Recent Publications on the History of Mining

Compiled by Lysa Wegman-French

The following bibliography contains books, Barnes, Shirley Moore. The Quest: The - Ad dissertations and theses, articles and chapters, ventures and Treasure of Jack Yore on the Western and other media—organized within those four Frontier. Tucson: Express Document Center, categories—that relate to the history of all types University of Arizona Libraries, 2014. [Prospec- of mining in North America (Canada, the United tor who covered several western states.] States, and Central America). It does not include book review articles. We thank all the members Beaupre, Sylvain. Des Risques, des Mines et who have sent in contributions, and welcome sug- des Hommes: La Perception du Risque Chez les gestions for our next compilation. Mineurs de Fond de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue [Qué- bec] [Risks, Mining and Men: The Perception of Books: Risk among Miners in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue] . Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2012. Adams, Maynard Cornett. The French Gold [Also an e-book.] Seekers: 1756-1761. Fort Lupton, CO: M.C.A. Books, 2014. [San Luis Valley, Colorado.] Bell, Shannon Elizabeth. Our Roots Run Deep as Ironweed: Appalachian Women and the Fight Alex, Thomas C., and Robert E. Wirt. Around for Environmental Justice. Urbana: University of Terlingua. (Images of America series.) Charles- Illinois Press, 2013. [Also an e-book.] ton, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2014. [Texas mer- cury mining town.] Berman, David R. Radicalism in the Moun- tain West, 1890-1920: Socialists, Populists, Min- Allen, Royce, and Gary Willden. South Da- ers, and Wobblies. Boulder: University Press of vis County [Utah]. (Images of America series.) Colorado, 2013. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2014. [Also an e-book. Copper, gold, and silver prospecting Berrien, Gay Holland. Grover Hayden Ladd: and mining.] A New River Packer. Happy Camp, CA: Nature- graph Publishers, 2014. [A muleteer in Trinity Allison, James Robert, III. Sovereignty for County, California.] Survival: American Energy Development and In- dian Self-Determination. (Lamar Series in West- Bjorklund, Linda. A Brief History of Fairplay ern History.) New Haven, CT: Yale University [Colorado]. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2013. Press, 2015. Boggan, Steve. Gold Fever: One Man’s Ad- Bardi, Ugo. Extracted: How the Quest for ventures on the Trail of the [California] Gold Rush. Mineral Wealth is Plundering the Planet: A Report N.p.: Oneworld Publications, 2015. [Also an e- to the Club of Rome. White River Junction, VT: book. A reporter learns about the history of min- Chelsea Green Publishing, 2014. ing while learning to prospect.] Recent Publications 105

Bonewitz, Ra. Gems. (Smithsonian Nature Burr, Baldwin G. Socorro [New Mexico]. (Im- Guide.) New York: DK Pub., 2013. ages of America series.) Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2014. Bradbury, John. Frontier History along Idaho’s Clearwater River: Pioneers, Miners and Lumber- Burt, Roger, et al. Mining in Cornwall and jacks. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2014. [Also Devon: Mines and Men. Exeter: University of Ex- an e-book.] eter Press, 2014.

Brown, Kendall W. Minería e Imperio En Butler, Mike, O. T. Davis, and the Monte Hispanoamérica Colonial: Producción, Mercados Vista Historical Society. Southern Colorado: y Trabajo [Mining and Empire in Colonial Latin O.T. Davis Collection. (Images of America series.) America: Production, Markets and Labor]. Lima: Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2014. [Also Banco Central de Reserva del Perú: Instituto de an e-book. A photographic book that includes a Estudios Peruanos, 2015. chapter on mines.]

Brown, Priscilla Purcell. Joplin [Missouri]. Butler, Mike. Great Sand Dunes National (Images of America series.) Charleston, SC: Ar- Park [Colorado]. (Images of America series.) cadia Publishing, 2013. [Lead-zinc mines.] Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2013.

Bulik, Mark. The Sons of Molly Maguire: The Campbell, C. E. Mines, Cattle, and Rebel- Irish Roots of America’s First Labor War. New lion: The History of the Corralitos Ranch, with an York: Fordham University Press, 2015. [Also an Intimate Portrait of the Mexican Revolution. Sun- e-book. Follows Irish immigrants to the anthra- set Beach, CA: Green Street Publications, 2014. cite region of Pennsylvania.] [Chihuahua, Mexico.]

Bullock, David. : Unions, Strikes, Cathey, David. A Culinary History of Pitts- and Violence in Depression-Era Central Washing- burg County [Oklahoma]: Little Italy, Choctaw ton. Pullman: Washington State University, 2014. Beer and Lamb Fries. Charleston, SC: American [Roslyn’s labor history as set in the story of the Palate, 2013. [Coal mining town in the Choctaw author’s grandfather.] nation.]

Burney, Michael S. Historical Archaeology of Chester, Eric Thomas. The Wobblies in their the Big Five Gold Mine: Excavations along the Bit- Heyday: The Rise and Destruction of the Indus- ter Creek, Northeast of the Town of Red River, Taos trial Workers of the World during the World War County, New Mexico. Berlin: Lambert Academic I Era. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2014. [Also Publishing, 2014. [Also an e-book.] an e-book. Includes the Bisbee, Arizona, deporta- tion, and the copper miners’ strike in Butte, Mon- Burney, Michael S. The Red River Gold Mines tana.] of Northern Taos County, New Mexico: An Anno- tated Bibliography of Geology, History, and His- Chin, Art, and Doug Chin. The Chinese in torical Archaeology. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Washington State. Seattle: OCA Greater Seattle, Press, 2015. 2013. 106 2015 Mining History Journal

Clapp, Nicholas. To Dance with the Devil: Egan, Ken. Montana 1864: Indians, Emi- Virginia City [Nevada]. San Diego: Sunbelt Pub- grants, and Gold in the Territorial Year. Helena, lications, 2015. MT: Riverbend Press, 2014.

Cleveland, Todd. Stones of Contention: A Endicott, Stephen L. Raising the Work- History of Africa’s Diamonds. Athens: Ohio Uni- ers’ Flag: The Workers’ Unity League in Canada, versity Press, 2014. 1930-1936. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012. [Also an e-book.] Crosley, Donald E. Hang ‘Em on their His- tory: Montana Vigilante Crusade 1860s. Butte: Everhart, Duane K. Galena, Illinois: Gen- Insty Prints, 2013. esis to Renaissance. Chicago: Adams Press, 2014. [Lead mines.] Davis, Carolyn O’Bagy, and Terrence M. Humble. Silver City [New Mexico]. (Images of Faucher, Alexandre. De l’Or . . . Et Des Putes? America series.) Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub- [Gold . . . and Whores?]. Rouyn-Noranda, Qué- lishing, 2013. bec: Éditions du Quartz, 2014. [Roc d’Or, a min- ing village in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue district Derby, George Horatio, et al. The Army Sur- in Québec, populated by squatters from the mid- veys of Gold Rush California: Reports of the Topo- 1930s to the mid-1940s.] graphical Engineers, 1849-1851. Norman, OK: Arthur H. Clark Co., 2015. [Also an e-book.] Fear, Joe. Prospecting for Silver in Marble, Colorado. Denver: n.p., 2013. [Late 1950s or Di Stefano, Diana L. Encounters in Avalanche early 1960s.] Country: A History of Survival in the Mountain West, 1820-1920. (Emil and Kathleen Sick Se- Ferguson, Julie. Arizona’s Back Roads: A ries in Western History and Biography.) Seattle: Travel Guide to Ghosts, Outlaws, and Miners. At- Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest in glen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 2014. association with University of Washington Press, 2013. [Also an e-book. Includes mining and rail- Foulke, Thomas K., et al. Economic Trends in way companies triggering avalanches.] Wyoming’s Mineral Sector: Coal. (2nd ed.) Lara- mie: University of Wyoming Extension, 2013. Downs, Art. Cariboo Gold Rush: The Stam- [Also available on the internet. Includes history pede that Made BC [British Columbia]. (Amaz- of coal mining.] ing Stories series.) Victoria, BC: Heritage, 2013. [Also an e-book.] Fountain, Bill, and Sandra F. Mather. Chas- ing the Dream: Ben Stanley Revett’s Dredge Boats Dunn, Joe P. “I have Done the Work”: The on the Lower Swan River, Breckenridge, Colorado. Times and Life of James Hutchison Kerr. Cape Breckenridge: Breckenridge Heritage Alliance, Girardeau: Southeast Missouri State University 2014. [Late nineteenth- and early twentieth-cen- Press, 2014. [His many faceted life included met- tury gold mining.] allurgy and mining engineering in the 1800s.] Recent Publications 107

Fox, Sarah Alisabeth. Downwind: A People’s Green, James R. The Devil Is Here in These History of the Nuclear West. Lincoln: University Hills: West Virginia’s Coal Miners and Their Battle of Nebraska Press, 2014. [Also an e-book. In- for Freedom. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, cludes uranium mining.] 2015. [Also an e-book.]

Gale, Kira. Meriwether Lewis: The Assassina- Green, Michael S. Nevada: A History of the tion of an American Hero and the Silver Mines of Silver State. Reno: University of Nevada Press, Mexico. Omaha: River Junction Press, 2015. [Also 2015. [Also an e-book.] an e-book. Set in a political context, theorizes that General James Wilkinson and “John Smith T.,” a Handverger, Paul A., and the Clarkdale His- wealthy lead mine operator, organized the assas- torical Society. Clarkdale [Arizona]. (Images of sination to remove obstacles to seizing Mexico’s America series.) Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub- silver mines.] lishing, 2014.

Gámez, Moisés. Cohesión, Movilizaciones y Hansen, Colleen Clancy. Destination: Butte, Tenacidad: Trabajadores y Empresas en la Minería Montana. Helena: Colleen Clancy Hansen, 2014. y la Metalurgia Potosinas, 1880-1926 [Cohesion, [Experiences of Welsh and Irish immigrants.] Mobilizations and Tenacity: Workers and Compa- nies in Potosí Mining and Metallurgy]. San Luis Harper, David. Roadside Geology of New Potosí, Mexico: El Colegio de San Luis, 2014. Jersey. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press, 2013. [Includes bog iron deposits used to produce can- García Cortés, Adrián. Crónicas Mineras nonballs for the Revolutionary War, fluorescent [Mining Chronicles]. (2nd ed.) México: Universi- minerals, and uranium mining.] dad Autónoma de Sinaloa, 2013. [Cosala Mining District, Mexico.] Hausberger, Bernd, Antonio Ibarra, and Cen- tro de Estudios Históricos (Mexico). Oro y Plata Gendron, Robin S., Mats Ingulstad, and Es- en los Inicios de la Economía Global: De las Minas pen Storli. Aluminum Ore: The Political Economy a la Moneda [Gold and Silver in the Early Days of of the Global Bauxite Industry. Vancouver: Uni- the Global Economy: From the Mines to the Mint]. versity of British Columbia Press, 2013. [Also an México, D.F.: El Colegio de México, 2014. e-book.] Hirsch, Susan F., and E. Franklin Dukes. Gereau, Leonard A. Tahawus Memories, Mountaintop Mining in Appalachia: Understand- 1941-1963: The Story of a Unique Adirondack ing Stakeholders and Change in Environmental Hometown. Saranac Lake, NY: Hungry Bear Pub- Conflict. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2014. lishing, 2014. [Includes titanium mining and the National Lead Company.] Hoffman, Abraham. Mono Lake: From Dead Sea to Environmental Treasure. Albuquerque: Glavin, Terry, and Ben Parfitt. Sturgeon University of New Mexico Press, 2014. [Also an Reach: Shifting Currents at the Heart of the Fraser. e-book.] Vancouver: New Star Books, 2012. [Sand and gravel mining.] Holmes, Christian. Company Towns of Michi- gan’s Upper Peninsula. N.p.: History Press, 2015. 108 2015 Mining History Journal

Hooker, Patty. Moccasins, Mining and Mon- Kanazawa, Mark. Golden Rules: The Origins tana’s 34th County: A Centennial Celebration of of California Water Law in the Gold Rush. (Mar- Stillwater County. Virginia Beach, VA: Donning, kets and Governments in Economic History [2013]. [Chromite, palladium, and platinum series.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, mining.] 2015. [Also an e-book.]

Hoover, Stephanie. The Kelayres Massacre: Kearney, Pat. Butte’s Berkeley Pit. Great Falls, Politics and Murder in Pennsylvania’s Anthracite MT: Skyhigh Communications, 2014. Coal Country. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2014. Keeling, Arn, and John Sandlos. Mining and Communities in Northern Canada: History, Poli- Jacobson, Herbert, with Ed Winbourne. Min- tics, and Memory. Calgary: University of Calgary eral Treasure Hunter: Autobiography of a Mineral Press, 2015. Exploration Geologist. [Anthem, Arizona]: Cre- ateSpace Independent Publishing, 2013. Keil, Thomas J., and Jacqueline M. Keil. An- thracite’s Demise and the Post-Coal Economy of James, Ronald M., and Susan A. James. A Northeastern Pennsylvania. Bethlehem: Lehigh Short History of Virginia City. Reno: University University Press, 2014. [Also an e-book.] of Nevada Press, 2014. [Also an e-book.] Kess, David, and the Ely-Winton Historical Jameson, W. C. Lost Mines and Buried Trea- Society. More than Just Ore: The Era that Really sures of the Civil War. Clearwater, FL: Garlic Press Made Ely. Ely, MN: Ely-Winton Historical Soci- Publishing, [2013]. ety, 2014. [Social history of Minnesota iron min- ing town, 1887-1967.] Jameson, W. C. Lost Treasures of Arkansas’s Waterways: Hidden Mines, Buried Fortunes, and Kriemann, Susanne. Ray. Amsterdam: Roma Civil War Artifacts. Little Rock: Plum Street Pub- Publications, 2014. [The photographer exam- lishers, 2015. ines the mystical limits of knowledge in regards to a radioactive gadolinite rock discovered in the Jameson, W. C. The Silver Madonna and Barringer Hill Mine in Llano, Texas, in the late Other Tales of America’s Greatest Lost Treasures. 1800s.] Lanham, MD: Taylor Trade, 2013. [Also an e- book.] Kwarteng, Kwasi. War and Gold: A 500-Year History of Empires, Adventures, and Debt. New Johnson, Robert. Carbon Nation: Fossil Fu- York: Public Affairs, 2014. [Also an e-book.] els in the Making of American Culture. (Culture America series.) Lawrence: University Press of Laut, Agnes C. The Cariboo Trail: A Chronicle Kansas, 2014. of the Gold-Fields of British Columbia. Victoria, BC: TouchWood Editions, 2013. Johnston, Kim. Haunted Shelby County, Ala- bama. Charleston, SC: Haunted America, 2013. Leamer, Laurence. The Price of Justice: A True [Includes Aldrich, a coal mining town.] Story of Greed and Corruption. New York: Times Books, 2013. [A non-fiction thriller about two Recent Publications 109 trial lawyers facing down Massey Energy to pro- McKinley, Shepherd W. Stinking Stones and tect the safety of West Virginia coal miners.] Rocks of Gold: Phosphate, Fertilizer, and Indus- trialization in Postbellum South Carolina. (New LeRoy, Suzanne Congdon. Nightingale: A Perspectives on the History of the South series.) Memoir of Murder, Madness, and the Messenger Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2014. of Spring. Bloomington, MN: Kitai Press, 2013. [Also an e-book.] [The story of Elisabeth Mannering Congdon, heiress to a Minnesota mining fortune and the Menes Llaguno, Juan Manuel. Bartolome de victim of a notorious homicide, written through Medina: Un Sevillano Pachuqueño [Bartolome of the eyes of her granddaughter.] Medina: A Sevillian in Pachuca]. (3rd ed.) Méx- ico City: MAPorrua, 2014. [He invented the pa- Lesniak, D. J. Let the Mountains Remem- tio process of amalgamation of silver in Pachuca, ber: Campaign against the Northern Paiute [of] Mexico, in the sixteenth century.] Eastern Oregon, 1861-1869. Bend, OR: Maver- ick Publications, 2014. [Protecting travel on the Montoya, Ramiro. La Sangre del Sol: Cronicas roads leading to the 1860s gold mines.] del Oro y la Plata que España Saco de America [The Blood of the Sun: Chronicles of Gold and Silver that Lindermuth, John R. Digging Dusky Dia- Spain Took from [Central and South] America] . monds: A History of the Pennsylvania Coal Region. Madrid: Vision Libros, [2013]. Mechanicsburg, PA: Sunbury Press, 2013. Mort, Terry A. Thieves’ Road: The Black Hills Lorence, James J. Palomino: Clinton Jencks Betrayal and Custer’s Path to Little Bighorn. Am- and Mexican-American Unionism in the Ameri- herst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2015. [Also an e- can Southwest. (Working Class in American His- book. Discovery of gold during the 1874 Black tory series.) Urbana: University of Illinois Press, Hills Expedition.] 2013. Muncy, Robyn. Relentless Reformer: Josephine Marriott, Barbara. Two Six Shooters Beat Roche and Progressivism in Twentieth-Century Four Aces: Stories of a Young Arizona. Guilford, America. (Politics and Society in Twentieth-Cen- CT: Twodot, 2015. tury America series.) Princeton: Princeton Uni- versity Press, 2015. [Also an e-book. She ran a Martin, Kenneth R. Seeing the Eliphant [sic]: Colorado coal company in partnership with coal A Maine Couple’s Adventures in Gold Rush San miners and directed the Welfare and Retirement Francisco. San Francisco: Friends of the San Fran- Fund of the of America.] cisco Maritime Museum Library, 2013. Myers, Marshall. Only in Old Kentucky: His- Martin, Richard E. The Ironmasters of Lan- toric True Tales of Cultural Ingenuity. Charleston, caster County, Pennsylvania: Including Henry SC: History Press, 2014. [Includes saltpeter min- Steigel, Robert Coleman, the Grubb Dynasty, Hen- ing in Mammoth Cave.] ry Haldeman, Henry Watts, and Many Others. Morgantown, PA: Richard E. Martin (printed by Masthof Press), 2014. 110 2015 Mining History Journal

Myers, Melvin L., and the American Pub- Universitaires du Septentrion, 2014. [Interna- lic Health Association. Occupational Safety and tional in scope, including the United States.] Health Policy. Washington, D.C.: APHA Press, 2015. [Compilation of historical information Rapaport, Diane Sward. Home Sweet Je- regarding policy formulation and implementa- rome: Death and Rebirth of Arizona’s Richest Cop- tion.] per Mining City. Boulder, CO: Johnson Books, 2014. O’Brien, John O. Oak Island Unearthed!: A Miners [sic] Investigation of the Enigma of Oak Is- Rawlings, Geoffrey, et al. Geology of the Sac- land, the Mesoamericans, and the Treasures Buried ramento Mountains Region: New Mexico Geologi- Therein. Halifax: New World Publishing, 2014. cal Society 65th Annual Field Conference, Septem- ber, 2014. (Guidebook, no. 64.) Socorro: New O’Hara, Kieran D. Earth Resources and Envi- Mexico Geological Society, 2014. ronmental Impact. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2014. Rickard, David. Pyrite: A Natural History of Ohio Genealogical Society, and Coshocton Fool’s Gold. New York: Oxford University Press, County Chapter. Coal Mining: Coshocton Coun- 2015. ty, Ohio. Coshocton: Coshocton Chapter, OGS, 2014. Robison, Ken. Montana Territory and the Civil War: A Frontier Forged on the Battlefield. Perelman, Dale Richard. Steel: The Story of Charleston, SC: History Press, 2013. [Also an e- Pittsburgh’s Iron and Steel Industry, 1852-1902. book.] North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014. Robison, Roger Frank. Mining and Sell- ing Radium and Uranium. Cham, Switzerland: Perske, Richard, John W. Gabelman, and Springer, 2015. [Also an e-book.] Eagle County Historical Society. Boom Town to Ghost Town: The Story of Fulford. Eagle, CO: Ea- Rosentreter, Roger L. Michigan: A History gle County Historical Society, 2015. [Colorado of Explorers, Entrepreneurs, and Everyday People. gold mining camp.] Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013. [Also an e-book.] Pisoni, Victor, and Northwest Underground Explorations. Blewett Gold: History of the Peshas- Saarinen, Oiva W. From Meteorite Impact tin Mining District [Washington]. Monroe, WA: to Constellation City: A Historical Geography of Northwest Mining Publishers, 2014. Greater Sudbury [Ontario]. Waterloo, ON: Wil- frid Laurier University Press, 2013. [Also an e- Priest, Alicia. A Rock Fell on the Moon: Dad book. Nickel mining and smelting center.] and the Great Yukon Silver Ore Heist. Madeira, BC: Lost Moose, 2014. [Theft in the 1960s at the Schreiber, Robert J. Fox Township, Elk Coun- United Keno Hill Mines.] ty [Pennsylvania]. (Images of America series.) Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2013. [Also Rainhorn, Judith. Santé et Travail à la Mine, an e-book.] XIXe-XXIe Siècle [Health and Work in the Mines, 19th–21st Centuries]. Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Recent Publications 111

Scott, James, and the Sacramento Public Li- 2015. [Includes mining of Gilsonite, a hydrocar- brary. Sacramento’s Gold Rush Saloons: El Dorado bon form of bitumen.] in a Shot Glass. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2014. [Also an e-book.] Spude, Catherine Holder. Saloons, Prosti- tutes, and Temperance in Alaska Territory. Nor- Sheperek, Michael. A Brief History of the Rico man: University of Oklahoma Press, 2015. Colorado Medallions. N.p.: TheBookPatch [sic], 2013. [In the mid-1970s, the Rico Argentine Staebler, Gloria, et al. Nevada Jackpot! (Min- Mining Company leached old mine dumps then eral Monograph no. 18.) Denver: Lithographie, sold medallions created from the silver.] 2013.

Sherard, Gerald E. 1917 Hastings [Coal] Mine Stager, Phillip J. Mine to Mill: History of the Disaster, Hastings, Colorado. Lakewood, CO: G. Great Lakes Iron Trade: From the Iron Ranges to E. Sherard, 2015. [Colorado’s worst mine disas- Sault Ste. Marie. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, ter.] 2014.

Shugar, Aaron N., and Scott E. Simmons. Stapp, Cheryl Anne. Sacramento [California] Archaeometallurgy in Mesoamerica: Current Ap- Chronicles: A Golden Past. (American Chronicles proaches and New Perspectives. Boulder: Univer- series.) Charleston, SC: History Press, 2013. sity Press of Colorado, 2013. [Also an e-book.] Stoddard, Brooke C. Steel: From Mine to Smith, Kathleen. [Gold] Mining in Yuba Mill, the Metal that Made America. Minneapolis: County [California]. (Images of America series.) Zenith Press, 2015. [Also an e-book.] Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub., 2015. Strandberg, Greg. Priests and Prospectors (v. Smith, Marion O. Confederate Nitre Bureau 2 of A History of Montana). Missoula: Big Sky Operations in the Trans-Mississippi. Louisville, Words Press, 2014. TN: Byron’s Graphic Arts, 2014. Switzer, Ronald R. The Steamboat Bertrand Solomon, Matthew. The Gold Rush. (BFI and Missouri River Commerce. Norman, OK: Ar- Film Classics series.) London: Palgrave (on be- thur H. Clark Company, 2013. [Bound for the half of the British Film Institute), 2015. [Discuss- goldfields of Montana with supplies, Bertrand es the classic Charlie Chaplin film.] sank in the Missouri River in 1865; excavated in 1968, the cargo was remarkably well preserved.] Solorzano, Armando. We Remember, We Cel- ebrate, We Believe / Recuerdo, Celebracion, y Esper- Van den Berk, Bart. The VIEE and the Dis- anza: Latinos in Utah. Salt Lake City: University covery of Gold on the Sooke and Leech Rivers (pt. of Utah Press, 2014. [This bilingual book con- 1 of The History of Leechtown.) Sooke, BC: Van- tains oral histories and extensive photographs; in- denBerk-Books, 2014. [Vancouver Island explor- cludes a chapter on Latino miners, 1912-1945.] ing expedition.]

Spangler, Jerry D., and Donna Kemp Span- gler. Last Chance Byway: The History of Nine Mile Canyon. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 112 2015 Mining History Journal

Vivian, Cassandra. Hidden History of the Wirths, Todd A., and the San Diego Associa- Laurel Highlands [Pennsylvania]. Charleston, tion of Geologists. Picacho and the Cargo Mucha- SC: History Press, 2014. chos: Gold, Guns, and Geology of Eastern Imperial County, California. (2nd ed.) San Diego: Sunbelt Voyles, Traci Brynne. Wastelanding: Legacies Publications, 2014. [Based on the SDAG 2011 of Uranium Mining in Navajo Country. Minneap- annual field trip guide.] olis: University of Minnesota Press, 2015. [Also an e-book.] Wright, Christie. South Park Perils: Short Ropes and True Tales of Historic Park County, Col- Wasserman, Mark. Pesos and Politics: Busi- orado. Palmer Lake, CO: Filter Press, 2013. ness, Elites, Foreigners, and Government in Mexico, 1854-1940. Stanford: Stanford University Press, Young, Bennett, and the Palisade Historical 2015. [Also an e-book. Includes the Corralitos Society. Coal Mining in Palisade, Colorado. Pali- Company and the American Smelting and Refin- sade: Palisade Historical Society, 2014. ing Company.] Zegeer, David A. Inside MSHA: The Forma- Westmore, Jan. Colfax [California]. (Images tive Years of the Mine Safety and Health Adminis- of America series.) Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub- tration. Lexington, KY: The Kentucky Founda- lishing, 2013. tion, 2014.

Whisonant, Robert C. Arming the Confeder- Zeigler, Kate E., et al. Geology of [the] Route acy: How Virginia’s Minerals Forged the Rebel War 66 Region: Flagstaff to Grants. (Field Conference Machine. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2015. Guidebook.) Socorro, NM: New Mexico Geo- [Also an e-book. Niter, lead, salt, iron, and coal logical Society, 2013. mines were targets of the Union Army.] Zucker, Robert Edward, and William “Flint” Williams, Nancy K. Haunted Hotels of the Carter. Treasures of the Santa Catalina Moun- California Gold Country. Charleston, SC: Haunt- tains [Arizona]: Unraveling the Legends and the ed America, 2014. History. Tucson: BZB Publishing, 2014.

Wilson, Elizabeth Jill. Spilman Thomas and Battle’s History of Service: The First 150 [sic] . Dissertations and Theses: Charleston, WV: Spilman Thomas and Battle, 2014. [The law firm represented many coal com- Allison, James Robert, III. “Sovereignty for panies, including in the pivotal Red Jacket case in Survival: American Energy Development and the West Virginia coal mine wars of the 1920s.] Indian Self-Determination.” Ph.D. diss., Univer- sity of Virginia, 2013. [Northern Cheyenne and Wilson, R. Michael. Stagecoach Robberies in Crow nations and the 1982 Indian Mineral De- California: A Complete Record, 1856-1913. Jef- velopment Act.] ferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2014. [Also an e-book. Thieves “mined the roads” of Barnett, Engrid N. “Rockin’ the Comstock: precious minerals being shipped out and payrolls Exploring the Unlikely and Underappreciated being shipped in.] Role of a Mid-Nineteenth Century Northern Nevada Ghost Town (Virginia City) in the De- Recent Publications 113 velopment of the 1960s Psychedelic Esthetic and striking miners were killed near Lafayette, Colo- ‘San Francisco Sound’.” Ph.D. diss., University of rado.] Nevada, Reno, 2014. Charles, Theodore P. “The Landscape - Ar Bartos, Jeffrey Michael. “The Blight of the chaeology of Saloons in Wallace, Idaho.” M.A. Federation: James McParland, the Pinkerton Na- thesis, University of Idaho, 2014. tional Detective Agency and the Western Federa- tion of Miners, 1892-1907.” M.A. thesis, Mon- Chraibi, Victoria Lindsay Shaw. “A 250-year tana State University, 2013. [Idaho and Colorado Assessment of Human Impacts on Lake Superior: case studies.] An Updated Paleolimnological Perspective.” M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, 2013. [Sediment Benjamin, Jeffrey L. “Sound as Artifact.” M.S. cores reveal increased metal during mining and thesis, Michigan Technological University, 2013. ore-processing periods.] [Sounds in the Quincy Mining Company black- smith shop in Hancock, Michigan, in 1916.] Chung, Su Kim. “‘We Seek to Be Patient’: Jeanne Wier and the Nevada Historical Society, Bernard, Kaitlyn. “Metallic Mineral Mining 1904-1950.” Ph.D. diss., University of Califor- in Maine.” B.A. thesis, Colby College, 2013. nia, Los Angeles, 2015. [Amidst a broader focus, includes information on the history and preserva- Brick, Gregory Arthur. “The Nitrate Depos- tion of mining sites.] its of Rock Crevices in the Upper Mississippi Val- ley.” Ph.D. diss., University of Minnesota, 2013. Cysewski, Margaret Hope. “Initial Permafrost [Examines Minnesota caves documented in a Engineering Research in Alaska.” M.S. thesis, 1700 report.] University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 2013. [Includes thawing technology developed by gold rush min- Bruns, Carter. “‘. . . the whole river is a bustle ers.] some about their Children, Brothers and Hus- bands and the rest of us about our salt’: The Ante- Demaree, David Holl. “Subsurface Waters at bellum Industrialization of the Kanawha Valley in Malakoff Diggins: Pit, North Bloomfield Tunnel the Virginia Backcountry.” M.A. thesis, Western and Hiller Tunnel.” M.S. thesis, California State Carolina University, 2013. University, Chico, 2013. [Once California’s larg- est hydraulic mine.] Burnette, Richard T. “Masculinity in a Nine- teenth Century Western Mining Town: Gendered Ens, Kaitlin. “Tales from a Wild Land: From Relations of Power in a Red-Light District, the the Characters of Custer and Lemhi Counties Vanoli Sporting Complex [archaeological site] [Idaho].” M.A. thesis, University of Wyoming, (5OR30), Ouray, Colorado.” M.A. thesis, Colo- 2013. rado State University, 2014. Faucher, Alexandre. “De l’Or et des Putes: Campbell-Hale, Leigh. “Remembering Lud- Vie et Mort d’un Village de ‘Squatters’ Abitibien low but Forgetting the Columbine [Massacre]: [Gold and Whores: Life and Death of a Village The 1927-1928 Colorado Coal Strike.” Ph.D. of Squatters in Abitibien].” M.A. thesis, Uni- diss., University of Colorado, Boulder, 2013. [Six versité de Montréal, 2013. [Roc d’Or, a mining village with a bad reputation populated from the 114 2015 Mining History Journal mid-1930s to mid-1940s in the Abitibi-Témis- Marley, Ben. “Battle for the Mountains: Re- camingue district of Québec.] structuring Extractive Production and the Socio- Ecological Crisis in West Virginia’s Coalfields.” Ferraro, Jaclyn Marie. “Relationships between M.A. thesis, Syracuse University, 2013. Deformation and Mesothermal Veins in the Sun- shine Mine Area, Coeur d’Alene District, Idaho.” Matheis, Michael Roy. “Mining Booms and M.S. thesis, University of Iowa, 2013. Busts: New Evidence on the [Economic] Conse- quences of Mining in the U.S.” Ph.D. diss., Uni- Folcarelli, Anthony R. “A Symbiotic Rela- versity of Arizona, 2015. tionship: The American Industrialist and the New Immigrants, 1870-1920.” M.A. thesis, California McKernan, Catherine. “Uncovered Voices: State University, Sacramento, 2013. [Coal, iron Life Stories of Lebanese Immigrants and their ore, and steel.] Adaptation to a Northern Ontario Mining Fron- tier.” Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto, 2013. Gomez, Rocio. “Poisoning the Well: Mining, Water, and Public Health in Zacatecas, Mexico Nepal, Harihar. “Sediment and Mercury (1880-1942).” Ph.D. diss., University of Arizona, Loads and Sources at Humbug Creek from Mala- 2014. koff Diggins [sic].” M.S. thesis, California State University, 2013. [Large hydraulic mine.] Goodman, Lindsey Morningstar. “Beyond the Silver Mines: A Cultural Study of Men, Noonan, Alan J. M. “Wandering Labour- Women, and Youth in Leadville, Colorado, 1878- ers: The Irish and Mining throughout the United 1893.” M.A. thesis, University of Northern Colo- States, 1845-1920.” Ph.D. diss., University Col- rado, 2014. lege Cork (Ireland), 2013.

Hardy, David A. “The Nevada Territorial Ogborne, Jennifer Honora. “‘Setting the Best Supreme Court: A Transitional Influence from Table in the Country’: Food and Labor at the Frontier Lawlessness to Statehood.” Ph.D. diss., Coloma [Montana] Gold Mining Town.” Ph.D. University of Nevada, Reno, 2015. [Includes diss., College of William and Mary, 2013. Comstock legislation.] Pirlet, Christian D. “The Black Hills Gold Hudak, Magen Lilli. “Cow Bay’s Ocean Play- Rush: A Lack of Policy and an Insatiable Demand ground: The Shifting Landscape of Silver Sands for Land.” M.A. thesis, University of South Da- Beach [Nova Scotia], 1860s-Present.” M.A. the- kota, 2013. sis, Saint Mary’s University, 2014. [Impact of sand and gravel mining.] Puckett, Heather Renée. “A Cultural Land- scape Study and History of the San Francisco Lim, Tee Wern. “Inuit Encounters with Co- Mining District and Frisco, Southwest Utah, lonial Capital: Nanisivik—Canada’s First High United States.” Ph.D. diss., University of Bir- Arctic Mine.” M.A. thesis, University of British mingham [Eng.], 2013. Columbia, 2013. [Lead-zinc mine, 1976-2002.] Recent Publications 115

Scarlett, Sarah Fayen. “Everyone’s an Outsid- of New Mexico, v. 41] (Albuquerque: Archaeo- er: Architecture, Landscape, and Class in Michi- logical Society of New Mexico, 2015), 35-42. gan’s Copper Country.” Ph.D. diss., University of [Cooks Town, Hadley Town, and Jose Town in Wisconsin, Madison, 2014. southwest New Mexico.]

Smoes, Paul B. “West Virginia Connection.” Barnett, Le Roy. “Isle Royale [National Park]: M.Arch. thesis, University of Detroit Mercy, Many Owners, Many Ambitions.” Chronicle: The 2013. [Interconnection of mines, nature, and Quarterly Magazine of the Historical Society of towns.] Michigan 37, no. 1 (Spr. 2014): 20-3. [Includes copper mining.] Springer, Ian. “Historical Archaeology at the Microscopic Scale: The Application of Geochem- Bassett, Mark S. “The Great Nevada Railroad ical and Macrobotanical Analyses.” M.A. thesis, Race.” Railroad History no. 209 (Win. 2013): 8-9. University of Nevada, Reno, 2015. [Case studies [Competition between mining magnates William include St. Mary’s Hospital in Virginia City, Ne- A. Clark and Francis Marion Smith to construct a vada, and the Island Mountain Chinese mining railroad between Las Vegas and Tonopah.] community north of Elko, Nevada.] Basso, Matt. “Locally Made: Immigrant Townsend, Craig Edward. “The Struggle to Whiteness in Montana’s Copper Communities.” Build a Railroad to Cooke City, Montana [1884- In: Jessie L. Embry and Brian Q. Cannon (eds.), 1894].” M.A. thesis, Montana State University, Immigrants in the Far West: Historical Identities 2013. [Proposed gold mining district.] and Experiences (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2015), Ch. 7. [Also an e-book.] Younie, Ashlee N. “Consumption in the American Mining West: Substitute and Comple- Bertilorenzi, Marco. “Business, Finance, and ment Goods in the Foodways of Aurora, Nevada.” Politics: The Rise and Fall of International Alu- M.A. thesis, University of Nevada, Reno, 2014. minium Cartels, 1914–45.” Business History 56, no. 2 (Mar. 2014): 236-69. Articles and Chapters: Bertilorenzi, Marco. “The International Alu- Adler, Jerry. “Rhapsody in Blue.” Smithso- minium Industry during the 1930s: Between In- nian 43, no. 11 (Mar. 2013): 20. [The Dom Pedro ternational Cartel Governance and National Stra- Aquamarine gemstone on display at the Smithso- tegic Policies.” Entreprises et Histoire no. 76 (Sep. nian Institution.] 2014): 20-40.

Atkin, Emily. “She’s Beauty and She’s Grace— Bouchard, Russel. “Regard Éclectique et Ré- She’s Miss United . . . Coal?” Appalachian Journal flexions sur les Années 1960-2012 au Saguenay- 42, no. 1 (Fall 2014-Win. 2015): 19-20. [Decline Lac-Saint-Jean [Eclectic Glance and Reflections of the coal industry.] on the Years 1960-2012 in Saguenay-Lac-Saint- Jean].” Saguenayensia 54, no. 4 (Oct. 2013): 6-17. Barbour, Mathew J. “The Mining Camps at [Includes comments on Alcan, Canadian mining Cookes Peak.” In: Emily J. Brown, et al. (eds.), company and aluminum manufacturer.] The Multifaceted Forester: Papers in Honor of John S. Hayden [Papers of the Archaeological Society 116 2015 Mining History Journal

Bourdon, Don. “Barkerville’s Thomas Rob- Calder, Jacqueline. “About the Cover Illus- son Pattullo in Life and Death: The Memorial trations: Reminders of a Once Thriving [Iron] Album as Aide-Mémoire.” BC Studies no. 185 Industry.” Vermont History 83, no. 1 (Win.-Spr. (Spr. 2015): 49-78. [Images of the Cariboo dis- 2015): v-vi. trict, British Columbia, by photographer Freder- ick Dally.] Cammack, Paul. “Response to Mimi Sheller, ‘The Vital Materiality of Aluminum: Light Mo- Boutet, Jean-Sébastien. “Opening Ungava to dernity and the Global Atlantic’.” Atlantic Studies Industry: A Decentring Approach to Indigenous 11, no. 1 (Mar. 2014): 82-4. History in Subarctic Quebec, 1937-54.” Cul- tural Geographies 21, no.1 (2014): 79-97. [Roles Camp, Michael. “Carter’s Energy Insecurity: and actions of Innu individuals leading up to the The Political Economy of Coal in the 1970s.” opening of the Schefferville iron mine by the Iron Journal of Policy History 26, no. 4 (Oct. 2014): Ore Company of Canada.] 459-78. [Includes a coal strike in the winter of 1977-78.] Bowers, Q. David. “Carson City Coins Are in Demand.” Coin World 56, no. 2857 (12 Jan. Campbell, Claire. “Privileges and Entangle- 2015): 8. [Comstock mines and mills sent silver ments: Lessons from History for Nova Scotia’s to the San Francisco Mint instead of the nearby Politics of Energy.” Acadiensis 42, no. 2 (Aut. Carson City Mint in 1880s.] 2013): 114-37. [Energy sources on Cape Breton Island, including the first commercial coal mine.] Boyle, Ramona, and Richard Mackie. “The Hudson’s Bay Company in Barkerville.” BC Stud- Carroll, James R. “Bidness [sic] as Usual in ies no. 185 (Spr. 2015): 79-107. [Cariboo gold Mugstomp-on-the-Potomac.” Appalachian Jour- rush of the 1860s and 70s.] nal 42, no. 1 (Fall 2014-Win. 2015): 6-7. [Envi- ronmental impact of mining.] Boyle, Susan Calafate. “The Art of the- Ar rieros [Muleteers].” Overland Journal 32, no. 2 Castellón Huerta, Blas. “La Producción de (Sum. 2014): 51-68. [Nineteenth-century min- Panes de Sal en el Sur de Puebla [The Production ers adopted the Spanish and Mexican method of of Salt Cakes in Southern Puebla].” Arqueologia pack transportation.] Mexicana 21, no. 125 (Jan. 2014): 74-9.

Bruce, Lorne D. “Reading Camps and Travel- Cater, Tara, and Arn Keeling. “‘That’s Where ling Libraries in New Ontario, 1900-1905.” His- our Future Came From’: Mining, Landscape, and torical Studies in Education 26, no. 2 (Fall 2014): Memory in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut.” Etudes Inuit 71-97. [Supplying books to lumber, mining, and Studies 37, no. 2 (Dec. 2013): 59-82. [Impact of railway workers in northern Ontario, Canada.] the 1962 nickel mine closure.]

Burt, Roger. “Diamond Core Drills: Their Caughlan, James W. “The Death of a Ghost Invention, Early Development, and Consequenc- To wn .” British Columbia History 47, no. 3 (Fall es for Mining and Quarrying.” Mining History 2014): 3-9. [Stanley, British Columbia.] Journal 21 (2014): 1-21. Recent Publications 117

Charest, Michelle A. “Greeting the Silver Sa- Cooper, George M. “‘Railroads, Commerce, loon: Building Community in the Irish Mining and Energy—We’ve Got Everything You Could West.” In: Jessie L. Embry and Brian Q. Cannon Ever Want’.” East Texas Historical Journal 52, (eds.), Immigrants in the Far West: Historical Iden- no. 2 (Fall 2014): 39-48. [Milam County, Texas, tities and Experiences (Salt Lake City: University since 1839, including coal mining.] of Utah Press, 2015), Ch. 9. [Also an e-book.] Dillon, Brian Dervin, Richard H. Dillon, and Chraibi, Victoria L. Shaw, et al. “A Paleolim- John Dervin Yi An Dillon. “Gum Shan vs. Tan nological Assessment of Human Impacts on Lake Heung Shan: 19th Century Chinese in Califor- Superior.” Journal of Great Lakes Research 40, no. nia and Hawaii.” California Territorial Quarterly 4 (2014): 886-97. [Trace metal profiles in sedi- no. 100 (Win. 2014): 6-47. [Influx of Chinese to ments tracked a period of mining and ore process- California from 1850 to 1900.] ing.] Dowd, Anne S., and David Vlcek. “Lithic Chung, Su Kim. “Flies Millions Thick.” Sources in Wyoming’s Upper Green River Basin.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 56, no. 3/4 North American Archaeologist 34, no. 4 (Oct. (Win. 2013): 112-50. [Historian Jeanne Eliza- 2013): 355-68. [Chert, quartzite, and steatite beth Wier’s 1908 visit to remote Nevada mining sources in relation to mobility and trade in pre- communities.] history.]

Chung, Tzu-I. “Kwong Lee and Company Evans, Barry. “The La Grange Mine.” Hum- and Early Trans-Pacific Trade: From Canton, boldt Historian 61, no. 3 (Fall 2013): 30-5. [Hy- Hong Kong, to Victoria and Barkerville [British draulic mining at Oregon Mountain, California.] Columbia].” BC Studies no.185 (Spr. 2015): 137- 60. Ferguson, Cody. “You Are Now Entering a ‘NATIONAL SACRIFICE AREA’.” Journal of Ciceri, Davide, David A. C. Manning, and the West 53, no. 1 (Win. 2014): 69-78. [Oppo- Antoine Allanore. “Historical and Technical De- sition to, and the impacts of, coal mining on the velopments of Potassium Resources.” Science of American northern plains in the last half of the the Total Environment 502 (Jan. 2015): 590-601. twentieth century.] [Mining soluble potassium salts (potash) in the Northern Hemisphere.] “First Coal Mine in Illinois Marker Dedicat- ed.” Illinois Heritage 17, no. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 2014): Clements, Eric L. “Forgotten Ghosts of the 15. [Murphysboro 1810 mine.] Southern Colorado Coal Fields: A Photo Essay.” Mining History Journal 21 (2014): 84-95. Flores Clair, Eduardo. “Los Espacios de la Fortuna: Reales Mineros Novohispanos [Spaces Cook, Bernard. “Hungarians in Michigan’s of Fortune: Real Miners in New Spain.” Istor 14, Copper Country. In: Robert Archibald (ed.), no. 56 (Mar. 2014): 165-86. [Spanish contact Northern Border: Essays on Michigan’s Upper Pen- with indigenous peoples in the early mining cen- insula and beyond (Marquette: Northern Michi- ters of Mexico.] gan University Press, 2014), 68-85. 118 2015 Mining History Journal

Fry, Richard. “Making Amends: Coal Miners, Gray, Charlotte. “A Brief Taste of Freedom.” the Black Lung Association, and Federal Com- Maclean’s 128, no. 1 (12 Jan. 2015): 61. [Klond- pensation Reform, 1969-1972.” Federal History ike gold rush.] no. 5 (Jan. 2013): 35-56. Graybill, Jeffrey R., and James T. Herbstritt. Fuhlhage, Michael. “Brave Old Spaniards and “Shenks Ferry Radiocarbon Dates: The Quarry Indolent Mexicans: J. Ross Browne, Harper’s New Site (36LA1100), and Village Site Ecology.” Monthly Magazine, and the Social Construction Pennsylvania Archaeologist 83, no. 2 (Fall 2013): of Off-Whiteness in the 1860s.” American Jour- 16-28. nalism 31, no. 1 (Win. 2014): 100-26. [The early journalist chronicled American development of Green, Heather. “State, Company, and Com- the Mexican borderlands, casting Mexican peons munity Relations at the Polaris Mine (Nunavut).” as a cheap labor force for mining interests.] Etudes Inuit Studies 37, no. 2 (Dec. 2013): 37-57. [Complex evolution of Inuit employment and un- Garcelon-Hart, Eva. “Eben W. Judd Materi- employment in the mining industry, 1951-2002.] als at the Stewart-Swift Research Center of the Henry Sheldon Museum.” Vermont History 81, Grek-Martin, Jason. “Survey Science on Trial: no. 2 (Fall 2013): 212-3. [Useful for the history The Geographic Contours of Geology’s Practical of Middlebury’s marble industry.] Science Debate in Late Victorian Canada.” Jour- nal of Historical Geography 45 (July 2014): 1-11. “Gleeson, Arizona.” Wild West 28, no. 2 (Aug. [Controversy in 1884 over whether the Canadian 2015): 68-9. [Turquoise mining town.] government should focus on theoretical contribu- tions to geology or on mineral deposits.] Godkin, David. “Tough Slugging.” Cana- dian Mining Journal 136, no. 1 (Jan. 2015): 18- Grossman, Sarah E. M. “Mining Engineers 21. [Coal mining in British Columbia over 150 and Fraud in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, 1860- years.] 1910.” Technology and Culture 55, no. 4 (Oct. 2014): 821-49. Godwin, Larry. “Emil Fischer, Guide to the San Juan Mines.” Mining History Journal 21 Hall, Greg. “Labor Radicalism in the Wests (2014): 68-83. [Colorado cartographer in the of North America.” Journal of the West 53, no. 1 late 1800s.] (Win. 2014): 12-20.

Granic, Stan. “An Immigrant’s Arrival to Hauser, Christoph, and Francisco Omar Es- Copper Country, Michigan: The 1912 Reminis- camilla-González. “Eleventh Erbe Symposium at cences of Petar Stankovic.” Michigan Historical Mexico City, Pachuca and Real del Monte, 2011 Review 40, no. 2 (Fall 2014): 101-13. (report).” Abstract in: Benno Baumgarten, Evelyn Kustatscher and Christoph Hauser (eds.), Twelfth Grant, J. Andrew, et al. “A Historical Institu- International Erbe Symposium: Cultural Heritage tionalist Understanding of Participatory Gover- Symposium in Geosciences, Mining and Metallurgy nance and Aboriginal Peoples: The Case of Policy (Vienna: Geologische Bundesanst, 2013), 62-6. Change in Ontario’s Mining Sector.” Social Sci- ence Quarterly 95, no. 4 (Dec. 2014): 978-1000. Recent Publications 119

Hayostek, Cynthia F. “The Frontier Legal Jengo, John W. “Witness the Specimens of System, Tombstone Silver Mines, and Pennsyl- Lava and Pummicestone.” We Proceeded On 39, vania Oil Men.” Western Legal History 27, no. 1 no. 3 (Aug. 2013): 19-31. [Samples collected (Win.-Spr. 2014): 31-55. by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark near Fort Mandan, North Dakota, in April 1805, and Heath, Kingston William. “Viewpoint: Clark’s notations concerning coal deposits, clin- Buildings as Cultural Narratives.” Buildings and ker, and coal bed fires.] Landscapes 21, no. 2 (Fall 2014): 1-30. [Several generations of African Americans in Virginia Johansen, Bruce E. “Navajos and Uranium City, Montana.] Mining: Death Digging Yellow Dirt.” In: Harry Henderson, Nuclear Power: A Reference Hand- Herbert, Christopher Douglas. “A New Take book, 2nd ed. (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, on an Old Town: New Directions in Research on 2014), 156-61. [Also an e-book.] Barkerville and the Cariboo [British Columbia].” BC Studies no.185 (Spring 2015): 13-26. Johnston, Andrew. “Mines, Mining, and Miners on Marsical Mountain: Landscape and Hoffman, Nicholas J. “Keweenaw National People in Cultural Resource Management.” Min- Historic Park.” Journal of American History 100, ing History Journal 21 (2014): 50-67. no. 3 (Dec. 2013): 770-5. [Reviews, exhibits, and tours at the copper mining park.] Jones, Diana. “Writing ‘Henry Russell’s Last Words.’” Goldenseal 40, no. 3 (Fall 2014): 48-9. Ikenberry, Donna. “Calico’s Silver Lining.” [Writing a song about the 1927 Everettville, West Trailer Life (Dec. 2014): 22+. [1880s California Virginia, coal mining accident.] ghost town.] Jorgenson, Mica. “‘Into That Country to Inwood, Kris, and Ian Keay. “Transport Costs Work’: Aboriginal Economic Activities during and Trade Volumes: Evidence from the Trans- Barkerville’s [British Columbia] Gold Rush.” BC Atlantic Iron Trade, 1870–1913.” Journal of Studies no.185 (Spr. 2015): 109-36. Economic History 75, no. 1 (Mar. 2015): 95-124. [The cost to transport iron ore and coking coal Kaas, L. M. “Richard W. Pascoe, Mine Super- within North America, and the cost to transport intendent.” Mining History Journal 21 (2014): pig iron from Britain across the Atlantic, were de- 30-49. [Silver Hill Mine, one of the top lead terminants of the volume of British exports.] mines for the Confederacy.]

Iredale, Jennifer. “Eldorado Vernacular: Bark- Kent, Mara. “Wood v. Boynton and the In- erville [British Columbia] and its Buildings.” BC credible Journey of the Eagle Diamond.” Wis- Studies no. 185 (Spr. 2015): 27-47. consin Magazine of History 97, no. 2 (Win. 2013- 14): 44-53. [A 16-carat yellow diamond from the Jackson-Abernathy, Brenda K. “Methods in town of Eagle.] Teaching Region and Diversity in U.S. Western Women’s History.” History Teacher 46, no. 2 (Feb. Kingma, David A. “Calling Them to their 2013): 215-29. [Includes a case study of women Duties: William Henry Judge, S.J., American in mining communities.] Missionary to the Canadian North [Klondike].” Historical Studies 80 (2014): 43-62. 120 2015 Mining History Journal

Kogel, Jessica Elzea. “Mining and Processing on, 1922-2013.” Material Culture Review 77/78 Kaolin.” Elements 10, no. 3 (2014): 189-93. (Jan. 2013): 56-75.

Leech, G. B. “Emory Creek: Environmental MacKinnon, Lachlan. “Labour Landmarks Legacy Revisited.” British Columbia History 46, in New Waterford: Collective Memory in a Cape no. 4 (Win. 2013): 24-31. [Regarding 1850s- Breton Coal Town.” Acadiensis 42, no. 2 (Aut. 1930s, disputes the 2007 article “Emory Creek: 2013): 3-26. The Environmental Legacy of Gold Mining on the Fraser River,” by Alan Long.] Mansfield, George C. “The First ‘Strike’ on the Feather.” California Territorial Quarterly no. Leitner, Ulrike. “Alexander von Humboldt’s 97 (Spr. 2014): 50-2. [Excerpt from the book The Chemical Experiments on the Mexican Amalga- Feather in ‘49.] mation of Silver.” Abstract in: Benno Baumgar- ten, Evelyn Kustatscher and Christoph Hauser McCulloch, Jock, and Geoffrey Tweedale. (eds.), Twelfth International Erbe Symposium: “Anthony J. Lanza, Silicosis and the Gauley Bridge Cultural Heritage Symposium in Geosciences, Min- ‘Nine’.” Social History of Medicine 27, no. 1 (Feb. ing and Metallurgy (Vienna: Geologische Bunde- 2014): 86-103. [Hundreds of workers died from sanst, 2013), 85. [Discusses the importance of his silicosis in West Virginia.] largely unknown notes concerning Mexico.] McLaughlin, Mark. “Bold Sierra Nevada Lilly, John. “The Salt Returns.” Goldenseal Miners Struck ‘Gold’ in Ski Racing.” Wild West 40, no. 4 (Win. 2014): 20-3. [The Kanawha Val- 27, no. 4 (Dec. 2014): 28-9. [The popularity of ley, West Virginia, salt industry since 1817.] longboard ski racing in the northern Sierra Ne- vada among California Gold Rush miners.] Lindström, Susan G. “Mining In Truckee???” [sic] Proceedings of the Society for California Ar- McNamara, Patrick J. “My Zapotec Museum: chaeology 27 (Jan. 2013): 224-36. [Short-lived Violence, Capitalism, and Memory in Oaxaca, mining in 1863.] Mexico.” Ethnohistory 61, no. 4 (2014): 671. [Discusses history of industrialization and ethnic Livingston, Louis B. “Theodore Roosevelt, identity at a museum that celebrates the role of a Civil War General, and the Battle for Labor Zapotec miners.] Peace.” Theodore Roosevelt Association Journal 34, no. 4 (Fall 2013): 6-17. [The president’s plan for McPherson, Robert S. “Murder and Mapping the army to seize and operate the coal mines dur- in the ‘Land of Death,’ Part I: The Walcott-Mc- ing the 1902 strike.] Nally Incident.” Utah Historical Quarterly 81, no. 3 (Sum. 2013): 249-66. [Murder of two prospec- López-Morell, Miguel Á., and José M. tors in the Southwest in 1884.] O’Kean. “Rothschilds’ Strategies in International Non-Ferrous Metals Markets, 1830-1940.” Eco- Metheny, Karen Bescherer. “Modeling Com- nomic History Review 67, no. 3 (2014): 720-49. munities through Food: Connecting the Daily Meal to the Construction of Place and Identity.” MacKinnon, Lachlan. “Labour and the Com- Northeast Historical Archaeology 42 (Jan. 2013): memorative Landscape in Industrial Cape Bret- 147-83. [Mining town of Helvetia, Pennsylvania, c. 1891-1947.] Recent Publications 121

Miller, Ann L. “Spotswood Family’s Tubal Ngai, Mae M. “Chinese Gold Miners and the Iron Works.” Orange County [Virginia] Historical ‘Chinese Question’ in Nineteenth-Century Cali- Society Record 44, no. 1 (Spr. 2013): 1; and 45, no. fornia and Victoria [Australia].” Journal of Amer- 2 (Fall 2014): 1-4. ican History 101, no. 4 (Mar. 2015): 1082-105.

Miller, Rowetta Faye Stapp. “The Stapp Fam- Nida, Brandon. “Demystifying the Hidden ily Journey to Humboldt County.” Humboldt Hand: Capital and the State at Blair Mountain Historian 61, no. 4 (Win. 2013): 24-8. [Includes [West Virginia].” Historical Archaeology 47, no. 3 mining camps in Colorado.] (June 2013): 52-68.

Mills, Allison. “June 1, 1840: Setting Out for Nystrom, Eric C. (ed.). “In the Aftermath the Copper Country.” Earth: The Science Behind of Tragedy: Herschel Wence and the 1925 City the Headlines (May-June 2015): 117+. [Douglass [Coal] Mine Disaster, Sullivan County, Indiana.” Houghton conducted the first geological survey Mining History Journal 21 (2014): 22-9. of the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan.] O’Dell, Gary A., and Angelo I. George. “Mining: An Introduction.” Pacific North- “Rock-Shelter Saltpeter [Niter] Mines of East- westerner 58, no. 2 (Oct. 2014): 1-4. ern Kentucky.” Historical Archaeology 48, no. 2 (2014): 91-121. Montoya, Fawn-Amber, and Dawn DiPrince. “Remembering Ludlow.” Colorado Heritage (Mar. Okalla-Bana, Edy-Claude. “SNC-Lavalin 2014): 28-31. [Commemoration of the one hun- et les Débuts de l’Industrie de l’Aluminium au dredth anniversary of the 1913-14 coal mining Québec [SNC-Lavalin and the Beginning of the strike and related violence known as the Ludlow Aluminum Industry in Québec].” Entreprises et Massacre.] Histoire no. 71 (June 2013): 147-9.

Morra, Matthew J., et al. “Reconstructing the Oosterom, Nelle. “When Torpedoes were History of Mining and Remediation in the Coeur Fired at Newfoundland.” Canada’s History 94, d’Alene, Idaho Mining District using Lake Sedi- no. 6 (Dec. 2014): 13. [German attacks on ships ments.” Chemosphere 134 (Sep. 2015): 319-27. in 1942 to block iron shipments to Great Brit- ain.] Mouat, Jeremy. “El Imperio y el Mundo: La Minería en los Dominios Británicos, 1899-1924 Osselaer, Heidi. “On The Wrong Side of Al- [The Empire and the World: Mining in the Brit- len Street.” Journal of Arizona History 55, no. 2 ish Domains].” Istor 14, no. 56 (Mar. 2014): 187- (Sum. 2014): 145-66. [Businesswomen in Tomb- 216. [Includes Canada.] stone, 1878-84.]

Newman, Sawyer. “Chinese in the Copper Page, Douglas H., Jr., et al. “Charcoal and Its Country.” Chronicle: The Quarterly Magazine of Role in Utah Mining History.” Utah Historical the Historical Society of Michigan 36, no. 3 (Fall Quarterly 83, no. 1 (Win. 2015): 20-37. 2013): 16-7. [Keweenaw Peninsula in the early twentieth century.] 122 2015 Mining History Journal

Parish, Ryan M. “Relationships between Pro- Pettengill, Jim. “Summitville, Colorado.” curement Strategies and Geologic Provenience Wild West 27, no. 3 (Oct. 2014): 66-7. [Two eras at the Dover Quarry Site Complex, Tennessee.” of gold mining at this ghost town.] North American Archaeologist 34, no. 4 (Oct. 2013): 369-85. [Prehistoric chert mining.] Philie, Pierre. “Le Développement Minier au Nunavik et l’Importance du Pare National des Parra, Alma. “Elementos Locales y Extranje- Pingualuit pour Protéger l’Environnement et la ros en la Configuración Tecnológica de la Min- Culture Inuit [Mining Activities in Nunavik and ería Mexicana [Local and Foreign Elements in the the Importance of Pingualuit National Park to Technological Configuration of Mexican - Min Protect the Environment and the Inuit Culture].” ing].” Istor 14, no. 56 (Mar. 2014): 141-63. Etudes Inuit Studies 37, no. 2 (Dec. 2013): 123- 43. [Nickel, copper, and asbestos deposits have Parry, William T. “A Majestic Building been mined since 1970 in this region of Quebec, Stone: Sanpete Oolite Limestone.” Utah His- Canada.] torical Quarterly 81, no. 1 (Win. 2013): 46-64. [Discusses Sanpete County and other quarries in Pizer, Donald. “John Dos Passos and Harlan: Utah.] Three Variations on a Theme.” Arizona Quarter- ly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture and Pass, Forrest D. “‘Many Times I have Cursed Theory 71, no. 1 (Spr. 2015): 1-23. [Dos Passos the Day I Left You.’” British Columbia History 48, wrote three accounts of his 1931 journey to Ken- no.1 (Spr. 2015): 18-25. [Examines why relatively tucky’s Harlan County to observe labor condi- few French speakers participated in the Cariboo tions in the coal industry.] Gold Rush in British Columbia; based on a letter from Honoré Robillard in September 1862.] Plasky, Joe. “‘Worth their Weight in Gold’: Recalling Red Jacket Safety Day.” Goldenseal “Patsy and Mary Stack Clark.” Pacific North- 40, no.1 (2014): 56-63. [Coal mines in Mingo westerner 58, no. 2 (Oct. 2014): 31-45. County, West Virginia, 1940s-50s.]

Peeples, Jennifer, et al. “Industrial Apoca- Ratliff, Hannah. “The Gilded Elephant: lyptic: Neoliberalism, Coal, and the Burlesque Hope and Hearsay in the California Gold Fields.” Frame.” Rhetoric and Public Affairs 17, no. 2 Tallow Light 45, no. 1 (Sum.-Aut. 2014): 6-25. (Sum. 2014): 227-53. [Proposes the concept of [Migration to the gold rush, and President James “industrial apocalyptic” as a rhetorical form in en- Polk’s influence on it.] vironmental controversy.] Rees, Jonathan. “Beyond Body Counts: A Pérez Macías, Juan Aurelio, and Thomas G. Centennial Rethinking of the .” Schattner. “Retaining and Renewing: The Ro- Labor: Studies in Working Class History of the man Municipium Munigua in the Light of Tech- Americas 11, no. 3 (Fall 2014): 107-15. [How his- nical Developments in Mining in the Hispanic torical accounts and interpretations have changed Southwest.” In: Stefan Burmeister, et al. (eds.), over time regarding the 1914 deaths at the strik- Metal Matters: Innovative Technologies and So- ing Colorado coal miners’ camp.] cial Change in Prehistory and Antiquity (Rahden, Germany: Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2013), 241-60. Recent Publications 123

Reinhardt, Cindy. “The Sandmen.” Illinois Rinaldetti, Thierry. “Italian Women, Mobil- Heritage 17, no. 2 (Mar. 2014): 11-7. [The Nicol ity, and Labor Migrations: The Case of [the Town Sand Company since 1903.] of] Fossato di Vico in the Umbrian Apennines (1900-1914).” Italian Americana 31, no. 1 (Win. Reynolds, Terry S. “Divided They Fall? The 2013): 63-82. [Migration from Italy to U.S. and Role of Ethnicity in Labor Actions on Michigan’s European coal mining areas.] Iron Ranges in the Nineteenth Century.” In: Robert Archibald (ed.), Northern Border: Essays Roberts, Randy. “Croweburg [Kansas] was on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and beyond (Mar- once a Thriving Mining Community.” Seeker 43, quette: Northern Michigan University Press, no. 1 (May 2013): 33-7. 2014), 190-210. Robyns, Marcus C., et al. “Reluctant Revo- Rhinehart, Marilyn D. “‘Underground Patri- lutionaries: Finnish Iron Miners and the Failure ots’: Thurber Coal Miners and the Struggle for In- of Radical Labor and Socialism on the Marquette dustrial Freedom, 1888-1903.” In: Bruce A. Glas- Iron Range, 1900-1914.” In: Robert Archibald rud and James C. Maroney (eds.), Texas Labor (ed.), Northern Border: Essays on Michigan’s Up- History (College Station: Texas A&M University per Peninsula and beyond (Marquette: Northern Press, 2013), 109-39. [Originally published in Michigan University Press, 2014), 212-43. 1989, the article is reprinted in this anthology.] Rodon, Thierry, et al. “De Rankin Inlet à Richards, John H. “Patrick ‘Patsy’ Clark— Raglan: Le Développement Minier et les Com- Mining Pioneer.” Pacific Northwesterner 58, no. munautés Inuit [From Rankin Inlet to Raglan: 2 (Oct. 2014): 5-30. [Managed the Anaconda Mining Development and Inuit Communities].” Mine in Butte, Montana.] Etudes Inuit Studies 37, no. 2 (Dec. 2013): 103- 22. [A comparison of Canadian Inuit communi- Rieppel, Lukas. “Prospecting for Dinosaurs ties between 1957 and the early 2000s to deter- on the Mining Frontier: The Value of Information mine the social impacts of the Raglan Mine on in America’s Gilded Age.” Social Studies of Science their territory.] 45, no. 2 (Apr. 2015): 161-86. [The price of di- nosaur bones in nineteenth century Wyoming Roll, Jarod. “Sympathy for the Devil: The was established in a similar fashion to other scarce Notorious Career of Missouri’s Strikebreaking natural resources dug from the ground.] Metal Miners, 1896-1910.” Labor: Studies in Working Class History of the Americas 11, no. 4 Rinaldetti, Thierry. “A Social Space in Con- (Win. 2014): 11-37. stant Reshaping: Umbrian Migrants in the Atlan- tic Economies (1900-1914).” Italian American Roller, Michael P. “Rewriting Narratives of Review 3, no. 1 (Win. 2013): 3-23. [Italian mi- Labor Violence: A Transnational Perspective of grations to mining areas in the U.S. and Europe.] the Lattimer Massacre.” Historical Archaeology 47, no. 3 (June 2013): 109-23. [Differing inter- Rinaldetti, Thierry. “Italian Migrants in the pretations of the 1897 Pennsylvania event.] Atlantic Economies: From the Circular Migra- tions of the Birds of Passage to the Rise of a Dis- persed Community.” Journal of American Ethnic History 34, no. 1 (Fall 2014): 5-30. 124 2015 Mining History Journal

Rosemeyer, Tom. “History and Mineral- Sheller, Mimi. “The Vital Materiality of Alu- ogy of the Manganese Mine, Keweenaw County, minum: Light Modernity and the Global Atlan- Michigan.” Rocks and Minerals 89, no. 6 (Nov. tic.” Atlantic Studies 11, no. 1 (Mar. 2014): 67- 2014): 498-515. 81.

Ross, Douglas Edward. “Barkerville in Con- Soluri, John. “Money from Trees: Mining, text: Archaeology of the Chinese in British Co- Energy, and Environmental Change in the Span- lumbia.” BC Studies no. 185 (Spr. 2015): 161- ish Empire.” World History Bulletin (Fall 2013): 92. 23+. [Describes a university course on the his- tory of silver mining and environmental change.] Sánchez-Reyes, Gabriela. “Religious Art and Brotherhoods in [the] 18th Century Mining Dis- Stanley, Anna. “Wasted Life: Labour, Liveli- trict of Sultepec, Mexico.” Abstract in: Benno ness, and the Production of Value.” Antipode 47, Baumgarten, Evelyn Kustatscher, and Christoph no. 3 (June 2015): 792-811. [How Dene life is Hauser (eds.), Twelfth International Erbe Sympo- connected to the Canadian uranium economy.] sium: Cultural Heritage Symposium in Geosciences, Mining and Metallurgy (Vienna: Geologische Stealey, John E., III. “Great Kanawha [West Bundesanst, 2013), 126. Virginia] Salt Industry.” Goldenseal 40, no. 4 (2014): 24-5. Sanford, Dena L. “‘Hewing Community out of Wilderness’.” Montana: The Magazine Of West- Stern, Norton B. “Samuel Newhouse: Min- ern History 63, no. 4 (Win. 2013): 28-50. [Early- ing Magnate of Colorado and Utah, 1854-1930.” twentieth century Finnish-American communi- Western States Jewish History 47, no. 1 (Fall 2014): ties of Korpivaara and Kuhmoniemi, Montana.] 77-9.

Schlosser, Kolson. “Regimes of Ethical Val- Stoll, Steven. “The Captured Garden: The ue? Landscape, Race and Representation in the Political Ecology of Subsistence under Capital- Canadian Diamond Industry.” Antipode 45, no. 1 ism.” International Labor and Working-Class His- (Jan. 2013): 161-79. [Use of the concept of eth- tory 85 (Spr. 2014): 75-96. [West Virginia min- ics to market Canadian diamonds as alternatives ing companies encouraged subsistence gardens to to African “blood diamonds.”] supplement wages.]

Schulten, Susan. “The Civil War and the Ori- Storms, C. Gilbert. “Charles D. Poston and gins of the Colorado Territory.” Western Histori- the Founding of Colorado City [Arizona].” Jour- cal Quarterly 44, no. 1 (Spr. 2013): 21-46. [Cre- nal of Arizona History 55, no. 4 (Win. 2014): ation of the territory is framed within mineral 387-414. rushes in the West and the national controversy over slavery.] Sullivan, Jack, and Victoria Fisch. “Lazard Coblentz: ‘Whiskyman,’ Pokerville, California to Shackel, Paul A. “A Historical Archaeology of Portland, Oregon.” Western States Jewish History Labor and Social Justice.” American Anthropolo- 45, no. 4 (Sum. 2013): 297-302. [General store gist 115, no. 2 (June 2013): 317-20. [Includes the owner in 1870s Plymouth, California.] violent deaths of nineteen striking coal miners at the Lattimer Mine in Pennsylvania.] Recent Publications 125

Swainger, Jonathan. “To The Golden Re- 1907 West Virginia mine disaster.] gions and Back.” Western States Jewish History 46, no. 2/3 (Win.-Spr. 2014): 21-40. [Trading post Tyler, Robert Llewellyn. “Occupational owner Herman Schultz along the Cariboo Trail, Change, Culture Maintenance, and Social Status: British Columbia.] The Welsh in a Missouri Coal Town, 1870-1930.” Missouri Historical Review 109, no. 1 (Oct. 2014): Tammemagi, Hans. “Hail Britannia!” Can- 18-40. ada’s History 93, no. 5 (Oct. 2013): 64-5. [Bri- tannia Mine Museum near Squamish, British Co- Volovsek, Walter. “Edward Mahon: A Talent- lumbia.] ed Visionary.” British Columbia History 46, no. 4 (Win. 2013): 7-14. [English immigrant who pur- Tester, Frank James, Drummond E. J. Lam- sued mining ventures after the 1880s.] bert, and Lim Tee Wern. “Wistful Thinking: Making Inuit Labour and the Nanisivik Mine Weaver, Karol K. “‘It’s the Union Man That near Ikpiarjuk (Arctic Bay), Northern Baffin Is- Holds the Winning Hand’: Gambling in Pennsyl- land.” Etudes Inuit Studies 37, no. 2 (Dec. 2013): vania’s Anthracite Region.” Pennsylvania History 15-36. [Historically hunters, Inuit were convert- 80, no. 3 (Sum. 2013): 401-19. [Late nineteenth ed to wage earners.] and early twentieth century.]

Theobald, Jane. “View from the Ridge.” New Welch, Jack. “Hot Work: The Northern Pa- Internationalist no. 475 (Sep. 2014): 24-5. [Envi- cific Coal Company Brings African American ronmental impact of California gold mining.] Strikebreakers to Roslyn.” Columbia: The Maga- zine Of Northwest History 27, no. 4 (Win. 2013- “There’s Gold in Them There Wells.” Econo- 14): 6-12. [Washington, 1888.] mist 409, no. 8867 (21 Dec. 2013): 41-4. [Com- pares the California gold rush with recent oil “Wilkeson [Washington] Conflagration.” and shale rushes, including conditions in boom Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History 28, towns.] no. 2 (Sum. 2014): 23. [Photograph of a 1910 fire in the mining town.] Tinnell, Shannon Colainni. “Gone, Not For- gotten.” Goldenseal 40, no. 3 (Fall 2014): 42-7. Woosley, Anne I., et al. “Native Copper, New [The 1927 coal mining explosion and disaster in Cornelia Mine, Ajo, Pima County.” Journal of Ar- Everettville, Monongalia County, West Virgin- izona History 55, no. 3 (Sep. 2014): 237. [Photo ia.] of a specimen.]

“Treasure Hunters: Miners of Southeast Zamek, Jeff. “The History of G-200 - Feld Kansas.” Reflections 8, no. 3 (Sum. 2014): 2-3. spar.” Ceramics Technical no. 38 (May 2014): [Coal, zinc, and lead mined from the 1870s to the 42-5. [The clay and glaze material, and the pro- 1970s.] cessing plant at Micaville, North Carolina.]

Tropea, Joseph L. “Monongah Revisited: Sources, Body Parts, and Ethnography.” West Vir- ginia History 7, no. 2 (Fall 2013): 63-92. [Pos- sible misinformation in historic records about the 126 2015 Mining History Journal

Other Media: Newell, Preston, et al. Nevadaville, Colorado: A Ghost Town. [Longmont, CO]: Eyes on Long- Beraza, Susan (dir.). Uranium Drive-in: mont, Public Access Channel 8, 2013. DVD (44 Half Life of the American Dream. Telluride, CO: min.). Reelthing, 2013. DVD (70 min.). [Will a new uranium mill be built in the economically dev- Prelinger Archives. “Dawson Mine Disaster.” astated mining community Naturita, Colorado? (Gould Collection, can no. 5253.) New York: Offers a range of perspectives regarding the sacri- Films for the Humanities and Sciences, and Films fices we make to meet energy demands.] Media Group, 1913, 2013. DVD (17 min.). [Film taken immediately after the October 22, Ghost Towns: America’s Lost World. [Golden 1913 coal mine explosion at Dawson City, New Valley, MN]: Mill Creek Entertainment, 2014. Mexico, that killed 263 men. Shows bodies being DVD; Season 1, 5 episodes. [Available on the in- removed, the cemetery, Bureau of Mines’ trains ternet through Hoopla Digital.] and experts arriving, etc. Also available on the In- ternet Archive at:] Mason, David. The Ludlow Massacre: Poetry and History Reading with Colorado Poet Laure- Silva, Dolores. Oral History Interview with ate [David Mason]. [Denver: Denver Public Li- Dolores Silva. (Interview by Margaret Alfonso.) brary], 2014. Audio CDs. [Boulder, CO: Boulder Public Library], 2013. DVD (48 min.). [Also available on the internet. Matheson, Robert J. Oral History Interview Her father and husband worked as coal miners with Bob Matheson. (Interview by Megan Bowes.) near Lafayette, Colorado; discusses safety issues [Boulder, CO: Boulder Public Library], 2014. and a relative who was killed in the Monarch DVD (56 min.). [Also available on the internet. Mine explosion.] Discusses coal mining in the Marshall, Colorado, area.]