References, Bibliography and Index
RUTH FIRST Libya The Elusive Revolution References, Bibliography and Index First published by Penguin Books in 1974 Republished in 2012 by the Ruth First Papers Project References Chapter I A Perverse Revolution I. Jacques Berque, French North Africa: The Maghreb Between Two World Wars, Faber & Faber, 1967, p. 104. .z. These were among the answers to several score questions handled by Gadafi at a marathon six-hour-long press conference in Tripoli in April 1973. 3· Berque, op. cit., p.72. 4· ibid. 5· Jacques Berque, The Arabs, Faber & Faber, 1964, p. 239. 6. Hisham B. Sharabi, Nationalism and Revotuticn in the Arab World, van Nostrand, 1965, pp.12-16. 1· Berque, The Arabs, p.191. Chapter 2 Hostage to History and Geography I. Charles Daniels, The Garamames of Southern Libya, Oleander Press, Harrow, Middlesex, 1970, p. 20. 2. ibid., p. 23. 3. John Wright, Libya,Ernest Benn, 1969, p. 55· 4· ibid., p. 70. 5· See the references to the work of J. Poncet in Tala) Asad, 'The Bedouin as a Military Force' in C. Nelson, T. Asad, and D. Cole (eds.), The Desert and the Sown, University of California Press, forthcoming. 6. B. G. Martin, 'Kaoem, Bomu and the Fezzan: Notes on the Political History of a Trade Route',Journal of African History, X, I, 1969, pp. 15-27. 1· Samir Amin, 'Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa - Their Historical Origin and Contemporary Forms' United Nations African Instirute for Economic Development and Planning, IDEP Reproduction 277. 8. Notes on Ghadames, Laing to Horton, 26 October 1825, quoted in A.
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