Good Shepherd Parish 2021 Decherd Blvd Phone (931) 967-0961 Website: Decherd, TN 37324
[email protected] Emergency Contact Number—931-636-2742 Fr. Anthony Mutuku, Pastor Sat 9:00 am Mass Deacon Philip Johnson, DRE 5:00 pm Mass Caroline Woods, Dir. Admin. Services Sun 8:00 am St. Margaret Mary Patty Davidson, Religious Ed Coordinator/ 10:30 am Mass Youth Minister, Safe Environment Coordinator 2:00 pm Spanish Mass David Gallagher, Bookkeeper Mon 9:00 am Communion Service Karen Herget, Volunteer Secretary Tue 9:00 am Mass Wed 9:00 am Communion Service Marie Habbick, Volunteer Secretary All daily Masses and Communion Services are Thu 9:00 am Mass Parish Council Finance Board held in the St. Anthony 7:00 pm Spanish Mass of Padua Chapel in the Parish Center Fri 9:00 am Mass Ron Fernandez Deacon Philip Johnson Mercy Hall John Nauseef Holy Day Masses at Good Shepherd 10:00 am & 7:00 pm Linda Holcomb Bob Knies Subject to change. Please check Upcoming Events/Page 1 Deacon Philip Johnson Linda Holcomb Caroline Woods Bruce Rawson Sacraments John Casey Baptism: Please contact the Church Office to determine Ex-Officio Marie Robey how to begin the process of planning a baptism. David Gallagher Pam Wiedemer First Communion: Please contact our DRE, Deacon Mike Wiedemer Philip Johnson at the Church Office, for more information. Bruce Rawson Reconciliation: Confessions are heard at 4:00 p.m. on Angel Amador RCIA Saturday or by appointment. Patty Davidson Please contact Confirmation: Please contact our DRE, Deacon Philip Su Fernandez Deacon Philip Johnson Johnson, at the Church Office for more information.