The World Camp in America
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UT R MAY Vol. 3 1926 No.5 The World Camp In America o such thrilling and important event American camping and comradeship? Certainlv it is our has there been in the history of Girl· chance to broaden our Girl-Scouting and brighten it with N Scouting in this country as that which world vision. Learn their names and countries before is to take place in :\'lay, when the World vou meet them: Camp of Girl Scout and Girl Guide leaders . From Austria, :Miss Else Dimmerer; from Belgium, 0 will be held at the Edith :\!:ley Training Baroness i'llyriam de Broqueville and :\Iadame ~lathildc Camp for Girl Scout Leaders. Here leader!\ of Girl· :\Iorel-Jamar; from Canada, l\1rs. Sarah T. Warren; Scouting in our own country will be hostesses to leaders from China, Miss D. St. Clair Mander; from Costa Rica, of Girl-Scouting and Guiding from Europe, Asia, Africa, :Hiss Dorothy \Vatson; from Czecho-SloYakia, l\lrs. Lida and South America. Think of getting acquainted with Sobotova; from Denmark, !\Irs. F. Engholm, and l\Iiss these leaders who in other Anna Petersen; from Egypt, lands are carrying out the same Miss Margot Trevor ·wil work with girls, bUS}' over the liams; from Esthonia, l\Iiss same aims and plans, work Our National Director says: Thelmi Koch; from Finland, ing out the same problems, What is the deepest purpose, the na l\liss Callan, Miss Hausen, overcoming the same difficul tional and world value of Girl-Scouting' and ;'\!iss Donner; f r o m ties, rejoicing in progress and A movement which can command the in France, ~!ademoiselle Helene building for the future as we terest and love of so many people Depaux Dumesnil and \Ille. are. How such companionship throughout the world is not superficial Mouchon; from Germany, and exchange of ideas and ex and trivial. IT IS AN ADVENTURE Fraulein Katharina Hertwig; periences will enlarge and en IN UNDERSTANDING OF THE from Great Britain, Dame rich our outlook and tighten EVERY-DAY RELATIONSHIPS OF Katharinr Furse and ;\!iss our grip on our task. It is LIFE. Charlotte Noel; from Hun impossible to estimate in full gary, l\1iss Antonia Linden the value to ourselves. to Girl Frcnn Mrs. Jane Deeter Rippin's Repo'rt to meyer; from Ital~·. Signorina Scoutin~ in this country and tlze j\'afiouol Ccnmcil of Girl Soout Leader~. Annamaria Poggi; from Lat qit·en before the rmnual collvention in St. to the bond of Girl-Scouting J.ouis. via, Mrs. Wilhelmina Wilks; the world around which thi,; from Luxembourg, ~I i s s intimate camping together, Vichy Schneider; from the conferring together, seeing ~etherlands, :\Irs. 'Vvn- Girl-Scouting anew together will bring about. Assuredly aendts-Francken; from Nom cy, 1\Iiss Hildur Ullehe~g; it is well worth effort and sacrifice to be represented there. from Palestine, :\I iss Landau; from Poland, :\fiss Sophie Fortunate, indeed, are those of us pri,ilezed to be present, de Callier; from Portugal, l\Irs. Dorothea H. Phcr~ey; for the experiences brought away in memory will endure from Serbia, i\Iiss G. Strboja; from Sweden, :\Ii~s :,\Iary for many a day and their like perhaps never be met with Lagercrantz and Miss Lydia Lid holm; from Switzer again. land, 1\Iademoiselle Yvonne Achard; from Turkc}', Mrs. -It is the fip:.t time for the 'World Camp to be held in Grizel Catheral; from Uruguar. L\liss Violet E. Burnett; this country. Read the list of our international guests, and the following members of the International Council: ~orne of them already on their way, others to start within ~Irs. Essex Reade, chairman; :\Irs. Mark Kerr, vice the ne't few da,·s. Can \'OU picture the pleasure it will chairman; \!iss S. V. E. Reade. honorary secretary; ::\fiss hr to show the~ America~ hospitality and home making. Rudrerd Helpman. and J\Irs. Houison Crawfurd. 2 THE GIRL SCOUT LEADER A program of events worthy of the occasion is being write at once to Mist Elin Lindberg at national bead planned, which we can only briefly sketch here. First, quarters, if you have not already done so, telling her how on the day of our guests' arrival at camp, will be the many extra delegates, if any, you would like to send. formal dedication of the Great Hall at the Edith Macy As to the dates, please be sure of these. American h05- Training Camp for Girl Scout Leaders, bringing to mind tesses arrive at camp on Saturday, May 8th. Our for anew the one in whose memory the camp has been given, eign visitors will arrive at camp in time for supper on one of the noblest leaders the Girl Scout movement has Tuesday, May 11th. Camp continues until Monday, May known. Then the first camp fire, when a delegate from 17th, on which day our guests depart and camp breaks. each country represented will contribute a faggot to the {And be sure, hostesses, to wear your official Girl Scout fire, symbolising that country's contribution to the world, norfolk uniform, and to come supplied with heavy stock and will tell briefly of that contribution. There will be ings, sweater, coat and bathrobe, stout walking shoes, a poetry as well as history in this ceremony. raincoat, sheets and pillow case and at least four heavy Next morning, at 10:15, Colors--and what an array blankets, besides towels and other personal toilet acces of them! The flags of all the nations represented there ! sories. All these will be necessary for comfort and camp Only a World Camp can ever boast such splendor in activities and, of course, are not procurable at camp. the morning hoisting of the colors. In the Great Hall, \Ve know there are many who, while not delegates to then, reports from all the countries represented-but what the \Vorld Camp, are hoping to be able to visit it, to meet a dull word, reports, to .;uggest the compelling interest our foreign guests and attend some of the events of the of tho~e accounts of Girl Scouting and Guiding as it is week. Here, then, are the directions which must be ob done in other countries I Think of hearing the Chief .;erved in making such visits: Guide, Lady Baden-Powell herself-yes, indeed, she is Visitors will be welcome on 'Vednesday, May 12th, on to be present-tell of Girl Guiding in Great Britain, the Thursday, May 13th, and on Sunday, May 16th, from cradle of Scouting. ten o'clock: until six, and on Friday, ~fay 14th, from ten On Thursday, the third day of camp, Dr. George E. until one. Vincent, of the Rockefeller Foundation, will address the Visitors are requested to arrange for their own trans camp on the value of health the world around. Then portation to and from camp and to bring their own lunch. will come the Planting of the Highway to the 'World. Cars will be parked in the Vi~itors' Field, which is just Picture this to yourselves, if you can. \Ve'll tell you beyond the entrance to Camp Edith :\lacy. \Vatch for no more about it here. the signs. On Friday there will be a "Treasure Hunt," Girl Visitors are earnestly requegted not to come to camp if Scout fashion, but in this case taking in not only the wide it rains. as there are not sufficient accommodations indoors. acres of the camp-itself but other point! of inter~t end An admissiml iee of fifty cents will be charged for each beauty roundabout the vicinity. On Saturday the camp visitor each day. Cards for visitors may be obtained at the will be guests of Mrs. Franklin Q. Brown at her home, Girl Scout Shop, 670 Lexington Avenue, New York, and "Springhurst," Dobbs Ferry. Lunch will be served out at the information desk in the Visitors' Field. Visitor:;' of door<> on the beautiful estate. Afterward the 'Vest cards must be presented at the gate. ~o one will be ad chester County Girl Scouts will be seen here in their mitted without a card. annual outdoor rally. A limited number of Girl Scout troops are welcome to On Sunday, "Scouts' Own," c:tmp fire, and a pageant attend the rally of the 'Vestchester County Girl Scouts of Sir Galahad picture~ will take place in the "Cathedral" on Saturda}', May 15th, at the residence of Mrs. Franklin at Camp Andree. Tho~e of us who know this beautiful Q. Brown, Dobbs Ferry. Apply for' admission cards to cathedral-like grove on the hilltop can well imagine the this rally to the We~tchester County Girl Scout Head impre!'Siveness of thic: occac:ion. At the same time our quarters, 15 Court Street, 'Vhite Plains, N. Y. It is guests will have opportunity to inspect Camp Andree requested that no Girl Scout troops attend any of the con Clark, our national memorial camp for Girl Scouts. ference sessions at Camp Edith ~lacy, owing to lack of These are but a few of the features planned for the ~pace. Troops attending the rally will have opportunity Jnternational :Meeting. It is impoc:sible to tell of them there to see and meet the foreign delegates. all here or do more than sugl!est the enjoyment, the in spiration, the unuc:ual benefit that attendance will mean. The Girl Scout Councils, have you elected the one who is to reprec:ent The stars of midnight ~hall be dear e:tch one of you there? Surely you do not want to miso; To her, and she shall lean her ear your share of the privilege and its benefits that h:tvin~ In many a secret place this World Camp in America means to us all.