Category: preliminary communication Samardžija, Luka 1 Marinclin, Ivan 2 ANALYSIS OF PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES OF MEDIUM AND LARGE WINE PRODUCERS IN CROATIA Abstract: The potential for diversification in segment of wine activities that producers have to make in order to promotion is greatly wide. But it is important to make their market share satisfactory. Since wine is empathize that supply market achieves almost product that is described with large number of perfect offer effect and competition, bought form classification, suppliers have a wide range of domestic and foreign producers is great, so promotional options. However, due to the great promotion efforts are one of the most important competition it is important to make every effort to gain as much of the buyers focus as possible. Keywords: wine, marketing, promotion, export, import Author´s data: 1 Luka Samardžija dipl.oec.; Postgraduate Doctoral Study"Agricultural Sciences" Direction:"Agricultural Economic”;
[email protected] 2Ivan Marinclin; Lead enologist; Kutjevo d.d.;
[email protected] International Journal - VALLIS AUREA • Volume 2• Number 2 • Croatia, December 2016 UDK 663.2:339.138(497.5); DOI 10.2507/IJVA. About winemaking in Croatia Croatian bureau of statistics and paying agency. Since Paying agency is creating date based on an In Croatian economy branch of agriculture analysis of the national system of identification of production is consider to be one of the strategic land parcels, and records the use of agricultural sectors. This is primarily viewed within its share in land in the Republic of Croatia (ARKOD) it is consider GDP, number of employees, consumption and to be more reliable.