INSIDE THIS ISSUE Happy 1St Anniversary, Rabbi Shull

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Happy 1St Anniversary, Rabbi Shull Jewish JCV Newsletter August 2020 - 5780 Congregation Volume 40, Number 8 of Venice Happy 1st Anniversary, Rabbi Shull It was just a year ago. The JCV our new rabbi also was looking forward to the experienced his first arrival of our brand new Jewish Food Festival Rabbi, Rabbi Benjamin Shull and witnessed our along with his wife Stacy Lang congregation coming and sons Zac and Micah. The together for this Rabbi and Cantor Marci important and clicked immediately and our amazing event. A members welcomed him with VICA meeting to open arms at a delicious celebrate Purim was Shabbat dinner followed by shared with religious services. He came in running leaders of other faiths with both feet on the ground in a very enjoyable and was thrust into High Holy evening. The reading Day Service preparations. of the Megillah had a These were very memorable very different twist as as together we welcomed the we paired it to new year, 5780. We came Beatles’ music. Our together and experienced new rabbi found that Tashlich at the beach we have very complete with food (of talented course) and song. A unique congregants, indeed! Simchat Torah celebration of Then sadly we found ourselves Although the High Holy Day unwinding the Torah around in the throes of a devastating services will be very different the sanctuary with song and Coronavirus pandemic! Once this year, the Rabbi and dance added to the festivities. again, the members of the Cantor will be working The Rabbi was featured in JCV found a way to continue diligently to make them very several adult education together for a Zoom seder, meaningful to all. programs. His weekly Torah Zoom Services with an “oneg” class became very popular, afterwards, “Drive-In MAZEL TOV, Rabbi Shull, and also. A sanctuary packed by Services,”( both Havdalah and thank you for a wonderful first members was followed by a Shabbat), when we could year at the JCV. We wish you beautiful celebration (with greet our friends in person by many more. Let us hope that delicious cakes and sweets, of keeping masks on and socially this virus ends soon and we course) for the Rabbi’s distancing (for those who can all be together once installation. During this year, were comfortable with it). again. INSIDE A COMMUNITY A COMMUNITY A COMMUNITY A COMMUNITY THIS OF CARING OF ENCOURAGEMENT OF ENGAGEMENT OF SHARING ISSUE 6 3 10 12 2 Visit us at or e-mail us at [email protected] $10.99 Lube-Oil-Filter + tax & waste fee Includes: Free tire rotation, brake & 20 pt. inspection, up to 5 qts. oil. *Most cars and small trucks only. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY *Synthetic Oil Extra. Expires: 12/31/2020 FL STATE MV - 08413 ABBY’S on Miami Classic & Contemporary American Fare Cocktails Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 220 Miami Ave., W., Venice 941-484-5187 3 Visit us at or e-mail us at [email protected] A COMMUNITY OF ENCOURAGEMENT CANTOR’S CORNER My Role, My Voice SHULL TO SHUL What the World Needs Now- Tu B’Av This past week I attended a Zoom meeting about Shlomo August is typically a slow month in the Jewish Carlebach (pronounced Carl-e- calendar. Most folks are on vacation (in a bach) and his music. He was a "normal" year) and synagogues have a very rabbi, religious teacher, spiritual limited schedule. Also, the only special leader, composer, and singer "holiday" on the August horizon is possibly Tisha dubbed "the singing rabbi" B'Av, the fast day of the Ninth of Av (this year Tisha B'Av fell on during his lifetime. Carlebach is July 30.) So, what's a Jew to do? If we look a bit closer, we will considered by many to be the notice that there is another holiday called "Tu B'Av", the 15th day foremost Jewish religious of Av. Here's what the website, (an songwriter of the 20th century, in excellent source for all types of Jewish knowledge) has to say: a career that spanned 40 years. “Tu B’Av , the 15th Day of Av, is both an ancient and modern He composed holiday. Originally a post-biblical day of joy, it served as a thousands of matchmaking day for unmarried women in the Second melodies and Temple period (before the fall of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.) Tu B’Av was recorded more almost unnoticed in the Jewish calendar for many centuries but it than 25 albums has been rejuvenated in recent decades, especially in the that continue modern state of Israel. In its modern incarnation, it is gradually to have becoming a Hebrew-Jewish Day of Love, slightly widespread resembling Valentine’s Day in English-speaking countries. popularity. His daughter There is no way to know exactly how early Tu B’Av began. The first Neshama mention of this date is in the Mishnah (compiled and edited in the carries on his legacy. We sing his end of the second century), where Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel Return Again, Am Yisrael Chai, is quoted saying: ‘There were no better (i.e. happier) days for the Esa Einai, and V’haeir Eineinu. people of Israel than the Fifteenth of Av and Yom Kippur, since on these days the daughters of Israel/Jerusalem go out dressed in Following his death in 1994, white and dance in the vineyards. What were they saying? numerous accusations of sexual Young man, consider whom you choose (to be your wife)? abuse have been levied against (Ta’anit, Chapter 4).’ ” Shlomo. Many people admitted they knew he acted So, how about that…a “Jewish” Valentine’s Day! We could inappropriately but just said, certainly use that this year. With all the separation, loneliness and “That was Shlomo.” The MeToo fear, a little extra love is just what the doctor ordered. This year, movement has reignited the Tu B’Av falls on Wednesday, August 5. I think we should embrace question, “Should we sing his this holiday with a big Jewish hug. Some suggestions are to send music now that we know he a loving note to someone who means the world to you, send acted immorally?” some flowers or a box of candy to someone for whom you care. Perhaps, share your favorite romantic comedy with someone Neshama, his daughter, is a well special, give a little love to yourself and treat yourself to -known musical artist in her own something special that makes you happy. right, but she has suffered from the actions of her father. In our On Friday, August 7, during Shabbat services, as a congregation, Zoom meeting, she made an we will remember Tu B’Av and will sing some of our favorite love emotional case for her position. songs. “What the world needs now (more than ever), is love, She loved her father and he was sweet love!” a wonderful guide and role B’shalom, model to her. But she had to Ben reconcile the image she had with the reality of what she was AUGUST CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES learning. Due to the unusual circumstances at the present time, all events It was viscerally painful to hear in the JCV building are canceled. Watch for the new JCV Weekly her speak and feel what it Update and important blasts for all events, meetings and services. The “Google” calendar on the JCV website has been would be like to learn this about updated through the end of the year. Therefore, we are a person she loved so dearly, temporarily suspending the L’Chaim calendar. Below are the yet want to keep her love alive. Shabbat candle lighting times for August. One of the most interesting RITUAL COMMITTEE HAPPENINGS August 7 7:44PM August 14 7:38PM August 21 7:32PM August 28 7:25PM (continued on page 5) 4 Visit us at or e-mail us at [email protected] 2020-2021 JCV BOARD MEMBERS President Harvey Cohen PRESIDENT’S REMARKS 1st Vice President Steve Kleinglass 2nd Vice President Lou Jefko I hope this message finds all of you well Secretary Judy Haran and in good spirits. During the past weeks, Treasurer Sam Gurian your JCV leaders have had numerous Parliamentarian Annette Blum meetings to discuss the re-opening of the Immediate Past Maxine Arkin building and what would be the safest President decision for services as we near the High Member at Large Eli Rapaport Holy days. We have determined to Member at Large Cynthia Greene maintain the position of keeping the JCV Adult Education Yehuda Salu closed until further notice. We continue to House and David Cook monitor current increases of positive tests Grounds in Sarasota county and are looking to Ritual Susan Litwer medical experts, The Jewish Federation Membership Nessa Kleinglass Sisterhood Debbie Jefko and government leaders for guidance. As Ways and Means TBA the situation changes, you will be informed of any changes in CLERGY the re-opening strategies. Rabbi Benjamin Shull Even though our JCV building is closed, business continues. Cantor Marci Vitkus Our office staff, custodian, maintenance and clergy are busy PROFESSIONAL STAFF preparing for our opening as soon as possible. We have fully Office Administrator Beata Hulliger implemented ShulCloud as our temple management Office Staff Lynda LaRocca software. As of the middle of July, all but 70 congregants COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Adult Education Yehuda Salu have logged in and set up their personal information. If you Caring Sue Aaron haven’t logged on and require login assistance, feel free to Events Mardi Skoegard email me at [email protected].
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