THE AFRICAN REINSURER A PUBLICATION OF THE AFRICAN REINSURANCE CORPORATION Volume 022, June 2008 The African Reinsurer AFRICAN REINSURANCE CORPORATION SOCIETE AFRICAINE DE REASSURANCE Headquarters/Siège: Plot 679, Karimu Kotun St., Victoria Island, P.M.B. 2765, Lagos, NIGERIA Tel: (234-) 2663323, 2626660-2, 68820 Telefax: (234-) 2663282/2626664 E-mail:
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[email protected] Fax: (22) 22 43 77 29 E-mail:
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[email protected] SUBSIDIARY Mauritius Cairo African Reinsurance Corp. (South Africa) 38c Mansour Street Abdeen Downtown Ltd One Cathedral Square, Postal Code 46 Mezannine level, 2nd Floor (West Wing) Cairo, Egypt Pope Henessy Street Oakhurst Building -3, St Andrews Road, Tel: (20-2) 2792-4020 Port Louis Parktown 293, Houghton 204, Fax: (20-2) 2792-4030 Mauritius Johannesburg E-mail:
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[email protected] 2 The African Reinsurer Volume 022, June 2008 CONTENTS 22nd Edition, June 2008 Established in 1987 Page 4 EDITORIAL THE AFRICAN 5 INSURANCE & REINSURANCE REINSURER 5 Takaful Concepts and Practice PUBLISHER By Zainal Abidin Mohd.