Theological Studies, Inc
r Λ theological VOLUME 37 NUMBER 2 studies JUNE 1976 Published by Theological Studies, Inc. for the Theological Faculties of the Society of Jesus in the United States TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLES The Matthean Divorce Texts and Some New Palestinian Evidence Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J. 197 The Decline of Ecstatic Prophecy in the Early Church James L. Ash, Jr 227 CURRENT THEOLOGY Theology on the Virgin Mary: 1966-1975 Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm 253 NOTES Public Theology in America: Some Questions for Catholicism after John Courtney Murray David Hollenbach, S.J. 290 Method in Fundamental Theology: Reflections on David Tracy's Blessed Rage for Order Avery Dulles, S J. 304 r \ BOOK REVIEWS 317 KINGSBURY, J D Matthew Structure, Christology, Kingdom BANKS, R Jesus and the Law in the Synoptic Tradition MENOUD. Ρ Η Jesus-Christ et la foi GRILLMEIER, A Mit Ihm und in Ihm RAHNER, Κ Theological Investigations 13 CORTÉS J Β , and F M GATTI The Case against Possessions and Exorcisms RODE WYK, A Possessed by Satan MURRAY, R Symbols of Church and Kingdom GREER, R A The Captain of Our Salvation DIDEBERG, D Saint Augustin et la premiere epìtre de samt Jean RUSSELL, F M The Just War m the Middle Ages EDWARDS, M U Luther and the False Brethren PARKER, Τ H L John Calvin HAIGH, C Reformation and Resistance m Tudor Lancashire PULLAPILLY, C Κ Caesar Baronius Lord Acton and the First Vatican Council (ed E Campion) HOPPER, D H A Dissent on Bonhoeffer HÀRLE, W Sem und Gnade Die Ontologie m Karl Barths Kirchlicher Dogmatik PESCHKE, C H Christian Ethics SWYHART, BAD Bioethical
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