E-.Cl r::r. PJf)V2S '1 'J <O 2· 1 ERIE CouNTY LEGISLATURE OLD Em CoYNTY HALl. 92 Franklin Street Robert M. Graber Fourth F1oor Clerk Buffalo, N.Y. 14202 PH.: 716/858-8527 FAX: 716/858-8895
[email protected] Switchboard: 716/858-7500 November 26, 2012 TO: The Honorable Erie County Legislature FROM: Robert M. Graber, Clerk SUBJECT: Written Testimony Submitted to Legislature at Public Hearing Concerning 2013 Tentative Erie County Budget Attached herewith, please find written testimony submitted to the public record at the Erie County Legislature's public hearing, held on November 19, 2012, concerning the County Executive's tentative 2013 Erie County budget. Thank you. Comm. 20D-3 Page 1 of 22 Comm. 20D-3 Page 2 of 22 United Way OOucCESS (l]v m· Statement to Erie County J.alslature; Buqet HeariDin November 19, 2012 Your attention is requested regarding an urgent matter with severe consequences for the children and families of Erie County. Erie County Department of Social Services' longstanding funding for the Success by 6 Program-in the amount of $98,192 annually-is planned for elimination as of january 1, 2013. This shift reflects altered DSS priorities affected by funding redirection on the federal and state levels. In the interest of our community, I urge you to work toward reinstating this support, which is essential for this critical programming within Erie County. Success by 6 is a vital service that delivers training, mentoring, Helpline assistance, and early intervention identification for child care providers within Erie County. These providers are responsible for our county's 49,000 children who receive care within their homes and in professional child care fadlities.