Ambassador from Rochester Hold Annual Meeting at UR
The Rochester AlumniArAlumnae Reuiew DISTRIBUTED AMONG THE GRADUATES AND UNDER-GRADUATES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER Published quarterly, in February, May, August and November by the University of Rochester for the Associated Alumni and the Alumnae Association at the Cayuga VOL. XIII, o. 2 Press, Ithaca, . Y. Editorial Office, 15 Prince St., Rochester 3, . Y. Co-editors: FEBRUARY, 1952 Charles F. Cole, '25, and Warren Phillips, '37. Application for second class reentry pending at Ithaca, . Y. President de Kiewiet Given Historic Martin B. Anderson Desk ALTHOUGH the mystery of its disappearance from Anderson Hall many decades ago is still unsolved, the historic desk of Martin B. An derson, Rochester's first president, has been returned to the University. It was discovered, under unex plained circumstances, in the engi neering department of Cornell Uni versity, where it i known to have been for some 30 years. How it got there is conjectural. It was identi fied by a brass plate with the inscrip tion: Working desk of Martin B. Ander son, LL.D., First President of the University of Rochester. When Cornelis W. de Kiewiet, act ing president of Cornell, became president of Rochester, some of his colleagues at Ithaca who knew of the desk's presence on the Cornell cam pus, decided that it should be pre sented to him and returned to Roch ester. They had it restored to its or iginal condition, and the d sk, a large and handsome double-sided one of chestnut, with top and drawer mouldings stained walnut, now President de Kiewiet checks through his brimming engagement book at his "new" 100-year-old desk in his Babcock House study.
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