Conference programme Table of contents

2 Conference programme

4 Speakers 4 Prof. Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht 5 Elisabeth Walaas 6 Friis Arne Petersen 7 Jennifer May 7 Alexey Isachenko 8 James A. Boughner 8 Uwe Gaul 9 Dr. Peer Hoth 9 Norbert Eichkorn 10 Dr. Volker Steinbach 10 Prof. Gerhard Ring 10 Prof. Line Olsen-Ring 11 Birger Poppel 11 Ellen Høj Arnskjold 12 Dr. Henrik Stendal 12 Dr. Bo Møller Stensgaard 12 Hans Hinrichsen 13 Prof. Helmut Mischo 13 David Hagedorn 14 Prof. Matthias Reich 14 Dr. Aleksei Vitalevich Podoliak 14 Dr. Mikhail Vasilievich Shvankin 15 Dr. Matthias Wimmer 15 Dr. Anastasiia Andreevna Lyagova

16 Poster session Conference programme 1

The Arctic Region – Geo-resources and Economic & Political Developments

International Conference 9—10 June 2016 at TU Bergakademie Freiberg,

The Arctic Zone is an area with high geopolitical and geoeconomical importance and at the same time a very sensitive region. It includes the northern areas of (), , Rus- sia, Canada and the of America. The Arctic is important for the climate and biodiver- sity on our earth. It is at the same time the place where ethnic minorities live. During the last years policy and economy has focused increasingly on the region in order to secure the worldwide supply with natural resources. In consequence of the climate change and global warming new maritime routes has opened for navigation. As a result previously inaccessable deposits of fossil fuels can be exploited.

Therefore the TU Bergakademie Freiberg will organise an interdisciplinary conference on econom- ical and political developments and the geological potential of the Arctic on 9 and 10 June 2016. We expect the participation of top-class scientists, politicians, diplomats and company representa- tives of Arctic states and Germany.

TU Bergakademie is the oldest mining university worldwide and has a long-standing experience in investigation and education in mining-related topics such as exploration and exploitation as well as mining law, economics and geostrategic issues. The Arctic Conference in June 2016 is the starting point of a series of conferences and workshops on arctic-related topics which will be organised by TU Bergakademie Freiberg in the future.

Photo: Partial Opening of the Northwest Passage, September 13, 2015, © NASA Earth Observatory, image by Jesse Allen; Graphic Arctic Region: © NASA 2016; Background: © Bruce Jones Design Inc. 2011 2 Conference programme

9 June 2016

3 p.m. Conference opening, Speeches by the Rector of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Prof. Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht the State Secretary Uwe Gaul (on behalf of the Saxon Minister for Science and Arts Dr. Eva-Maria Stange) Vladimir Borsenkov (on behalf of the Rector of St. Petersburg Mining University Prof. Vladimir Litvinenko) Dr. Peer Hoth (on behalf of State Secretary Rainer Baake of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany) Norbert Eichkorn (President of the Saxon State Agency of Environment, Agriculture and Geology) Keynote Speech by Dr. Volker Steinbach (Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources) “Potential of mineral and energy resources in the circum Arctic region”

4.30 p.m. Panel discussion with Ambassadors (or Representatives of the Embassies) of USA, Canada, Norway, Denmark and Moderator: Prof. Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht, Rector of TU Bergakademie Freiberg – Political and economic developments in the arctic region from the point of view of the neighbouring states and Germany – Challenges and prospects for the extraction of fossil fuels and other resources in the Arctic – Opportunities for sustainable development in the arctic region

6 p.m. Poster session and reception for all participants of the conference

10 June 2016

Session I: The arctic region of Denmark – Greenland 9 a.m. Introduction Prof. Gerhard Ring (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) 9.15–9.45 a.m. Greenland’s extended autonomy within the kingdom of Denmark Prof. Line Olsen-Ring (University of Leipzig, Germany) Conference programme 3

9.45–10.15 a.m. Greenland – from colony to self-governance: current living conditions and challenges Birger Poppel (Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland) 10.15–10.45 a.m. Components of sustainable mining in Greenland: economic Impact for Projects and for Society Ellen Høj Arnskjold (Copenhagen, Denmark)

10.45–11.15 a.m. Coffee break

11.15–11.45 a.m. Greenland: Info and initiatives to attract the mining industry Dr. Henrik Stendal (Chief Geologist, Geology department at the Ministry of Mineral Resources Greenland) 11.45–12.15 a.m. Mineral potential and exploration: challenges and opportunities Dr. Bo Møller Stensgaard (Senior Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Department of Petrology and Economic Geology, Copenhagen) 12.15–12.45 a.m. Education and capacity building in Greenland Hans Hinrichsen (Greenland School of Minerals and Petroleum)

12.45 a.m.–2 p.m. Lunch break

Session II Technical Challenges 2 p.m. Introduction Prof. Helmut Mischo (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) 2.05–2.35 p.m. Practical challenges of open pit mining operations in arctic climate David Hagedorn (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) 2.35–3.05 p.m. Exploration of submarine gas hydrate reservoirs using remote controlled subsea drilling rigs Prof. Matthias Reich (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) 3.05–3.35 p.m. Results of well drilling in ice and in subglacial rock on glaciers of Archipelago Severnaya Zemlya Dr. Aleksei Vitalevich Podoliak (St. Petersburg Mining University, Russia)

3.35–4.00 p.m. Coffee break

4.00–4.30 p.m. Ensuring of geodynamic safety when developing coal seams in Arctic conditions Dr. Mihkail Vasilievich Shvankin (St. Petersburg Mining University, Russia) 4.30–5.00 p.m. North of the Arctic Circle in Swedish Lapland: LKAB iron ore operations Dr. Matthias Wimmer (LKAB, Sweden) 5.00–5.30 p.m. Analysis of stress strain state of sea bed pipelines in the conditions of the extreme north Dr. Anastasiia Andreevna Lyagova (St. Petersburg Mining University, Russia) 4 Speakers

Prof. Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht Rector of TU Bergakademie Freiberg

• 1978–1984 Studies of Economics and Law at Georg August University Göttingen, Germany • 1984 First state law exam • 1984–1987 Legal Traineeship • 1987 Second state law exam • Since 1987 Lawyer • Since 1992 Labour lawyer • 1992 VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig (Germany), Authorized Signatory • 1992–1998 VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig (Germany), Head of Legal department • 1998–2000 VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig (Germany), Head of Gas Supply/Gas Transport/Gas Storage • 2000–2004 VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig (Germany), Head of Gas Transport / Gas Storage • 2004–2007 VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig (Germany), Head of Portfolio Management/Strategic Coordination • 2005–2008 Erdgasversorgungsgesellschaft Thüringen-Sachsen mbh (EVG), Technical Director • 2007-2015 VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig (Germany), Member of the Executive Board • 2007–2009 VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig (Germany), Member of the Executive Board, Gas Procurement • 2009–2010 VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig (Germany), Member of the Executive Board, Finance and Human Resources • 2010–2013 VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig (Germany), Member of the Executive Board, Gas Sales and Human Resources • 2013–2015 VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG, Leipzig (Germany), Member of the Executive Board, Trade • Since 2015 TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Rector Speakers 5

Elisabeth Walaas Norwegian Ambassador to Germany

Professional Experience • 2011 Director General, Department for European Affairs and Trade Policy • 2010 Special Advisor, MFA, for Energy – Central Asia/Caspian Region • 2007–2010 State Secretary/Deputy Foreign Minister of Norway • 2005–2007 Ambassador of Norway to Croatia • 2001–2005 Minister Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission (Mission of Norway to the European Union, Brussels) • 1997–2001 Deputy Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo (2000–2001: Department for European Affairs, 1999–2000: Head of Secretariat responsible for the Governments Report to Parliament “Norway and Europe at the Dawn of a New Century”, 1997–1999: Deputy Head of Department for Europe and bilateral Relations with North America) • 1994–1997 Head of Division, European Adviser, Political Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo • 1993–1994 Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo • 1990–1992 Political Adviser to the Minister responsible for Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Oslo • 1989–1990 Adviser, Research Policy, University of Bergen • 1987–1989 Political Adviser to the Minister responsible for Culture, Science, Higher Education, Ministry of Culture and Science, Oslo • 1983–1987 Lecturer, Upper Secondary School, Bergen

Education • 1978 Graduated from Bergen University College, Department of Education • 1983 Graduated (MA) from the University of Bergen, Faculty of Arts (History of Religions, Sociology)

Other • 1983–1990 Elected Member of the City Council of Bergen • 1979–1982 Elected Member of the Steering Board, Faculty of Arts, University of Bergen • 1981–1983 Elected Member of the University Board, University of Bergen 6 Speakers

Friis Arne Petersen Danish Ambassador to Germany

Professional Career • 2015– Ambassador of Denmark to Germany • 2010–2015 Ambassador of Denmark to • 2005–2010 Ambassador of Denmark to the U.S. • 1997–2005 Head of the Foreign Ministry, Permanent Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Alternate for the Minister for Foreign Affairs in the European Union Council of Ministers • 1995–1997 Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Security Policy • 1994–1995 Director, Russia and Department • 1993–1994 Chief of Staff of Foreign Minister ’s office • 1986–1993 Chief of Staff of Foreign Minister Uffe Ellemann-Jensen’s office • 1984–1986 Head of Section, Economic Affairs • 1981–1984 1st Secretary, Royal Danish Embassy, Cairo • 1979–1981 Head of Section, Political-Economic Affairs, Foreign Ministry • 1979–1979 Head of Section, Economic Affairs, Foreign Ministry • 1978–1979 Head of Section, The National Audit Office • June 1978 Master of Economics, University of Copenhagen

Boards • 2005–2010 Humanity in Action, USA • 1997–2006 Denmark-America Foundation • 1997–2005 Co-chairman of the Danish-Russian Intergovernmental Council on Economic Co-operation • 1995–2000 Danish International Investment Funds: The Industrialisation Funds for Developing Countries and The Investment Fund for Central and Eastern Europe • Since 1996, he has been an external examiner at the University of Copenhagen and the University of Aarhus (Political Science – International Relations).

Decorations Commander of First Class of the Order of Dannebrog and Greenlandic Order of Merit (Gold) as well as Grand Crosses of , , , , , Germany, , , , , (GCMG) and . Speakers 7

Jennifer May Minister and Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Canada Berlin

Jennifer May was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. After completing a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and German at Université Laval in Quebec City, Canada, she undertook Master’s studies in International Relations at the University of Vienna, Austria. Ms May took up her current assignment as Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the Canadian Embassy in Berlin in August 2015. In this function, Ms May works closely with Ambassador Marie Gervais-Vidricaire to deliver on Canada’s strategic priorities in Germany, and oversees Embassy operations as well as those of the Canadian consu- lates in Munich and Düsseldorf.

Immediately prior to this current assignment, she was Executive Director of the Defence and Security Relations Division at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Devel- opment. From 2012 to 2014, Ms May served as Director for bilateral and commercial relations with the countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Ms May joined the Canadian Foreign Ministry in 1990 and in addition to headquar- ters assignments focused on Central Europe, she has been posted to Bonn (Germany), Hong Kong (China), Beijing (China) and Vienna (Austria). From 2010 until July 2012, she served in Bangkok as the Counsellor for Political and Economic Affairs and Chargé d’affaires at the Embassy of Canada with responsibility for relations with Thailand, Cambodia, Burma and Laos.

Alexey Isachenko Embassy of Russia in Berlin

Mr. Isachenko was born in 1977 in Moscow. In 2001 he graduated from the Diplo- matic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. After his graduation he worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Isachenko was an officer in the General Consulates of the Russian Federation in Brno (Czech Republic) and Bonn (Germany). On 1st of January 2016 he has been appointed first secretary of the Russian Embassy in Germany. 8 Speakers

James A. Boughner Minister Counsellor for Economic Affairs, U.S. Embassy in Berlin

Jim Boughner assumed his duties as Economic Minister Counsellor in Berlin in August 2013. His most recent assignments were as Deputy U.S. Senior Civilian Representative at Regional Command – North in Mazar-e Sharif and Economic Counsellor in Kabul, Afghanistan. He was Consul General in Chengdu, China from 2006–2009. Other pre- vious overseas postings include Deputy Economic Counsellor in Baghdad, Deputy Chief of Mission in Dushanbe, Human Rights Officer in Minsk, Finance and Labour Officer in Beijing, Export Control Officer in Tokyo, and Consular Officer in Guangzhou. Jim also served in the State Department’s Nuclear Risk Reduction Centre. He is a graduate of Georgetown University with a degree in International Finance and Asian Studies. A career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Jim joined the State Department in 1989. He is married to fellow Foreign Service Officer Nancy Corbett, currently assigned as the Consul General in Hamburg.

Uwe Gaul State Secretary, Saxon Ministry for Science and the Arts

• Born 1963 in Münster/Westphalia, married, two children • Studies at Heidelberg University, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and Hamburg University • 1989 diploma in educational sciences • 1989 to 2002 inter alia deputy head of adult education centre for the district of Cloppenburg and head of adult education centre Flensburg • In 2002 appointment as head of department of culture, youth, school and sports Flensburg; main responsibilities: collaboration with the Danish Minority, cooperation between both Flensburg universities and the University of Sonderborg within the Danish border region • In 2009 appointment as superintendent of schools at the Hamburg education authority; main responsibility: comprehensive establishment of Hamburg’s all-day schooling concept • Involved in development of university teacher training by establishing an university associated institute, engaged in further development of advanced scientific training in Schleswig-Holstein • Dedicated to technology transfer in Flensburg and responsible for reinforcing the cooperation between scientific institutions and regional economy • Long-time member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) • Regional chairman of the Hamburg Working Group for Educational Issues (AfB) and member of the Social Democratic Association for Local Affairs (SGK). Speakers 9

Dr. Peer Hoth Head of Division “Mineral Resources and Geosciences”, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

• Since 2013 Member of the Supervisory Board of the Lausitzer und Mitteldeutsche Bergbau-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (LMBV) • Since 2013 Sherpa-Group Member of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials • Since 2011 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Head of Division within the Industry Department • Since 2011 Member of the EU Raw Material Supply Group • 2012–2008 Vice Chair “Government Group of the EU-Zero Emission Platform” • 2011–2007 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology Energy- und Industry Department • 2006–2000 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Hannover • 1999–1997 GFZ – German Research Center for Geosciences Potsdam • 1996–1991 Different Institutions (e.g. GFZ, Kansas Geological Survey, TU Berlin) • 1990–1986 GDR Academy of Science, Institute for Earth Physics • 1985 Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald, Diploma in Geosciences

Norbert Eichkorn President of the Saxon State Agency of Environment, Agriculture and Geology

Norbert Eichkorn was born in Bonndorf (Black Forest) on 22 September 1957. He stud- ied agricultural sciences with focus on business administration at Stuttgart University since 1978 and graduated as an agricultural engineer in 1983.

After finishing his studies, Mr. Eichkorn has been working in the chemical industry, at the news agency Reuters, at the department for agriculture in Donaueschingen and at the Regional Authority/Department for Agriculture in Freiburg. In 1991 he changed to the Saxon State Ministry for Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. Until 1993 he was involved in introducing investment measures in agriculture as an officer for the financing of individual enterprises and as head of the central authorising department (Regional Office for Agriculture). From then on he was head of the department for crop produc- tion, organisation, strategic basic outlay and controlling. In 1999 Mr. Eichkorn became Vice President of the Saxon Regional Office for agriculture and in 2002 head of the department for basic issues, agricultural policy and law.

Norbert Eichkorn has been appointed President of the newly established Saxon State Agency of Environment, Agriculture and Geology in 2008. The State Agency is respon- sible for the tasks previously performed by the former State Agency for Environment and Geology, the former State Agency for Agriculture, the department for agriculture at the Regional Authority in Chemnitz, regional offices for agriculture and horticulture and most of the tasks of the central organisational unit of the State Office for rural de- velopment in Kamenz.

Norbert Eichkorn is married and father of three children. 10 Speakers

Dr. Volker Steinbach Head of Department “Energy Resources, Mineral resources”, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources

Dr. Volker Steinbach is geologist. After his studies at the Technical University “Mining Academy of Freiberg”, he was a research fellow at the China University of Geosciences Wuhan for two years. In 1990 he joined the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) taking responsibility for the area “Economic Geology South-East Asia”. From 1998 to 2000 he was delegated to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. In 2000 he returned to the BGR to lead the “Section of International Cooperation Europe, Asia and Oceania”. In 2007 he became head of the department “Natural Resources, International Cooperation” and in 2009 head of the department “Energy Resources, Mineral Resources”. He is responsible for the new founded German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA), which is a part of the department “Energy Resources, Mineral Resources” in the BGR.

Prof. Gerhard Ring Chair for Civil Law, German and European Business Law, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Studies of Law, History and Political Sciences. First state law exam 1982. Mag. rer. publ. 1984. Second State law exam and liz. jur. 1985. Dr. iur. 1989. 1988–1996 Ministry of Science and Research Nordrhein-Westfalen (1988 RR, 1991 ORR, 1993 RD, 1995 MR). Dr. iur. habil. 1995. Since 1996 Chair for Civil Law, German and European Busi- ness Law, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, since 1999 Director of the Institute for European Business and Environmental Law. Since 2005 Member of the directorate of the Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Media Law at TU Dresden.

Prof. Line Olsen-Ring Honorary professor for Scandinavian Law, University of Leipzig

Studies of Law at the University of Copenhagen, Degree (Juridisk Kandidateksamen) 1988. Postgraduate studies at University of Cologne, LL.M. 1990. Dr. jur. at Bielefeld University, 1995. 1989-1999 Lecturer for Danish Language, Literature and Regional Studies at the Institute for Nordic Philology, University of Cologne. Since 1994 free- lance translator for the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxemburg. Since 2013 honorary professor for Scandinavian Law at the University of Leipzig. Speakers 11

Birger Poppel Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland

Birger Poppel is Project Chief, emeritus, and international coordinator of the Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic, SLiCA at Ilisimatusarfik, the University of Greenland. He holds an MA in Economics. He served as Chief Statistician from 1989–2004 and has since 2004 been affiliated with Ilisimatusarfik.

His research interests are living conditions of Inuit, Sami and other indigenous peoples of the Arctic; the economic, social, cultural and political development in the Arctic re- gion as well as demographic changes and he is the author/co-author of more than forty articles, book chapters and encyclopaedia entries in peer reviewed journals and an- thologies. He has edited/co-edited three books most recently: SLiCA: Arctic living con- ditions. Living conditions and quality of life among Inuit, Sami and indigenous peoples of Chukotka and the Kola Peninsula. TemaNord 2015:501. Nordic Council of Ministers: Copenhagen. (426 pages).

Ellen Høj Arnskjold Business4U

Working experience • 2014– Partner & Manager, Business4U Business case: professional administration and facilitation of Arctic business interests • 2008–2014 Project Manager, Greenland Business Association (GA) Responsibility: Business development and international relations for members, identifying potential partnerships and business opportunities; International relations for business within the mining and oil & gas industry

Teaching experiences • 2009–2011 External lecture, University of Greenland (Bachelor subjects: Ethics and philosophy of religion; Bachelor degree: Homiletics)

Board member • 2014– Greenland Research Council

Education • 2008 Pastoralseminarium, Vartov, Copenhagen • 2004–2007 Cand.theol., University of Copenhagen – specializing within in rhetoric and communication • 2000–2004 Bachelor degree, Theology, University of Aarhus • 1998–2000 Master studies, Political Science, University of Aarhus • 1997–1998 Politische Wissenschaft – Studies at Universität Heidelberg, Germany • 1994–1997 Bachelor degree, Political Science, University of Aarhus 12 Speakers

Dr. Henrik Stendal Chief Geologist at the Geological Survey for Denmark and Greenland

Henrik Stendal (HS) has his Master and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Copenha- gen in ore geology and geochemical exploration, respectively. Mr. Stendal has been employed at the University of Copenhagen for more than two decades, at the Geolog- ical Survey for Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) for more than one decade and the last eight years at the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Government of Greenland as Chief Geologist. He is experienced from research in Greenland during his whole professional carrier but additionally with extensive research projects in Norway, Turkey, several Af- rican countries and Vietnam.

Dr. Bo Møller Stensgaard Senior Research Scientist at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Bo Møller Stensgaard is Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Petrology and Economic Geology at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). He has been active in ore geology related research, and mineral exploration and mining in Greenland since the late 1990’ies. He holds a Master and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Aarhus and has a wide experience with the multidisciplinary field between ore geology, geophysics, geochemistry, integration of data and mineral potential map- ping – both in the area of applied scientific research and exploration for mineral re- sources. Bo has been responsible for the development and utilization of methods for predictive mineral potential mapping and mineral resource assessment at GEUS. This is backed up with thorough knowledge on exploration and mining industry and the geological settings and mineral occurrences in Greenland. Bo is cooperating with sci- entist and exploration companies in Scandinavia, Canada, US and Australia and his work has been published in a range of international journals. Bo is currently the project manager of the large Mineral Resource Assessment Project in South East Greenland; a project that is carried out jointly between GEUS and Ministry of Industry and Miner- al Resources and which will assess the mineral endowment in the least known part of Greenland.

Hans Hinrichsen General Manager, Greenland School of Minerals and Petroleum

• 2011– General Manager, Greenland School of Minerals and Petroleum • 2008 Manager, Greenland School of Minerals and Petroleum • 2004 Course Manager, Building & Construction School Greenland • 2000 Project manager and technical coordinator, Centre of Arctic Technology, Greenland • 1991 Teacher, Building & Construction School Greenland • 1989 Maintenance engineer, Municipality of Maniitsoq, Greenland • 1987 Installation Engineer, Johs. Jørgensen Consulting Engineering A/S • 1985 Installation Engineer, Mogens Kaae Consulting Engineering A/S Speakers 13

Prof. Helmut Mischo Chair for Underground Mining Methods, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Helmut Mischo, Prof. Dr.-Ing., Pr. Eng. (ECN), born in Püttlingen/Saar in 1969.

Prof. Mischo graduated from Aachen Technical University as Diplomingenieur Min- ing Engineering. He then worked in different positions in the hard coal as well quarry stone industry before changing to Clausthal Technical University as a research fellow. There he was appointed chief engineer at the Department of Mining in 1998 and was awarded his PhD in 2002. He continued working as assistant professor until 2004, when he changed to the Knauf group. As of 2007, as Professor for Mining Engineering and Director of the Civil and Mining Engineering Department at the Polytechnic of Na- mibia/Namibia University of Science and Technology, Helmut Mischo set up the first Namibian mining engineering university degree course and institute as well as the Na- mibian GeoCentre. He served as a member on the board of the Engineering Council of Namibia and is still working as an advisor to the Namibian Chamber of Mines and the Uranium Institute today. In 2011 he took up the chair of Underground Mining Methods at Freiberg Technical University and, in 2012, additionally the post of Scientific Director of the Research and Educational Mine FLB “Reiche Zeche”.

David Hagedorn Chair for Surface Mining, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

David Hagedorn is working as research assistant at Technische Universität Bergakad- emie Freiberg, Germany, since August 2015. He is working on research projects in the field of mine water handling and hydrology for open pit and underground mines of the Swedish company BOLIDEN.

BOLIDEN operates the copper open pit Aitik, north the Arctic Circle, where David Hagedorn wrote his Diploma thesis about the water handling in Aitik, between Novem- ber 2014 and March 2015. In October 2015 David Hagedorn was honoured with the Advancement Award of the “GDMB – Gesellschaft der Metallurgen und Bergleute e.V.” for his excellent Diploma thesis.

During his studies in the field of mining engineering at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Ger- many, David Hagedorn took part in advanced trainings and excursions abroad. He also finished an apprenticeship controlled by the German mining authorities, where he gained extensive practical experiences in different mines in Germany and Austria. 14 Speakers

Prof. Matthias Reich Chair for Drilling Engineering and Mining Machinery, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Matthias Reich was born in 1959 in the Harz Mountains in Lower Saxony, Germany. Af- ter graduating from secondary school he studied chemical engineering at the Technical University of Clausthal. He then spent several years working as a development engineer of paper machines near Lake Constance. In 1990 he opted for a career in the oil and gas industry. As an employee of Baker Hughes, a leading global service company hav- ing their headquarters in Texas, USA, he worked for 16 years as a designer for drilling tools, leader of the field test group and Product Line Manager for automated drilling systems, thus being responsible for managing the development, testing, optimization and marketing of novel drilling systems.

In 2006, after having completed a part-time PhD education in drilling engineering, he accepted a call as a professor at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, where he holds the chair for drilling engineering and mining machinery. Prof. Reich is the author of several text books about drilling engineering and production engineering.

Dr. Aleksei Vitalevich Podoliak St. Petersburg Mining University, Russia

Doctor of philosophy, assistant of the borehole drilling department at the Sankt-Peters- burg Mining University. He defended the dissertation “Development and reasoning of the technology of ice sampling by multiple boreholes drilling via drill sondes on carrying cable” in 2014.

His field of scientific research is drilling of boreholes in complicated geological con- ditions and ice core multiple boreholes drilling in ice layers with an ice sampling. He participated in four seasonal drilling works of Russian Antarctic Expedition at Vostok station and unsealing of subglacial lake Vostok in Antarctica in 2012.

Dr. Mikhail Vasilievich Shvankin St. Petersburg Mining University, Russia

Mikhail Vasilievich Shvankin was born in 1957. He obtained the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in 1996 and since 1998 has been a Senior Researcher. He is a lead- ing specialist in the field of geomechanics and dynamic manifestations of rock pressure. Mikhail Shvankin has been working in the field of research for 30 years and has more than 35 publications including a co-authored monograph “Working off of the powerful layers inclined to mountain blows” and 9 patents. His recent patents are the Russian pat- ent №2459079 “Method for mining flat and steep seams liable to rock bursts” and the Russian patent №2493368 “Method for developing stress relief slots in the rock massif liable to rock bumps by thermal treatment of holes.” He has developed theoretical and practical instructions included in such regulations and guidelines as “Instructions for safe mining operations in mining coal seams prone to rock bumps,” “Deep level mining Speakers 15

of seams prone to rock bumps (through the example of the Partizansky deposit),” and “Guidelines for prevention of geodynamic phenomena in mining coal seams of the Bar- entsburgsky deposit.”

He has been working in the Arctic since 2001. His recent publications on research in the Barentsburgsky deposit are “Geomechanical substantiation of safe working conditions for mining flat seams liable to rock bumps without leaving load-bearing pillars” and “Mining of seams prone to geodynamic phenomena in highly challenging conditions” published in the journal “Mine surveying and subsurface use.”

He was awarded the badge “Miner’s Glory” of the 3d class in 1997.

Dr. Matthias Wimmer LKAB, Sweden

Matthias Wimmer works as Senior R&D Engineer and acting Operations Manager for Mining Technology R&D at LKAB Kiruna mine (Sweden) since 2011.

Matthias graduated from the University of Leoben in Austria as Mining Engineer in 2006. Thereupon he continued to work for the Swedish Blasting Research Centre (Swebrec) at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. During this time he has been awarded a PhD in the subject of Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering. Matthias still works closely together with academia. Amongst others, he gives lectures both at the universities in Leoben and Luleå in the field of underground mass mining methods. His main research interests are blasting, fragmentation and gravity flow in sublevel caving.

Dr. Anastasiia Andreevna Lyagova St. Petersburg Mining University, Russia

Anastasiia Lyagova is doctor of science. She is assistant in the department of oil and gas transportation and storage in St. Petersburg Mining University. Graduated from the “Transportation, oil and gas” faculty with a degree in design, construction and exploita- tion of oil and gas tank and pipeline, Lyagova is specialist in the numerical analysis of stress strain state of oil and gas objects with crack-likes defects. In 2013 she took part in the DAAD program Ivan Gubkin at TU Bergakademie Freiberg with the project “Analy- sis of influence of loading – unloading operations on the growth of crack-like defects in the wall of gas/oil reservoir – numerical fracture mechanics calculations”. Since 2014 Lyagova has been taken part in 2 projects (15-38-51305, 14-19-01716) supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation. The projects aim to develop fracture mechanics meth- ods for predicting the reliability of steel constructions containing surface defects under complex stress state. Lyagova is regularly publishing in editions belonging to Scopus and in the leading national journals. Also Lyagova took part in international confer- ences organized by Gubkin Russian State, St. Petersburg Mining University, Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, AGH University of Science and Technology and etc. 16 Poster session

Dipl.-Ing. M. Wendler, Prof. Dr.-Ing. O. Volkova, Institute of Iron and Steel Technology, TU Bergakademie Freiberg Dipl.-Ing. R. Eckner, Prof. Dr.-Ing. L. Krüger, Institute of Materials Engineering, TU Bergakademie Freiberg Temperature dependent mechanical behavior of ultra high strength AMC steels Exceeding the limits of conventional Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) Background Microstructural design by application of a Quenching & Partitioning (Q&P) process: ¾ High-alloyed metastable austenitic steel with TRIP/TWIP effect ¾ Heat treatment: 1) Solution annealing at 1150 °C 2) Quenching to -130 °C 3) Partitioning at 450 °C ¾ Generating a microstructure of stabilized

Ȗ-austenite, Į‘-martensite and M3C- carbides

Mechanical Properties Strength and deformation behavior ¾ High yield strength (1050 MPa at 20 °C), due to the presence of Į‘-martensite and

M3C-carbides in the microstructure ¾ Low temperatures favor strain-induced Į‘-martensite (TRIP effect)  Increasing tensile strength and fracture elongation ¾ Outstanding ductility and toughness in a wide temperature range Microstructure evolution ¾ Formation of 58 vol.-% Į‘-martensite during Initial state 10 % tensile strain

cooling to -130 °C (Ms = 13 °C) ¾ Ȗ tempered Partitioning at 450 °C stabilizes the -austenite Į‘-martensite due to diffusion of interstitial elements (C, N)  Simultaneous precipitation of M3C-carbides ¾ Low stacking fault energy promotes planar strain-induced glide of dislocations during deformation Į Ȗ-austenite ‘-martensite  deformation bands and strain-induced (TRIP effect) Į‘-martensite

Summary & Outlook ¾ Development of an ultra high strength steel with austenitic-martensitic-carbidic microstructure and further capability for strain-induced martensite formation (AMC TRIP steel) ¾ The heat treatment is applicable to metastable austenitic steels containing interstitial elements – wide range of properties ¾ Protected invention under the patent number WO/2016/020519 A1

¾ Usage of the material in lightweight structures for mobility applications CRC 799 ¾ Development and processing of novel composite materials based on „TRIP-matrix- AMC TRIP steel and functional ceramics composite“

Sonderforschungsbereich 799: TRIP-Matrix-Composite TU Bergakademie Freiberg Telefon: +49 (0) 3731/39-4017 Design von zähen, umwandlungsverstärkten Verbundwerkstoffen und Strukturen Geschäftsstelle des Sonderforschungsbereichs 799 Fax: +49 (0) 3731/39-402 auf Fe-ZrO2-Basis Institut für Werkstofftechnik E-Mail: [email protected] Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 5, 09599 Freiberg Web: Poster session 17

Dipl.-Ing. M. Wendler, Prof. Dr.-Ing. O. Volkova, Institute of Iron and Steel Technology, TU Bergakademie Freiberg Dr. rer. nat. M. Mandel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. L. Krüger, Institute of Materials Engineering, TU Bergakademie Freiberg AMC Cast Steel Design – Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviour Design of austenitic cast steel materials


Highlights Exploitation of new raw material deposits in the arctic region New AMC-steels with superior corrosive and mechanical • Raw material production in inhospitable region properties • Improvement of efficiency in natural gas production • Corrosion: Increased corrosion durability due to fine Problems at gas gathering distributed martensite phase

• Natural occurring constituents like H2S and CO2 decrease pH level • Mechanical: ultra high strength and ductility due to an • Artificial added electrolytes like NaCl or KCl act as highly effective inhibitors austenitic-martensitic-carbidic (AMC) against hydration of the gas molecules, but reduces the corrosion resistance microstructure with TRIP properties of the conveyor plant Higher tolerance against corrosive and mechanical Acidity and salinity increase the corrosion sensitivity significantly stress during application

Necessity of highly corrosion resistant materials Increased service life

Motivation Heat treating cycle C Development of ultra high B strength cast Cr-Mn-Ni-steels with TRIP effect similar to Q&P

AB C Usage of tempered ࢻތ-martensite to achieve an ultimate tensile strength above 1300 MPa A B C ߛ ߛ YS: 1050 MPa ߙᦤ ߙᦤ+ ߙᦤ+ UTS: 1550 MPa M C ߙᦤ ߛ TE: 22% 23 6 ߙᦤ M3C M3C Usage of metastable austenite to ߙᦤ ߛ reach an total elongation over 12 % As-cast Solution annealed After tempering

Results AMC with higher corrosion protection capability AMC-steel Polarisation behaviour Pitting corrosion Comparison: AMC ļ V2A steel ୉ 10 - 20 μm + Corrosion attack at ࢻᦤ-martensite Pore Martensite V2A Pitting corrosion Austenite ୉ 50 μm Potentiodynamic polarisation curve in 5 wt.% Micrograph of the AMC-steel sodium chloride solution

Sonderforschungsbereich 799: TRIP-Matrix-Composite TU Bergakademie Freiberg Telefon: +49 (0) 3731/39-4017 Design von zähen, umwandlungsverstärkten Verbundwerkstoffen und Strukturen Geschäftsstelle des Sonderforschungsbereichs 799 Fax: +49 (0) 3731/39-4021

auf Fe-ZrO2-Basis Institut für Werkstofftechnik E-Mail: [email protected] Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 5, 09599 Freiberg Web: 18 Poster session

New FAST-materials: An alternative for reducing drilling costs of deep oil, gas and geothermal wells

M.Sc. Margarita Mezzetti, Dipl.-Ing. Markus Radajewski, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Reich , Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lutz Krüger

Motivation Cemented Carbides, thermally stable polycrystalline diamond ¾ Increasing demand for energy (TSP) or polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) are used e. g. ¾ Increasingly difficult access to oil and gas as inserts in drilling bits, cutting plates or as wear protection in resources drilling components. ¾ Longest production wells up to 13,000 meters long Materials are subjected to extrem conditions such as high ¾ Expensive and challenging drilling temperatures and pressures, high loads as well as high abrasive operations, extreme cost for tools and wear. components Recent investigations conducted within the Freiberg High Aim: extended lifetime by application Pressure Research Centre (FHP) have shown that it is possible of new high performance materials to consolidate samples with a WC grain size ” 200 nm without the aid of grain growth inhibitors using the Field Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST) [1–5].

Experimental Procedure Results Raw samples: WC-xCo, diameter: 15.5 mm, height 20–21 mm a) b)

Typical properties of FAST-materials and commercial samples.

ȡ [g/cm³] dWC [nm] HV10 KIc [MPa¥m] FHP-A1-WC-8Co 14.737 Scanning electron micrographs of hard metal samples after testing in sandstone a) FHP- 185 2050 ± 30 9.4 ± 0.2 FHP-A2-WC-8Co 14.746 WC-8Co sample and b) commercial sample. a) b) FHP-WC-10Co 14.570 190 1950 ± 20 10.8 ± 0.7 FHP-B1-WC-12Co 14.309 195 1670 ± 20 10.6 ± 0.9 FHP-B2-WC-12Co 14.305 CA1 / CA2-WC-15Co 14.134 - 1090 - CB1 / CB2-WC-12Co 14.100 200–500 1730 7.8 Volume loss after tests with the electrical drill hammer prototype a) in granite and ¾ Analysis of the rock b) in sandstone. destruction process After tests with an electrical (volume loss) drill hammer and in cutting trials, less wear was ¾ Test conditions: f = 10 Hz, determined on the duration 5–30 min FAST-samples, that means a longer lifetime of the ¾ Tests in block rock samples FAST-materials compared Measured mass loss comparison on cutting Tests using the electrical drill hammer (granite and sandstone) with commercial materials. prototype in granite. plates after cutting of sandstone.

[1] Mandel, K.; Krüger, L.; Schimpf, C., Study on parameter optimisation for field-assisted sintering of fully-dense, near-nano WC–12Co, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 45 (2014), 153–59. [2] Mandel, K.; Radajewski, M.; Krüger, L., Strain-rate dependence of the compressive strength of WC–Co hard metals, Materials Science and Engineering: A 612 (2014), 115–22. [3] Mandel, K.; Krüger, L.; Krause, R.; Radajewski, M., The influence of stress state on the compressive strength of WC–Co with different Co contents, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 47 (2014), 124–30. [4] Krüger, L.; Mandel, K.; Krause, R.; Radajewski, M., Damage evolution in WC-Co after repeated dynamic compressive loading detected by eddy current testing, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 51 (2015), 324–331. [5] Mezzetti, M.; Radajewski, M.; Reich, M.; Krüger, L., FAST Materials for Rock Destruction Applications, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 6 (2016) , 77–82.

M.Sc. Margarita Mezzetti Dipl.-Ing. Markus Radajewski TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Institut of Drilling Engineering and Fluid Mining | TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Institut of Materials Engineering | Agricolastr.22 | 09599 Freiberg | Phone number: (+49)3731 / 39-2501 | [email protected] Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 5 | 09599 Freiberg | Phone number: (+49)3731 / 39-3457 | [email protected] Poster session 19


APPROACH FOR BLASTING ARCTIC ICEBERGS Chair of Underground Mining Methods – Prof. Dr. Helmut Mischo

Authors: Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. David Horner, Prof. Dr. Aleksey Marchenko

Climate warming causes increased production of icebergs, at the same time offshore operation in the Arctic sea increases

1 Challenge of (blasting) icebergs 2 Strength of ice masses

To attack icebergs is an enormous challenge, tackled actively since 1913 Ice mass Æ Comparable Characteristic Å Rock mass (# Titanic ÆFoundation of International Ice Patrol) Origin of glacier ice is similar to sedimentary rock masses Size & form of icebergs have immediate impact on blasting opportunities; Æ Sedimentation of layers of snow! Considering that the majority of their mass is submerged Withamassofupto1.Mio.tonsicebergsexceedannualproduction Ice mass resistance: f (cohesion, temperature, impact) rates of medium sized quarries Cohesion: Strength of an intact specimen contributes only marginal to the cohesion of the global mass. More important are cracks, fissures, impurities, … Sail Temperature: Strength of the ice changes while approaching its melting Keel point (‘homologous temperature’). This correlation is highly pronounced at ice, being almost at its melting point in natural environment. Image: Nicholas Moreau/CC BY-SA 3.0

Impact of stress: Dynamic vs. static, compressive vs. tensile Selected iceberg forms with sail/keel ratio Up to 10x higher resistance under dynamic stress as under static. Category Height [m] Circumference Higher compressive as tensile strength. Small 5 – 15 15 – 60 Medium 15 – 45 60 – 120 Large 45 – 75 120 – 200 Very Large ¾ 75 ¾ 200 High operative influence of environment 4 Experimental Validation - Weather - Swell Analysis on the fragmentation process of .ڕ ,Center of gravity… ice masses by differing impedance factors -

3 Approach of blasting icebergs Exxon Mobil 2016 Dynamite PETN V [m/s] 3.000 7.000 Primary challenges: Recording by the use of a expl Enormous mass to attack high-speed camera with a vIce [m/s] 4.000 3,4 1,1 ڕ .frame-rate of 5.500 fps + No free face existent at an iceberg 10 ms 20 ms 30 ms 100 ms Æ Significant energy is transmitted into the adjacent water P Easement: E No homogeneous fragmentation required! T N Measure: D Destruction of icebergs in a multi-stage process: Y Fragmentation by explosives / Displacement by exogenous factors N Fragmentation focuses on the cold, strong core of the iceberg as well on Photograph: David Horner shattering the global ice mass structure by explosives. PETN: Cuts the block into four equal sub-blocks. Realized by adjusting impedance factor between explosive and ice >>1. Sufficient energy available to push the blocks apart. Æ Most energy available to fracture the core, Dynamite: Exerts energy more homogeneous on the global ice mass. only few energy transmitted into the adjacent water. Fragments smaller, but displacement of larger blocks is poor. Displacement realized by an interplay of rotational, translational and Key advantage: PETN with its higher impedance factor requires a lower tensional forces caused by sea currents, wind and buoyancy. charge for good results. Remarkable at icebergs when considering a No immediate break-up, but with a short delay in time. mass of up to 1 Mio. tons.

Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. David Horner TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Institut für Bergbau und Spezialtiefbau | Professur für Rohstoffabbau und Spezialverfahren unter Tage | Fuchsmühlenweg 9 | 09599 Freiberg | Germany| Telefonnummer: 03731 / 39-2150 | [email protected] | Arctic Conference TUBAF | 08./09.06.2016 20 Poster session


Dipl.-Ing. David Hagedorn, Dr.-Ing, Nils Hoth, Prof. Dr. Carsten Drebenstedt

1 SHORT FACTS ABOUT THE SIGHT 3 SAMPLING AS BASIS OF A NEW • Located 60 km above the arctic circle UNDERSTANDING • One of the biggest hard rock open pits in Europe • Full analysis of samples (shown in Fig. 2) , with a wide range • One of the most efficient copper open pits in the world of elements, from water inflows and potential water sources • 3 km long, 1 km wide and about 450 m deep for these inflows • Approximately 650 Employees • ~4.4 Million m³/a water output • Production 2015: • Ore: 36.361.000 t • Waste rock: ~32.000.000 t • Copper: 67.000 t, Silver 61.452 kg, Gold: 2.042 kg

2 PROJECT PERSPECTIVE • Production increased Æ fast expansion in area and depth of Figure 2: Overview of collected samples the mine --> increase of the hydraulic potential Æ higher water inflows. 4 ANALYSIS AND INTREPRETATION • Water inflows and wet mining conditions lead to a reduction of • Grouping of the samples based on the on site measured the production efficiency and an increase of operational costs. parameters (pH, EC, Redoxpotential, Acidity and Alkalinity). • Reasonable and effective decision making needs a detailed • Development of water flow path hypotheses. How could some understanding of the local water flow paths inflows and surface waters be related? • Analysis of intense sampling on basis of prior information • Evaluation of these flow hypotheses by using higher Al- and from BOLIDEN for a better understanding of the flow paths. REEREE-- concoc contentsoonntentenentss inin weatheredweawweeaeatheththeheredreeded zoneszonzozoonneses oror tailingstaitaaiilinlinngsgs asas tracers.tratrtraracercecerers. • Information processing to support BOLIDEN in their decision making to gain an effective dewatering system that guarantees a high efficiency of the actual ore production.

Figure 3: Al- and REE- contents of inflows and potential sources The left group (red) of samples in Fig. 3 represents surface waters that were believed to be related to inflows (green) that are represented by the right group. The red samples show noticeable Al- and REE-contents, while the green inflowing waters show relatively low contents. In order to this a relation of both groups is very unlikely. If there is a relation, the influence of Figure 1: Water inflows in Aitik and water sampling the surface water on the inflows is only marginal.

5 REASONABLE MEASURES AND FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS By interpreting the new collected data and the available information certain flow path suppositions or water relations could were discarded and other became more likely. This new knowledge was used to avoid investments on probably ineffective measures. The new understanding of where certain inflowing waters are generated lead to further decisions for dewatering measures. Further research aim is to deepen the understanding of the local hydrogeology and actual flow paths to provide information for the decision making with the higher aim of reducing the overall water inflows and increase the production efficiency and safety by gaining dryer mining conditions.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Drebenstedt, Dr.-Ing. Nils Hoth, Dipl.-Ing. David Hagedorn TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Institut für Bergbau und Spezialtiefbau | Professur Bergbau - Tagebau | Gustav-Zeuner Straße 1A | 09599 Freiberg | Telefonnummer: 03731 / 39-2314 | [email protected] Poster session 21

UTILIZATION OF THE ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM GAS (APG) AT REMOTE OIL FIELDS FOR HEAT, ELECTRICAL POWER AND SYNTHETIC LIQUID FUELS GENERATION K. Boblenz, Y. Voloshchuk, Dr. rer. nat. F. Baitalow, Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Meyer – Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg; G. Buslaev, PhD. – Wells Design Department, Ukhta State Technical University

The specific objective of this Project novelty and actuality project is to develop the new Partial oxidation process (POX) allows syngas production from concept for the utilzation of APG, a fuel gas of fluctuation quality and quantity, which is associated petroleum gas usually flared. At Institut of Energy Process Engineering and (APG) by employing small- Chemical Engineering (IEC) an HP-POX pilot plant is operated scale chemical plants loca- since 2003 (Fig. 1). STF process suggests syngas utilization by ted at remote petroleum methanol conversion to liquid fuels over zeolite catalysts at tem- fields in the Russian North (Republik of Komi). A crucial step in peratures between 350 C and 420 °C and pressures between the APG utilization is Syngas-To-Fuel (STF) process which 5 bars and 10 bars. Process operational conditions define a final infers a conversion of synthesis gas (syngas) into a premi- product of a methanol conversion either gasoline or diesel fuel. um-quality motor fuel. One of the main project challenges would Recently, a promising technology of methanol conversion in be to choose an appropriate technology for the production of a synthetic fuel was implemented by Chemieanlagenbau Chem- syngas from the APG. This technology should be suitable for the nitz GmbH. specific composition of the APG which also contains some This techno- quantity methane, some higher hydrocarbons, CO2, N2, noble logy is based gases, sulfur-containing impurities, etc. This Russian-Ger- on the novel man-Polish project will focus on the development of a compre- construction hensive model for the entire technological chain including pro- of the reactor duction of syngas, its purification, heat and electrical power or and on the generation of synthetic liquid fuels. Based on this model, the specifically- best possible technology for the APG utilization will be chosen, developed catalysts. From this technology premium-quality considering the specifics of infrastructure and limiting conditions gasoline can be produced after one distillation step. The possi- of the Russian North. bility of this technology exploitation was proved by a pilot-scale plant operated since 2010 at TU Bergakademie Freiberg ERA.Net RUS Plus Program (Fig. 2). Developed technology can be perfectly used for the This project is financed by ERA.Net RUS Plus Program which small-scale GTL plants due to its simplicity, high efficiency and focuses on the strengthening of cooperation between the Euro- limited formation of wastes. pean Union and Russia in a field of Research and Development. Research centers and companies from Russia, Germany and Results Poland take part in this project. ERA.Net RUS Plus Program is ERA.Net RUS Plus Program provides a a part of ERA.Net Program which is jointly-financed by Europe- unique opportunity for a data base develop- an Commission and 7th Framework Program ‘Technologies De- ment of limiting conditions and existing infra- velopment Innovations’ (FP7). The main objective of ERA.Net structure of typical oil fields at the Russian RUS Plus Program is to improve the international relations bet- North. Moreover, various technological ween member-states of the EU and Russia. The partners from chains of hydrocarbons thermochemical con- Russia, Germany and Poland are: version based on HP-POX and STF process should be tested by flowsheetsimulation software. Ŷ Research and Design Institute of Ukhta State Technical Uni- versity (Russia), Acknowledgments Ŷ Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany), This study is financed by German Federal Ministry of Education Ŷ Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal Zabrze (Poland). and Research (BMBF) and Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) in conjunction with the research The project named “Technical and economical assessment of a project “Technical and economical assessment of a new techno- new technology for the utilization of associatet petroleum gas logy for the utilization of associatet petroleum gas under the under the severe conditions of the Russian North” is planned for severe conditions of the Russian North” as a part of two years. ERA.Net RUS Plus Program.

TU Bergakademie Freiberg Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering | Chair of Energy Process Engineering and Thermal Waste Treatment | Fuchsmuehlenweg 9 | 09599 Freiberg Telefonnummer: +49 3731 / 39-4511 | [email protected] | Arktis-Konferenz | 09.06.2016 22 Poster session Poster session 23 24 Poster session



Maksim Zadorin, PhD, Law Institute, NArFU, [email protected] 4 BASIC LEGAL ACTS SPHERES OF REGIONAL REGULATION 1. The fundamentals of the Russian Federation’s state policy 1. Traditional activity in the Arctic for the period till 2020 and for further prospect 2. Reindeer husbandry (approved by the President of the Russian Federation, Sept. 18, 2008, 3. Fishery No. Pr-1969). 4. The status of community 2. The development strategy of the Russian Arctic and national 5. The native language (approved by the President security for the period till 2020 6. Folklore of the Russian Federation). 7. Subsoil 3. Russian Federation Government Regulation No, 307 of April 15, 8. Nomadic tribes 2014 “On Approval of the Russian Federation state program “Regional policy and federal relations”. 4. Law of the Russian Federation No. 4520-1, Feb. 19, 1993 The leader (quantity of legal acts): Yakutia “On the state guarantees and compensations for persons living and working in the Far North and equated areas”.

8 ARCTIC REGIONS OF RUSSIA 1. Murmansk Oblast 2. Ar̭hangelsk ʽblast 3. Nenets Autonomous Okrug SUGGESTIONS / LEGAL INITIATIVE 4. The Republic of Komi 1. Legislative consolidation of the concept "Arctic zone" of the Russian 5. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Federation including 8 Arctic territorial entities. 6. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 2. Legislative consolidation of the term "indigenous peoples“ and a special 7. Krasnoyarsk Krai kind of indigenous peoples - transregional (nomadic). 8. Chukotsky Autonomous Okrug 3. Legislative consolidation of the term "the right of indigenous peoples to development“ (also in the sphere of management of natural 16 INDIGENOUS PEOPLES resources, protection of intellectual property, environment, medicine, television and radio broadcasting, etc.). 1. Sami 4. Legislative consolidation of the term "old residents" – the rural 2. Nenets population that does not belong to indigenous numerically-small 3. Khanty peoples. 4. Mansi 5. Determination of the features responsible for the affiliation 5. Selkups of an individual to the number of representatives of the indigenous 6. Chukchi numerically-small people, based on the current legal practice: ƒ identity as the indigenous numerically-small people (article 26 7. Dolgan of the Constitution of the Russian Federation); 8. Even ƒ entry in the birth certificate; 9. Yukagir ƒ data from the state archive (and church books); 10. Chulyms ƒ the testimony of witnesses (community members); 11. Nganasan ƒ the nature of life, knowledge of customs, language and culture 12. Ket of the indigenous numerically-small people, kinship; 13. Enets Quantity (Indigenous groups) ƒ the presence of a husband (wife) from the representatives of the indigenous numerically-small people and permanent residence on the 14. Inuit Murmansk territories of traditional economic activity of the indigenous numerically- 15. Koryak Archangelsk small people; 16. Kerek NAO ƒ data of an independent ethnological and ethnographic examination Komi carried out with the participation of independent experts in the field Yamal of ethnology, ethnography, anthropology, religious studies and linguistics. Yakutia Krasnoyarks 6. Legislative consolidation of the term "traditional medicine“. Chukotka

Quantity 100

Dipl.-Ing. Max Mustermann TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Institut für ... | Professur für ... | Institutsadresse | 09599 Freiberg | Telefonnummer: 03731 / 39-1234 | [email protected] | Veranstaltungstitel | 02.01.2012 Poster session 25 26 Poster session

SECURITIES-BASED PROJECT FINANCE Project Bond Financing of Large-Scale Projects in the Arctic Region

Faculty of Business Administration | Chair of Investment and Finance Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Horsch, Dipl.-Kffr. Sylvia Richter

IssuevolumebycountryinUS$m Issue volumebysector As meteorological phenomena have altered the accessibility of 50000

the arctic region, its exploration has been reconsidered by var- 40000 ious kinds of entrepreneurs. Large-scale projects of firms of the 30000 20000

energy and resource industry include the exploitation of fossil 10000

fuels as well as renewable energy ventures (tidal power plants, 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Oil&Gas Infrastructure wind farms, seagrass beds). Besides their quantitative features, America(exUSA) USA SouthernandWesternEurope UK CentralEurope/CIScountries Africa Power SocialInfrastructure also the qualitative features of arctic projects determine the pos- SouthͲ,EastͲa ndAustralasia Petrochemical Telecoms Source:ThomsonReutersProjectFinance International sibilities of respective project finance. In general, entrepreneurs have to consider various financial options, including innovative CHALLENGES OF PROJECT BOND FINANCING forms of project finance. Project finance via capital markets, i.e. GOOD NEWS by issuing (Green) Project Bonds (PB) could be an alternative. ƒ Demand: Infrastructure projects mean stable, inflation-linked and long-dated cash flows ĺ preferred by institutional CHARACTERISTICS OF PROJECT BONDS investors, matching their long-term liabilities. Project Bonds ĺ long-term (mostly non-recourse) securities, ƒ Supply: Traditional & renewable energy & resource projects ƒ issued by a Special Purpose Company (SPC), seeking funding – in the arctic region and elsewhere. ƒ purchased by institutional investors (mainly pension funds, ƒ Possibility to fund even XXL-projects. insurance companies), ƒ Independence from banks / their evaluation / their regulation . ƒ backed by assets / cash flows of a particular underlying pro- ƒ Tradeability of PBs ĺ permitting quick adaption. ject only (so that interest and principal payments are repaid ƒ Public support, institutionalized as by EU-2020-PB-Initiative. from the project´s cash flows) and ƒ Standardization ĺ first guidelines for issuing (Green) PBs. ƒ also comprising classical project finance characteristics, like the multitude of contractually linked participants (community of BAD NEWS interest) and their risk sharing. ƒ Uncertainty: Are project bonds as feasible as traditional (“tested”) bank debt solutions? ĺ higher risk premium. ISSUANCE OF PROJECT BONDS ƒ Teething troubles: Still small and less liquid market, causing greater bid-ask spreads and trading difficulties. agreements project sponsors governmental nexus of ƒ Risk exposure (force majeure!) allows for low investment institutions contracts grade ratings at best ĺ still insufficient for several investors. equity foundation conditions, concessions, plantengineers ƒ Project cashflow – debt service fit? ĺ later project stages / licences operating companies established technologies preferred. interest and repayment Special suppliers ƒ Not applicable for XS-/S-/M-projects (< 100 mill. USD) Purpose Company customers (SPC) spezialized service cash providers In addition to financial risks (market / liquidity / credit risk) the arctic region implies particular technical / operational risks due capital arranger to climate conditions that significantly alter (transaction) cost and debt capital market senior debt interest & senior investors risk sharing (temperatures, daylight, seasons, infrastructure repayment privateplacement (project bonds) etc.). Furthermore, the special political status of the region subordinated or subordinated debt capital junior investors implies a special type of (geo-)political risk. debt contingent int.& public offering repayment equity capital “equity”tranche sponsors Consequently, the analysis of the status quo and future options contingent int.& repayment of (project) financing energy & resource industry projects in the credit rating insurance guarantors arctic region look set to be a promising area of (financial) companies companies economic research.

RELATED PUBLICATIONS ƒ Project Finance (Horsch/Weber), DBW – Die Betriebswirtschaft, 2004 (in German). ƒ Rediscovery of Securities-based Project Finance: The EU-2020-Project Bond Initiative (Fiedler/Horsch), Corporate Finance, 2014 (in German) ƒ Perspectives of Financing PPP Projects by Project Bonds (Horsch/Fiedler), Aspects of construction management in research and practice, ed. by Kessel et al., Berlin/Heidelberg 2015 (in German). ƒ New Financial Options Offered by Green Project Bonds (Horsch/Richter), submission in preparation. ƒ Green Bonds as a Response to Climate Change: Risk and Return (Richter/Kleinow/Horsch), submission in preparation.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Horsch Dipl.-Kffr. Sylvia Richter MMMag. Christof Morscher Benjamin Aust, MBA Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg | Faculty of Business Administration | Chair of Investment and Finance | Schlossplatz 1 | D-09599 Freiberg | Tel: ++49 / 3731 / 39-2005 | @: [email protected] Poster session | The Arctic Region – Geo-resources and Economic & Political Developments | June 9, 2016 Poster session 27

ASSESSMENT OF SUSTAINABILITY AND RESOURCE EFFICIENCY Theoretical and practical implications of research for innovative resource technologies.

Prof. Dr. Michael Höck, Dipl.-Wi-Ing. Lars Rentsch, Dipl.-Geoökol. Kirstin Kleeberg, M.Sc. Katja Schneider


INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT WHAT IS THE RESEARCH raw material 28 r3- projects strategic metals and CONTRIBUTION TO IMPROVE minerals • various waste materials SUSTAINABILITY AND RESOURCE (e.g. municipal waste, Evaluation of effects EFFICIENCY? ashes from waste and resource efficiency Li, Mg, Al, Si, P, V, incineration plants, sewage (n=2) Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Recycling - What are factors which characterize sludge and power plants) Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, Se, (n=7) Rb, Sr, Mo, Pd, Ag, sustainability of the project? • Mining and industrial Urban In, Sn, Sb, Te, Ba, piles - What factors inhibit the successful Mining Nd, Tb, Dy, Ta, W, Au, Pb, Bi, und • Industrial waste (n=14) implementation and dissemination of other REEs, metals, streams Substitution minerals .. the results? and savings (n=5)


ƒ Investigation of methodologies and indicators that ƒ Identification of a value proposition influence sustainability ƒ Discussion and assessment at interconnected level ƒ Workshops with the participating research groups ƒ Aggregation of the results in view of project specific and global funding initiative aspects.

RESULTS (extract)

PROFILES (extract) SWOT ANALYSIS (extract)

urban sub - recycling ÖKONOMISCH mining stitution strengths weaknesses securing of large number of stakeholders investment sub - -- - urban Mining recycling contaminated ÖKOLOGISCH stitution with different objectives disposal costs -- sites impurities pollutants and toxicity accompanied by in the recycling service - / high-quality products process maintenance costs ---waste -generated-- development- - - increased economic risk handling of residual materials - usage of existing consumption of diversity of the additional revenues biodiversity--- -- equipment and its other materials output materials -- - better use Process utilisation treatment of other natural (for recovery of other metals) ------resources -- -- current market potential land use - security of supply is investment business strategy construction of ---closed - material cycles- in conflict with nature barriers ------industrial heritage transferability (to other conservation, preservation, -- - in recycling … consumer industries) growing markets for behavior urban sub - recycling mining stitution secondary materials impact on local structuresSOZIAL- - -- - (weak/ strong) positive future social acceptance -- --- impact ensuring regional behave of end developments in (weak/ strong) negative production in consumers regarding effects on employment -- - - impact Germany. waste generation magnitude of effect waste-collecting open systems conflicts with the current opportunities threats legislation ------no known effect

aspects of review – besides Lifecycle assessment (project facilitating or inhibiting factors of a successful partners LBP) – among the things: hazard potential by implementation result in the derivation of cross and project pollutants, waste generation and disposal costs. specific recommendations.


INTRA r3+ is financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and embedded in the program "r3 - Innovative Technologies for Resource Efficiency - Strategic Metals and Minerals" in the framework program "FONA - Research for Sustainable Development". More information to the r3-project:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Höck, TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Faculty of Business Administration and International Resource Industry | Chair of Industrial Management, Production Management and Logistics | | Phone: 03731 / 39-2627 | Michael.Hö[email protected] | THE ARCTIC REGION - GEO-RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC & POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS 09/06/16 - 10/06/16 28 Poster session

“THE ARCTIC” – A SERIES OF LECTURES presented by the Interdisciplinary Research Centre and Studium Generale at TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Alexander Pleßow, Norman Pohl

As of 2002 the Interdisciplinary Research Centre and Studium Generale jointly organise courses of lectures predominantly held by invited speakers as a supplement to the regular curri- cula. While topics where usually adopted from national and international years of several scientific disciplines in the past, the inspiration came from the Arctic Conference as part of the 67th Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag BHT in 2016.

The Arctic is of interest for several reasons: Particularly earth system science, climate change, and ecogeochemistry can be studied there apart from politics and resources. Unique boundary conditions allow for observing trends and effects that Anchoring expedition ship at Franz Josef Land, Russia would be overprinted by many other processes in the more densely populated areas south of 66°33ƍN. lulissat Fjord in Greenland

The program includes contributions to the main aspects of “The Arctic”. It will be continued at least until the end of the winter term 2016/2017:

Ŷ June 20, 2016 Der Einfluss des arktischen Meereises auf das Wetter und Klima in Europa Prof. Dr. Thomas Jung, AWI, Bremerhaven Ŷ July 4, 2016 Die Arktis: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und wirtschaftliche Interessen aus außenpolitischer Sicht Arne Hartig, Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin Ŷ October 24, 2016 Müll auf dem arktischen Ozean Dr. Melanie Bergmann, AWI, Bremerhaven Ŷ November 7, 2016 Rohstoffe in der Arktis – Chancen und Risiken The lectures take place on Mondays in the Abraham-Gottlob- Dr. Christoph Gaedicke, BGR, Hannover Werner-Building, lecture hall WER-1045, Brennhausgasse 14, Ŷ November 21, 2016 1st floor. Isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen an Eiskeilen aus dem sibirischen Permafrost Admission free. Guest are welcome. Dr. Hanno Meyer, AWI, Potsdam Please note that the presentations will be mostly held in German.


Anchoring expedition ship at Tikhaya Bay: © Christine Seupel and Christoph Böttger Ilulissat Fjord in Greenland: © Gerhard Ring Photo: Partial Opening of the Northwest Passage, September 13, 2015, © NASA Earth Observatory, image by Jesse Allen Background drawing: © Bruce Jones Design Inc. 2011

Dr. Alexander Pleßow: TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Institut für Mineralogie | IÖZ Interdisziplinäres Ökologisches Zentrum | Brennhausgasse 14 | 09599 Freiberg | Telefonnummer: 03731 39-3999 | [email protected], [email protected] The Arctic Region – Geo-resources and Economic & Political Developments | 09.06.–10.06.2016 Notes