NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ETHICS BOWL Case Set for 2020-2021 Regional Competitions Note: This case booklet has been modified by the Prindle Institute and contains questions that do not appear in the original document devised by the NHSEB Contents A NOTE FROM THE NHSEB Unless otherwise noted, these cases are the intellectual property of the Parr Center for Ethics. Please do not reproduce them, in part or whole, without credit. Please contact us at
[email protected] for more information. CASES FOR REGIONALS 01 Factory Farming 02 TikTok Infamous 2020-2021 REGIONAL CASE COMMITTEE 03 (Un)charitable Donations No More Teachers, No More Books 05 04 CHAIR Alex Richardson What’s In A Name? 06 Dining Out During a Pandemic 07 The Korean Pop Industrial Complex 08 CONTRIBUTORS Christine Ball-Blakely, Guido Who Gets to Be Fashionable? Chiriboga, Alexandra Corbett, Ramona Ilea, Audra Jenson, Joanna Lawson, Camille Luong, Alex 09 Wholesome Discipline Richardson, Rachel Robison-Greene, Maggie Sun, 10 Dating After Prison Michael Vazquez, Dustin Webster, APPE 11 Contraceptive Controversy Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl 12 Harper’s Bizarre 13 (De)funding the Police 14 American Dirt 15 The Tiger King 1. Factory Farming Nearly all animal products consumed in the United States come from animals raised on factory farms, which are industrial-scale agricultural facilities that keep hundreds to thousands of animals in high-density confinement.1 These factory farms are only one component of the highly-consolidated animal agriculture industry, which is no longer controlled by family farmers, but by a handful of large corporations. The animal agriculture industry produces cheap animal products by prioritizing efficiency above all other considerations, including animal welfare, the environment, rural communities, human health, workers, and small family farms.