|i Charter Schools Institute '0 State University of New York KING CENTER CHARTER SCHOOL FINAL CHARTERED AGREEMENT Sec. 2852(5) Submission to the Board of Regents VOLUME ^LOF^^ REDACTED COP 74 North Pearl Street, 4th Floor, Albany, NY 12207 tel: (518) 433-8277 fax: (518) 427-6510 e-mail:
[email protected] www.newyorkcharters.org ^ ^^I^T^^OOOI^^^IT^I^O^^^T ^ The process the scbooi^ill follow to promote parental and staff involvement in the go^ernanoe and administration of tbe charter school Toencourage the participation of parents and staff in the governance ofthe r^ing^enter^harter school, the school director,lead teacher and co^chairs ofthe parent association atthel^ingOenterOharter school shall serve as E^officio membersoftheBoardofOirectors. ^ ^idence of community support for tne proposed cnarterscboolD including documentation of sufficient interest by parents and students to meet the schools enrollment targets^ i^etnods or strategies to be used to gauge community support of the charter school ^ttacbment^l^ In ^ebruary1998 the Buffalo common council approvedameasureaskingthe ^tateforpermission to createapilotcharterschool program. The concept had the backing ofthe Mayor and the Board of Education, and in Januaryl998 Mayor Masiello declaredthatthe^ingOrbanl^ifeOenter^ouldbeBuffalosfirstcharterschool^see attachment ^I^.Thefollo^inglettersofendorsementforthe^ingOenter^harter school application are also attached^ Anthony ^ioia, Buffalo Businessman ^evin^lelfer,Buffalo common council Member l9obe^J.^resse,^ttomey^ith^liscock^Barclay,^^ Anthony Masiello, Mayor ofthe^fty of Buffalo James^^itts, BuffaloOommoncouncil president ^ Oescription of the programmatic and fiscal impact of the establisbment of this cbarter school on existing public and nonpublic schools in the community attachment ^1^^ Inaschool district of more than^,OOOstudents,acharter school ^ith not more than 100 students should have no significant programmatic orfiscal impact.