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Saruman V3.Pdf This adventure for 4 players tells an episode of the Lord of the Rings. It begins at the time of separation of the Fellowship of the Ring, after the Ambush in Amon Hen, and ends at the fight against Saruman. The players Gandalf-the-Grey, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas. The Wizard is still in the Moria mines facing the Balrog while the other three are escorting the Hobbits towards Mordor, Saruman accompanied by Boromir. In addition to the four heroes, provide figures for non-player characters and creatures: Boromir Galadriel, Théoden, Eomer, Eowyn, Merry, Pippin, Treebeard, Saruman, Grima, 9 Orcs, 7 Uruk-Hai, 3 Wargs and 5 Trolls. A1 For this scenario, the rules have been changed or This adventure includes 20 cards: added. They are written in red on the Legends cards. A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, K, N, Galadriel, Captives, Merry and Pippin, Théoden, The Rohirrim, Treebeard, Saruman Fan Legend created by: Fires of Isengard (4), Isengard. black dog (yves_bgg) Legend Translate to English by: Dan Carmon (dancarmon) Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and the four Hobbits are on their way to Mordor. During a stop, Boromir tries to take ring. To escape him, Frodo puts on the ring and, with Sam, leaves the company. At the same time, Uruk-hai arise and, despite the sacrifice of Boromir, kidnap Merry and Pippin. Implementation - Mix and place the fog pieces on spaces 47 to 63 except for spaces 57 and 61. - Place the Wells on the usual places. Saruman - Place the Orthanc Tower in Isengard, space 71. - Place a Star token on boxes C, F, I and K. - Place 5 random facedown Rune Stones on the Mines of Moria, spaces 69, 70, 81, 82 and 84. - Place the Rohirrim (4 peasant tokens) stacked, peasant face visible, on Edoras, space 72. - Place Eomer on space 9 and Boromir (lying down) on space 57. - Place a Warg on space 33, Orcs on spaces 37 A2 and 66, an Uruk-Hai on space 46 and a Troll on space 61. - Mix the 4 Fire of Isengard cards. Place 3 hidden on boxes C, F and I. Return the last card to the game box. - Set aside 2 crosses, 1 Star piece, 5 Wineskins, 1 Athelas leaf (grass, 4 points), 1 gem and 1 Lembas Bread (parchment). Continue reading card A3 >>> The Heroes Each hero starts with 2 Strength points and 7 Willpower points. Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas are both placed on space 57 and Gandalf on space 84. At the beginning of the game, Gimli has a Helmet, Legolas a Telescope and Aragorn an Athelas leaf (3 points). Gandalf has a Falcon token: Gwaihir. Unlike other objects, Gwaihir, the Helmet and the Telescope cannot be given or voluntarily abandoned. Saruman Gwaihir Once per game, Gandalf can discard Gwaihir and spend 2 hours to go to any other space on the game board. If other heroes (or non-player characters) are on the same space as Gandalf, they can be moved with him without spending additional hours. Eomer A3 Can be moved instead of a hero for a maximum of 4 space per hour. He added 4 points of strength to a hero he accompanies, but he cannot fight alone. Having been banished by the King, Eomer cannot enter Edoras or to the fortress of Helm (space 0), as King Théoden has not yet been released from the clutches of Saruman. Continue reading card A4 >>> 3 Wells When a hero uses a Well, he can choose between 3 Willpower points or 1 Wineskin. Aragorn can choose between 5 Willpower points or 2 Willpower points plus 1 Wineskin. The Fog Some pawns follow a particular rule: - Creature: These tokens are activated as soon as they are discovered, including when using the Telescope. When a creature is revealed, the Saruman heroes have traced a Hobbits captive. Read the Captives legend card. - 1 or 2 gold: The hero receives 1 or 2 Willpower points. - Witch: This is Galadriel. When it is enabled, read the Galadriel legend card. The Evil forces Saruman is placed on top of the tower Orthanc. A4 He has 7 Willpower points. Mark it with a Star token. Grima is placed at Edoras. They both never move. Bewitched by Saruman, Théoden will be healed if Grima is eliminated. Grima has 0 Power and 6 Willpower points. In battle, he uses 1 black die. When Théoden is healed, read Théoden card. 4 Continue reading card A5 >>> Moving creatures A creature movement priority: - To Isengard if it holds a captive Hobbit. - To a space occupied by a Hobbit, if possible. - To a space occupied by the Rohirrim, if possible. - Otherwise, to the fortress of Helm, following the arrows. In the forest of Fangorn (spaces 22-25), creatures do not move. Saruman If a creature reaches a square occupied by Rohirrim, or is already there at the time to move, one of the Rohirrim is eliminated. If all Rohirrim are eliminated, place the Narrator on box N. The Combats Defeating a creature always earns Willpower points, never gold. When Gimli wins combat, alone or with other heroes, he receives 1 A5 additional Willpower point. After a victory, all the heroes having participated in combat can exchange 4 Willpower points for 1 Strength point. When a hero loses all his Willpower points, he may exchanges 1 Strength point for 3 Willpower points. If he loses all his Strength points, he is eliminated. Continue reading card A6 >>> The Balrog In Moria, Gandalf may, if desired, combat the Balrog. A victory would make him Gandalf-the- White and give him a black die. He must therefore collect 3 Rune stones of different colors. Picking one stone costs 2 hours. If the Balrog is defeated, the Narrator advances one box on the Legend Track. Gandalf receives no Willpower point and cannot redeem points against Strength. Gandalf-the-White is Saruman immediately placed on the Durin tower located atop Mount Celebdil, space 83. This space is only adjacent to space 61. Sunrise Heroes can collectively spend 5 Willpower points to cancel the effects of an Event card. th A hero who ends his day before the 7 hour A6 gains 1 Willpower point. Continue reading card A7 >>> To win the game, you will need to: - Free Merry and Pippin before they are taken to Isengard. - Free Théoden from the clutches of Saruman. - Take at least one of the Rohirrim to the fortress of Helm. - Win the final battle against Saruman. The game is lost immediately if: - Merry and Pippin are delivered to Saruman. - The fortress of Helm falls. Saruman - All Rohirrim are eliminated. - The Narrator reaches box N before defeating Saruman. You can now start the game. All players throw one die: The one getting the higher results is the 1st player. Variant for 3 players: A7 One player takes the character sheets of both Legolas and Gimli. He uses 1 figure on the board and plays once per turn. The two heroes move on horses 2 spaces per hour (except with Rohirrim). The items they carry are placed on the Legolas sheet. A creature being on the same space can be attacked by one or both heroes. If 1 space away, only Legolas can fight. Reinforcements! Erkenbrand, commander of the western defenses of Rohan, comes to the rescue of the fortress with 1000 soldiers. The heroes eliminate a creature of their choice. The Narrator doesn’t advance on the Legend Track. No hero gains Willpower points nor can exchange Willpower points against Strength points. Saruman A breach in the walls! Using explosive forces, Saruman succeed drilling a hole in the wall of the fortress of Helm. All creatures advance 1 space. The order in which they are traveling is the order of the numbers of spaces where the creatures are (lowest number advances 1st). If the fortress is overrun, place the Narrator on K box N. k Saruman’s creatures tear down the trees from Fangorn Forest. Day and night they feed the forges on the ground of Isengard. Place the Star token, which is located on the box occupied by the Narrator, on space 24. Now place the following creatures: - Orcs on spaces 21 and 26. - Trolls on spaces 22 and 23. Saruman Saruman gains 1 Willpower point. Fires of Isengard Countless creatures rises from the depths of Isengard, ready to launch the final attack. Place the Star token, which is located on the box occupied by the Narrator, on space 24. Now place the following creatures: - Orcs on spaces 41 and 43. - An Uruk-Hai on space 42. - A Warg space 67. Saruman Saruman gains 1 Willpower point. Fires of Isengard After the battles of the Fords of Isen, Saruman’s forces are now heading towards the fortress of Helm, determined to complete their victory. Place the Star token, which is located on the box occupied by the Narrator, on space 24. Now place the following creatures: - An Orc on Space 50. - Uruk-Hais on spaces 48 and 52. - A Warg on space 51. Saruman Saruman gains 1 Willpower point. Fires of Isengard Saruman's forces are ravaging Rohan, burning villages and massacring all the inhabitants who did not have the time to flee. Place the Star token, which is located on the box occupied by the Narrator, on space 24. Now place the following creatures: - Orcs on spaces 12 and 15. - An Uruk-Hai on space 32. - A Troll on space 36. Saruman Saruman gains 1 Willpower point. Fires of Isengard Treebeard Ents role is to protect the forests of the Middle Earth. Treebeard is the oldest of them.
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