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bindex.qxd 1/3/06 11:39 AM Page 285 Index NOTE: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations and photos. Adler, Polly, 129 Backer, Evelyn (Evie) Weil, 75, 113, Adolfo, 188, 198–201, 203 151–154, 153, 162, 255 Aga Khan, Karim, 133, 170 Bailey, David, 181 Agnelli, Gianni, 69–72, 71, 133 Baker, Russell, 246 at ball, 139, 148, 233, 244–245 “Bal des Ardents, Le,” 107–108 cruises hosted by, 76–77, 97, 138 Baldwin, Billy, 226, 258 Agnelli, Marella, 34–35, 69–73, 71, balls 130 charity, 101–103, 180 at ball, 139, 148, 190, 239–240, hosted by Beistegui, 203, 244 244–245 hosted by Dunne, 66, 111, 112, 180 cruises hosted by, 76–77, 97, 138 masquerade (bal masqué), 107–110 Albee, Edward, 142 Mods and Rockers Ball, 103 Alexander, Shana, 99, 179 Paraguay ball plans, 255 Alsop, Susan Mary, 135, 215 See also Black and White Ball Amory, Cleveland, 110–111, 128–129 Bankhead, Tallulah, 28, 179 Answered Prayers (Capote), 51–52, 94, Barry, Bertha Eastmond, 126–128 101, 252–254 Barzini, Benedetta, 145, 232–233 Arvin, Newton, 26, 32, 36 Beaton, Cecil, 31, 38, 40, 41, 100, 120, Astor, Brooke Marshall, 44, 182, 193 243 Astor, Caroline, 109–110, 124 at ball, 139, 227 Astor, Carrie, 109–110 Capote’s letters to, 92, 114 Astor, Minnie. See Fosburgh, Minnie on Capote’s lifestyle, 76 Cushing AstorCOPYRIGHTEDMy FairMATERIAL Lady design by, 111, 156, 194 Astor, Vincent, 44 views on ball, 150 Avedon, Richard, 34, 132, 139, 181, “beautiful people” (“BP”), 165 203, 227, 258 Beistegui, Charles de, 203, 244 Bender, Marilyn, 118, 186 Baby Boomers, 118 Benton, Robert, 248–250
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