Backers Resumie Attacks
/ ..'- ■*.‘'-.} •' ;• :^r,-1 •vr- :”t The Weather Avnage DaOir Net Press Ron Cloudy and mild toai||Alp,v ,, For tho Week Ended 60% ebance o f light saOW' W"' Febmuy 4 ,1S67 rain, low 26*30; partUl log, a little colder toUan'lwf, high 30*86. 15,069 . I 'yl. M ancl^ter^A City of Village Cfwm ^ ■ . ' ' ■’ ' j V . (Ofauaifled Advertisins ,on Page 17) PRICE . SEVEN CENTS: VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 119 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHfiSTElt, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRdARt H McNamara to Cotigress: Dearhom Ditty d e a r b o r n , Mich. (AP) Backers Resumie — “Love tliat song,” beam ed Mayor Orville Hubbard witl> a doordle*dee-do. i « p And. so do hundreds of others in this Detroit sub- uib. The song is “Dearborn, Attacks Michigan,” a new pop ditty. Won’t Halt Hanoi . Dearborn seems to like it. Except for a slight Interest WA8HINOTON (AP) — Tho At ahother point, McNamara 2. Increasing the cost to the in tho Baltlmore-Washing- North'd its Infiltration; bombing of North Vietnam has indicated Utat it may be the ton a i^ , the record com North Vietnamese — not tho 8. Raising the political price pany reports, most of the ------failed^ .to. reduce ------------„ significantly , the„ y g bombing’ efforte — who paid by the North to continue 35,000 records sold have Stiff Terms infUtraUon ot men and material control tho rate of inflltraUon. the campaign in the South. been in the Dearborn area. infoiiuu thevno ouuuiSouth 9UU1and thereuier« lois noiiu '’unoouDveuiy,"Undoubtedly, thevnc bombingMuuiuiiiB "Thosexiivoc werevToa«» the »va.v^stated objec *Ibe composer, Marty Urged Before evidence increased attacks does limit the capability of the fives we had in mind and we Cooper of Los Angeles, said .
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