# 29 – Summer 2018-Summer 2019 H.H. Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche Enthusiasm in Our Dharma Family CyberSangha Dying with Confidence LIGMINCHA EUROPE MAGAZINE 2019/29 — CONTENTS GREETINGS 3 Greetings and news from the editors IN THE SPOTLIGHT 4 Five Extraordinary Days at Menri Monastery GOING BEYOND 8 Retreat Program 2019/2020 at Lishu Institute THE SANGHA 9 There Is Much Enthusiasm and Excitement in Our Dharma Family 14 Introducing CyberSangha 15 What's Been Happening in Europe 27 Meditations to Manifest your Positive Qualities 28 Entering into the Light ART IN THE SANGHA 29 Yungdrun Bön Calendar for 2020 30 Powa Retreat, Fall 2018 PREPARING TO DIE 31 Dying with Confidence THE TEACHER AND THE DHARMA 33 Bringing the Bon Teachings into the World 40 Tibetan Yoga for Health & Well-Being 44 Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's 2019 European Seminars and online Teachings THE LIGMINCHA EUROPE MAGAZINE is a joint venture of the community of European students of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Ideas and contributions are welcome at
[email protected]. You can find this and the previous issues at www.ligmincha.eu, and you can find us on the Facebook page of Ligmincha Europe Magazine. Chief editor: Ton Bisscheroux Editors: Jantien Spindler and Regula Franz Editorial assistance: Michaela Clarke and Vickie Walter Proofreaders: Bob Anger, Dana Lloyd Thomas and Lise Brenner Technical assistance: Ligmincha.eu Webmaster Expert Circle Cover layout: Nathalie Arts page Contents 2 GREETINGS AND NEWS FROM THE EDITORS Dear Readers, Dear Practitioners of Bon, It's been a year since we published our last This issue also contains an interview with Rob magazine.