Cllr Stuart McQuillan Petty Haverson

Community Solidarity in Challenging Times

In response to the Coronavirus pandemic I have witnessed Long Ashton residents show amazing community spirit. Through the personal drive and kindness of residents fantastic support networks have been established in Long Ashton, Leigh Woods, Wraxall and Failand. I have personally experienced the support given by the Long Ashton network when my family was in isolation, and I am grateful for the support given. I have also been impressed by how quickly local businesses have been able to adapt and rapidly introduce safe ways to deliver essential goods and services to the communities they serve. For more information on the Long Ashton I am proud to be part of this community and have played a small part Coronavirus Network go to: in the establishment of the Long Ashton community network. I will continue to advise and support this network as a member of its steering group. Please do get in touch with your local group if you need help or wish to volunteer. The contact details for these groups can be found on the North Together website here.

12 months as your councillor

It has been 12 months since I was elected to be one of your representatives on Council, and I remain honoured to have been elected to the position.

My aim was to help the communities of Long Ashton Ward retain their unique character, whilst becoming safer and more sustainable. I have therefore been delighted to have been able to reinvigorate Community Speedwatch in Long Ashton. I am particularly grateful to the Police and existing groups in Nailsea who have been of tremendous support.

Unfortunately, Community Speedwatch is currently suspended due to social distancing rules but please get in touch if you want to get involved, as I am keen to Stuart meeting with fantastic progress this as soon as it is safe to do so. community Speedwatch volunteers

I have continued to work closely with the two Parish Councils in Long Ashton ward. I encouraged Long Ashton Council to declare a Climate Emergency and I worked with them on the establishment of Long Ashton’s first 20mph zone.

I have worked with Fairland and Wraxall council to agree some tree planting as part of North Somerset’s ambitious wilding programme.

I continue to chair the community library working group, and with location and funding now agreed I am confident a community library can become a reality once lockdown is lifted.

I have been contacted by residents raising many different concerns over the last 12 months, from fly tipping to dangerous parking. I am pleased to have been able to make some changes in response to these concerns.

On fly tipping, I have pressed North Somerset to step up its enforcement, leading to the purchase of new enforcement cameras that are now active.

On dangerous parking at Lovelinch Gardens, I worked with Long Ashton Parish Council and officers to introduce limited waiting bays and parking restrictions, that have been implemented.

Massive decision by your local council

I was one of the Green Party Councillors on the planning committee that voted against the expansion of Airport, along with the vast majority of councillors of all parties and independents. I felt that expansion was incompatible with serious and necessary action on climate change and that the additional congestion would have caused misery for residents across Long Ashton Ward and North Somerset. I am hopeful that this decision, along with one concerning expasion of Stansted airport, will lead to a Stuart with Cllr Petty on the day of the more sustainable national transport policy. planning decision Get in touch

If you have a comment or concern about issues in any of the communities in Long Ashton Ward, Stuart would like to hear from you. Here are the ways you can get in touch:

Tel: 07866512391 Email:[email protected]

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