Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsc

The structure of microbial evolutionary theory

J. Sapp

Department of , Faculty of and Engineering, York University, 4700 Keele St, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3 Canada


The study of microbial phylogeny and has emerged as an interdisciplinary synthesis, divergent in both methods and con- cepts from the classical evolutionary biology. The deployment of macromolecular sequencing in microbial classification has provided a deep evolutionary hitherto deemed impossible. Microbial has greatly transformed the landscape of evolutionary biology, not only in revitalizing the field in the pursuit of ’s history over billions of years, but also in transcending the structure of thought that has shaped evolutionary theory since the time of Darwin. A trio of primary phylogenetic lineages, along with the recogni- tion of and lateral transfer as fundamental processes of evolutionary innovation, are core principles of microbial evolu- tionary biology today. Their scope and significance remain contentious among evolutionists. Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Microbial evolution; Microbial phylogeny; Procaryote; Superkingdoms; Symbiosis; Lateral gene transfer

When citing this paper, please use the full journal title Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences

1. Introduction microbes, their relationships to one another and to other organisms, than they did in the time of Pasteur and Koch. The evolutionary synthesis of the first half of the twen- The emergence, of , based on tieth century crafted a sterile conception of evolution: one macromolecular sequencing, has brought great change to without . It was confined to plants and ani- biology, revitalizing the study of evolution and extending mals whose histories at best cover 20% of the total evolu- it over the span of some three and a half to four billion tionary time on earth. Accordingly, the historical works years. In so doing, it has sown several fundamental con- on that synthesis make scant reference to microbes, if at cepts in the field of evolution: the three primary domains all (e.g. Mayr & Provine, 1980; Mayr, 1982). Certainly, of life (, and Eucarya); the role of symbi- evolutionists assumed that plants and animals evolved osis in the origin of the eucaryotic cell; and the ubiquity of from the ‘lower’ or ‘primitive’ organisms that microbes lateral gene transfer among bacteria (between ‘species’). were conceived to be. The evolution of the microbial world Each of these represents a profound theoretical shift; was, however, largely beyond the evolutionists’ purview together they provide the basic structure for microbial evo- and outside the structure of classical evolutionary thought. lutionary thought today. Still, their paradigmatic parame- Biologists knew little more about the of ters, their scope and significance, remain subjects of

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1369-8486/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.shpsc.2007.09.011 J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 781 controversy. The Archaea and Bacteria are widely taught It is now clear that among organisms there are two dif- in textbooks as fundamental phylogenetic lineages. Should ferent organizational patterns of cells, which Chatton the procaryote–eucaryote dichotomy be discarded? It is (1937) (sic) called, with singular prescience, the eucary- accepted today that mitochondria originated from alpha otes and procaryotic types. The distinctive property of , and from . Did bacteria and blue-green algae is the procaryotic nature the nucleus also arise from another symbiosis? It is recog- of their cells. It is on this basis that they can be clearly nized now that lateral gene transfer may occur across the segregated from all other (namely, other algae bacterial phylogenetic spectrum. Is it so intense as to com- and fungi), which have eucaryotic cells. (Ibid., pletely confound bacterial phylogenetics? Does Darwin’s pp. 20–21) genealogical framing of evolution actually hold true in the microbial world? To elucidate how these issues have Since the 1960s, biologists who have proposed that pro- arisen, I begin with an historical overview of one of the karyotes and eucaryotes be given the highest taxonomic basic dichotomies of biology: that between the procaryote rank of superkingdoms have gone further and suggested and the eucaryote. that Chatton had articulated an organizational and taxo- nomic distinction. wrote, 2. Superkingdoms of legend Although foreshadowed by suggestions made by earlier authors, by far the most important advance made in our Biological thought is profoundly affected by classifica- understanding of the living world as a whole was the tions and dichotomies; it therefore becomes of some impor- realization by Chatton (1937) (sic) that there are two tance to deconstruct them. We have all been taught a basic major groups of organisms, the procaryotes (bacteria) bifurcation of life: that between the procaryote and the and the eucaryotes (organisms with nucleated cells). eucaryote, typically presented as the superkingdoms Pro- This classification was confirmed and made more widely caryotae (or ) and Eucaryotae. The story about known by Stanier and van Niel, and it was universally these superkingdoms begins with an extraordinary legend accepted by biologists until recently. (Mayr, 1998, consisting of three vital components. The first is that in p. 9720) the 1920s or 30s (it is not certain when) French protozool- ogist Edouard Chatton coined the terms ‘procaryote’ and Actually Chatton did not propose this dichotomy as a basis ‘eucaryote’ with ‘singular prescience’, articulated their dif- for classification, nor did Stanier and van Niel. I will ex- ferences, and formulated them as the basis for classifying plain why momentarily. First, it is important to note that organisms into two taxa at the highest levels. Secondly, Chatton wrote very little about it, and he referred to bacte- in 1962, when Roger Stanier and C. B. van Niel reintro- ria interchangeably as protists or protozoa. He used the duced the terms to English readers and further defined terms ‘procaryote’ and ‘eucaryote’ in two diagrams in those differences, they too argued for two fundamental tax- 1925, and in his only published statement about it, in onomic domains, and thirdly, they defined procaryotes as 1938 (typically miscited as 1937), he wrote, organisms lacking a cytologically definable nucleus. Recent Protozoologists agree today in considering the flagel- scholarship has dispelled all three features as erroneous his- lated autotrophs as the most primitive of the Protozoa torical artifacts (Sapp, 2005b; 2006a), but because they possessing a true nucleus, Eucaryotes, (a group which have become integral parts of the foundation of microbiol- also includes the plants and the Metazoans) because ogy, it is vital to understand their roots. they alone have the power to completely synthesize their The tale of Edouard Chatton, embellished to the present protoplasm from a mineral milieu. Heterotrophic - day, originated in Stanier and van Niel’s famed paper of isms are therefore dependent on them for their existence 1962, ‘The concept of a bacterium’. The authors lamented as well as on chemotrophic Procaryotes and autotrophs that, (nitrifying and sulfurous bacteria, Cyanophyceae). Any good biologist finds it intellectually distressing to (Chatton, 1938, p. 50; my translation) devote his life to the study of a group that cannot be Although Chatton wrote nothing else about this, and de- readily and satisfactorily defined in biological terms; spite statements made about his ‘singular insight’ and ‘pre- and the abiding intellectual scandal of bacteriology has scient generalization’, others before him did articulate a been the absence of a clear concept of a bacterium. (Sta- distinction between two kinds of cellular organization, nier & van Niel, 1962, p. 17) but their views about that dichotomy differed. For some, There had been several unresolved issues about the organi- bacteria and blue-green algae possessed a primitive nucleus zation of bacteria and blue-green algae over the previous comprised of chromatin material, without a nuclear mem- eighty years: Was it true that bacteria and blue green-algae brane separating it from the surrounding cytoplasm. For lacked a nucleus? Did they possess plastid-like entities? Sta- others, bacteria lacked all traces of a nucleus with heredi- nier and van Niel aimed to define the of bacteria tary determinants of any kind. and blue-green algae in a way that unequivocally distin- In his Generelle Morphologie of 1866, Ernst Haeckel guished them from other organisms. They proclaimed, proposed the Protista in which he included 782 J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 primitive non-nucleated organisms that he grouped bacteria remained undefined biologically. Microbes gener- together as Monera. In biology textbooks today, Monera ally had been referred to as Infusoria since the days of Lin- are often presented as one of five kingdoms, the remaining naeus because they were readily found in infusions of four being eucaryotic: Plantae, Animalia, Protista, and decaying organic matter, but it became common place Fungi (Whittaker, 1969; Whittaker & Margulis, 1978). from a disease based perspective in the late 1870s to call Yet here too there is historical and conceptual confusion, them ‘germs’. Joseph Lister referred to the ‘theory of in effect another myth, for the nature of the organisms that germs’ in a letter in 1874 to Pasteur who, two years later, Haeckel imagined to be Monera were remarkably different used the ‘expression in print instead of ‘theory of organized from those referred to decades later under the realm of that ferments’. In 1878, the term ‘microbe’ was introduced by kingdom. Monera, as Haeckel (1866) conceived of them, Charles Se´dillot, and was used interchangeably with ‘germ’ were pre-cellular entities lacking all trace of hereditary (Carter, 1991). The word ‘bacteria’ (from the Greek mean- determinants comparable to other organisms. Indeed, his ing little rod or staff) was frequently employed to embrace postulation was in direct opposition to those who insisted the smallest of germs, ‘all those minute, rounded, ellipsoid, that bacteria and blue-green algae possessed a primitive rod-shaped, thread-like or spiral forms’ (e.g. Woodhead, nucleus, and like other cells contained chromatin and 1891). hereditary determinants. Haeckel’s more primitive Monera Biology had been divided into two ancient kingdoms: were the fruit of his monist philosophy which required the plants and animals (as it continued to be throughout most elimination of explanatory boundaries separating life and of the twentieth century). Linnaeus had classified all Infu- non-life. soria as animals, but by the mid 1850s bacteria were usu- Most of the creatures Haeckel assigned to the group in ally considered to be plants (and still are when we refer 1866 were later shown either to be nonexistent or to possess to the ‘flora’ in our gut) and studied by botanists in univer- a nucleus. Later in his The wonders of life of 1904, he sities who referred to them as Schizomycetes (fission fungi), claimed bacteria and chromacae (blue-green algae) to be and when they were grouped with blue-green algae, they true to the definition. ‘The whole vital activity of the sim- were called as Schizophyta (fission plants) (Cohn, 1872). plest monera’, he wrote, ‘especially the chromacae is con- Haeckel argued that bacteria had nothing in common with fined to their , and is therefore a purely fungi, and that the only real comparison between chroma- chemical process, that may be compared to the catalysis cea and plants was with the chromatophores (chromatella of inorganic compounds’ (Haeckel, 1904, p. 208). Bacteria or chloroplasts). Thus, he suggested that chloroplasts had and chromacae lacked any trace of what he regarded as the evolved as ‘a symbiosis between a plasmodomonous green most ‘the first, oldest, and most important process of divi- and plasmophagus not-green companions’ (Haeckel, 1904, sion of labour’ of the nucleus, which ‘discharges the func- pp. 195–196). tions of reproduction and heredity, and the cytoplasm of Did bacteria and chromacae really lack nuclei? Observa- the cell body [which] accomplishes the metabolism, nutri- tions were far from straightforward. Bacterial internal tion and adaptation’ (ibid., p. 35). The difference between organization remained below the resolution of the light monera and any higher organism, he said was ‘greater in microscope. It did seem evident that bacteria lacked a every respect than the difference between the organic mon- nucleus that was enclosed by a membrane, but many bac- era and the inorganic crystals. Nay, even the difference teriologists reported clusters of granules that stained with between unnucleated monera (as cytodes) and the real dyes used to stain chromatin of other cells. ‘For these rea- nucleated cells may fairly be regarded as greater still’ sons’, wrote Edmund Beecher Wilson in The cell in develop- (ibid.). ment and inheritance in 1900, Microbes had been understood predominantly from a most observers . . . regard them as true chromatin gran- medical perspective: the concept of germs as the agents of ules which represent a scattered or distributed nucleus killer diseases signified the nineteenth-century transition not differentiated as a definite morphological body. If to modern medicine. Indeed, the history of bacteriology this identification is correct, such forms probably give is predominantly depicted from the perspective of pathol- us the most primitive condition of the nuclear substance, ogy, germ theory and practice. Led by the pioneering work which only in higher forms is collected into a distinct of Pasteur and Koch, pathological and public health labo- mass enclosed by a membrane. (Wilson, 1900, p. 40) ratories expanded and multiplied as pathologists developed antitoxins, anti-sera and vaccines. To be sure, germ theory Still these issues remained unresolved, and diverse theories encompassed a wide range of processes, such as putrefac- about bacterial anatomy were presented well into the 1940s tion and fermentation, as well as animal and human dis- (Dobell, 1911; Dubos, 1945). eases. Life did not result from decayed organic matter, In 1938, when Herbert Copeland proposed that Haec- but was its cause. This was the conclusion of the debates kel’s name Monera be given to a fourth kingdom in addi- and experiments over ‘spontaneous generation’ of the tion to Protista, Plantae and Animalia, his argument was 1860s and 1870s (Farley, 1974; Geison, 1995; Strick, 2000). based on two assumptions: that bacteria and blue-green Despite those achievements, virtually nothing was algae are ‘the comparatively little modified descendants known of the origin and evolution of the microbial world; of whatever single form of life appeared on earth, and that J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 783 they are sharply distinguished from other organisms by the the notion of establishing a separate kingdom for these absence of nuclei’ (Copeland, 1938, p. 386). In 1941 Stanier organisms should be abandoned’ (van Niel, 1955, p. 93). and van Niel followed Copeland in assigning the bacteria and the blue-green algae to the kingdom Monera (Stanier 3. An organizational concept & van Niel, 1941). They also expanded the characterization of the group by adding to the absence of nuclei two addi- Importantly, Stanier and van Niel made no mention of a tional and equally negative criteria: the absence of plastids, separate kingdom for bacteria when they introduced the and the absence of sexual reproduction. But that would be ‘procaryote’ and ‘eucaryote’ to English readers in 1962. the last time that they would refer to monera, or to bacteria Theirs was an organizational distinction, much like that as non-nucleated organisms. made five years earlier by Andre´ Lwoff who distinguished At that time it was still not certain if bacteria (and the organization of the from that of the smallest bac- ) possessed . In The evolution of genetic sys- teria. The virus did not reproduce by division like a cell; it tems, British cytogeneticist, Darlington referred to ‘asexual contained either RNA or DNA enclosed in a coat of pro- bacteria without gene recombination’ and of ‘genes which tein, and it possessed few if any enzymes, except those con- are still undifferentiated in viruses and bacteria’ (Darling- cerned with attachment to and penetration into the host ton, 1939, p. 70). In Evolution: The modern synthesis, Julian cell. ‘Viruses should be treated as viruses’, Lwoff con- Huxley conceived of bacteria (and viruses) in the same way cluded, ‘because viruses are viruses’ (Lwoff, 1957, p. 252) as did Haeckel at the turn of the century: There were no known transitional entities between a virus and a bacterium. Bacteria (and a fortiori viruses if they can be considered Lwoff recommended the terms procaryote and eucaryote to be true organisms), in spite of occasional reports of a which his former mentor Chatton had coined decades ear- sexual cycle, appear to be not only wholly asexual but lier (Chatton, 1925). And Stanier and van Niel employed pre-mitotic. Their hereditary constitution is not differen- them to characterize the bacteria and blue-green algae, tiated into specialized parts with different functions. using organizational terms, just as Lwoff had done with They have no genes in the sense of accurately quantized the virus. Chatton may have said little about that organiza- portions of hereditary substances; and therefore they tional dichotomy, but in effect he had said just enough. have no need for accurate division of the genetic system ‘Procaryote’ was a neutral term that could be molded to which is accomplished by mitosis. The entire organism contemporary science. Stanier and van Niel explained that appears to function as soma and germplasm, and evolu- a satisfactory description of the bacteria and blue-green tion must be a matter of alteration in the reaction-sys- algae could be articulated only after advances in micros- tem as a whole. (Huxley, 1942, pp. 131–132) copy, and genetics that followed the Sec- ond World War. Still, they could do little more than define The difference between bacteria and other cells became the ‘procaryote’ negatively in relation to the eucaryote. uncertain with developments in genetics and election Eucaryotes possessed a membrane bound nucleus, a microscopy following the Second World War. In 1946, cytoskeleton, an intricate system of internal membranes, and Edward Tatum launched bacterial mitochondria that perform respiration, and in the case of genetics when they experimentally demonstrated genetic plants, chloroplasts. The nucleus of bacteria lacked a mem- recombination in Escherichia coli (Lederberg & Tatum brane separating it from the cytoplasm, it divided by fission 1946). Viruses were conceptualized as naked genes, as not by mitosis, and its DNA was never organized into indi- had been suggested by H. J. Muller (1922) earlier in the vidual chromosomes: century. Both bacteria and their viruses (phages) were The principle distinguishing features of the procaryotic domesticated as vital biotechniques for molecular biology. cell are: 1. absence of internal membranes which sepa- When in 1955, van Niel reconsidered the organization of rate the resting nucleus from the cytoplasm, and isolate bacteria and blue-green algae anew, in this new light he the enzymatic machinery of photosynthesis and of respi- renounced the Monera kingdom on the same three grounds ration in specific ; 2. nuclear division by fis- on which he and Stanier had avowed it in 1941. New evi- sion, not by mitosis, a character possibly related to the dence based on electron microscopy seemed to suggest that presence of a single structure which carries all the bacteria possessed nuclei, and that the photosynthetic genetic information of the cell; and 3. the presence of bacterium, Rhodospirillum rubrum possessed plastid-like a cell wall which contains a specific mucopeptide as its entities. Moreover, he argued, demonstrations of recombi- strengthening element. (Stanier & van Niel, 1962, p. 21) nation in mixed cultures of bacteria by Lederberg and Tatum in 1946 had demanded ‘a healthy scepticism with The dichotomy was unmistakable; there would be no tran- regard to the earlier belief that sexual phenomena do not sitional forms between the procaryote and all other organ- occur among the bacteria’. His conclusion was decisive. isms. Stanier, Michael Douderoff and Edward Adelberg ‘It is clear’, he said, ‘that the criteria for a kingdom of declared the next year in The microbial world that, ‘In fact, organisms without nuclei do not apply to the bacteria this basic divergence in cellular structure, which separates and blue-green algae. This does not mean, however, that the bacteria and blue-green algae from all other cellular 784 J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 organisms, represents the greatest single evolutionary dis- 1955; Stanier & van Niel, 1962). When they defined the continuity to be found in the present-day world’. (Stanier procaryote they therefore dissociated it from any taxo- et al., 1963, p. 85). nomic implication. ‘But even though we have become scep- tical about the value of developing formal taxonomic 4. A natural order for bacteria? systems for bacteria’, they wrote, ‘the problem of defining these organisms as a group in terms of their biological Stanier and van Niel had aimed to make the distinction organization is clearly still of great importance, and between the procaryote and eucaryote unequivocal, but remains to be solved’ (Stanier & van Niel, 1962, p. 17). they did not assign taxonomic value to them. To under- Nevertheless, bacteriologists and taxonomists of the stand why, we need to situate their paper in the methodo- 1960s were quick to decree superkingdoms, Procaryotae logical debates during the first half of the twentieth and Eucaryotae (Sapp, 2005a). Yet, when understood taxo- century, over whether or not one could have a classification nomically and defined largely in negative terms, ‘procary- of bacteria that reflected their evolutionary relationships ote’ would be comparable to the grouping ‘invertebrate’, (Sapp, 2005a). which includes such diverse creatures as insects and worms. ‘All true classification is genealogical’, Darwin wrote, Stanier and his colleagues emphasized in the second edition and ‘that community of descent is the hidden bond which of The microbial world that ‘the ultimate scientific goal of naturalists have been unconsciously seeking, and not some biological classification cannot be achieved in the case of unknown plan of creation, or the enunciation of general bacteria’ (Stanier et al., 1963, p. 409). Though they denied propositions, and the mere putting together and separating that one could have a genealogical classification based on objects more or less alike’ (Darwin, 1964 [1859], p. 420). their structure, and even though the procaryote was pro- When constructing genealogical trees, one had to distin- posed, in 1962, as an organizational concept only, they guish relatively trivial traits from fundamental traits at had little doubt that procaryotes did actually constitute a the core of organisms. Adaptive characters (those that were genealogically coherent group, based on their structure. most closely related to the habits of the organisms) were ‘All these organisms share the distinctive structural proper- the least useful because they would be relatively recent ties associated with the procaryotic cell . . . and we can developments characteristic of the species or variety. Con- therefore safely infer a common origin for the whole group structing genealogical trees required comparisons of highly in the remote evolutionary past’ (ibid., p. 409). conserved ancient traits those that were far removed from Bacteria had typically been defined in negative terms: everyday life. Such a phylogenetic classification among they lacked a membrane-bound nucleus, lacked mitosis, plant and animals could be based on comparative anat- and lacked sex. For Stanier, however, the procaryote– omy, comparative embryology and an ever improving fos- eucaryote distinction seemed somehow to resolve the prob- sil record. lem, when he referred to superkingdoms in 1982: Bacteria lacked complex morphological traits, develop- Indeed that was the catch about it. As recently as 40 mental histories, and a fossil record. Although they did years ago, Stanier and van Niel (1941) could do little exhibit enormous physiological or biochemical diversity, better, in an attempt to define collectively these two one could not discern which traits were old and which were groups. The issue was at last resolved (at least, to the recent adaptations, and thus distinguish convergent traits author’s satisfaction) by the discovery of a major evolu- from those that might have phylogenetic meaning. The tionary discontinuity, at the cellular level, amongst all relationships of bacteria to each other, and their mecha- biological systems. I allude to the distinction of two nisms of inheritance, had been subjects of recurrent discus- super-kingdoms, eucaryotes and procaryotes. I think it sion, debate and speculation among bacteriologists prior to is profoundly significant that the fundamental difference the Second World War (Sapp, 2005a). Constructing a ‘nat- between eucaryotes and procaryotes could not be rigor- ural’, that is genealogical, classification of bacteria seemed ously formulated prior to approximately 1960. (Stanier, to be impossible, and by the early 1920s, many bacteriolo- 1982, pp. 9–10) gists had given up on phylogeny. They opted for a reason- ably stable, determinative taxonomy, based solely on No one doubted the monophyly of procaryotes for fifteen utility, like the organization of library books. years, until the development of molecular methods of clas- Stanier, van Niel and their colleagues were exceptions in sification. Molecular evolutionary biology constructed a that they strove for a taxonomy that would reflect genea- new kind of character at the molecular level of organiza- logical relations (Kluyver & van Niel, 1936). It would be tion. The new microbial taxonomy by molecular methods based on increased morphological complexity, and on was experimental, quantitative, and ‘natural’, concerned . They reiterated the arguments for a phyloge- above all with genealogies. A single molecule, the small netic classification in 1941 when they assigned the bacteria subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) led the way, and and the blue-green algae to the kingdom Monera (Stanier won approval as the favored molecular chronometer. It & van Niel, 1941). After years of frustration, they finally transformed from a descriptive non- conceded that a phylogenetic classification was not possi- evolutionary practice, to an experimental science and a ble, and they abandoned the kingdom Monera (van Niel, phylogenetic order of things. In so doing, it challenged J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 785 the venerable procaryote-eucaryote dualism and it con- which translation from nucleic acid to ocurred. firmed the symbiotic origin of the eucaryotic energy-gener- The choice of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) for phylogenetic ating organelles, mitochondria and chloroplasts. purposes was obvious both from a conceptual and a tech- nical standpoint. Ribosomes were ancient organelles pres- 5. Birth of bacterial phylogenetics ent in all organisms from bacteria to elephants; they were at the core of the organism, and presumably far removed The field of molecular evolution emerged in the 1960s from adaptive traits, and because there were thousands (Dietrich, 1994, 1998; Morgan, 1998), and molecular of ribosomes per cell, rRNA was relatively easy to abstract. approaches to taxonomy commenced. Instead of compara- The basic techniques were announced in 1965, when Sanger tive anatomy and physiology, one could construct family and his co-workers published a method for sequencing and trees on differences in the order of amino acids of cataloguing short RNA sequences (Sanger et al., and of genes. Genetic mutations that either 1965). have no effect or that improve protein function accumulate Beginning in 1970, Woese and his colleagues at the Uni- over time. As two species diverge from an ancestor, the versity of Illinois focused on comparisons of the small sub- sequences of the genes they share also diverge, and as time unit ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) oligonucleotides (short advances, the genetic divergence will increase. Because fragments of five to twenty or more nucleotides). Although nucleic acids and proteins are digital in nature and are typ- it was not possible to sequence the larger RNA outright in ically hundreds to thousands of residues long, the space of those days, it was possible, by using specific ribonucleases possible sequences was considered to be so vast that exten- (such as T1 ribonuclease) to cleave a large RNA into olig- sive similarity could effectively never be the result of con- nucleotides with a lengths of five to twenty bases. These vergence. Homology for any gene or protein was readily then could be experimentally sequenced and catalogues recognizable. One could therefore construct genealogies made, quite like the parsing of a book into its individual and make phylogenetic trees by comparing their sequence words. Matching oligonucleotides in different bacteria divergence. could be compared to one another to determine how clo- By 1955, British chemist Frederick Sanger and his col- sely the organisms were related. Woese and his co-workers leagues had succeeded in determining the complete made catalogue collections of oligonucleotide sequences: sequence of insulin (Sanger et al., 1955), for which he ‘dictionaries’ characteristic of organisms in various taxa. was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1958. Com- By 1980, Woese’s group had created catalogues of the parative molecular for taxonomic purposes 16S rRNA fragments for almost 200 species of bacteria was predicted by that year, a few years and eucaryotes. Their results often contradicted the stan- before the was cracked: dard classification of bacteria. But none of their reports caught the attention of biologists more than did their Biologists should realize that before long we shall have a announcements of a newly discovered form of life, or subject which might be called ‘protein taxonomy’—the ‘urkingdom’, which Woese and his post doctoral fellow study of sequences of proteins of an organ- George Fox referred to as ‘Archaebacteria’. They were a ism and the comparison of them between species. It group of microbes that were phylogenetically no more can be argued that these sequences are the most delicate related to typical bacteria (which they called eubacteria) expression possible of the phenotype of an organism and than they were to eucaryotes (Woese & Fox, 1977). that vast amounts of evolutionary information may be The first organisms identified as members of the group hidden away within them. (Crick, 1958, p. 142) were methane producing organisms. Methanogens are typ- Emile Zuckerkandl and pioneered the com- ically chemoautotrophs; they derive their energy from car- parative study of amino acid sequences of hemoglobin to bon dioxide and hydrogen. They were found to lack most infer primate phylogeny (Zuckerkandl & Pauling, 1965). of the ‘signature’ sequences characteristic of all previously Walter Fitch and Emmanuel Margoliash compared amino characterized procaryotic 16S rRNA. Over the next two acid sequences of cytochrome c, to infer phylogenetic rela- years, Woese’s group expanded the archaebacterial urking- tionships among diverse eucaryotes, from horses, humans, dom to include other organismal phenotypes, organisms pigs, rabbits, chickens, tuna, and baker’s yeast (Fitch & that also inhabited extreme environments: the extreme Margoliash, 1967). Cytochrome c is the terminal enzyme halophiles which are found in brines several times more in the respiratory chain, and is located in the inner mem- salty than the oceans, and the thermophiles, Sulfolobus brane of mitochondria, the respiratory of eucary- and Thermoplasma found in geothermal environments that otes. Cytochrome c is also present in bacteria that respire would cook other organisms. oxygen (aerobes), but many bacteria live in the absence During the late , all of these organisms were shown of oxygen. by biochemists and molecular biologists to have certain To explore deep bacterial phylogeny, looked unusual phenotypic traits in common (Fox et al., 1980): to the translation machinery. He did not look to proteins, the lipids in their cell membranes had a structure that however, but rather to those which together with differed sharply from the lipids of eubacteria (Tornabene proteins comprised ribosomes, the ancient organelles in & Langworthy, 1979). The cell wall chemistry of these 786 J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 organisms was also shown to be of special phylogenetic et al., 1989; Iwabe et al., 1989). Although the molecular importance. In 1977, Otto Kandler at the University of markers and algorithms differed, the two studies reached Munich, reported that the cell walls of methanogens lacked the same conclusion: the root of the universal tree appeared the complex molecule peptidoglycan (or murein) typical of to be located between the Bacteria on the one side and the bacteria, (and indeed part of Stanier and van Niel’s defini- Archaebacteria and Eucaryotes on the other. The next tion of procaryotes) just as did the cell walls of halophiles. year, Woese, Kandler and proposed the He and his collaborators subsequently showed that the name Archaea for the archaebacteria to further emphasize same was true of the other organisms that Woese’s lab that ‘procaryotes’ do not share a common ancestry and to had grouped together as archaebacteria (see Kandler, counter the notion that they were ‘just bacteria’ and they 1994). Kandler became a key champion of the archaebacte- made a formal taxonomic proposal for three ‘domains’ of ria concept. At the Max Planck Institute, in Martinsried, life: Bacteria, Archaea and Eucarya (Woese et al., 1990). Kandler’s former student and Wolfram Zillig The announcement of the archaebacteria had already reported that the structure of transcription enzymes—the signaled the great depth and diversity to be explored in DNA dependent RNA polymerases of Halobacterium hal- the microbial world. But there were technical problems to obium, Sulfolobus acidocaldarium and Methanobacteria— the study of that diversity. Knowledge of bacteria (and differed characteristically from their counterparts in typical their niches) depended on studies of pure cultures in the bacteria and closely resembled the transcription enzymes of laboratory. Yet, the great bulk of the organisms seen eucaryotes (see Zillig et al., 1982). microscopically could not be cultivated by routine tech- niques. Norman Pace and his collaborators developed 6. Confronting the procaryote means to get around these limitations (Pace et al., 1985; Pace, 1997). They sought to make an inventory of microbes Woese and Fox (1977a) met the procaryote concept by sequencing rRNA genes obtained from DNA isolated head on when they announced the ‘archaebacteria’ and dis- directly from the environment. Those who worked on the tinguished them from true bacteria or eubacteria. They evolution and phylogeny of Bacteria and Archaea sug- declared, gested that they possessed greater biological diversity than plants and animals combined (Pace, 1997, p. 734). A hand- Dividing the living world into Procaryotae and Eucary- ful of soil contains billions of them; most life in the ocean is otae has served, if anything, to obscure the problem of microbial. The orders of magnitude of the different types what extant groupings represent the various primeval remain unknown. Bacteria, it was announced at the end branches from the common line of descent. The reason of the last century, not only have the greatest diversity is that eucaryote/procaryote is not primarily a phyloge- but constitute the greatest on earth (Whitman netic distinction, although it is generally treated so. et al., 1998). Arguing that biologists’ understanding of (Woese & Fox, 1977, p. 5088) the makeup of the microbial world is rudimentary, Pace In their scheme, procaryotes did not lead to the eucaryotes; called for a representative survey of the Earth’s micro-bio- all three lineages, archaebacteria, eubacteria and eucary- diversity with the use of automated sequencing technology otes, diverged early from hypothetical proto cells, ‘proge- (Pace, 1997). notes’, which would have been in the throes of evolving their translation mechanisms in terms of precision and 7. Preserving an essentialist dichotomy speed (Woese & Fox, 1977b; Woese, 1998). The character- istic differences between archaebacterial and eubacterial Today, the three domains are widely accepted, and ‘pro- cell walls, membranes and transcription enzymes suggested karyotes’ are generally recognized not to represent a mono- that these features might have been in the process of devel- phyletic group. Still, whether the term should remain in opment at the progenote stage of evolution. One thing was biology is hotly debated. Woese (1994, 1998) and Pace certain: there was no monophylogenetic group that could (2006) have suggested that the word be expunged from be called procaryotes (Woese, 2004, 2005; Pace, 2006). the biological lexicon, because of its misleading phyloge- Microbial phylogenetics grew in the 1980s, as techniques netic connotations and a negative organizational defini- for sequencing RNA and DNA dramatically improved tion. In their view, the procaryote–eucaryote dichotomy (Maxam & Gilbert, 1977; Sanger et al., 1977). Compari- concealed much more than it revealed about the evolution sons of the nucleotide sequences of whole genes was greatly and diversity of the microbial world. enhanced with the development of the means to clone Classical evolutionists have objected that the three DNA, that is, to make many copies of sequences from min- proposal obscures the phenomenal morphological ute samples. The invention of the polymerase chain reac- differences between procaryotes and eucaryotes. They have tion (PCR) further revolutionized microbial phylogenetics insisted instead on maintaining the superkingdoms, or (Mullis et al., 1986; Judson, 1992; Rabinow, 1996). ‘empires’, Eucaryotae and Procaryotae (Mayr, 1991; The was widely branching and had deep Margulis & Guerrero, 1991; Mayr, 1998). They placed roots. In 1989 two groups independently used ancient gene the ‘archaebacteria’ and ‘eubacteria’ as kingdoms or duplications for proteins to root the tree of life (Gogarten subkingdoms within the later, and they see no problem J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 787 with a negative definition for the procaryotic group. The modification were necessary conditions, just as they had question concerning the lack of a nucleus is at most only been for Darwin. Genealogy was primary, and phenotypic a semantic issue today. Although Stanier and van Niel differences could at best corroborate taxonomy based on (1962) defined the procaryote as possessing a nucleus, phylogenetic, molecular characteristics. today it is typically stated that the procaryote lacks a Woese did not see himself as a cladist. The conflict with nucleus. Though the bacterium lacks a nuclear membrane, Mayr is better understood as one between the differences in it does possess a ‘nuclear body’ or ‘nucleoid’ where DNA is the aims and methods of morphologists and classical natu- localised. Both Bacteria and Archaea, they argue, lack the ralists, and those of molecular evolutionists. Their taxo- structural eucaryotic cell complexity as expressed in its nomic differences were intricately interwoven with cytoskeleton, and membrane enclosed, energy generating differences in the technical capacity of their scientific fields, organelles. in what counted as diversity, and what counted as taxonomic The issues underlying these differences in perspectives traits. Mayr conceived of Woese as a newcomer and an inter- were encapsulated in an almost decade long public debate loper from molecular biology, ignorant of the intricacies of between Mayr and Woese (e.g. Mayr, 1998; Woese, taxonomy and older debates that Mayr believed that he him- 1998b). Mayr (1991) perceived their differences in terms self had resolved. For both it was a struggle for authority. of competing kinds of taxonomy. One of these dated back Molecular evolution brought with it a wholly new approach to Linnaeus, taking a phenetic approach to classification, to taxonomy that was experimental and based on a new kind by grouping species based on overall phenotypic similarity; of character and a finer level of organization: the quantifiable the other followed cladism and classified strictly on the macromolecular sequence. Woese (1998b) contrasted that basis of genealogy or branching points. These two with what he called the qualitative ‘eye of the beholder’ approaches did not conflict when phenotypic grouping approach of the classical taxonomists based on morphol- based on similarity reflected groupings based on genealog- ogy—an approach that could not be applied to bacteria in ical relationship. Darwin had recognized that classification any case. Indeed, microbial systematics had long tried and had to reflect two distinct characteristics of the evolution- failed to produce a natural microbial system based on classi- ary process: genealogy (branching order) and ‘degree of cal systematic concepts. modification’ (divergence). There were instances, however, All molecular evolutionists agreed that microbial gene- in which phenetic and genealogical analyses led to two dif- alogies could be determined only at the molecular level. ferent conclusions. The reptiles, for example, are a group- Phenetic or ‘organismal traits’ were at best ‘confirmatory ing that genealogically included birds and mammals. indicators of prior grouping determined by use of molecu- How to deal with phenotypically defined groups that are lar characters’ (Wheelis et al., 1992, p. 2932). On the other genealogically incomplete (paraphyletic) was a trying issue hand, those who classified based on morphology tended to that caused a great schism among taxonomists. see molecular structure and sequences, at best, as just one For Mayr, genealogy, or common origin, was not a nec- more kind of taxonomic characteristic, which certainly essary condition of classification, at least for microbes. It could not be privileged over morphological ones any more did not matter to him that ‘the procaryote’ was a polyphy- than genealogy itself could be (Margulis & Guerrero, letic group, or that it was paraphyletic, having given rise to 1991). One could not compare the differences between the a group not included among them: the Eucaryota. The Archaea and the Bacteria at the molecular level to the great amount of evolutionary change that had occurred with morphological differences that distinguished a giant the emergence of the eucaryote was all that mattered. Thus Sequoia or an elephant from all bacteria sensu lato. Thus he accepted procaryotes as an ‘empire’ regardless of gene- the debate centered over the direction of biology. Was clas- alogy, just as he accepted fungi as a kingdom based on sification going to be based on genealogies and degree of their physiological differences from plants, regardless of modification or not? Was it going to be experimental and genealogical considerations (Mayr, 1982). It was sufficient quantitative or morphological and qualitative? For both to classify based on degree of modification, no matter Woese and Mayr there would be no intermediate position how the genealogies played out. Put differently, genealogies that could ever reconcile their differences. at best may inform phenetic classification, which is pri- The search for a phylogenetically based classification mary. This was his perspective when it came to the micro- was the shared goal of all molecular evolutionists, an aim bial world. And for Mayr, utility—the organization of an that had been technically impossible for microbial taxono- effective storage system—should be the aim of taxonomy mists before them. Still, even some molecular evolutionists just as it was for Stanier and van Niel’s adversaries in the who sought a genealogically based classification made an first half of the last century. The reference system he sup- exception in the case of the procaryote–eucaryote dichot- ported was ‘based on the traditional principles of classifica- omy. While recognizing the fundamental phylogenetic trio tion which biology shares with all fields in which items are of the primary domains, and that the genetic informational classified, as are books in a library or goods in a ware- systems of Archaea and Bacteria differ radically in terms of house’ (Mayr, 1991). For Woese, on the other hand, degree replication, transcription and translation, they continued of modification was not a sufficient condition for delineat- to defend the procaryote–eucaryote dichotomy and add ing taxa. Both common origin (genealogy) and degree of molecular features to organizationally conjoin the Archaea 788 J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 and Bacteria. Walsh and Doolittle have pointed to their In his book, Les symbiotes, French biologist Paul Portier lack of introns, which are central to eucaryotic cell differen- at the Institut Oce´anographique de Monaco, developed an tiation and complexity. They characterize Bacteria and elaborate theory about mitochondria as symbionts (Por- Archaea as ‘procaryotic domains’, as possessing ‘a typi- tier, 1918). Then, during the 1920s, the notion that mito- cally (but not always) circular chromosome(s); absence of chondria were symbionts was reworked by Ivan Wallin at spliceosomal introns; organization of many genes into the University of Colorado. In his book Symbionticism operons (sometimes with homologous genes in the same and the origin of species, he proposed that the inheritance order)’ (Walsh & Doolittle, 2005, R238). Martin and Koo- of acquired bacteria was the source of new genes and the nin (2006) have added the coupling of transcription and primary mechanism for the origin of species and cellular translation as the key positive common character of differentiation (Wallin, 1927). procaryotes. The evolutionary importance of symbiosis was empha- By pointing to the transcription and translation mecha- sized by Fe´lix d’Herelle who in the mid 1920s discussed nisms as key common features of the procaryotes that dis- the perpetuation of mixed cultures of bacteria and their tinguish them from eucaryotes, they have produced a viruses (which he named bacteriophages) in terms of sym- paradox. For, as they recognize, those very traits are radi- biosis. He referred to the bacteria which harbor viruses cally different in Archaea and Bacteria at the molecular (lysogenic bacteria) as microlichens. The morphological level. Together with hundreds of other signature gene clus- and physiological changes resulting from symbiosis led ters, they represent the fundamental differences in the orga- him to assert in 1926 that ‘symbiosis is in large measure nization that distinguish the three major cell types, responsible for evolution’ (d’Herelle, 1926, p. 320). At that archaeal, bacterial, and eucaryotic (Graham et al., 2000). time Paul Buchner had begun his systematic investigations There seems to be no indisputable way to define the con- of the morphological and physiological effects of microbes cept of procaryote. transmitted through the eggs of many species of insects (Buchner, 1965; Sapp, 2002). Buchner divorced himself 8. Symbiosis, convergence, and genealogy from the claims of Portier and Wallin, that mitochondria were symbiotic bacteria, which he saw to be a liability to When Stanier and van Niel defined the bacterium in his own more empirical work. Instead, he focussed on a 1962, they made no mention of either plasmids in bacteria more basic struggle: to change the prevalent view that or organellar heredity in eucaryotes. That year, DNA was microbial symbiosis in the tissues of animals was a rare demonstrated in chloroplasts, and the following year in phenomenon. mitochondria. Those organelles were also shown to have The nature of symbiotic relations, analogies and anthro- their own transcription machinery distinct from that of pomorphisms, from ‘mutualism’ and ‘consortia’ to ‘para- the nucleus. The notion that mitochondria and chloro- sitism’ and ‘slavery’, need not concern us here (but see plasts originated as engulfed symbionts re-emerged anew Sapp, 1994, 1999, 2003, 2004). Suffice it to say that no mat- (Margulis, 1970, 1981). ter how symbiosis was conceived, from the nineteenth to Symbiotic conceptions of cellular organelles had clung the late twentieth century, the evolutionary effects of inter- to the edge of biology throughout the twentieth century, species integration due to microbial infections remained but like bacterial phylogeny itself, had been generally dis- close to the margins of ‘polite biological society’. As such, missed as idle speculation (Sapp, 1994, 2003, 2006b). The symbiosis research offers a most critical standpoint from idea that symbiosis is a source of evolutionary innovation which to view the development of biology. is as old as the term itself; it evolved in the 1880s with evi- First and foremost, symbiosis was overshadowed by a dence of the dual nature of lichens (as fungi and algae), of medical perspective of microbes as agents of infectious dis- nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the root nodules of legumes, and ease. That bacteria played any beneficial role in the tissues of mychorrizal fungi in the roots of forest trees. Those find- of plants and animals was in virtual conflict with the basic ings were coupled with evidence of cellular organelles that tenets of the . Bacteria had no natu- seemed to reproduce by division. Andreas Schimper first ral history, and were defined largely as disease causing suggested that chloroplasts originated as symbionts when germs and portrayed as the ‘the enemy of Man’. Bacteriol- he coined the word chloroplasts in 1883. That idea was ogists only searched for infectious microbes when advocated by Haeckel (1904) and then developed, most was diseased, not in healthy tissue, and for many it was prominently by Constantin Merezhkowsky between 1905 ridiculous to suggest that bacteria living in tissue could and 1918. Merezhkowsky also claimed that the nucleus be part of the physiological well being of animals. and cytoplasm were symbiotic partners, and he coined Portier’s work on Les symbiotes was framed by the the word ‘’ for the synthesis of new organ- opposition between symbiosis and germ theory. Rather isms by symbiosis (Sapp et al., 2002). Symbiotic concep- than viewing microbes from ‘the window of medicine’, he tions of nucleus and cytoplasm had been proposed since looked at ‘ from the window of comparative the 1890s, but such ideas were dismissed as fanciful specu- physiology’ and envisaged ‘a new form of bacteriology: lation outside the purview of experimental science (Sapp, physiological and symbiotic bacteriology’ (Portier, 1918, 1994, 2006b). p. 294). His ideas were met with strong resistance from J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 789 bacteriologists and histologists at the Institut Pasteur who of microbial symbiosis were also eclipsed by illustrations rejected, and effectively Pasteurized all of his claims about of conflict and competition: a view of nature that, it had bacteria living in healthy animal tissue (Sapp, 1994, pp. 93– long been argued, only reflected views of human social 109). The contrast between a symbiotic perspective and progress. that from pathology was echoed in the by Symbiotic theories of mitochondria and chloroplasts Wallin: found a new footing when DNA was discovered in plastids and mitochondria (Sapp, 2006). The paradigm began to It is a rather startling proposal that bacteria, the organ- turn over rapidly. proposed that the reach isms which are popularly associated with disease, may of symbiosis be extended to account for the origin of cen- represent the fundamental causative factor in the origin trioles/kinetosomes and therefore for the origin of protis- of species. Evidence of the constructive activities of bac- tan motility and mitosis (Sagan, 1967; Margulis, 1970, teria has been at hand for many years, but popular con- 1981). Her argument hinged on a morphological analogy ceptions of bacteria have been coloured chiefly by their with spirochetes, at one time actually mistaken to be cilia, destructive activities as represented in disease. (Wallin, attached to the Mixotricha paradoxa which in 1927, p. 11) the hind gut of (Cleveland & Grimstone, 1964). Indeed, the relatively meagre evidence of the beneficial ef- In the genealogy of ideas, no less than in phylogenetics, fects of bacteria was no match for the evidence of their we need to be cautious of convergent properties. Though destructive effects. Wallin emphasized that bacteria lacked on the surface they appear similar, the theories of symbio- biological characterization and that the concept of disease sis after 1970 differed dramatically from some of those pro- was often embedded in their very definition. His theory was posed before the second world war. Wallin’s concept of attacked by those concerned about the negative effects it mitochondria and their origins was very different from might have on the aetiology of disease (Sapp, 1994, pp. the ideas of the 1970s and 1980s (Sapp, 1994, 2006b). Like 116–119). several others of his generation, he held mitochondria to be Studies of symbiosis as a source of evolutionary change the principal organs of cellular differentiation and morpho- also conflicted with nucleo-centric genetics, a view of the genesis. He believed that chloroplasts and centrioles, golgi organism in terms of one pure germplasm, and an experi- bodies and other cell organs were products of mitochon- mental study of life in isolation. Thus the inheritance of dria. In his scheme, mitochondria were not organisms that acquired symbionts was relegated to the field of pathology had entered some primitive microbes eons ago; they were and outside the boundaries of genetics and heredity, as constantly being added to the germplasm in the course of contamination. American geneticist E. M. East put it evolution. In effect, ontogeny would be the recapitulation succinctly: of a symbiotic phylogeny. Wallin also claimed that he had cultured mitochondria to prove their actual bacterial there are several types of phenomena where there is nature. direct transfer, from cell to cell, of alien matter capable In the new concepts of endosymbiosis of the 1970s, of producing morphological changes. It is not to be sup- mitochondria were not repeatedly added to organisms, posed that modern biologists will cite such instances reflecting the course of phylogeny and ontogeny, and nor when recognized, as examples of heredity. But since an were they organisms that could be cultured outside the cell. earlier generation of students used them, before their Mitochondria and chloroplasts were held to have each cause was discovered, to support arguments on the originated once from bacteria in the remote past (and in inheritance of acquired characteristics, it is well to be some cases plastids were acquired secondarily by engulf- cautious in citing similar, though less obvious, cases as ment of a photosynthetic protist, as long had been sug- being illustrations of non-Mendelian heredity. (East, gested). Mitochondria were not organelles of 1934, p. 431) morphogenesis. Biochemists showed that they were the This view of life, which dismissed the inheritance of ac- energy generating organelles of the cell, responsible for oxi- quired symbionts as being merely due to parasites of no sig- dative phosphorylation, and containing enzymes of Krebs nificance to heredity, persisted among leading geneticists cycle. The question for cell evolutionists centered on throughout the decade following the Second World War, explaining what was held to be the greatest evolutionary in debates over the scope and significance of non-Mende- discontinuity in the living world: that between a procaryote lian, cytoplasmic heredity (see Lederberg, 1952; Sapp, and a eucaryote. 1987). Crucial evidence for the symbiotic hypothesis was lack- The role of symbiosis as a source of evolutionary change ing. In the 1960s and early 1970s, it remained possible that also conflicted with central tenets of the evolutionary syn- both chloroplasts and mitochondria emerged endogenously thesis of the 1930s and 40s, which focussed on hereditary by differentiation and compartmentalization within the cell differences between individuals in interbreeding popula- (Allsopp, 1969; Raff & Mahler, 1972; Uzzell & Spolsky, tions. That synthesis was based on the concept that sexual 1973). Their similarities with bacteria would then simply recombination and mutations of genes in the be a case of convergent evolution. That possibility was were the fuel of evolutionary change. The creative effects strengthened with evidence that the genetic bases of those 790 J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 organelles are highly integrated into the nuclear chromo- chondrial’ genes in the present eucaryotic nucleus may somal system; only a small fraction of the genes needed have been derived from the ancestor of mitochondria for mitochondrial and functions are actually which had entered an archaeon that subsequently evolved located in those organelles themselves. the nucleus (Martin & Mu¨ller, 1998). A third option is that The origin of organelles could not be rigorously tested ‘non-mitochondrial’ bacterial genes in the nucleus could without genealogical methods. Comparing ribosomal have been imported from symbionts acquired and lost after RNAs of chloroplast, mitochondrial, and nuclear origin the primordial eucaryotic cell was formed (Doolittle, 1996; with each other and with different kinds of bacteria pro- Roger, 1999). After all, hereditary symbionts are ubiqui- vided the rigour and closed the main controversy about tous among Protists (Margulis & Fester, 1991). Fourthly, their origin (Zablen et al., 1975; Gray & Dooolittle, 1982; non-mitochondrial bacterial and archaeon genes in the Yang et al., 1985; Gray, 1992). In the mid 1970s the rRNA nucleus of the eucaryotic lineage could have been acquired technology was exported by Woese’s technician Linda by lateral gene transfer before the rise of the three domains Bonen from Urbana to the laboratories of Ford Doolittle in keeping with the concept of the progenote as a popula- and Michael Gray at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Can- tion of pre-cellular entities with under developed, error ada. Doolittle’s laboratory and Woese’s laboratory focused prone replication and translation machinery (Woese, on chloroplast rRNA, whilst Gray’s focused on mitochon- 1998). Accordingly, before the development of the modern drial rRNA. Collectively, their results indicated that chlo- translation apparatus, evolution would be driven by a dif- roplasts and mitochondria had independent origins from ferent mode and tempo; there would be no individual each other and from nuclear derived rRNA. Chloroplasts organisms as such and intense gene mutation and lateral descended from the photosynthetic blue-green bacteria gene transfer would generate enormous diversity very (cyanobacteria), and the mitochondrial ancestor was traced quickly. The fifth and final suggestion is that those non- to the alpha-proteobacteria. There were no comparable mitochondrial bacterial (and archaeon) genes in the eucar- data to test whether centrioles/kinetosomes arose as symbi- yotic nucleus might have been acquired by lateral gene onts. Centriolar structure and function had remained transfer after the eucaryotic lineage emerged and the uncertain since the nineteenth century (Sapp, 1998). The nucleus developed therein. There was growing evidence evidence for DNA in those organelles had been on-again, beginning in the late 1990s that such lateral gene transfer off-again since the 1960s, until it was refuted by evidence between bacterial taxa was pervasive. from electron microscopy and molecular hybridization, which indicated that genes affecting centriolar/flagellar 9. and lateral gene transfer function are located in the nucleus (Hall & Luck, 1995). What about the eucaryotic cell nucleus? Did it also have In 1995, researchers at The Institute for Genomic a symbiotic origin? Woese, Fox and their collaborators had Research (TIGR) headed by published the raised that issue in 1980. Perhaps the nucleus of the eucary- sequence of Haemophilus influenzae (Fleischmann et al., ote had emerged from a chimeric mixture of eubacterial 1995) and the following year Woese and Gary Olsen and archaebacterial genes. That possibility was strength- together with researchers at TIGR published the complete ened in the 1990s. Genomic comparisons of ancient genes sequence of the first archaeon, Methanococcus jannaschi indicated that the nucleus was comprised of three phyloge- (Bult et al., 1996). By 2005, 260 complete had netically distinct groups of genes: information transfer been sequences (33 eucaryotes, 206 eubacteria and 21 genes, concerned with transcription and translation, which archaeons) and more than 1000 projects are in pro- were closely related to those of the Archaea; bacterial genes gress (Delsuc et al., 2005). thought to be transferred to the nucleus from the mito- Gene phylogenies for various functions often indicated chondria; and bacterial genes, whose functions were not different organismic genealogies than those based on obviously related to mitochondria (Bell & Jackson, 1997; rRNA. For example, while comparisons of 16S rRNA Brown & Doolittle, 1997; Doolittle, 1996). placed the microsporidia low on the phylogenetic tree, Several interpretations have been offered for these data comparisons of the gene for the enzyme RNA polymerase (Roger, 1999). The first, most popular hypotheses is that placed the microsporidia higher on the tree with the fungi the nucleus arose from an engulfed Archaeon symbiont (Doolittle, 1999). Significantly, the new gene phylogenies in a Bacterial host (Lake & Rivera, 1994; Lake et al., disagreed not only with the rRNA-based phylogenies, they 2005; Gupta & Golding, 1996; Gupta, 2005; Moreira & also conflicted among themselves. Those gene histories Lopez-Garcia, 1998; Horiike et al., 2001; Melinsky et al., were so convoluted that the only reasonable answer was 2005). Because the genes affecting the cytoskeleton, which lateral gene transfer, a phenomenon whose scope and sig- conditions phagocytosis in eucaryotes, are found in no nificance had been greatly underestimated. existing bacterial lineages, several researchers have sug- The first generation of bacterial geneticists had recog- gested that the eucaryotic nucleus was formed from an nized that bacteria had various means for exchanging engulfment of an archaeon by an extinct microbe (Sogin, genes. Bacteria (sensu lato) comprise a main circular 1991; Doolittle, 1995; Hartmann & Fedorov, 2002). The DNA genome or genophore, and typically various other second hypothesis is that many of the ancient ‘non-mito- bits of DNA in the form of bacteriophage, as well as small J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 791 circular pieces of DNA, called plasmids. In bacterial conju- since the 1970s and 1980s, that while lateral gene transfer is gation, genetic material of the ‘male’ plasmids, (and some- ubiquitous for adaptive functions, strong phylogenetic sig- times parts of the main chromosome), is transferred to the nals persist. This includes those genes for rRNA, far ‘female’ recipient, and some genes may recombine with the removed from the everyday life of the bacterium, at the female’s chromosome. Whole plasmids and fragments of core of its cellular fabric and interacting with many cellular the genophore can be transferred between different species components (Woese et al., 1980; Woese, 1998, 2000). of bacteria by conjugation. Bacterial genes can also be transferred by the uptake of DNA fragments from dead 10. Transcending bacteria: transformations. Viruses can also act as vehicles to transfer genes between bacteria. Lederberg and Norton Microbial evolutionary biology moves us outside the Zinder coined the term ‘transduction’ for that phenomenon confines of traditional Darwinian thought, and beyond (Lederberg, 1952; Lederberg, 1956). the evolutionary dynamics that Darwin and his followers Because of lateral gene transfer (LGT), a bacterium of had envisaged to define evolution. It represents a synthesis one strain could acquire one or several genes from a com- of its own, distinct from the neo-Darwinian synthesis of the pletely unrelated organism (Bushman, 2002). Therefore, 1930s and 1940s. It emerged from an interdisciplinary similarities and differences in some genes may not be a fusion brought on by technical innovations acquired later- measure of genealogical relationship. For example, if ally as individuals from molecular biology crossed over to organism type A and organism type B carry the same gene explore the history of the microbial world. That union of for a protein, it may not be because they both belong to the molecular biology and taxonomy has resulted in a new same taxonomic group, but that one of them acquired that era in microbiology in which unquestioned assumptions gene (by ‘infection’ or passive uptake) from a third type of have been exposed and fresh possibilities revealed by new organism, C, which is not ancestral to them. Lateral gene coherent experimental research programs based on macro- transfer could potentially scramble the phylogenetic signal. molecular sequencing. The resulting changes were salta- The significance of LGT for antibiotic resistance had tional, both methodologically and conceptually. been well known for decades, and the importance of An evolutionary taxonomy of bacteria could only be LGT had been considered from the outset of molecular achieved by divorcing itself from the classical morphologi- evolutionary studies (Anderson, 1966; Jones and Sneath, cal approaches used in plants and animal systematics. The 1970; Stanier, 1971; Reanney, 1976; Fox et al., 1980; Dick- transformation of bacterial taxonomy from a deterministic erson, 1980; Woese et al., 1980). Sorin Sonea speculated classification based on utility to evolutionary biology relied that because of LGT the whole bacterial world was compa- on a new kind of character, a new measure at the macro- rable to a super-organism (Sonea & Panisset, 1983). By the molecular level of organization. Comparative studies of end of the twentieth century, analyses of complete genome SSU rRNA led the way in sorting out old groupings and sequences suggested that lateral gene transfer occurred far organizing phylogenetically coherent ones. more widespread than previously appreciated. The great diversity and the evolutionary order deter- The ease with which genes seemed to be interchanged mined by that approach culminated with the proposal of among bacteria reinforced long standing views that ‘the three fundamental forms of life. The procaryote grouping biological species concept’ (in the general sense of a genet- is universally recognized as being polyphyletic, but whether ically isolated interbreeding group) did not apply to bacte- the procaryote–eucaryote dichotomy should remain in ria (Ochman et al., 2000; Eisen, 2000; Ward, 1998; biology as a taxonomic distinction remains a cathectic Gogarten et al., 2002). Certainly, many bacteriologists of issue. the 1950s and 1960s had also recognized that the concept That same comparative molecular anatomy led to the of species did not apply to bacteria, but that was not phylogenetic verification of the symbiotic origin of chloro- because bacteria could exchange genes between taxa, but plasts and mitochondria. The conjecture that the nucleus rather because laboratory studies indicated that sexual may have also arisen from a separate symbiosis remains reproduction was a rare event for bacteria, as indeed it underdetermined by molecular data. Subsequent discus- was for most microbes (Lwoff, 1958; Schaeffer, 1958). sions of the scope and significance of lateral gene transfer ‘The microbial species does not exist’, Samuel Cowan in the age of genomics, resonate against the conceptual declared; ‘it is impossible to define except in terms of background of the three domains, and the verification of nomenclatural type; and it is one of the greatest myths of the symbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts. microbiology’ (Cowan, 1962, p. 451). Present day microbial evolutionary theory distinguishes Lateral gene transfers between taxa would make geneal- itself from classical evolutionary theory by its recognition ogies resemble more a web than the tree with which we that acquired genes and genomes trafficked between taxa have envisaged evolutionary descent since Darwin (Doolit- are fundamental forces in evolution. They are conse- tle, 1999; Gogarten et al., 2002). Conjecture about the nat- quences of vital evolutionary mechanisms in addition to ure and intensity of lateral gene transfer have led some alterations by random gene mutation and interspecies bacterial phylogeneticists to suggest that a phylogeny of recombination. The ubiquity of lateral gene transfer among bacteria may be impossible. Others emphasize, as they have bacteria has exacerbated attempts to develop a bacterial 792 J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 species concept. And lest we forget, lateral gene transfer is Contrary to such theoretical expectations, hereditary by no means restricted to microbes, bacterial or protistan. symbiosis is indeed prevalent, especially among the insects. Genomic studies today indicate that 8% of the genes in our All aphids carry bacteria of the genus Buchnera in their own nuclear genome are retroviruses (Ryan, 2006). Indeed, cells; those symbionts are inherited through the host egg. all eucaryotes are chimeric superorganisms comprised of Surveys based on molecular phylogenetic techniques reveal organellar DNA, and that of other symbionts and viruses; that bacteria of the genus Wolbachia are inherited through all are polygenomic. The boundaries of the individual the egg cytoplasm of about 75% of all known insect species, super-organism, the ‘symbiome’, extend well beyond the including each of the major insect orders (Werren, 2005; cell (Sapp, 2003). We have left aside in this overview devel- Zimmer, 2001). Their complete distribution in arthropods opmental symbiosis and the role of bacteria in the develop- and other phyla are yet to be determined. Wolbachia are ment of plants and animals. As detailed elsewhere (Sapp, alpha proteobacteria, and far from being ‘slaves’; they 2003), the transfer of genes between species and the inher- are specialists in manipulating their hosts’ reproduction itance of acquired symbionts—as fundamental processes of and development. They cause a number of profound repro- evolutionary change—contradict several tenets of the clas- ductive alterations, including cytoplasmic incompatibility sical evolutionary synthesis, crafted as it was on the belief between strains and species, parthenogenetic induction, as that gene mutations and intraspecific gene recombination well as femininization. They can also convert genetic males were the exclusive fuels for evolutionary change. into reproductive females (and produce intersexes). Some- Symbiosis and lateral gene transfer more generally are times, as in the case of weevils, Wolbachia are inherited still not taught as central principles of evolutionary biol- along with other bacterial symbionts that provide vitamins ogy. The inheritance of acquired symbionts as a source of and energy, and enhance the insect’s ability to fly (Abdela- evolutionary innovation has continued to be trivialized or ziz et al., 1999). Wolbachia are of considerable evolutionary ignored by both the champions of the neo-Darwinian evo- interest today, especially as a mechanism of speciation. lutionary synthesis as well as by some of its most recog- The effect of the industrial–medical complex in fostering nized critics. In his Wonderful life, Stephen J. Gould studies of disease over symbiosis and evolution has long regarded the symbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloro- been noted by symbiosis advocates. Rene´ Dubos expressed plasts as ‘entering the quirky and incidental side’ of evolu- the problem aptly fortyfive years ago, when discussing the tion (Gould, 1989, p. 310). Symbiosis is not mentioned in creative evolutionary effects of viral infections, and how it The structure of evolutionary thought, and bacteria are men- was scientifically ‘unfashionable’ to search for integrative tioned on three of 1432 pages (Gould, 2002). processes. , he lamented, maintain them- In understanding the place of symbiosis in evolution, we selves as ‘pour cousins in the mansion of pathology’ should consider too that much of evolutionary biology has (Dubos, 1961, p. 204). ‘The time has come’, he declared, focussed , often taught as population ‘to supplement the century old philosophy of the germ the- genetics, and typically as zoocentric as embryology texts. ory of disease with another chapter concerned with the The origin of species, in the classical Darwinian population germ theory of morphogenesis and differentiation’. Thus sense of gene pools, neither addresses the organism as a he prophesied, ‘there would soon develop a new science whole, nor the processes underlying the major transitions of cellular organization, and indeed perhaps a new biologic in evolution. It does not deal with the evolution of complex- philosophy’ (ibid, p. 204). ity: the origin of the code, the origin of life, the origin of The study of symbiosis, and integrative processes of evo- eucaryotes, and the origin of multicellular organismic orga- lution, heredity and development, continue to be con- nization. These are aspects of emergence in which symbiosis fronted by the medicalisation of biology departments, as and lateral gene transfer are important processes. well as the obvious dangers of biowarfare and emergent The extent to which symbiosis as a source of evolution- diseases. Sociopolitical analogies and militaristic meta- ary change and lateral gene transfer is taught in class phors also permeate seminars and writings in biology, as rooms today may also reflect a reductionist one germ- microbes, symbiosis, and co-evolution are discussed in plasm–one organism conception of individuality, as well anthropocentric terms. Expressions of evolutionary pro- as a (‘selfish’) gene’s eye view which confronts a microbe’s cesses reflect the two way traffic of ideas about human soci- eye view of evolution. Indeed, leading neo-Darwinians who ety and nature as much today as they did in Darwin’s day. have attended to theories about the great transitions in life Finally, we need to consider the neo-Darwinian have insisted that the inheritance of acquired bacteria is a retrenchment evident in our times as Darwin is held up rare exceptional phenomenon in plants and animals. John as a sacred totem against advocates of ‘intelligent design’. Maynard Smith and Eo¨rs Szathma´ry asserted that ‘trans- As a result, evolution itself, descent with modification, mission of symbionts through the host egg is unusual’ has become conflated with classical Darwinian theory. To and that hereditary symbionts are best regarded as captive speak of non-Darwinian mechanisms is seen as heresy by slaves (Smith & Szathma´ry, 1999, p. 107). That statement is some evolutionists and pernicious in so much as it lends based on their assumptions about the evolution of associa- itself to abuse by those seeking to substitute evolutionary tions and about the gene as the primary unit of selection biology with super-natural conceptions of nature. This (Sapp, 1999). state of affairs is reminiscent of the controversy in the Cold J. Sapp / Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci. 38 (2007) 780–795 793

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