:->k fer· Su.-lz lllllfhrs tli'f heard too, hoor, en ch rt·gters doen and tl11 ;zu(~c~ .<:tz e jzu((­ uits1 n·aak. mozl. Hnlle se wi gelvk bet, en vVi The)' say z.•ft,J 1~ in /h.: n~ht rmgclyk. and w!to i> in liz<' wrollJ;. Dis di burgerlykt: of wat lmi That i., u:hat ;, ,,Tiled the ,iz•ll se sivu Iii regsp!Cging. admini~tration Frccleregters, party fo, >r of the Pcau', SOI/I;. hctorc Magistrate, eu party foor Jfa~zstra/cs, and "ome he­ Rcgter~. Jure .Judge~. Di mag fan 'n Hof nm uit· The pm""•er of a Court to J.:h•e spraak te cluen noem 'n ilii(!!_TIICI!/ ~~ Cttlft·d i/s mens di juriscliksi. iunodit tio11. As eli la'e Hof uitspraak U ,i IU1<'er Court <~i<•ts Jud~ cloen, en 'n Int'IIS is ni men!, und •'Ill' i~ "''' ~,rfis­ tefrccle 11i, clan kan hy jied, lze Wit apfcLil to a appelleer na 'n !Joo'er hi,~hcr Cot/1 l Hnf. Daar's almclewc manne JIIH>­ There ll/C ah,•av> 111<'11 rc

    };og 'n anclcr ~onrt fan wl:t'i­ A not her ki11ll of legal 1/IC/l i~ manne is L:k im·csl(!{ate them, aud pre­ clit, en maak lht klaar pare the111 jar the fer di aelfukatc. hp The costs of ulltrl mailers gewonulik banje hong usut~lZv run uf 'L'IY high. op. Daar is hanje bankrot~kappe Jl!anv insolz•encies are the wat uit proseeleer ont­ ·rcsz'll of litzf.ation. staan.

    Parlemeut ~:u Goffcnnent. Parhameut and Gm·ernmcnt. Di Gu!Tcrment fan '11 Janel is The Go;•cnzment of 11 counln• eli he-,turcnelc mag is I he rulillJ.: pou:a. · Di folk self regeer c!L:ur The people 1/zemselNs rule hy pers<)ue wat hulle anstd. Ptrsvns appointed by /hc/11. I 11 eli land hiir 1:-. eli Goffcr­ In this countrv the Goz·a/1- meut 'n bitji ingewikkel. ment is · rather COIIZ- p!iculcd. Eerstens regeer eli lwui11g of In the: /mt place the killlletul­ acquainted with polzlil's, bekencl 1:-., um 'n Lo form a Jfinis!Jy. milllll~teri te forlll. Soo 'n m;m suek n mel onder Such ,z man look~ about di l<~clc fan di I'arlemeut a11W1l1{ /he JJICJJihen ••/ t:n kiis fer hom fur Parliament all(/ ~clccls matcrs. Jour coli cagucs. 8.J Gl'TDE ro C.\l'E JlT'll'tf

    Hul fyf be,tunr dan di land These lt<'t ll1tn !fOi<'li't,,. Hnlle kum saam um wcite Th(\', <•Jilt loj!tilu 1 to J,pi,hr/e fer eli land te m,tak. for the '< •twlry. So is di folk sdf, of < li In iltlll l fro­ uiifaardig ni wat di tltlll/1 /u,,., ;c/zitlz fza;c fcrtc'cnwn•)rciigers ian 110/ hull lllcldt h\' /111 rt'­ d! folk ni gemaak ltd frr:.;'llilllh•ts <1/ the feofh. m. ~laar omgekeer ook weer Rut o,z tltt contron• no !tm• kan g'n wd bekragtig Cllll he fro,Jllt!J,;titrd (f lhc wore!, as eli GoJTcrncur (,nz•t nwr '"'" /ltll rut his clit ni wil te.:ken 111. ::.i~llcllllrt to il. Di Parlcmcnt bcstaan uii iwe l'arhcllllt 111 n ''1'1.lt>t', tl 111Llll lllltsl sekerc hesiiting he. lzm•.: U rftlt/1 fOS\C.,SIIIIl>. t;l'lilC TO C.\PE !Jl'TCH. 83

    D1 gt:tal k:d\: i·1 d: Lt'l;J huis Tilt llltlllhcr of mem/Jers of the i~ htlij~ gl"lll>li.:r a~ i:1 tlt /,(llt't'l' l10use is illltch II"', 'et l·uh larJ.!,er /hall t hut oj the I ·ppa hou 'e. D·;, · >'IJt!at dke ui4rik ap.trt 1'/w i~ bt'Clllt.'<' ez•cn· district is ie: tL·'em\ 11 •nlig wunl in mdi;•idually ·represented eli La \:•·l11n~. in !he Lower house . .\Iaat di !Jd\; !at~ tli 1-Ino't:r­ l!u/ the members of the c.;-pper lnns ~it • uur 'n ;,irkel, !zottsc szl for a 'ircle, w.tt h\L' ul meer di'>­ made up of two or trikki.: in~lniL more districts. 11 \Yet w.t: iu d the Lu"•er house, must tb~1r t-er:-, driima.tl tir~t be rmd three limes g\:kt ~ \\ < 11 d en d.ut per house, ver" t!eur dt· L.t'erhm'>, 1/lltst jil'l't fuss tlzrou;;lt the t:'l g,ulJ dau t'<'l" JM di [.ower hou~,·, and then G >flL:lllL'Ur tue. onlv ;.:oe.~ to the Gm•emor. s'"''n li•dtenuent i" 'n het·le S11i t a hei hanje hm•e mauy clerk>. 'k:krh:. Dit fe1 y, 'n v::.ehkt; admmis It nqlllres a r•c1y elaborate !ra~l um.a\leHeg !e ht>ll. admzm.,tralion tu keep all lh111gs straight. Di IL-'e fan di l':nlemeut Jl em/•, n of l'arliamc'lll are \\niL: Etiel\: Bee;: ge­ nrllccl · F/(llzottrable, and nne:n, en )'.trtv t:enh di­ ~t•lnc think it 11 /!,real '11 gl 1 L. \ \'. K ag:er j11u or M.L.C., behind one's uam ct; he llli111C. \);u ·1'! beual dit ook ru>g al llc ozdc:,, 1/ fays rather hand­ , .rdt'·llthk, \\'.In! di h'·'e somely, for the members lit';, -.il,lli~ ton· tl. GENERAL INDEX.

    P.\r.F CHAP. I.--Historical Suggestions 3 CH 1\P. I I.-Shades of Language and where to expect them r, CHAP. III.- Pronunciation III C<>lhOII:tlll~ 121 \'owt'l>- ... 31 Other Snunch q.: Re.tding Exerci"e' Ill

    CHAP. IV.-Grammar I2 I. THE XuL K I2 1. The Ca'e~ I2 2. The l'lur.tl Ia) Orhervati< >t: -Duuhling of lin~tl c< •n•on.mt IJ ,hi -1 rregul.tr ri .u ,, J, IJ 3· The Gender I3 \<1) Xuun-suliix<·s !J 1/i) Different \\unh iudicatin:.; 'ex IJ I'I ~Ju.tlif) ing \VIIld' preiixecl "r alhxt.el 14 4· Diminutives 14 II. THE ARTICI E IS l I l. THE .\.llJhCTI\"E I5 I. Adjectives ol Quahtv. lntlexi•>n ... rs ;!. Degrees ul Comp.rri,"n IS _3. lrre~ul.rr Comp.rrisun ... I";, (til The Adverh u ~raag" 1'\ 4· .li<>l r .1m! .V v.,t. T:retr lN.~ IU GE:-.:ER.\L 1::\"DEX. Rs

    I\' THE l'ROXlll X ...... I(J

    1. Per'"na! Pronouns ...... ]fl 2. Pu.s.~t,;R~l\ e Pronouns ...... ill 3· llemunslrative Pronoun' ... lb

    ~~ 4· Interrogative Prunoun:; ...... I

    r~ 5· Rd,ltivt' l'r"nuun' ...... I f>. Imklinite l'ronnun' ...... 17 . \'. THE YERB ...... 17 1. The C• mjugation explained ...... 17 2. Example of Conjugation ...... 17 J. The Past Tense ...... !K 4· The Irregular \'erbs 1~<' and 1c•ecs ...... !H 5· Yerhs rd,uning finaln ...... l

    CHAP. V. --Useful Information ...... 24

    I. Tin: Nt·~umRs ...... 2-J. II. Huw TrMt: r~ Exl'RESSP.n ...... 25 Ill. TERMS lh.!.ATI:>~c; TO TI,IE ...... 27

    ,~ ]\', NAMES OF THE MoNTHS ...... -J \'. XA~ms lW THE DAYS ...... 2i

    YJ. PorXT~ ut THI': COMPASS ...... 2"I VII. CAPE \\'ElliHTS A"'D :\TEAS\'RES ...... 2K \'Ill. :\TmmY ...... 2H IX. LAN!l :\lEA~L'RE ...... 29 X \\'AYR OF ADI1RESSl:\(1 ...... 29 XI. COMMO!'! CllRlSTIAN XAM"-8 .. , ... .. , ... 3'l C~E::\EI< \L !::\!lEX.

    CHAP. VI. -Speaking Exercises on the Verb" to have" 11 CIIAP. VII. -Speaking Exercises on the Verb "to be" CHAP. VIII. -Conversation and Expressions 39 CHAP. IX. -Specific Topics ..\j .\t ll•nnc 44 G 1 lin~ to T(J\Vn 15 TLwellmg Ah"ut 47 In the Fil'lf the Sttil .. S•1uth .\f1 it;,m Ja Parli;tm<'llt and Guv..:rnment 'X,\\O~"l\YII\ I! f) 'N,\\''J ~,1\\ 1'1'11.\\ t>XI)!

    'll.WO'l~>.:n'HIJ.S '•>N lH,liX:-. HIO[ 'TI,J'>lll\7l'l :.J: ~11• >,j 'X.\\O,L :~d\ ,)

    ·~>!:! ~ ~ 0.1'\: 0 d S 3: (f(l 0 J :I 0 )I 0 0 H

    TV .l ~)Nl'l-1 H \'

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