Appendix 3: Unique EBA Codes of the Previous Analysis

APPENDIX 3: Unique EBA codes of the previous analysis

NIQUE codes were assigned to EBAs during Unique New EBA New EBA name Uthe course of the project, 1988–1997, and first code number appeared in print in Putting on the map B10 038 Colombian East (ICBP 1992). However, because of changes to the B11 065 Orinoco-Negro white-sand forests B12 040 Colombian inter-Andean slopes analysis—including the splitting and combining of B13 039 Colombian inter-Andean valleys some EBAs, and the dropping and adding of others— B14+B15* 041 Chocó that coding no longer reflects . For this B16 031 Galápagos Islands 042 Northern Central Andes B17* book new EBA numbers have therefore been as- {043 Central Andean páramo signed in a geographical sequence. The following list B18 044 East Andes shows the relationship between the unique codes and B19+B23* 066 Upper Amazon–Napo lowlands these new numbers so that comparisons can be made B20+B26* 045 Tumbesian 046 Southern Central Andes B21* with ICBP (1992) and with material published subse- {043 Central Andean páramo quent to it (some unique codes were assigned after B22 048 Marañón valley the publication of ICBP 1992: such changes are B23+B19* 066 Upper Amazon–Napo lowlands B24 047 Andean ridge-top forests marked * and are explained fully in Appendix 4, B25 049 North-east Peruvian cordilleras p. 781). B26+B20* 045 Tumbesian region B27+B31* 051 Peruvian high Andes Unique New EBA New EBA name B28 050 Junín puna code number B29 053 Peruvian East Andean foothills B30 068 South-east Peruvian lowlands A01 001 B31+B27* 051 Peruvian high Andes A02 003 Guadalupe Island B32 052 Peru– Pacific slope A03 002 Baja California B33 055 Bolivian and Peruvian upper yungas A04 006 and 054 Bolivian and Peruvian lower yungas B34* trans-Mexican range {057 Bolivian and Argentine yungas A05 005 North-west Mexican Pacific slope B35+B37* 056 Bolivian and Argentine high Andes A06 010 Northern B36* — dropped A07 011 North-east Mexican Gulf slope B37+B35* 056 Bolivian and Argentine high Andes A08 007 Central Mexican marshes B38* — dropped 015 Yucatán peninsula coastal scrub A09* B39 058 Sierras Centrales of Argentina {016 Cozumel Island B40 059 Juan Fernández Islands A10 004 Socorro Island 060 Central Chile 012 Southern Sierra Madre Oriental B41* A11* {061 Chilean temperate forests {008 Balsas region and interior B42 062 Southern A12 009 B43 067 Amazon flooded forests A13 014 B44* — dropped A14 018 North Central American highlands B45 069 Fernando de Noronha A15 017 North Central American Pacific slope B46 070 North-east Brazilian A16 019 Central American slope B47 071 Atlantic slope of Alagoas and A17 021 South Central American Pacific slope Pernambuco A18 020 and highlands B48 072 Deciduous forests of Bahia A19 023 Darién lowlands B49 074 Deciduous forests of Minas Gerais and A20 024 Darién highlands Goiás A21 022 Cocos Island B50 073 Central Brazilian hills and tablelands 025 Cuba A22* B51+B52* 075 lowlands {026 Bahamas B53+B54* 076 Atlantic forest A23 027 Jamaica B55 077 Argentine Mesopotamian grasslands A24 028 B56* 063 Rio Branco gallery forests A25 029 Puerto Rico and the B57* 057 Bolivian and Argentine yungas A26 030 Lesser B58* 061 Chilean temperate forests A27* 008 Balsas region and interior Oaxaca B59* — dropped A28* 026 Bahamas B60* 043 Central Andean páramo A29* 016 Cozumel Island C01 120 Madeira and the Canary Islands A30* 013 Los Tuxtlas and Uxpanapa C02 078 Cape Verde Islands B01* — dropped C03 084 Upper forests B02 064 Tepuis C04 086 Cameroon mountains B03 032 Caripe–Paria region C05 085 Cameroon and Gabon lowlands B04 033 Cordillera de la Costa Central C06 083 Príncipe B05* — dropped C07 082 São Tomé B06 034 Cordillera de Mérida C08 087 Western Angola B07 035 Caribbean and Venezuela 079 Tristan Islands C09* B08 036 Santa Marta mountains {080 Gough Island B09 037 Nechí lowlands C10 122

779 Endemic Bird Areas of the World

Unique New EBA New EBA name Unique New EBA New EBA name code number code number C11 121 Cyprus E04 152 Negros and Panay C12 119 Mesopotamian marshes E05 153 Cebu C13 118 South-west Arabian mountains E06 156 Palawan C14 117 Socotra E07+E08* 154 and the Eastern C15 116 North Somali mountains E09 155 Sulu archipelago C16 115 Central E10 157 Bornean mountains C17 114 South Ethiopian highlands E11 158 Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia C18 112 Central Somali coast E12 159 Enggano C19 107 Eastern Zaïre lowlands E13 160 Java and Bali forests C20 106 Albertine mountains E14 161 Javan coastal zone C21 109 Kenyan mountains E15 162 Northern Nusa Tenggara C22 108 Serengeti plains E16 163 Sumba C23 111 East African coastal forests E17 164 and Wetar C24 105 Tanzania–Malawi mountains E18 165 Banda Islands C25* — dropped E19 167 Sangihe and Talaud C26 104 Eastern Zimbabwe mountains E20+E21* 166 Sulawesi C27 092 South-east African coast E22 168 Banggai and Sula Islands C28 091 Southern African grasslands E23 169 Buru C29 088 Cape E24 170 Seram C30 100 Granitic Seychelles E25 171 Northern Maluku C31 099 Aldabra E26 172 West Papuan lowlands C32+C33* 098 E27 173 West Papuan highlands C34 093 West Malagasy dry forests E28 174 Geelvink Islands C35 094 East Malagasy wet forests E29 175 North Papuan mountains C36 095 East Malagasy wetlands E30 176 North Papuan lowlands C37 096 West Malagasy wetlands E31 177 Adelbert and Huon ranges C38 097 South Malagasy spiny forests E32+E33* 178 Central Papuan mountains C39 101 Réunion 180 Trans-Fly E34* C40 102 Mauritius {179 South Papuan lowlands C41 103 Rodrigues E35 188 Christmas Island C42* — dropped E36 187 North-west C43* 113 Jubba and Shabeelle valleys E37 181 Cape York C44* 090 Lesotho highlands E38 182 wet tropics C45* 110 Pemba E39 186 South-west Australia C46* 089 South African forests E40 184 South-east Australia C47* 080 Gough Island E41 183 Eastern Australia C48* 081 Annobón E42 185 D01 127 Taklimakan Desert E43* — dropped D02 128 Western E44* 179 South Papuan lowlands D03* — dropped F01 189 D04 123 F02 191 Yap Islands D05 124 Sri Lanka F03 190 D06 134 Eastern F04 192 East D07 133 Southern Tibet F05 193 Admiralty Islands D08+D10* 130 Eastern Himalayas F06 194 St Matthias Islands D09 131 Assam plains F07 195 New Britain and New Ireland D10+D08* 130 Eastern Himalayas F08 196 D’Entrecasteaux and Trobriand Islands D11 135 Qinghai mountains F09 197 Louisiade archipelago D12 137 Central Sichuan mountains F10+F11* 198 Solomon group D13 138 West Sichuan mountains F12 199 Rennell and Bellona D14 140 Chinese subtropical forests F13 200 and Temotu D15 139 Yunnan mountains F14 201 D16 132 Irrawaddy plains F15 203 D17 125 F16 202 D18 126 F17 205 Norfolk Island D19 143 Annamese lowlands F18 204 Lord Howe Island D20 142 Hainan F19 206 of D21 145 Da Lat plateau F20 207 of New Zealand D22 144 South Vietnamese lowlands F21 208 Auckland Islands D23 136 Shanxi mountains F22 209 Chatham Islands D24 141 South-east Chinese mountains F23 216 Laysan Island D25 149 Taiwan F24 217 Central Hawaiian Islands 148 Nansei Shoto F25 218 Hawai’i D26* {146 Izu Islands F26 212 D27 147 Ogasawara Islands F27 213 D28* 129 Central Himalayas F28 214 Tuamotu archipelago D29* 146 Izu Islands F29 210 Southern E01+E02* 151 F30 215 Henderson Island E03 150 Mindoro F31* 211 Rimatara